My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 585 Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck

Chapter 585 Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck
Zhang Hao was a little puzzled. He didn't know which link had the problem, but the scenes in front of him showed that there was a big problem there. While sprinting forward, he sent a look to Lao Bao beside him. .

When he saw the look in Zhang Hao's eyes, Lao Bao immediately understood and nodded in response. Then, he quickly kneaded the formula in his hands and recited an incomprehensible spell in his mouth again.

"Open it for me!"

With Lao Bao's loud shout, the next moment, Zhang Hao's Heavenly Eyes were opened instantly. As long as the Heavenly Eyes are opened, even if the ghost is hidden in it, there will be nowhere to hide. For them, as long as they see through The opponent's figure can hit with one blow, directly to the vital point.

The moment Zhang Haotian's eyes were opened, bursts of golden light flashed in his eyes. Although this light was not dazzling, it covered the eyeballs with a golden film. This golden film was the key to opening the heavenly eyes. The disappearance of the membrane means that the function of the Heavenly Eye has disappeared. The method performed by Lao Bao cannot be maintained forever, and it will consume his energy. The current Lao Bao can only last for ten minutes at most, and these ten minutes are long. That's short to say.

Zhang Hao must solve the ghost thing within these ten minutes, otherwise, he will be deeply passive. As he thought, Zhang Hao had already arrived at Li Siyu's side. At this time, Li Siyu was weak and breathing heavily. The whole person was in a miserable state.

Also in embarrassment is Yinhui not far away. Changsheng, who was originally resisting on his back, has fallen to the ground at this time. It seems that the last use has greatly consumed Changsheng and he will not be able to wake up for a while. .

Zhang Hao looked around, waited until he had taken a look at all the situations around him, and then he turned to look at Tuge. At this time, Tuge was the most seriously injured one. It was not difficult to see that what he had just experienced was Had a great battle.

"Tuge, are you okay?"

"Captain, you've finally arrived. If you were a step later, I might not be able to hold on now."

Although Tuge's words were not long, Zhang Hao could hear many layers of meaning in them, including reluctance, panic, and a hint of hope. As predicted before, this ghost is difficult to deal with!

It seemed that he couldn't defeat this ghost without showing some special skills. Thinking of this, Zhang Hao looked at Li Siyu again. Although Li Siyu was not seriously injured, he was still covered in scars. Zhang Hao looked at They all felt a little distressed.

"I'm fine. Just do what you should do. The team members need you."

Li Siyu didn't know where he got the strength, or why he said such words. At first, he didn't feel how dangerous this mission was, but it wasn't until he experienced so many things that he realized how dangerous Changbai Mountain was. The trip was so difficult.

The core of the entire team is Zhang Hao. The team can be without her, but Zhang Hao cannot be without her. Losing the backbone means that the team has no soul. She must let Zhang Hao lead everyone to regroup. Get up, this task must also be completed by Zhang Hao.

"Go ahead, I'm really fine. The most urgent thing now is to get rid of the trouble first. Don't worry about me."

As Li Siyu spoke, he pushed Zhang Hao aside, signaling Zhang Hao to take action quickly, otherwise it would be too late.

After a brief hesitation, Lao Bao also hurried over. Now all the members of the team have expired. However, this time, they are more seriously injured than the last time. Everyone is seriously injured, and Getu is the most injured. The serious one.

"You have to protect yourself too!"

Zhang Hao gradually woke up. When he turned around, there was a hint of determination in his eyes. This ghost dared to hurt people's lives and could never be forgiven. Due to the reason of opening his eyes, Zhang Hao could now clearly see the ghost. , that guy is now standing behind Tuge, looking at himself, with a playful smile on his face.

"You're such a good guy, you still dare to mock me, let me show you how powerful the talisman paper is."

After finishing his words, Zhang Hao pinched out a piece of talisman and ran towards the ghost. He snorted coldly: "Monster, I let you go last time. You were lucky. Let's see where you run away this time." .”


Earth-shattering explosions were heard, and all one could see was sand and rocks flying behind Tuge, and rubble flying in random directions. A demonic wind blew inexplicably in the space. No need to think too much, these were all attacks unleashed by that ghost.

"Old Bao, take advantage of the moment and cast your Taoist skills quickly. I've already trapped it."

The talisman Zhang Hao used just now is a kind of confinement technique. As the name suggests, it is one of the ways to imprison ghosts. The moment the ghost was trapped, Zhang Hao quickly reminded Lao Bao to seize the time to use it. His own Taoist method dealt a fatal blow to that ghost.

"It's up to me. Damn it. After all, I am also a Taoist disciple. You still want to fight with us. You are really overestimating your capabilities."

As soon as the words fell, Lao Bao made a secret gesture, chanted a spell in his mouth and rushed forward. At the same time, with all his aura, he rushed toward Zhang Hao's position fiercely while forming seals quickly.

With the previous cooperation, the two people's tacit understanding is getting higher and higher. With just one look, they can understand the opponent's next attack position. Since Lao Bao has just opened his eyes, his combat power is not at its peak, but this is completely enough.

As long as you can hit the ghost, your chances of winning will be even greater.

In any case, the primary goal now is to hit it as much as possible. Before Zhang Hao could say anything, Lao Bao struck out the Dao Seal with one strike. This attack contained Lao Bao's semi-successful foundation. As long as he hit it, That ghost will be seriously disabled even if it doesn't die. Using half a level of skills to get the ghost to be seriously disabled is a victory for them.

"Captain, the rest is up to you."

Just after Lao Bao displayed his Taoist skills, he quickly called out to Zhang Hao. Hearing this voice, Zhang Hao knew that it was his turn to take action. Without thinking much, he raised the Taoist Patriarch Sword and rushed forward. Go up, this sword can kill demons, but if it is hit, the ghost has no chance of survival.

However, if nothing else, an accident happened soon. The moment Zhang Hao clenched the Taoist Patriarch Sword in his hand and rushed forward, the ghost turned around and stretched out its sharp claws directly towards Getu's head. He rushed forward. Seeing this scene, Zhang Hao quickly retracted the sword in his hand, then moved quickly and rushed behind Getu. Then he charged up his strength and slashed down viciously. But just when Zhang Hao thought everything was going well, the ghost grinned and let out a scary laugh. Hearing this, Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that this guy was going to cause trouble again. Before he could react, the ghost The thing turned into a puff of smoke and was about to float away along the dome. The ghost in front of him was about to run away again, so he quickly called out to Lao Bao, who had been preparing for a long time.

"We must not let it go, otherwise we will have no chance. This time we must kill it all and eradicate its roots."

Hearing this, Lao Bao didn't say anything. He stared at the direction where the ghost was floating and rushed out. At the same time, he made a hand in his hand and recited a spell in his mouth again.

"Yin and Yang, the universe, the infinite Taoist law, the world is unified, all things are revived, there is nowhere to hide, break it for me!"

Lao Bao put his hands on the sword, opened his eyes sharply, pointed at the ghost and pointed it at it. The next moment, a terrifying force spread out, rushing towards the ghost. Maybe he felt something strange behind him, the ghost The thing glanced back subconsciously.

Immediately sensing that something was wrong, the ghost quickly turned around and got in along the gap next to it. When the smoke disappeared, Zhang Hao rushed over.

"Damn it, he actually let it run away again. This ghost thing is really difficult to deal with."

"What a pity. My Taoist magic almost hit it, but I didn't expect it to be discovered at the critical moment."

Lao Bao behind him also felt a little regretful. The Tao Yun he had finally condensed was dissolved so easily. This is really bad news.

After everyone was briefly shocked, they quickly recovered and helped Li Siyu and Yinhui. Zhang Hao then called everyone over: "Are you okay? If you have any injuries on your body, please report them in time. This will be helpful to everyone." The road ahead is very important, and it must not be like the previous time. If there are still concealed situations, I will never show mercy."

Yinhui dragged his bulky body over slowly, and then told him about his injuries. Although it was not fatal, he would not be able to perform witchcraft for a long time.

"You should follow Chang Sheng first. The two of you will be able to recover as long as you take some time."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Hao asked other people. The remaining people were more or less injured, but none of them were fatal. It was only when it was Getu's turn that everyone realized that the hands had already been injured. Blood was flowing all over the ground, and his overall condition was extremely bad, so bad that it was ridiculous.

"Thanks to you being here this time, otherwise that damn thing would have killed all of them."

Getu waved his hand, indicating that his injury was not serious and that he could continue and fight if necessary. But seeing this, Zhang Hao scolded in his eyes: "I am yours now Captain, no matter what happens in the future, you must obey the arrangements, otherwise, don’t blame my men for being ruthless.”

Zhang Hao originally didn't want to get so angry, but after seeing everyone's injuries, in order to ensure that the team could get out safely, he pretended to be angry. In this way, everyone would obey the arrangements more.

"That ghost has turned into a puff of smoke and fled away. We cannot stay in this place of right and wrong for long. Now hurry up and set off. It will be too late when the ghost catches up."

Under Zhang Hao's urging, everyone simply packed up their equipment and once again walked forward in a row of three, but not long after walking, something unexpected happened. The originally wide space was slowly narrowing. , and there was billowing smoke all around.

At first, Zhang Hao didn't pay attention to these details, but the further inside, the thicker the smoke became. Gradually, even his vision was affected. The surroundings were filled with thick fog, even the people standing next to him. People can hardly see their facial features clearly.

"Something's wrong. Why is there so much smoke? Where does this strange smoke come from?"

At the front of the team, it was still the same as before, with Zhang Hao leading the way, and behind him were the team members, and at the back were Lao Bao and Getu.

Originally, Lao Bao was arranged to cut off the back at the end, surrounding the two girls and Chang Sheng, who was still in a coma. However, because Getu was injured too seriously now, his mobility was reduced. In order to help him move forward, Then he was placed next to Lao Bao, so that Getu could be supported by Lao Bao and walked forward.

But no one expected that going deeper inside would be so changeable. The thick fog around became strange. Even at the end, the thick fog actually enveloped everyone. This was not a good thing. Signal.

"Don't go forward, I'm afraid something is wrong here."

The sharp-eyed Zhang Hao finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The appearance of these thick fogs disturbed his vision. It was not an option to continue walking like this. If he took the wrong road and walked into a dead end, he would be killed by that ghost. It would be troublesome to catch up.

Moreover, maybe the thick fog here is the trick caused by that ghost. Of course, all this cannot be explained. Zhang Hao stopped and looked around, trying to find out the key to the problem. In this case, You can seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and directly prevent the difficulties you will face.

"Captain, we are in a dilemma now. Behind us is that elusive ghost thing, and in front of us is this strange thick fog. Are we considered surrounded here?"

Lao Bao also felt it was unbelievable. How could such an inexplicable thick fog suddenly appear in such a good space? Obviously, someone was definitely doing something in the dark. This person was probably the ghost he met before. Because only that ghost thing can have such great ability to do this.

"Shh, don't talk. I always feel that these thick fogs are different from usual ones. They don't seem real."

Zhang Hao can always play his role at critical moments. These words made Lao Bao notice the details and he quickly stretched out his hand to hit the thick fog. But something strange happened. Just when Lao Bao waved his hand and hit the thick fog, When it was above the fog, there was no reaction at all. This is very abnormal.

To put it simply, according to the principle of aerodynamics, if you stretch out your hand and wave it, it will form a flow in the air. However, at this time, these thick fogs showed no trace of movement at all. After several consecutive fan blows, these thick fogs still changed little. None, which made Lao Bao start to doubt that what he saw with his eyes may not be the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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