My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 558 The dream ends completely, and the divine village disappears

"In order to protect me, I was bitten to death by a wild beast."

Xingyue's voice was trembling. She hugged the clothes on her legs tightly, tears falling down one by one uncontrollably.

Bao Naer wanted to go over and help the person up, but Zhang Hao stopped him with his hand.

He looked at Zhang Hao doubtfully and heard him say: "You lied."


"Don't you understand? I said you were lying. Where did you hide Yu Bin's body?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Oh, she is a little girl after all, let me help her up first." Bonnar was filled with guilt. Now he just wanted to do something to make him feel that his life was not in vain all these years.

But from Zhang Hao's perspective, Baonar's body shook violently after getting close to Xingyue, and then lay weakly on the ground.

Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly: "This is his life."

In just one hour, Bonnar experienced three life crises.

One time, Yinhui beat Baonar. If Zhang Hao hadn't spoken out, he would have been beaten to death.

The second time was when Yinhui drew his sword and Xueji became the scapegoat.

The third time is now, and it's useless for him to stop.

Damn people will die sooner or later.

Xingyue withdrew the knife from Baonar's abdomen and wiped Yubin's clothes slowly. His face no longer had the helplessness and fear just now, but instead had a dull look that was cruel to the point of numbness.

Without saying a word, Yinhui put Xue Ji against the tree stump and rushed over to pull Bao Naer's body out.

This knife is not deep. He will not die in a short time, but will only feel endless pain.

Yinhui placed her next to a tree stump far away from Xueji, and continued to return to Xueji to guard her.

"Everyone is going to die, everyone is going to die, and I must take revenge." Xingyue laughed.

"Including Yu Bin? He is innocent, why did you kill him?"

"what are you guys saying……"

Like the sinner Bao Naer, she couldn't understand Zhang Hao's words.

"Your so-called awakening memory is just your own illusion. Before you had the car accident, you used to spend every day in the library reading information about Xianglu Village, right?"

Xingyue tilted her head, and the curiosity on her face was as simple as a child's at this moment.

"how do you know?"

"That business card..." Zhang Hao pointed to Yu Bin's bloody clothes.

Xingyue hesitated and took out a blood-soaked business card from his breast pocket. It could be vaguely distinguished that it was the business card of the Municipal Library.

"What you call memory is just the memory that has been recorded in the brain and has been converted into a first-person perspective. Medically speaking, this is a sequelae of a car accident."

"Impossible, I am the Saint!" Xingyue roared at Zhang Hao, still unwilling to admit it.

"Okay, let me take a step back. You always know what your boyfriend Yu Bin does in his house, right? If you are really possessed by an evil spirit or reincarnated as a saint, don't you think Yu Bin's family will interfere?"

"Even Yu Bin is convinced that you are just sick and have cognitive impairment, so he went to find you without hesitation."

"But you used him as a sacrifice to increase your strength... I wonder if there was hatred in his eyes when he looked at you before he died?"

After Zhang Hao said this, Yinhui felt like stars were shining in his eyes.

What is all this?

Her mind could hardly keep up. The most important thing was why such a man seemed to be a prophet and always knew many things that others didn't know.

"No, no..." Xingyue no longer had the arrogance she had just now. She lowered her head and murmured to herself, "No..."

"You said you didn't kill him?" Zhang Hao only found it funny, opened his arms and looked up.

"This entire Incense Burner Village is within the cursed barrier of the Saint. Apart from the souls of those who are about to die, there are not even any living mosquitoes, but you tell me they are wild beasts?"

"No!" Xingyue suddenly raised her head and shouted hysterically at Zhang Hao: "He doesn't hate me! He even smiled!"

Yinhui was shocked.

Does this mean she admits that she killed Yu Bin?

She...killed her boyfriend who loved her wholeheartedly?

"I am really a saint..." Xingyue's spirit has collapsed.

She knelt on the ground, holding the dagger in both hands, and shouted in tears: "My blood has obviously opened the jade box, how could it be just because of illness... I am really a saint!"

"You're not. The reason why the jade box could be unlocked was because it was splashed with the blood that Xueji spit out."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xueji, who had lost his life.

Bonnar braced himself and asked with difficulty: "What...what do you mean..."

"Now I can tell you what Xueji wanted to tell you before he died."

Zhang Hao looked at Yinhui.

She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at Xue Ji at her feet. She didn't look too surprised. In other words, she had more or less guessed it.

"Xueji is the reincarnation of a saint who has lived for three hundred years."

Yinhui closed his eyes for an instant, subconsciously rejecting the words he heard.

In other words, she didn't want to believe that fate could be so cruel...

"What did you say?!" Xingyue couldn't believe it and staggered a few steps towards Xueji.

"Don't come close or I'll kill you."

Yinhui was placed in front of Xueji and Xingyue was not allowed to get closer.

"No, isn't she the patriarch? Isn't she the descendant of a sinner? How could she be the reincarnation of a saint..."

"Three hundred years ago, the saint who made a mistake used death to weave a beautiful dream called a curse. However, the saint who was killed was reincarnated three hundred years later and became the descendant of the assassin, carrying on her back the burden that originally belonged to her. My own sins..."

After saying that, Zhang Hao started to sneer.

"This is fate being free."

Everyone knows that fate is impermanent, but what is truly impermanent is something that no one can even imagine.

Zhang Hao looked at Yinhui, who was about to collapse but still holding on to protect Xueji. He walked over and took the soft sword in her hand.

"The curse she left behind can only be lifted by yourself. The time has come. No matter what, she will die in your hands. This is her fate, and it is also your fate as a miko."

Yinhui could no longer withstand the many blows, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Zhang Hao supported her with one hand and placed her next to Xue Ji.

Bonnar lay on the ground with difficulty, and finally came to the two of them.

He couldn't do anything anymore. Zhang Hao didn't stop him, he just watched quietly.

I saw Bonnar stretching out his blood-stained hand, trying to smooth Yinhui and Xueji's skirts, but realizing his dirty hands, he retracted them tremblingly, and finally turned into a silent " I'm sorry." He fell to the ground and never made a sound again.

The last expression before the end of his life solidified into a bitter smile.

Zhang Hao wondered, before he died, was he thinking that he could finally give this life back to the innocent witch?

And he, after wandering for so many years, finally became the innocent child he was before.

Zhang Hao raised his head and looked at Xingyue, who was only a few steps away from him.

Xingyue was pacing back and forth, her eyes were blank, and she was holding the dagger tightly in her hand. The importance of two lives seemed to weigh her down.

She is not a saint, she is just sick. But she killed her boyfriend. She finally understood what that sentence meant.

——At that time, she cried and told Yu Bin to get out, or she would kill him. But that idiot still hugged her.

When she stabbed the dagger into Yu Bin's chest, he just smiled softly, caressed her head as before, and whispered in her ear: "Wake up quickly..."

Wake up now.

Yu Bin knew from the beginning that he would die under the Xingyue Sword when he came over.

But he still wanted to use his dream to exchange Xingyue's sobriety.

There are such stupid men in the world, hahahaha!

Xingyue pursed her lips and laughed a few times, then turned around and entered the cave without saying a word.

Zhang Hao knew that she would never come out again.

When Zhang Hao took Yinhui and the two corpses down the mountain, the people in the village were no longer as panicked as they were at the beginning.

Perhaps when disaster strikes, people will really open up to another realm.

Their appearance became quiet and peaceful, and some even carried out their own coffins to place the bodies of Xue Ji and Bao Naer.

No one asked Zhang Haoshan what happened, but they looked at him from time to time.

Perhaps their current mentality is the same as Yinhui's. They are both afraid of the truth that has been delayed for three hundred years and are looking forward to the end of the hellish years.

He said nothing.

At night, Yinhui woke up. He understood Zhang Hao's decision from his eyes, and then summoned everyone in the village to the altar.

She told all the truth she knew, but she didn't say anything about Xingyue and Yu Bin. They were outsiders and had no direct relationship with this matter, and they would not change their minds at all.

"According to the records in the village journal, tomorrow at Mao... it will be three hundred years since the death of the Saint. It is time to wake up from this three-hundred-year dream."

Yes, everything here will cease to exist.

Including people here.

Everyone was silent.

When the word death is expressed with a specific time limit, it becomes less urgent. What has to come will come, and until then, they can hug their families and laugh as much as they want.

That night, the lights in Xianglu Shenzhai stayed on all night.

People gathered around the altar, drank and talked, sang and danced to their heart's content, and enjoyed the last joy.

Yinhui sat on the steps of the altar, next to Xueji's coffin. From time to time, she said a few words with a smile, and then waited for the response of her friend who would never ring again.

Zhang Hao stood outside the crowd and watched all this quietly.

When they arrived, there was a car full of people.

But now, he lacks nothing.

As a mountain walker, Zhang Hao knew very well that he could not put too much emotion into people who had nothing to do with his destiny, but after witnessing everything in Xianglu Shenzhai with his own eyes, he felt a little sad.

Yinhui noticed Zhang Hao, patted the coffin gently, and then walked towards Zhang Hao.

"Bonar is dead. Your aunt will wake up soon. What are you going to do next?"

"I don't know, I might die here too."

"You won't. Your destiny is not yet fulfilled."

"What about the mountains? Will the mountains disappear together with the people here?"

"No, after the curse disappears, the stagnant time of the mountain will continue to move forward. Don't ignore the power of nature. I will also save this mountain."

Hearing this, Yinhui looked at Zhang Hao's face curiously.

"You are so capable, is there never an insurmountable gap in your life?"

"Even capable people have troubles." Zhang Hao spread his hands and laughed at himself: "It's like I came from Sichuan after all the hard work, but I couldn't even dig out a ginseng root."


Yinhui lowered his head and laughed, then pointed at the villagers and said: "I told them your purpose of coming, and they said you can do whatever you want. If you can really save this mountain, it will be the last wish of the villagers. "

The Miao people who have lived here for generations are the descendants of the mountains.

Zhang Hao got their permission, and the power of blessing will surely be enhanced.

"I'll give this to you."

Zhang Hao took out the talisman with black characters on a yellow background.

"This is..." Yinhui took it as if he had found a treasure, "It is from this thing that you obtained Xueji's last words."

"This is a trace of her soul fire. Although I can't think of any other uses, it should still be a thought, right?"

The eastern sky gradually reveals a hint of fish belly white, and the time is approaching.

The villagers gradually took action and hugged their relatives, as if they were not afraid of anything.

Zhang Hao's eyes followed Yinhui.

She walked to the bonfire on the altar with the talisman that carried the last bit of Xue Ji's soul, and threw it in without hesitation.

Although it was a bit surprising, Zhang Hao could understand it.

——She wants to give Xue Ji real freedom, not three hundred years of reincarnation of despair.

It's time to arrive.

The sun's rays suddenly became a little dazzling, and Zhang Hao closed his eyes unconsciously.

But when he opened it again, everything in front of him had changed.

The whole world was dusty, with not even a root of grass on it. There were ruined villages everywhere without a trace of life, and all the people disappeared in an instant.

The originally burning bonfire turned into a pile of lifeless ashes, as if it would be annihilated at any time.

The coffin beside Yinhui was missing, and the altar under her feet had several big holes, but she still maintained the posture of throwing spells in the bonfire.


A drop of tear falls to the ground, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

With Yinhui as the center, green grass, colorful flowers, willow branches fluttering in the wind, and sweet air...

The remaining dreams were completely shattered by the Thunder of Clarity. From now on, there will no longer be the Incense Burner Divine Village in the world.

Zhang Hao couldn't explain what he saw. His chest seemed to be blocked by a ball of wet cotton and he couldn't say a word.

He looked back at the houses in the village. The scene there was even more dilapidated than when the barrier was broken.

This is the village that has experienced three hundred years of wind and rain.

The real Incense Burner Village had died out three hundred years ago. Those who were lucky enough to enter the village later were just intruding into the saint's dream.

Yinhui slowly walked down the altar, breaking the stairs with her last step, and her feet fell into the hole.

Only then did she realize that there was really nothing here, not even the rotten wood, and she didn't know how long it could last.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Healing the Holy Mountain." Zhang Hao turned to look at the Holy Mountain and said, "I will try my best to make up for the time lost in the past three hundred years, even if it is just a minute and a second."

"I'm with you!" Yinhui said without hesitation. (End of chapter)

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