Zhang Hao took out a few fire certificates from his pocket and handed them to Master Jingci and Zhang Yi respectively.

"No matter what happens inside, it's best for the three of us not to separate. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, we can only wish ourselves good luck."

I don't know if it was because of the unknown things in the cave, but Zhang Hao looked a little excited when he was stimulated, and his tone of voice was also a bit cheerful.

Several people walked forward together, and the originally wide and straight path bifurcated.

Nowadays, you can gain something by taking a forked road, or in other words, each forked road represents a different meaning.

"Do you two have any ideas? We don't have much time. We can't look at all the roads. We still have to decide quickly which way to go."

Seeing that no one was talking, Zhang Yi reminded him aloud that he had followed the two of them in. Now that there was a problem, it was naturally better for the two of them to make the decision.

"Master Jingci, I do have a way to tell which path we are going to take, but I can't seem to do it on my own. I need your help."

Zhang Hao still has that calm look, as if he will always have a solution to everything. He is also full of confidence in his own methods and will never fail.

"If you have any ideas, why don't you tell me? As long as I can do it, I won't stand idly by."

As the last descendant of the Mountain Walker, Zhang Hao naturally has some abilities.

Zhang Hao had made up his mind to follow them since he discovered the existence of evil spirits, but it was really difficult to control the distance.

If a few of them are closest to those evil spirits, they will be discovered if they are not careful. If they follow them far away, they will be easily lost.

So Zhang Hao secretly released a few white butterflies when no one was paying attention, and then let those few white butterflies follow these evil spirits.

Originally it was just to prevent them from losing these evil spirits, but I didn't expect that it would have a greater use now.

Naturally, only Zhang Hao can understand the secrets of Pink Die. This is one of their skills as a mountaineer.

These white butterflies were originally caught by Zhang Hao in the mountains during his free time, and they were no different from ordinary white butterflies.

Zhang Hao put his own efforts into them, and used their unique abilities as mountain walkers to train these white butterflies into white butterflies that can track the whereabouts of others.

When the white butterflies flap their wings, the phosphorus powder attached to their wings shakes off, forming a trail along the path they fly over.

It's just that this trace is not visible to the naked eye, which is why Zhang Hao needs the help of Master Jingci.

"Master Jingci, I hope you can activate the true energy in your body. The phosphorus powder dropped by the pink butterfly will shine brightly when it encounters the true energy."

Master Jingci nodded to show that he understood what Zhang Hao meant, but he couldn't help but wonder, since Zhang Hao made the pink butterfly, how could he not be able to expedite the phosphorus powder?

Zhang Hao also saw the doubts in the mind of Master Jingci, so he continued to explain: "When the master activates the true energy in the body, he must be steady and gentle, and must not activate it too much, otherwise the phosphorus powder will burn when it comes into contact with the powerful true energy. stand up."

Since I can't control the temperature very well, I have to ask a master for help.

Master Jingci was surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Hao's Silver Butterfly had not yet been fully researched. But it’s better than them not knowing which way to go.

Master Jingci controlled the true energy in his body, and sure enough, a bright trace appeared on one of the forks.

After knowing which path to take, Master Jingci took back his true energy. Several people set foot on the small fork in the road together. Zhang Hao felt something was wrong, but before his brain could react, his body had already cleverly moved aside.

Fortunately, the other two people also reacted as quickly as Zhang Hao.

Fortunately, none of the three of them were injured. The thing that attacked them just now attacked them again.

This time they discovered that it was not just one evil spirit that was attacking them. Evil spirits of all sizes were invisible to the naked eye and were surrounding them from all directions.

"Everyone, be careful. These evil spirits are no longer the same as those we see from the outside."

"Those evil spirits outside do not pose a threat to us. However, these evil spirits obviously have greater resentment. If they attack us, there will be no good fruits to eat."

Zhang Hao promptly reminded that he himself had to face these difficult evil spirits and had no spare time to protect others.

Fortunately, other people have their own ways to resist these, so he doesn't need to be too concerned.

"Zhang Hao, can you tell if any of these evil spirits are the same evil spirits we were following before?"

While Zhang Yi was strangling Xie Sui, he quickly went through everything about Xie Sui from beginning to end in his mind.

Master Jingci mobilized the powerful energy in his body to attack the evil spirits that were almost close to Zhang Yi. Several of them immediately turned into a ball of fire in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

After the fireball burned out, it turned into a pool of sewage.

"Holy crap, these evil spirits looked like waste before they entered the cave. We couldn't even detect them when we followed them. But they were able to attack us after entering the cave. There must be something in the cave that can support their strength."

Zhang Yi found that what happened was completely beyond his expectation. In contrast, Zhang Hao was much calmer. He raised his knife and quickly killed the last evil spirit.

Seeing Zhang Hao so calm, Zhang Yi became even less calm.

"Why are you so calm? Did you expect what will happen in this cave?"

Zhang Hao looked at his arrogant look, glanced at him lightly and said contemptuously: "This is the first time for everyone to enter this broken cave. Who would have expected what would happen inside?" ? It’s just that I, Zhang Hao, have always believed in one principle."

Seeing that he was silent and not talking, Zhang Yi felt that he was a bit pretentious, so he could only continue what he said and asked, "What's the point?"

Zhang Hao didn't raise his eyebrows and said, "Kill the gods when you meet them, kill the Buddhas when you meet them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the knife in Zhang Hao's hand was thrown out and inserted into a wall, and then he heard the sound of rock breaking.

Well, this guy was still tricked by him, Zhang Yi silently complained in his heart.

The three of them looked in the direction of the cracked rock. The wall seemed to connect two time and spaces on both sides of the wall.

They entered the space on the other side, and Zhang Hao took out several more fire seals. The moment the fire seals lit up, they discovered a pool in the center.

What everyone didn't expect was that there was a withered tree in the center of the pool. That tree was almost the same as the one they saw from the Wu tribe.

It's just that what they saw from the Wu tribe was a vigorously growing sapling, but the tree they saw now was withered. (End of chapter)

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