Changsheng didn't say anything, but Zhang Hao also noticed something strange. The drops of sweat on Changsheng's forehead were the best proof.

"It seems that this ghost is really difficult to deal with. If that's the case, we'd better find a way to trap it here."

In order to preserve his physical strength, Zhang Hao also decided not to continue taking risks. As long as they trapped this ghost, they could successfully escape. There was no need to risk their lives in such a place.

There is still a long way to go, and we can’t risk our lives just because of this ghost thing. Even if Zhang Hao thinks so, the teammates behind him will not agree. What’s more, if the entire team does not have Zhang Hao, what will happen next? No one can get out, the gain outweighs the loss.

After thinking about it, Zhang Hao still adopted a safer method. As long as he could trap this ghost, there was no need to go all out. To put it ten thousand steps back, even if it really comes to a life-and-death situation, it would be fine. He might be that ghost's opponent. Thinking about it this way, it's better to play it safe.

"Shh, that ghost is getting closer, getting closer to us."

At this moment, everyone felt that the hairs on their bodies stood up involuntarily, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. Similarly, Zhang Hao also noticed this unusual and abnormal situation.

"Good guy, I didn't expect that there is such a powerful thing in this place. It seems that we underestimated the strength of these guys."

All the signs around him indicate that the strength of this ghost is extraordinary. Zhang Hao will not take action until the critical moment. In the early stage, he can only rely on Changsheng, that is, the Taoist Patriarch Sword in Changsheng's hand, as a deterrent. Live the devil.

For Zhang Hao, he had to conserve his physical strength and give the ghost a fatal blow at the critical moment. Only in this way could he buy enough time to give everyone a chance to escape.

At the moment, they can't care about anything else. Everyone is cheering up and paying attention to every move around them. Although Changsheng has yin and yang eyes and can spy out ghosts, they are different and can only detect ghosts with their naked eyes. Observe the changes around you.

As long as that ghost thing dares to get close, it will definitely reveal its flaws. Just like the strange noise Tuge heard before, as long as it dares to get close, it will be noticed immediately.

Everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, not daring to let down their guard at all. Even Zhang Hao became nervous. Everywhere he looked, he explored clearly, not letting go of any clues.

Just when everyone was ready, something unexpected happened. Changsheng was seen rushing out first with the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand. His momentum was like a rainbow, leaving a sound of breaking through the air wherever the sword struck.

"Bang bang bang!"

No one could see him, but he could hear his voice. Changsheng was wielding the Taoist Patriarch's Sword. Every move and every move was extremely lethal. He slapped the sword forward fiercely. He was completely unlike everyone's previous impressions of him.

At this moment, the strength displayed by Chang Sheng made everyone present look at him with admiration. Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng was so heroic when performing Taoist magic, as if he was a completely different person.

At the moment when everyone was watching Chang Sheng rush out, Zhang Hao quietly took out a piece of talisman paper with his palm, and then aimed at Chang Sheng's position and patted it.

"Chang Sheng, please be careful. This talisman is very powerful. Don't let it hurt you too."

Zhang Hao's voice came from behind. Changsheng had no time to pay attention to it, but he still understood the meaning. Without any hesitation, he directly chose to hold the Taoist Patriarch's Sword horizontally in front of him.

A talisman exploded, sparking bursts of fire. It seemed that it had hit the ghost thing. Zhang Hao didn't expect that he could hit the target this time. After all, the incident happened suddenly and he didn't even have time to open his eyes. He just saw To Changsheng, he waved his mahogany sword and made gestures in the air.

The experienced Zhang Hao relied on his own consciousness and instinctive reaction to shoot out the talisman paper. Originally, he just wanted to buy some time for Changsheng, but he did not expect that this blow would actually hit the ghost. That's good news.

"Chang Sheng, are you not injured? How are you?"

Zhang Hao's voice came out again. When he looked around, he found that Chang Sheng was extremely weak, and the peach wood sword in his hand had also lost its brilliance.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Hao's heart skipped a beat and he didn't know where the problem was.

Could it be that his talisman backfired on Changsheng?

Seeing Changsheng's extremely weak appearance, Zhang Hao was a little stunned. Why can't he be so good? What happened?

Zhang Hao didn't understand that Chang Sheng's use of the Taoist Patriarch's Sword would cost his own Dao Yuan. If it wasn't an emergency, he wouldn't choose to use such a Tao method.

The consequences of such a powerful magic weapon can be imagined, and it was still forced to operate, which made Changsheng a little bit too much, and gradually the physical exhaustion was extremely serious.


Before Zhang Hao had time to respond, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Changsheng's mouth, and a faint look of pain appeared on his face. This forced use of Taoism was still not enough, and his physical strength was so exhausted that he would not be able to recover for a while.

Seeing Chang Sheng's embarrassment, Zhang Hao didn't think much. He rushed forward with a single step, helped Chang Sheng up who was about to fall, and reached out to hold the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand.

Zhang Hao just shook his hand like this, and an extremely powerful and brutal force almost caused him to be ejected. If Changsheng hadn't stopped him in time, he might have been knocked away by this force now.

"Don't move. This Taoist founder's sword cannot be used without Taoist blood."

Changsheng endured the pain in his body and blocked Zhang Hao with his hands, signaling him not to move. But seeing Changsheng acting like this, even Zhang Hao couldn't bear it. He wanted to go up and help, but he was not born with yin and yang. With my eyes, I can't see the existence of that ghost thing.

It is difficult to distinguish the figure of that ghost with the naked eye. If Changsheng had not been gifted with yin and yang eyes, there would be nothing he could do with this ghost.

"What should we do now? How about we run away first? It's important to save our lives."

Seeing that Changsheng was about to faint, Zhang Hao held his hand and was about to step back, but Changsheng pulled him back, and the expression on his face became extremely embarrassing.

"No, there's no chance. I've already angered that ghost, and now I'm afraid I won't be able to run away."

Changsheng's words were like a bolt from the blue, leaving Zhang Hao at a loss for what to say. Is it possible that there is really no other way out?

Zhang Haoke never believes in fate. My destiny is determined by my own destiny. I choose my own path. No matter what happens, I must carry it out to the end.

Since that ghost was unwilling to give up, Zhang Hao didn't intend to hold back. He originally wanted to save his strength to avoid dealing with emergencies later.

But the current situation seems that if he doesn't take action, there will be no chance of survival. Thinking of this, Zhang Hao put down the longevity, then closed his eyes tightly and felt everything around him with his heart. Just as Zhang Hao closed his eyes, a black shadow quickly rushed up. Changsheng's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He picked up the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand and struck it directly with a sword.


Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of the sword hilt falling to the ground in front of him. Zhang Hao, who was startled by the sound, opened his eyes suddenly and saw that Chang Sheng had fainted in front of him, and the Taoist Patriarch Sword also fell to the ground. In front of his ankle.

It can be seen that if Chang Sheng hadn't taken action just now, he would have been sneak attacked by that ghost. It was Chang Sheng's block that saved him from harm. However, Chang Sheng did not have such good luck.

After helping Zhang Hao withstand the fatal blow of the ghost, the last trace of Dao Yuan in his body had been exhausted, and he fainted weakly. It seemed that he would not wake up for a while.

Looking at Chang Sheng who fell on the ground and the Taoist Patriarch Sword on his ankle, Zhang Hao gritted his teeth and made a shocking move, bending down to pick up the Taoist Patriarch Sword.

Just before the hand touched the gap between the sword, Yinhui's voice came out from behind. Because he was just focusing on the situation on Changsheng's side, even Yinhui's feelings were ignored. If it weren't for Yinhui's Shouting loudly, Zhang Hao almost forgot that his team members were standing behind him.

"Zhang Hao, don't touch that sword. It's the Taoist Patriarch Sword. You will suffer backlash."

Yin Hui's voice was a little hoarse and a little hasty, for fear that Zhang Hao would suffer backlash from touching the sword. This was not a scene she wanted to see.

As Yinhui spoke, he walked towards Zhang Hao. Although Yinhui was already very weak at this time, he still dragged his heavy body forward slowly.

She didn't know where she got the strength. She just felt that her body no longer obeyed the command. She just wanted to seize the sword. No matter what, she didn't want Zhang Hao to be hurt again. This was the only thing in her mind. idea.

Yinhui looked a bit sluggish, but Zhang Hao understood very well what was the reason for this. Yinhui must not be allowed to continue like this, otherwise his body would be unable to bear it.

Before Yinhui came over, Zhang Hao bent down and grabbed the Taoist Patriarch Sword. Just as Changsheng told him, this sword cannot be touched without Taoist blood.

The moment Zhang Hao grasped the hilt of the sword, an inexplicable force spread from his palm to his whole body, and then to his brain.

This feeling was so uncomfortable that Zhang Hao wanted to throw away the sword, but his intuition told him that this sword was the only one that could deal with ghosts. If he gave up this time, all of them would die.

"No, this is absolutely not allowed to happen."

Zhang Hao told himself in his mind that he could not compromise no matter what, he must persevere, for his own sake and for the sake of the group of people behind him.

With strong willpower, Zhang Hao once again grasped the Taoist Patriarch Sword. His whole body was as powerful as a rainbow, his eyes were bloodshot, he stared at nothing in front of him, gritted his teeth fiercely, and swung it fiercely.

The next moment, a dull voice came out, and everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Also stunned was Yin Hui. Originally, she had to bear all the pain, but she didn't expect that Zhang Hao would get ahead of her. I am still too slow, I only know how to hold back.

Yinhui blamed himself a little and vented his dissatisfaction with himself in his heart. If only he could be faster. In this case, he would be the one suffering the pain now. But there is no regret medicine in the world and there is no machine to turn back time. Everything is wrong. This goes on quietly.

Just when everyone was stunned by the roar in front of them, they all thought it was Zhang Hao's screams, but the next moment they heard Zhang Hao's cold snort.

"Little guy, it looks like you're going to die in my hands today."

Hearing Zhang Hao's voice, everyone opened their eyes wide and looked up with confusion. They saw Zhang Hao holding the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand, standing in front of him. His whole aura was completely different from before. In exchange for Radiant and solemn.

What happened?

Is this still Zhang Hao?

Didn't you say there would be backlash? What's going on?

Everyone opened their mouths in disbelief. They didn't expect Zhang Hao to actually do it.

Even the Taoist Patriarch Sword, which can only be controlled by Taoist blood, Zhang Hao held with his bare hands. Not only that, he also swung a charged blow. This blow hit the ghost that had nowhere to hide. caused harm.

If Changsheng was still conscious at this moment, he would definitely be shocked by the scene in front of him. According to legend, the Taoist Patriarch Sword, which can only be controlled by Taoist blood, was actually used by Zhang Hao.

"Zhang Hao, you, are you not injured?"

Although he didn't know what happened, Yinhui still made a weak cry. Hearing this sound, Zhang Hao nodded and indicated that he was not in serious trouble.

Of course, Yinhui's response was just a nod. Zhang Hao stared ahead the whole time, without turning around or paying attention to everyone's reactions.

After finally mastering the Taoist Patriarch Sword, he could not miss this opportunity, lest he be attacked by this ghost like before. This time, Zhang Hao learned the lesson from before and did not dare to be careless at all.

He quickly waved the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand and slapped it randomly against the void in front of him several times. When all his strength was exhausted and he was about to run out of energy, he chose to stop.


The successive attacks severely exhausted Zhang Hao's physical strength. He collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, but his face remained serious and he stared straight ahead without relaxing at all.

Even if all his strength is exhausted, he doesn't want that ghost to succeed, and Zhang Hao is more concerned about whether the ghost has been solved.

When he just waved the Taoist Patriarch Sword, he could clearly feel that something was blocking him in front of him, and a powerful repulsive force came from in front of him, but Zhang Hao was not sure that it was a ghost.

Seeing that Zhang Hao was so weak that he was slumped on the ground, Yinhui was about to step forward anxiously, but was stopped by a scolding.

"Don't move, that ghost is probably not dead yet!" (End of Chapter)

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