Zhang Hao didn't take it to heart about this person's evil play. After all, he felt that he owed Li Siyu a little for a long time.

But after all the fun, there is still business to be done.

Zhang Hao suddenly stood up, holding the mountain rock firmly in his hand, and looked at Baoler with a look that seemed to have evil intentions.

"What are you going to do? Sister Siyu is still here. If you dare to touch me, Sister Siyu will never forgive you."

Obviously she also knew that she had cheated Zhang Hao just now, so she was a little scared now, worried that Zhang Hao would directly attack him.

"How could it be? How could I do something to you? I just think you are too boring and I just want to play a little game with you."

Zhang Hao looked at Baoler with a smile and said.

However, the more he looked like this, the more worried and scared Baoler became.

Who knows what Zhang Hao would do to her, especially now that Zhang Hao looked malicious, making her wish there was wind under her feet and escape from here quickly.

But it was obvious that she was overthinking everything. Zhang Hao held the rock in his hand tightly, passed through Bao Leer's spirit body as if no one else was around, and then came to the small pool.

"Let me also give you a name. From today on, you will be called Dahan. Seeing how ignorant you are about the outside world, this name must suit you very well."

Zhang Hao laughed, and then threw the mountain-suppressing stone into the pool as well.

The moment the Zhenshan Stone and the Zhiyin Baoyu came into contact, the two very similar but slightly different cold airs were immediately released on the entire mountain top.

These two waves of cold air competed with each other on the top of the mountain, but blended with each other. Soon they completely covered the entire mountain top, forming an extremely cold force field.

But after Zhang Hao threw the mountain-holding stone into the pool, he immediately came to Li Siyu and protected her with the talisman.

Although she is a woman and has a special physique, she will still be affected when facing these two extremely cold forces. Zhang Hao does not want her to be harmed anymore.

After about half an hour, the two cold air seemed to give in to each other and merged, forming a special force field that completely protected the entire mountain.

At this moment, a lot of mist has appeared on the top of the mountain. Fortunately, it is already dark now. Otherwise, if other people see this strange scene, they will definitely regard this place as a strange scenic spot, and attract many people to come. Check in.

Zhang Hao is a person who is afraid of trouble, not to mention that if he decides to live here in the future, naturally the less people know about it, the better.

After arranging the Zhiyin Baoyu and Zhenshan Stone, Zhang Hao returned to the mountainside.

Because these two yin and cold qi blended with each other, the magic circle that originally protected the entire mountain had been broken open, and it could no longer protect the entire mountain like before.

Fortunately, the foundation of the formation is still there. With just a little guidance, Zhang Hao can now repair the formation and even arrange a better formation than before.

And all this requires the help of the Ziwei star in the sky.

The power emitted by Ziwei Star, the Emperor Star, is the strongest and most yang energy, which can completely restrain all evil spirits. In addition, the Big Dipper complements it. As long as the stars in the sky do not fall, it can continuously provide power. Protect this mountain from other evil spirits.

If you want to suppress the entire mountain, borrowing the power of the crape myrtle star and the Big Dipper star in the sky is the safest choice.

Zhang Hao walked around the mountainside, re-inserting the talismans in seven different places, and implanted a drop of his own blood essence into a thick willow tree on the top of the mountain.

With the willow tree on the top of the mountain as the core of the formation, the seven talismans on the mountainside are activated to form a seven-star ring guard, which then echoes with the Big Dipper Ziwei Emperor Star in the sky to form the entire formation. As for the power of this formation, it is naturally based on the original formation, coupled with the power of the stars, so that there is a continuous source of energy.

After arranging the formation, Zhang Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Now from the outside, the entire mountain forest is surrounded by a strong and sunny aura, and no evil spirit dares to break into this place.

But in fact, there is a universe hidden on the top of the mountain. After passing through the many obstacles, you can detect the two pure auras on the top of the mountain that are extremely dark and cold but will not cause harm to people at all.

Under Zhang Hao's control, these two breaths can even bring some nourishment to Li Siyu.

Now this mountain top is an excellent yin place. The so-called yin place is a very wonderful place whether it is for raising people, corpses, souls or Yang spirits.

As long as the formation is not changed and the Zhenshan Stone and Zhiyin Baoyu are not taken away, even if Li Siyu and Zhang Hao survive on the top of the mountain for a long time, it will not cause an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, but will make the whole person feel refreshed and refreshed. Irritable and irritable.

For Taoists, this method of control is called physiognomy, but for Zhang Hao, it is an excellent inheritance from their lineage of mountaineers.

This is another unique skill of mountain walkers. In addition to treasure hunting, their understanding of Feng Shui physiognomy is definitely no worse than anyone else.

After arranging these, Zhang Hao and Li Siyu went down the mountain. Now that the formation has just been set up, the yin energy on the mountain is too strong and the yang energy has not yet gathered, so it is not suitable for living immediately. In addition, the construction team has not arrived yet, so they also It's not good to stay there any longer.

"Brother Hao. How long do you plan to stay with me when you come back this time? You won't accompany someone who disappears again, right?"

Li Siyu leaned against Zhang Hao's chest and asked with some resentment.

"Don't worry. I will stay for at least ten days when I come back this time. At least I won't leave until the construction on the mountain starts. By then, everything over there will be left to you."

Zhang Hao smiled and pinched Li Siyu's face. I am already thinking about how to decorate the mountain when the time comes.

"Okay, I will definitely arrange it for you then!"

Li Siyu glanced at Zhang Hao angrily, and then asked cautiously.

"You said before that after things at Shiwanda Mountain are settled, you will take me to other places. Is that true?"

"Of course, my Taoism is enough now, and the most dangerous place in the remaining place is Shiwandashan. After the matter over there is dealt with, the remaining Kunlun Mountains and Himalayas will not be safe to me. It won’t affect you at all, but it’s just a good time for you to go and we can travel together to relax.”

"very nice."

Hearing what Zhang Hao said, Li Siyu couldn't help but look forward to the future. She hadn't faced those weird things with Zhang Hao for a long time, and she still missed it a little.

In the southwest boundary, Zhang Yi has returned to the Zhang family in the southwest.

His return did not alarm anyone and they immediately found the current Zhangjia family leader Daoxian.

"Looking at you, it seems that you have already waited for the person you are waiting for. How about it? Can you bear the weight of our Zhang family?"

Zhang Daoxian sat on the head of the family's seat and asked without raising his head.

"It's better than I imagined, don't worry." (End of Chapter)

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