Lao Bao carefully played with the gems in his hand. He didn't take Zhang Hao's words seriously at all. He turned a deaf ear and ignored them. If he didn't take so many gems, he would just take a piece off casually and take it out without saying anything. To be proud of one's ancestors, one has to be wealthy.

"Put it back quickly. It's very strange here. It's not something you or I can control."

Zhang Hao stood quietly, staring at Lao Bao, but Lao Bao was still in the mood to care about this. He played with the gems in his hands, his eyes glowing with gold, looking like a miser.

"You have a lot of things going on all day long, but you won't die if you take a piece of it. What are you so afraid of doing? Even if something does happen, I, Mr. Bao, will take care of it for you."

As he spoke, Lao Bao held the egg-sized gem in his fist and put it in his pocket, fearing that Zhang Hao would come and snatch it. He didn't want to lose such a good treasure. Others were afraid, but Lao Bao took it for granted without realizing anything. the severity of.

"I'm warning you one last time. Put it back quickly. Don't think that because you are one of my team members, I will be merciful."

Seeing that Lao Bao was determined to be evil, Zhang Hao issued a stern warning again, signaling Lao Bao to quickly take out the gems and then put them back in their place.

"Is that so? Do you think that because you are our captain, we will be afraid of you? Come and grab it if you can! I have to get this gem today. No one can use it."

Lao Bao would not spoil Zhang Hao. This was the first time for him to encounter such a big gem. He would be a fool not to take advantage of it.

"Old Bao, I'm not talking about you. We are all partners in the same team now. Is it like this for a gem? Let's put it back."

Getu, who had been silent all this time, chose to voice his doubts at this juncture. He didn't want to say more at first, but he didn't expect that the old Bao Cai was obsessed with money and put the gem in his pocket.

Everyone was just joking with each other, but they didn't expect Lao Bao to be serious. This is absolutely impossible. This ghost place is full of weirdness, and the palace that suddenly appeared is not simple. Ge Tu, who has always seen a lot of things, , immediately noticed something was wrong, and his eyelids were twitching.

No one wants to run into trouble here. The ghosts they met earlier have been very tough, and everyone is still injured. If their lives are really on the line because of a gem, this is not a good deal.

When other people heard Getu's words, they all stood up and accused: "Yeah, we didn't take it. Why are you acting alone? If something happens, can you bear the responsibility?"

"Although there are many treasures here, they are all things that can be taken but not spent."

Whether it was Li Siyu or Yin Hui, everyone began to accuse, hoping that Lao Bao would realize what Zhang Hao said, take the initiative to hand over the gem, and then return it to its original owner.

"It's fine if you don't take it yourself, but now you want me to hand it over. Are you scared of me?"

Unconvinced, Lao Bao chose to confront everyone, except for the gem, which he refused to take out. Unless he died, no one would be able to touch the gem.

Zhang Hao sighed lightly and couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly, gearing up to get ready to take action.

"I don't care what you do, Mr. Bao. The only people in front of me are my teammates. If you really don't plan to hand it over, then don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Hao kicked his legs fiercely. He rushed forward like a cannonball. At the same time, he raised his fist as big as a sandbag and hit Lao Bao in the face to attack.

I originally planned to hold back, but when I saw that Lao Bao was so stubborn and refused to listen to advice, Zhang Hao, who was so angry, would not let him go. After all, he was always the captain of the entire team, no matter who was present. If anything goes wrong, he is responsible.

In order not to hurt everyone, Zhang Hao had no choice but to fight with Lao Bao. If one punch failed, he would use two punches until Lao Bao was convinced and took the initiative to return the gem to its original owner.


The next moment, Zhang Hao let out an angry sound from his mouth, and fiercely smashed down the door in front of Lao Bao with his fist as big as a sandbag. Although Lao Bao was old, he was above this group of people in terms of height and strength. A gorgeous shovel kick, he dodged to the right and easily dodged the attack.

"You are only good at magic. If you really want to compete with me for physical strength, I think you should not bring trouble to yourself."

After dodging Zhang Hao's attack, Lao Bao stood firm and glanced at Zhang Hao from the corner of his eye. He was talking arrogantly. It was obvious that he didn't take Zhang Hao seriously at all. After all, he had arrogance.

"Let me ask you one last time, do you want to hand it over or not?"

The punch failed, Zhang Hao quickly retracted his hand and regained his strength. However, the lack of breath in his body did not decrease at all, and he stared at Lao Bao fiercely with his eyes.

"Stop asking. Even if you ask ten times, I still only have one answer. It's not impossible to ask me to hand it over, unless you step on my body."

Lao Bao remained calm-faced and his heart didn't beat. He didn't realize that he had done something wrong. Instead, he glanced at Zhang Hao impatiently. He couldn't figure it out. Didn't he just take a gem? Are you getting so angry and targeting yourself?
"Since you are still evil, don't blame me."

With that said, Zhang Hao rushed towards Lao Bao. At the same time, he raised his fist and smashed it down hard. This punch contained all the power, and all the strength in his body was concentrated on the fist.

There was a whistling sound in his ears. You can imagine how fast this punch was. If it hit Lao Bao, even if he survived, he would still lose his skin. Zhang Hao was really angry this time. .

In just a moment, Zhang Hao raised his fist and rushed in front of Lao Bao. He was about to hit his head with a punch, but was blocked by Zhang Hao's outstretched arm.

"I told you, you are no match for me, give up, you can't beat me."

Lao Bao spoke coldly, and used his arms to slap Zhang Hao back several meters. If Getu hadn't reached out to block his body, Zhang Hao would have been thrown directly to the ground with this swing.

"Old Bao, have you gone too far towards our captain? Why should we kill him if we are all members?"

After Getu blocked Zhang Hao, he stared at Lao Bao coldly, then helped Zhang Hao to steady his feet. After all this was done, he asked how the injury was.

"Captain, are you not injured? This old man has such a personality. You don't want to be like him."

Zhang Hao let go of Getu's hand supporting him, slowly stood up, and then waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

"I'm fine. Lao Bao didn't kill him just now, he just shook it hard."

After hearing Zhang Hao's explanation, Getu felt relieved. As long as the captain was not injured, everything would be fine, but he was afraid that something unexpected might happen at this time.

After confirming that Zhang Hao was fine, Getu looked at Lao Bao with sharp eyes, his tone became cold, and his fists clicked.

"Old Bao, you are going too far. After all, Zhang Hao is also our captain. If you continue to make trouble like this, it will not be good for anyone." However, the old Bao had an indifferent look on his face and did not look at him at all. One glance at Getu showed that even though Getu was tall and tall, Lao Bao didn't feel the slightest fear.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to deal with me too? None of you here are my opponents."

Lao Bao was a little arrogant and arrogant. He didn't even look at Zhang Hao and Getu during the whole process. Even though the two of them were about to take action now, for Lao Bao, even if everyone present took action, they were still no match for him.

"We're all doing this for your own good. You've seen this place before. It's very strange. I reminded you when I came here not to touch anything inside."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. I hate other people's reasoning the most. Anyway, I still said the same thing. There is no way for me to hand over the gems."

With that said, Lao Bao put his hands in his pockets and walked forward in a swagger. He didn't care about the strange looks in Zhang Hao and Getu's eyes behind him, and let others mutter. Anyway, he already had gems in his pockets. Wouldn't it be nice to take them out?

"Stop right here and hand it over quickly."

Zhang Hao's voice came from behind again, but Lao Bao remained unmoved and walked on his own without even turning his head to look back.

"Since you are so stubborn and ineffective, there is no need to be polite anymore."

After saying that, Zhang Hao and Getu took action instantly, clenching their fists on the left and right to surround Lao Bao. The two of them joined forces, and Lao Bao was now in trouble.

"Hahaha, two against one? Are you so unsure of your own strength?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhang Hao and Getu attacking him, but Lao Bao let out a cold snort and began to taunt him in a strange way. However, he never stopped and walked in front of himself.

"Captain, let's come together. It looks like there's nothing we can do if we don't convince him."

Getu's voice echoed in Zhang Hao's ears, and he nodded. The two of them raised their fists as big as sandbags, aimed them directly at Lao Bao, and smashed them down. The aura of the two people spread around, causing waves.

However, the next scene stunned everyone present. Lao Bao stretched out his hands and tightened them so hard that he actually directly caught the fists of Zhang Hao and Getu. .

Seeing this scene, Li Siyu was stunned and speechless. Although he knew that Lao Bao was tall, he did not expect that his strength would be so terrifying. He caught the fists of Zhang Hao and Getu with one hand. .

"I didn't expect that this old man would be so strong. It seems like he really underestimates him."

"It's so terrifying, so terrifying. Is this still a human being?"

Waves of sighs sounded behind him, and a faint sneer appeared on Lao Bao's face. Then, with a brute force, he lifted Zhang Hao and Getu up and threw them away. go out.



Zhang Hao and Getu could only stabilize their bodies and support the ground with one hand. Cold sweat broke out on their faces. After such a short time, neither of them could be the opponent of Lao Bao. This is incredible. .

Looking at the two people standing on the ground, Lao Bao's eyes were cold and he said lightly: "You two are not worthy if you want to take advantage of me."

Putting aside these words, Lao Bao walked alone on the road ahead, not paying attention to what happened behind him. In his opinion, whether it was Zhang Hao or Tuge, if he caused trouble for himself, he would bring it upon himself.

But if nothing else, the accident happened very quickly. Just as Lao Bao took steps to walk ahead, a rustling sound came from the darkness ahead.

Hearing this news, Lao Bao stopped and narrowed his eyes slightly, looking a little nervous. He couldn't help but feel a little in his heart: "Is it true that he was right? Is there really something wrong with this gem?"

When he heard the rustling sounds coming from the far corner, Lao Bao immediately realized that something was wrong, especially if there was such an abnormal sound in this ghost place, something big might happen.

Before Lao Bao could react, Zhang Hao's voice came from behind again, and he said in a somewhat urgent tone: "Why are you still standing there? Give me the gem and return it to its original owner. Are you going to die?"

Hearing this, Lao Bao trembled all over and was startled. Then, as if he thought of something, he ran away. As he ran, he stretched out his hand and took out the gem from his pocket.

"Is it too late to return the property to its original owner? There seems to be something coming over there. I'm afraid something might have happened."

Hearing Lao Bao's words, Zhang Hao's face turned livid, and his whole face drooped. There was a cold light in his eyes, and he stared straight at the thing behind Lao Bao, but it was too dark over there. Nothing could be seen coming out, only rustling sounds could be heard.

"Stop talking nonsense now and hurry up and return the gems. Maybe it's still too late."

This time, Lao Bao no longer hesitated, he was really scared, especially when he thought of the ghost he met before, he instantly lost his temper.

You know, when I met that ghost, I almost died. You can't risk your life here. Originally, it was because nothing would happen, but after hearing those rustling sounds, even if Lao Bao has no clue in his heart.

"Is it really useful? Is it not caused by the gem?"

Lao Bao looked at the gem in his hand with a look of reluctance. This is a gem as big as an egg. If you take it out, it will be worth a lot of money.

"Death is imminent, why are you obsessed with money? Do you really don't want to die? If you don't want to die, return the property to its original owner now."

When Zhang Hao said this, his voice was almost hoarse, roaring and roaring, while he kept making gestures in the air with his hands, signaling Lao Bao to seize the time. If he didn't move, it would be too late.

"I know, it will be returned to its original owner immediately."

Lao Bao put the gem in the palm of his hand with a look of reluctance on his face, but when he heard the sound in the distance gradually approaching, he sighed deeply, shook his head, and his eyes dimmed.

"Hey, such a good gem, what a pity." (End of this chapter)

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