After waiting for a long time, no one spoke. Seeing this, Zhang Hao sneered.

"Since you won't say anything, I will add one more rule as the captain - from now on, no one is allowed to be negative. Anyone who dares to do anything that disrupts the morale of the army will be dealt with in my own way."

Zhang Hao used disposal rather than punishment, as if death was also one of his choices.

No one spoke, Zhang Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"That's it. Report your physical condition now. Don't force it or make false reports. I'm going to make the next plan."

Everyone reported their situation, but when it was Yinhui's turn, Yinhui said that he had full combat capabilities and could share the responsibility of being a forward or a defender for Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao frowned and looked at her hand, and finally pressed her to Li Siyu's side.

"You two go together, girls, take care of each other, and then leave it to Getu."

With that said, Zhang Hao looked at Getu. The other party was packing up his equipment and said without raising his head: "As ordered."

He admired Zhang Hao's ability to stay calm in times of crisis and handle crises. Now that there was a task that only he could do, he would naturally not shirk it.

An hour later, it was getting dark. If we continued to stay here, there might be subsequent avalanches falling. For the safety of the team, Zhang Hao must find a warm and safe place.

In addition, Zhang Hao left a letter here, explaining that they only had enough food to last for another three or four days. If they still couldn't find another exit by then, they would bring the team back.

If the backup troops still haven't come to rescue them by then, Zhang Hao will burn everything he has to send these people up, even if he has to stay here forever.

This is his mission as captain.

The team advanced, into the darkness.

Everyone moved forward strictly according to the formation determined by Zhang Hao. After breaking the pattern, they took the opportunity to protect the people in the middle of the team.

And all the unknown dangers ahead were blocked by Zhang Hao's broad chest.

He is holding a sword in his hand - this is a weapon borrowed from Changsheng. After all, if there is an emergency, he needs to counterattack the threat in the shortest possible time. Compared with those spells and magic weapons, this is the most Suitable weapons.

There was no light in front of him, and the flashlight in his hand couldn't last long. In desperation, Zhang Hao could only take out the talisman again.

Li Siyu seemed to know what he was going to do and quickly suppressed his hand.

"Use mine."

What she meant was to burn with her own blood.

Zhang Hao laughed in anger, reached out and tapped Li Siyu's forehead, and pushed her back to Yinhui.

"Don't make trouble, this is not what you should do."

"Use mine, I have enough power." Yinhui also stepped forward and said.

She understood that every time Zhang Hao did something that ordinary people couldn't do, he would burn his own strength, but he had already made too many efforts to rescue those team members before.

"Then how long can you hold on?" Zhang Hao's tone suddenly turned cold: "One minute? Two minutes? And then, I carry you without strength and continue moving forward?"

Yinhui lowered his head and bit his lip.

Yes, how long can she persist? In the end, she will bring a burden to Zhang Hao. The power gap between himself and Zhang Hao had been felt as early as the Xianglu Shenzhai.


Seeing both of them looking depressed, Zhang Hao realized that his heart was also affected by this dark and cramped environment.

He closed his eyes hard, took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, my tone of voice was wrong. Don't worry, I know it well."


A cluster of fire and gas floated in the office. Zhang Hao waved his finger casually, and the fire automatically moved forward.

The road ahead is getting narrower and narrower. It can no longer be called a natural cave. It is more like a canyon. The top is unfathomably high, but the two sides are narrow enough for only one person to pass.

In this kind of environment, people's mood will become particularly depressing. There is nothing here except the sound of footsteps. They can only follow the person in front of them closely and never leave.

Soon, it became difficult for even one person to pass.

The only support member behind said: "Captain, I can't walk through."

"Walk sideways." Zhang Hao ordered.

The man had walked sideways for so long that even when he breathed, his chest would be pressed by the mountain walls on both sides.

There was no other way, the captain had given orders, so in order not to be left behind, we had to leave reluctantly.

In addition to him, the strong Getu also had a hard time, but he has never given up easily in his life for decades, and he will not give up now.

Suddenly, Zhang Hao realized that the fire ahead had weakened. This means that the space in front has become larger!

"Everyone, hold on a little longer. The front seems to be getting wider. We have entered a new land!"

With Zhang Hao's words, everyone struggled to move forward as if they had been beaten to death.

After about tens of meters, Zhang Hao finally walked out of the narrow secret passage.

The sight before me was shocking.

——This is a huge hole. There is a huge door at a high place in the distance. There are two dragon head lamp holders on both sides of the door. Two flames are burning on them, illuminating everything around them. Zhang Hao saw countless steps in front of the door, extending all the way to his lower left.

Zhang Hao and the others are in a crack in the huge hollow mountain wall. There is no way forward, backward, left or right, and they don't know how deep it is down there. The most important question before them now is how to get down?

"What should I do……"

Li Siyu came up and said, "I don't know what's going on down there. Do you want to bite it?"

"This is the only way. You can't go back to the sinkhole, right? Besides..." Zhang Hao looked at the mysterious door in the distance.

Intuition told Zhang Hao that the secret they were looking for about Changbai Mountain was probably behind that door.

"I'll go down and take a look and come back to pick you up later."

Zhang Hao just jumped down, scaring Li Siyu so much that he screamed.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Almost just a second later, Zhang Hao fell to the ground. Because the surroundings were too dark, he couldn't see clearly, but it didn't seem to be that high, only about ten meters.

Zhang Hao summoned the fire talisman to illuminate the surrounding roads, and found that there was only a relatively rugged mountain road below. The steps were not far away and connected to another slightly smaller door. It seemed that it was a passage.

"Come down, you won't die if you fall."

Everyone: "...?"

They are all mortal bodies, and at most they only have some abilities. But if you jump from such a high height, you will be disabled even if you don't die.

At this moment, Yinhui decisively picked up Li Siyu and jumped in the direction of Zhang Hao.


Li Siyu screamed again, but was held firmly by Yinhui to the ground.

"It's okay, Miss Siyu, I won't fall if I hold you." Yinhui handed Li Siyu to Zhang Hao steadily, and then climbed up the mountain wall again. She lives in southern Xinjiang and is very familiar with mountains. This kind of mountain wall that is not very steep is naturally as smooth as walking on flat ground. After she climbed up, she asked the team members behind for a rope and threw the rest down the mountain.

"Get down one by one along the rope, I'll be here to hold you."

"Can you do it?" Lao Bao came up lamely and looked at the thin skin and tender flesh of Yin Hui and said, "We old men are each heavier than the other."

"If you don't believe me, just jump off yourself."

The people behind him had already started urging him, and Lao Bao had no choice but to drag his legs and fall down the rope little by little.

His weight was not light, and Yin Hui felt a little uncomfortable. He even leaned back slightly to prevent himself from falling down.

Suddenly, a force came from the rope behind her, pulling her back along with her. Turning around, I saw that it was Chang Sheng who had kept a low profile all the way.

He smiled shyly at Yinhui and said, "I'll hold it for you. Let's go down last."

Next, everyone goes down one by one, Changsheng is the last one

He looked at Yinhui's red hand that had been strangled and the blood seeping from his fingertips, and shook his head in refusal.

"I'll jump off myself. This height won't trouble me."

Changsheng jumped directly without waiting for Yinhui to stay!

He was as light as a swallow, and his footsteps made no sound when he hit the ground. Zhang Hao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

I had long heard that the Taihang Mountain Taoist priests had special abilities. Zhang Hao had been observing them carefully along the way, but he didn't expect to see it in the child Chang Sheng at this moment.

On the contrary, it was Lao Bao. Although he also came from Changbai Mountain, Zhang Hao didn't see any bright spots in him. He probably hadn't used it yet.

After everyone fell down, Yinhui quickly dropped the rope and jumped back down.

I don't know whether it was because he exerted too much effort, but Yinhui's body fell heavily to the ground, and even sprained his feet!


Li Siyu came forward and opened Yinhui's trouser legs. It turns out she has injuries on her legs too! Just because he was wearing black pants, he never noticed it.

Even without raising his head, Yinhui could feel that there seemed to be an unusually serious gaze above his head, which seemed to be reproachful but also disappointing.

She understood that Zhang Hao asked everyone to report their situation in order to reasonably distribute the tasks in the team. But Yinhui made a false report, which may result in the subsequent failure to complete the corresponding tasks and bring a heavy blow to the entire team.

But...she wanted to help so much. Even if she died here, she still wanted Zhang Hao to get out safely.

After a long time, Zhang Hao said: "Get up."

"it is good."

After being helped to stand up by Li Siyu, Yinhui tried to take two steps. Although it hurt a little, he could persevere.

Zhang Hao didn't get angry with Yinhui, but he threw a more serious question at her.

"Your feet will become more and more swollen, and you may not even be able to move them in the end. What do you think is the best way to solve this problem?"

Yes, what should we do if Yinhui truly becomes a burden to the team in the end?

Do you want others to carry you? Everyone was obviously injured, and the fabric on Lao Bao's legs had been soaked with blood several times, but he still persisted.

Yin Hui's eyes suddenly felt a little hot. She patted Li Siyu's hand on her arm soothingly, raised her head and smiled at Zhang Hao: "If I can't walk anymore, just leave me. This is my own consequences and has nothing to do with the captain. You have nothing to do with it." No promises were broken.”

She would not let Zhang Hao break his promise not to abandon any of his teammates. She stayed here voluntarily.

The atmosphere in the team was very solemn, and no one dared to speak. Subtly, everyone not only regards Zhang Hao as the real captain, but also Feng Wei's spiritual leader.

At this time, a person suddenly walked out of the team.

"Captain, I'll carry her on my back."

It’s immortality!

Changsheng took off his backpack, carried it in front of him and said, "I still have the strength, I can do it."

"Okay." Zhang Hao agreed simply and neatly: "Get ready to go."

Not far ahead are the steps. They have to go all the way up the steps, enter the door, and explore the world behind.

Yinhui crouched behind Changsheng and could clearly feel that Changsheng had some difficulty climbing the stairs. After all, there was one more person, and under such extremely cold conditions, a person's body functions would also be reduced many times.

She whispered: "I'm sorry."

Changsheng didn't say much, he just pushed her body upwards and continued to move firmly to the next step of the stairs.

From a distance, it looked like there were not many stairs, but when everyone actually stepped forward, they realized that they were looking down on themselves.

Unlike everyone else, Zhang Hao's focus was not on how far to reach his destination, but on the steps.

The steps under his feet are made of stone, and each one is engraved with strange and simple patterns. They seem chaotic, but they are also orderly. Each step is different. Zhang Hao looked around and couldn't find anything. law.

The others looked at Zhang Hao staring at the soles of his feet and thought it was a way to divert attention, but they also lowered their heads.

Sure enough, when you don't focus on the unreachable end point, you only think about taking every step, and the originally painful journey becomes a little easier.

Li Siyu's physical fitness is probably the worst among all the people. In the sub-zero temperature, she even started to sweat slightly on her forehead.

She opened the zipper and let out a long sigh of relief.

But after Zhang Hao heard the noise, he turned around and pulled up her clothes. Suddenly, Li Siyu looked at him with some anger.

"I'm really hot."

"Save your body temperature and don't take it off no matter how hot it is."

The heat is bearable, and although I'm agitated, at least I can still move. But if the body loses temperature, nothing can be done, so Zhang Hao must prepare for a rainy day.

"All right……"

Li Siyu didn't want to bring any burden, so she had to bite the bullet and keep walking.

Yinhui noticed that there was a fine layer of sweat on Changsheng's forehead, but he remained silent.

She thought for a while, made a seal with one hand, muttered something in her mouth, and then put her hand on Changsheng's head.

In an instant, a fresh feeling flooded into my mind, and my body became much lighter!

Changsheng was so surprised that he even stopped: "This is..."

"It's just a pure heart spell. It won't change your body. I just make your brain happier."

Yinhui just wanted to make Changsheng feel a little less painful.

Her soft words lingered in his ears, Chang Sheng's face turned red unconsciously, and he stuttered: "Thank you... thank you."

Yinhui smiled, rested his head on Changsheng's back, and closed his eyes tiredly.

She was too tired and in too much pain. Only when Zhang Hao couldn't see her did she dare to show her vulnerability.

(End of this chapter)

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