"Master Jingci, do you think you can believe what he said?"

Zhang Hao ignored Tai Xuan. What he said sounded mysterious at first, but Zhang Hao knew that what he said was probably true.

It's just that Zhang Hao can't understand it. Why did it turn out to be his own family members who plotted against him in the end!

"Brother Zhang Hao, whether you believe these things or not depends on your thoughts. My family speaks their own language, and you are from the same lineage. I'm afraid no one knows your abilities better than you."

Master Jingci did not directly answer what Zhang Hao said, but just looked at Zhang Hao and smiled lightly.

This question was originally very clear to both parties, and each had its own answer in mind.

"Zhang Daoxian, Zhang Yi, Zhang Daoxian, Zhang Yi, is there any connection between the two?"

Zhang Hao repeated these two names. He felt that Zhang Yi and Zhang Daoxian were likely to know each other, and their relationship was unusual.

Otherwise, everything may not be explained clearly.

"It seems that behind the layers of fog, there is a big hand constantly pushing me forward. It's really interesting."

After some incoherent words, Zhang Hao regained his composure. Since things had already happened, there was no point in complaining too much.

"Mr. Village Chief, you said that this ancient ivy tree is still in your hands, right? We mountaineers have always been misers. If you want me to take action, it is impossible based on the agreement you made more than 20 years ago. , only this ancient ivy tree can make me excited."

Zhang Hao looked at Taixuan playfully, lost and found it, and then lost it again. I wonder if he can let go of the ancient Ivy tree?

"You want the Ivy Ancient Tree, right? Come with me. We made an agreement more than 20 years ago. Now, no matter how unwilling I am, I will not do anything evil."

Mentioning the ancient ivy tree, Taixuan's face seemed to look a little older instantly. He led Zhang Hao and Jingci around the altar and went straight to a hill behind the village.

The legendary ancient ivy tree would actually grow in a place like this. Zhang Hao would never have thought of it if Tai Xuan hadn't led the way.

"Let me tell you first, you have to be mentally prepared. The ancient ivy tree was indeed as strong as an umbrella canopy with luxuriant branches and leaves, but now it is just a small tree.

I am only responsible for delivering the Ancient Ivy Tree into your hands. I hope you will not regret it because of the current appearance of the Ancient Ivy Tree! "

After speaking, Taixuan sighed again. This matter had been accumulated in his heart for more than twenty years, and it had already weighed him down for more than 20 years.

Walking up the mountain, Zhang Hao saw a thatched shed. There was a small tree growing in front of the thatched shed.

This tree is similar to a poplar sapling. The difference is that the color of the ancient ivy tree is brighter and brighter, and it looks full of life.

Of course, if the ancient ivy tree were taller, at least taller than Zhang Hao, then Zhang Hao would be very happy.

"Although you asked me to be prepared, this is too different from what you described before. It's not even as tall as my legs. What's the purpose of this tree?"

Zhang Hao curled his lips impatiently.

"Didn't I say it before? The ancient ivy tree has withered before. This is its new seedling. Although it has been cultivated for more than twenty years, for an ancient tree that can grow for thousands of years, Said, now is just the beginning stage, of course, we must absorb as much nutrients as possible.

According to the original appearance of the ancient ivy tree recorded in the ancient books of our Wu tribe, this is indeed what it looked like. " Tai Xuan glanced at Zhang Hao faintly, as if complaining about Zhang Hao's ignorance.

"Master Jingci, what do you think of this tree? Is it worth my while to save this tree?"

Zhang Hao looked at Master Jingci and laughed.

"Although the seedlings of the ancient ivy tree are still very short, Pindao can still detect its vigorous vitality. The vigorous vitality is stronger and more violent than any other herbaceous plant.

For such a treasure, if there is no suitable soil, it will harm it.

Brother Zhang Hao, if you want the ancient Ivy tree, you can take the formation I set up on Xiaogu Mountain before to absorb the energy between heaven and earth. If you don't use it for other purposes, it is completely enough for Ivy. Ancient trees grow. "

After listening to Master Jingci's words, Zhang Hao nodded clearly, which coincided with his original idea.

But the problem is that the formation set up by Master Jingci on Xiaogu Mountain has been modified by Zhang Hao to be used in their residence after they retire. If they bring the ancient ivy tree back now, they will have to spend more effort to take care of it. Xiaogushan and ancient ivy trees.

Now Zhang Hao is thinking about bringing the ancient Ivy tree back. Will the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the benefits?

Seeing Zhang Hao's hesitant look, Master Jingci smiled and said something, which immediately made Zhang Hao make up his mind.

"Brother Zhang Hao, my family knows their own business. You know best the character of your fellow mountaineers. Will you harm your fellow disciples? Will you leave a trap for future generations? Especially regarding treasures like the ancient ivy tree.

Senior Zhang Daoxian has been planning for more than 20 years for such an almost withered sapling. What role does this thing have for your lineage of mountain walkers? "

After hearing these words, Zhang Hao immediately understood that Zhang Daoxian was also Zhang Hao's uncle. He would never plan for more than 20 years for a useless thing, and even his junior was involved in it. This was obviously not true. It is in line with their consistent style as a mountaineer.

Since this almost withered ancient ivy tree has a practical function, what is its function? Thinking of this, Zhang Hao squinted his eyes and glanced at Master Jingci.

When things have developed to this point, Master Jingci can still say such things. Zhang Hao feels that he has reasonable reasons to suspect that Master Jingci also knows the inside story of this matter. Only Zhang Hao himself is kept in the dark.

Jingci once said that the name he used when traveling outside was Jingci, but his nickname on Longhu Mountain was Tianxuan.

Qingxuan Taixuan Tianxuan, is there any connection between them? Or is this just a perfect coincidence?

Zhang Hao glanced secretly, but Master Jingci didn't see anything strange on the other person's face.

"Well, maybe I'm just paranoid. Master Jingci and I have known each other not long ago. If my stupid uncle can really plot against the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain, then why should I work so hard and just give the order to activate the dragon?" It would be nice if the Taoist priests from Hushan looked for the treasure for me."

Zhang Hao scratched his head, put aside his doubts, and looked at the ancient ivy tree again.

"Village Chief, I want this sapling. I think your Wu tribe should have a way to deliver the sapling of the ancient Ivy tree to me intact. After I get the sapling of the ancient Ivy tree, naturally, I will take action to settle this matter for you."

Zhang Hao smiled slightly. No matter what secrets there were in the ancient ivy tree, since Zhang Daoxian had left this secret to himself, it was impossible for Zhang Hao not to keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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