Lao Bao immediately noticed that something was wrong, and started to warn Zhang Hao. But what Lao Bao didn't know was that Zhang Hao had already sensed something was wrong when he discovered the voice, and something quietly appeared in his palm. A piece of talisman paper.

Before Lao Bao could react, Zhang Hao took the lead to ignite the talisman and patted it in the dark corner.


Just after Zhang Hao took out the talisman in his hand, a black shadow flashed in the darkness at an extremely fast speed. If you didn't pay special attention, you wouldn't have noticed this change at all. Fortunately, Zhang Hao and Lao Bao, At this time, they were already very energetic and focused on looking ahead. The moment the black shadow flashed past, the two of them saw the clues at the same time.

"Look, where is the black shadow!"

When he saw the black shadow flashing past, Lao Bao screamed out in surprise. He even forgot about the Taoist magic he used in his hands. He froze on the spot and couldn't calm down for a long time, for fear that the black shadow would pounce on him again. .

"Shh, don't make a sound. I want to see what other tricks this ghost can do."

Zhang Hao's expression was indifferent, and he stretched out his hand to make a shushing gesture, signaling Lao Bao to stop talking. He had already seen the black shadow that just flashed past, and he didn't need to remind himself again.

When Lao Bao saw Zhang Hao's gesture, he already understood. Instead of speaking, he stood there and followed Zhang Hao towards the dark corner. However, it was too dark there and he couldn't see anything at all. come out.

"I'll go. I didn't expect this ghost to be quite cunning. He knows where to hide."

Even Lao Bao didn't expect that the black shadow actually hid in the darkest place. There was no trace of the other party that could not be caught by the yin and yang eyes, but now it became even more difficult to figure out the ghost.

"Don't panic, I don't believe it anymore. If that ghost can keep hiding like this, there will always be a way for it to show its true form. We must not be careless now, lest we fall into this ghost's scheme."

As Zhang Hao spoke, he took out a piece of talisman paper and prepared it behind him again. When the ghost was not paying attention, he rushed forward with a single step, hoping to catch the opponent off guard, and now the ghost The thing was frightened and was only thinking about how to defend itself. This was a good opportunity.

Taking a step back, the black shadow was hiding in the corner. Although he could not see the trace, it also exposed his position. This gave Zhang Hao a clue. As long as the range was shortened, his next attack could be Now that there is a target, he no longer attacks randomly like before. It is not certain that he can hit it as long as he takes a shot.

Zhang Hao didn't have time to think about what he was thinking about, so he quickly grabbed the talisman and rushed over quickly. Then, his eyes signaled Lao Bao behind him to take action.

"Old Bao, right now, after I take out this talisman, you should quickly use the Taoist method. Let's work hard to win the opponent directly this time."

Hearing Zhang Hao's words, Lao Bao did not hesitate and rushed up immediately. At the same time, he kneaded the secrets in his hands and recited a spell in his mouth. This is one of the Taoist secrets that can scare the ghost. Although I still don’t know what the ghost thing in front of me is, but I want to shock the other party first.

Without much thought or discussion, just like that, the two people attacked like an evil tiger, attacking the ghost in the dark corner. The next moment, only a loud rumble was heard, and the ghost A loud shout came from his mouth.


Obviously, the ghost was hit by Taoism. The pain in its body caused it to scream. It was this scream that directly caused Zhang Hao to lock its position and move forward quickly. He slapped and attacked fiercely in the direction of the sound.

"Young man, I don't believe it anymore. I can't cure you this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Hao's momentum like a rainbow. His whole body was like a cannonball, flying directly in the direction of the scream. Lao Bao behind him was not to be outdone. He stamped his feet and raised the surrounding dust like a cloud. A fierce tiger rushed towards the direction of Zhang Hao's slap.

The two people cooperated with each other in the dark. You punched me and I palmed you, forcing the ghost to the point where he almost gave up his true body. The surrounding temperature also dropped sharply at this moment, and the atmosphere began to become subtle. It could be seen that, This was the trick the ghost had made, and he was about to show off his power. He was attacked one after another, making the ghost go crazy.

When he noticed something strange around him, Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, listened in all directions, and did not miss any details. He stretched out his hand to block Lao Bao's face, and then whispered: "Good job, that ghost seems to have been affected." It's been seriously injured, and it won't be long before the true form is revealed. We must not be careless at this juncture, we must be cautious."

With Zhang Hao's advice, the old Bao nodded repeatedly. Although he did not speak, he was very satisfied with the decision. According to the current situation, Zhang Hao's move would be the most correct. As long as the two of them are not careless, They will definitely be able to make the ghost show up. As long as the other party shows up, they will no longer be so passive. If they take the initiative, they will be able to check and balance the other party very well.

"Okay, just do what you just said. I don't believe it. The two of us are no match for this ghost."

In order to encourage Zhang Hao, Lao Bao also gave a positive tone. Then, the two people moved slowly towards the darkness one after the other. As long as they took a few steps forward, they could narrow the range again. In this way, If that ghost wants to escape, I'm afraid he won't have a chance.

"Old Bao, please pay attention to the right side. You must not let it go. You must trap it in this small area."

"I understand, don't worry. As long as I'm here, this ghost won't be able to escape."

Zhang Hao and Lao Bao talked to each other and discussed the next countermeasures with each other. All they did was to better trap the ghost. Only by completely trapping it in this corner, Only then could the Taoist magic they used be able to hit the body completely, causing a fatal blow.

The two people gradually locked on the target and began to narrow the scope. After a while, the two people had completed a small encirclement. The ghost was in this encirclement. It was no longer the same as before. Such a large range made their Many of the attacks were wasted. Not to mention the energy consumption, they were not able to cause fatal damage to the ghost.

Looking at the smaller and smaller encirclement, Zhang Hao's face showed a hint of joy. If this continues, the situation will undergo earth-shaking changes. This ghost has no way to escape. Now Zhang Hao is guarding one side and Lao Bao is guarding the other. , no matter which direction the ghost wants to escape, there is no chance. For them, the current situation is very beneficial to them. "Stop moving. It's almost done. The ghost can't escape anymore. Let's start now."

Zhang Hao lowered his voice to the lowest level and whispered to Lao Bao beside him, for fear that what he said would be heard by ghosts. He must not make mistakes at this time, otherwise, serious consequences will occur. , neither Lao Bao nor Zhang Hao wanted to lose such a good opportunity.

"I already know that this ghost is at the end of his rope now. Even if he has great ability, he can't even think of escaping."

Lao Bao vowed, and his whole body became energetic. The current situation is no longer as passive as before. They have taken the initiative. In this way, as long as they use Taoism in the future, they will hit all the ghosts accurately. On the body, that ghost thing has no chance.

After saying this, Zhang Hao did not wait for Lao Bao to react. He stepped forward, pinched out a piece of talisman paper and shot it out into the darkness. At the same time, in order to prevent the ghost from running away at this time, another He also took all defensive measures in his hands, waiting for the talisman paper to exert its corresponding effect.


A huge sound of breaking through the air came out, and then, a terrifying energy surrounded the surroundings. The talisman that Zhang Hao just shot was so powerful that it directly shook the ghost thing and could not resist, and the whole body exuded such terrifying energy. .

One wave after another. Although Zhang Hao was fully prepared in his heart, he never thought that his blow would be so terrifying. His whole body could not help but fall back several meters, and his body was also covered with scars. , However, she can't control so much now. She grits her teeth and continues to persevere, mobilizing all her strength to constantly resist the aftermath of the ghost's energy.


Perhaps it was because he had not yet recovered from the injury he had just suffered. Zhang Hao spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his outstretched hands shook unconsciously. This talisman took most of his strength, and it was considered a desperate move.

Seeing that Zhang Hao couldn't resist, Lao Bao no longer hesitated, kicked his legs, and rushed forward. At the same time, he quickly made a hand seal and recited an incomprehensible spell in his mouth again.

"Break it for me!"

A dull sound came out, and an extremely arrogant and terrifying Taoist rhyme lingered on Lao Bao. His whole body was full of momentum, like a fighting Buddha coming to the end of the world. One palm after another, deadly palms, slapped in front of Zhang Hao.

"I'm here to help you. You must hold on. Li Siyu and the others haven't gone far yet. We can't let this ghost succeed. The two of us must contain it, otherwise all our efforts will be wasted."

Lao Bao's words echoed in Zhang Hao's mind word for word. At this moment, Zhang Hao thought of his team members. They had just left not long ago, and everyone was still injured. Going at this speed It shouldn't be too far to go down, no, we must not fall here. We must buy enough time for the team members, and even if they die, they must die in a worthwhile way.

Beliefs circulated in Zhang Hao's mind, and thoughts abounded. At this moment, Zhang Hao thought of many things, about Li Siyu, about Yinhui, and about the purpose of coming to Changbai Mountain this time.

Just with these thoughts, Zhang Hao didn't know where the strength came from, and he suddenly waved his talisman forward. These talismans were already prepared when he rushed up, but his physical strength was really exhausted. It's too fast, and the body is overwhelmed. It wants to use it but is unable to do so.

The energy in his body was activated at this moment. Zhang Hao used all his strength to release one talisman after another in the dark corner, forcing the ghost to keep retreating.


If you can't bear it anymore, you don't need to bear it anymore. The ghost was attacked one after another, and the injuries on his body were already all over his body. The pain made him no longer endure such torture, and directly revealed his true body to activate all of his body. strength.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow appeared in front of Zhang Hao. Since it was in the corner, even if the black shadow appeared, the other party could not be seen. However, these were not important anymore. Zhang Hao and Lao Bao had only one idea. I want to get rid of this ghost thing quickly and completely.

"It won't work. If we work harder, we will definitely succeed."

"Old, Old Bao, what kind of magic do you have? Use it quickly. Don't hide it here. If we don't deal with this damn ghost, the two of us will be killed."

When he said this, Zhang Hao was already a little weak, and his whole body was exhausted to the extreme. If it weren't for the belief in his heart that told him not to fall, he wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long at this time.

Beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of the two people. In this ice and snow, their bodies actually radiated waves of heat. Both of them mobilized all their strength, and their bodies even radiated residual heat. In such a cold weather, The two of them didn't feel any cold at all. On the contrary, they were still so hot.

"Damn it, are you really going to fall here? If you hold on for a while, just a little while, you will succeed soon. You absolutely cannot fall here. I still have my team members. If they fall, they should what to do."

Countless thoughts were rushing into his mind, including things he had encountered before and things he had never encountered before. They all rushed into his mind. Zhang Hao felt that his head was about to explode, and the pain in his body also intensified. , his physical strength was almost exhausted and he became weak.

"It's almost there. If you hold on a little longer, my spell will be condensed soon."

Lao Bao's words came out from behind again. He could only see Lao Bao's hands forming seals quickly, his face became extremely ugly, and sweat dripped down. But even so, the speed was only fast, not slow. The seals all appeared ghostly.

Lao Bao didn't want Zhang Hao to suffer too much pain. The faster he formed the seals, he could immediately unleash the most terrifying blow. That ghost had no chance and wouldn't fight back. This move only requires When used, no matter how powerful the ghost in front of you is, there is only one way to die. (End of chapter)

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