"Captain, why do I feel a little hot?" Lao Bao behind started tearing at his clothes.

When Lao Bao said this, everyone else froze in place and stopped moving, because not only Lao Bao, but also themselves felt this way.

It is obvious that this is Changbai Mountain, where the weather is cold and the ground is freezing, but since entering here, there is always a vague warmth.

Zhang Hao's feeling is weaker than others, because now he is connected to Yinhui's senses. Yinhui will feel cold here, and coupled with the pain in his wrist, this little bit of heat can be ignored.

After looking at it for a while, Zhang Hao turned his gaze to Yinhui and asked, "What about you, do you feel any different when you were outside than you have recently?"

"nothing special."

Li Siyu raised his hand at this time: "I feel a little hot all the time. What is going on in this place? I really feel something is wrong."

Li Siyu was almost unable to bear it before Zhang Hao spoke. She just didn't want to add any more psychological burden to the others in the team, so she didn't say anything for the time being.

Zhang Hao's face became serious. Maybe others didn't know it, but he could see it in Zhang Hao's eyes.

There seemed to be some white light floating in the air, strands, some white, some gray. They were intertwined with the dust in the ancient tombs. They had no direction and no source, as if they had been here forever.

These rays of light exude a warm atmosphere, with a calmness that comes from the earth, but Zhang Hao knows in his heart that these things should not be here.

As Zhang Hao thought of this, Yinhui also understood what Zhang Hao was thinking.

"I think... we may have found the most critical point." He said to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao nodded: "Yes, we have to continue going deeper. No matter what, at least this trip is rewarding."

Yinhui Manmao thought for a moment, then turned around and said to the others:

"Don't take off your clothes. This is the power of the earth embracing you, but now it can only change a little bit outside. You haven't been able to fully accept it, so don't let yourself get injured or catch a cold."

The word "power of the earth" is very unfamiliar, but it is also very simple. It is so simple that you can understand what it means when you say it.

Li Siyu could understand what the other was thinking just by looking at the two of them, and felt somewhat sad.

But thinking about it, that's it. After all, he was the one who pushed him out.

She still owes Yinhui her life.

"In other words, there might be something good in this?" Lao Bao's eyes became very excited, and when he looked at the darkness ahead, he was no longer as scared as before.

The power of the earth floating in the air can be seen even among the heavenly spirits and earthly treasures here. It is much better here than outside.

Even if they cannot find the treasure in this palace, the power of the earth is a rare treasure of heaven, spirit and earth for them. If he can practice here for a few days, his cultivation will definitely be better than if he practiced hard outside for ten years!

After saying that, Lao Bao sat down directly, pinching his feet with one hand and stroking the wound on his leg with the other hand, in an attempt to repair the wound quickly.

Seeing that he was like this, the others didn't hesitate anymore and sat down one after another, preparing to rest.

After Li Siyu sat down, Yinhui squatted on the ground next to her.

"Why don't you sit down?"

"No, that's all I need."

Yinhui's right hand trembled slightly.

Although Zhang Hao shared half of his pain, his arm still felt uncomfortable. If he sat down, his body would be in direct contact with the cool ground. Even though there was the power of the earth around him, his situation was different from others. If the cold air invades, Zhang Hao will also suffer, so she can't be so selfish.

"Sit down." Zhang Hao next to him suddenly said: "I know what you are thinking, but this level of pain is nothing to me."

There will also be a sense of shyness about having your inner thoughts exposed, but when I think about it, Zhang Hao can capture my current feelings, so I become less nervous.

But what makes Yinhui curious is that he doesn't seem to capture Zhang Hao's heart too much. Why is this?

[Because I really wasn’t thinking about anything. 】

Zhang Hao's voice suddenly sounded in his mind. Yinhui was startled and even his body trembled.

This was indeed Zhang Hao's voice, transmitted through their interconnected hearts, but when he turned around to look, his expression seemed to be nothing.

This is their unique way of communicating.

Yinhui suppressed the joy in her heart, but couldn't restrain it.

He knew very well that even Zhang Hao would catch this emotion. He felt embarrassed for a moment, so he simply closed his eyes and practiced, adjusting his breath.

More than an hour later, Lao Bao stood up, opened the bandage on his leg and took a look. Shang had indeed improved a little, but only a little.

Looking back at Changsha, he was clearly injured when he was rescued by Zhang Hao, but now he looks much better.

The scars on his hands made by the sword have basically healed, and their color has become rosy.

"Damn it! Why am I so far behind!" Lao Bao was angry in his heart and kicked the wall hard, but he forgot that he was still injured on his leg, which directly distorted his expression of pain.

Changsheng opened his eyes, looked down at the wound on his hand, and smiled coldly.

"It's not a good thing to recover quickly. This proves that next time a similar situation occurs, I will cut myself black and blue again."

This sounds like a bit of reluctance.

Yinhui felt a little strange, so he looked at Changsheng carefully.

Chang Sheng happened to look at her, and the moment the two looked at each other, Yin Hui actually saw pain in his eyes!

The injury is obviously healed, why does it seem to be in more pain?

At this moment, Zhang Hao suddenly spoke.

"I heard that there is a very special physique. The body fluids contain the power of the Yang, which can drive away evil spirits, disperse the radiant energy, and lead to immortality. Are you a pure Yang body?"

Pure yang body? This kind of word is only heard in novels.

"But isn't the pure yang body said to belong to a three-year-old child?" Yinhui asked puzzledly: "How come there is a saying that children's urine can drive away evil spirits?"

"Yes, as I just said, body fluids contain the power of the Yang."

Yinhui didn't know what he thought of, and his face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, the environment here was dark and no one could see him.

But just because others can't see it, doesn't mean Zhang Hao can't see it.

The corner of Zhang Hao's lips curled up in a smile rather than a smile and he said to Yinhui: "Don't think about it. There's nothing special about that kind of thing. You can't let him urinate in front of so many people to drive away insects, right?"

"Pfft!" Li Siyu couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, while Yinhui lowered his head.

Even Changsheng laughed helplessly, and Zhou Shen's atmosphere suddenly became soothing.

"Yes, I can't do that, but having said that, the power contained in blood is indeed very powerful. Otherwise, how could it be said that the most commonly used medium in some evil arts is blood?"

"Changsheng, you are in perfect harmony with the power of the earth here, but at the same time I also have a question...are you indeed a Taoist priest who came down from the Taihang Mountains?"

Zhang Hao's question made Changsheng silent again.

It didn't matter where the Taoist priest came from. He only knew that he grew up in the Taihang Mountains.

As for where he came from, where he was going, and what he would be able to do in the end, he had no idea at all.

One day he suddenly had a dream. There was a deep voice in the dream, telling him that Changbai Mountain had the secrets he wanted to find. As long as he went there, the purine problems in the first half of his life could be completely solved.

But now when he came to Changbai Mountain, he once again...

No, I can’t think about it anymore.

Changsheng closed his eyes again and began to clear his mind. He didn't want to be swallowed by that thing.

At this moment, another woman's soft voice sounded in his ears. It was another heart-clearing mantra that he had heard once before.

When Yinhui was carrying Yinhui, he once recited this heart-clearing mantra on his back.

"Thank you."

Yinhui didn't answer and continued to read.

After everyone had finished repairing, the team could finally move forward.

To the south is a long and narrow passage, made of bricks on the top, bottom, left and right, with faucet lampstands on the left and right sides. The style is similar to the one at the entrance, but the size is much smaller.

There was no yin fire on them. Zhang Hao checked it and found that it was because there was no fire on them, so he nodded lightly on them.

Then the empty lampstand suddenly burst into flames.

Just like the ripples caused by throwing a stone into a calm lake are getting farther and farther, these firelights are also spreading farther and farther. After a while, all the lampstands were burning, shining all the way to the end, where there was an even more mysterious door.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet, how did you bring out those fires when you went out?" Changsheng slowly walked to Zhang Hao: "Did you have the ability to control those fires in the first place?"

"Have I not told you yet what I went through while I was locked in there?"

After saying this, others were also a little curious, and their steps slowed down involuntarily.

"After the door was closed, all the lampstands burned with flames. Those small fire balls seemed to be suddenly given life by some mysterious existence, and they all flew towards me, trying to devour me. .”

Yinhui was frightened in his heart.

If a living person touches those fires, his soul will be devoured, but the account looks fine now. Not only is he not injured, he can even control it...

"I don't know why there seems to be an invisible barrier in front of me, absorbing all these fires. When I reacted, I could already control these yin fires. When I opened the door a crack, I heard I heard the sound of the bugs outside. Although I had never seen those bugs, I had an intuition in my heart, as if those bugs could only be driven away with my fire. When I thought about it, I was once again attracted by those bugs. Fire surrounded.”

"I didn't know how to control it, but I thought that since it was all out, I would do everything I should do."

Li Siyu then recalled that when Zhang Hao just rushed out, his posture was indeed a bit unnatural, as if he was pushed out by someone.

"But you just lit all the lanterns. Did you return the fire?" Changsheng asked.

"No." Zhang Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have now merged with these Yin fires, and I have become the ultimate Yin body."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's footsteps stopped involuntarily.

Zhang Hao turned into the Yin body... What will happen to him?

"Zhang Hao..." Li Siyu stretched out her hand in disbelief to touch, but Zhang Hao dodged it.

"Don't touch me now. I don't know if this will bring you any side effects. After finishing the mission here in Changbai Mountain, I will find a way to expel them. But now that we are inside Changbai Mountain, these fires are harmful to me. It’s still useful.”

Yinhui raised his right hand and looked at it thoughtfully.

No wonder Zhang Hao didn't let Li Siyu touch it when he handed over the clothes. Instead, he must have directly touched it when he cast a spell on himself. It's because he has been swallowed up by misfortunes and has become a yin body physically.

No wonder I feel cold when everyone else feels hot.

If even he felt cold, then Zhang Hao... had obviously endured so much pain and still wanted to share half of it with him.

"I won't tell you some things because if you know them, it won't change the status quo. Instead, it may make you nervous. My original intention of saying these things is not to make you become like me. Instead, I want you to keep distance from me."

People from all over the world gathered together with various purposes to work hard for the same mission. Zhang Hao can also do some of the things that Zhang Hao can do, but these people may not be able to do them.

Some things can only be borne by Zhang Hao himself.

"Yinhui, do you know now? How stupid what you did is."

Yinhui lowered her head like a scolded child. To be honest, she wanted to cry now, but she didn't dare.

"Okay, let's move on."

The flickering lights illuminated the way ahead for them, and they finally no longer had to push the fire talisman all the time.

Everyone's hearts became heavy, and they finally had a new understanding of this journey.

At this moment, Lao Bao suddenly screamed.


At this sound, Zhang Hao and Changsheng immediately entered a state of alert. Even Yinhui raised his intact left hand to defend against the enemy. Li Siyu quickly said that he was trying to reduce his presence among the crowd and not cause trouble to others.

But after Zhang Hao looked around, he didn't see anything strange.

"What are you yelling at?" He glared displeased.

Lao Bao said in a trembling voice: "There is... there is a ghost!" (End of Chapter)

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