After passing through the stone gate, the interior space is not particularly large.

In a narrow space that accommodates more than a dozen people, part of the area is used as a storage area for miscellaneous items. There are probably nearly twenty suitcases.

In addition to this batch of luggage, two corpses that had completely turned into bones lay in the area near the southeast corner.

The two corpses overlapped each other, hugging each other before death, and seemed to be keeping each other warm.

In addition, there are traces of being scratched by a knife on the inside of the stone door.

Lao Liu covered his mouth and nose hard and shook a poison detection kit vigorously. When he found that there was no poison gas reaction in the kit, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, there is no poisonous gas here, you can breathe safely."

After he finished speaking, he looked back, only to find that Zhang Hao didn't hold his breath at all, as if he had long known that the air here was safe.

"Sir, it's better to be careful when walking underground. These corpses are exposed to the air for many years and are likely to produce poisonous gas."

Lao Liu thought that Zhang Hao had no experience in walking underground and hurriedly persuaded him.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Hao pointing upward.

Lao Liu looked up and his face suddenly froze.

I saw three vents above the stone wall.

The vent was located on the top floor of the stone wall cave. Lao Liu's attention was attracted by the packages and corpses in the corner, and he didn't notice the changes at the top at all.

"You know, if the thing at the top was not a vent, but three pre-hidden mechanisms or zombies, you would be dead now!"

Zhang Hao said coldly, his eyes looking at Lao Liu filled with cold light.

Lao Liu suddenly trembled in his heart and hurriedly lowered his head, his lips moved up and down, but he couldn't even say a word.

When he was under the boss, he was often squeezed and forced to do things he didn't like, which could even endanger his life. Therefore, he was passive and slow in his work. He could always find various excuses for any mistakes he encountered.

But now?

Zhang Hao treated him like a friend, gave him all the gold coins he found, and even saved his life several times without even being beaten or scolded once.

If he still makes excuses, he is not only deceiving himself, but also deceiving Zhang Hao.

"Sir, if you teach me a lesson, I will change it immediately."

Lao Liu said shamefully.

Hearing this, Zhang Hao sneered.

The human heart is hard to change, and the nature is hard to change.

If Lao Liu can really change, that would be great, but if he wants to do this, how can he do it just by talking about it?

"Beside me, I can still protect you, but you have to understand that this underground place is full of dangers, and I may not be able to notice you all the time. Just take care of yourself!"

Zhang Hao said coldly and walked into the stone door.

Lao Liu stood there, his face uncertain.

Zhang Hao's words echoed in his ears, like the sound of thunder, making his mind tremble.

He is over 50 years old, and he should not have any delusions about life anymore, but the appearance of Zhang Hao made him feel a little more unwilling.

He has been with the boss for more than ten years. Excluding these ten years, he has experienced forty years of life, but no one has ever confided in him, let alone cared about his life and future.

With Zhang Hao, he felt that he still had a future. Even if he was half buried in the ground, he could still live a different life.

Lao Liu, you have been in chaos for half your life, why should you continue to do so? Why can't you just fight it out?
Lao Liu gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, and a cold light suddenly shot out of his eyes.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Lao Liu, Mr. Zhang treats you as a human being, but he doesn't know that you are essentially a dog, and a stupid dog at that."

Lao Qi walked in and looked at Lao Liu with a mocking look. When he found that he was staring at her, he slowly raised the butcher's knife in his hand and licked his lips.

"What, am I right? If you had some blood, you wouldn't have gotten to where you are today!"

Lao Qi laughed and walked straight past Lao Liu, his eyes full of ridicule.

In terms of seniority, Lao Liu was far above him. The tomb robbers who followed the boss changed one after another. Lao Liu was second in seniority, and no one dared to claim to be first.

But until today, no one takes him seriously. Is the reason why the boss is unwilling to give him a chance?

In fact, it was still his fault!

Zhang Hao didn't care about the fight between the tomb robbers. He just felt that there was still hope of saving Lao Liu, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

The space inside the stone gate was not large, but there were so many packages and two corpses. Moreover, the two corpses had not transformed into corpses, which attracted Zhang Hao's attention.

In Hidden Dragon Mountain, the occurrence of corpse transformation is not a big deal.

In Zhang Hao's opinion, it was the corpse that had not mutated that proved something strange.

Isn't it strange that these two corpses were able to withstand the Earth's pulse when the energy of the earth's veins was so strong?

You know, even the inheritors of Thirty-six Villages, such as Granny Liu, are still unable to resist the erosion of the earth's energy.

Zhang Hao squatted beside the two corpses and inspected them carefully, with a hint of surprise gradually showing in his eyes.

These two corpses should be from the same group as the tomb robbers outside, but for some reason, their uniforms are different.

Zhang Hao found a badge on the neck of one of the corpses. Following the method taught by Lao Liu, Zhang Hao patted it gently, and the badge opened with a snap, revealing the hidden compartment inside.

There is a photo and a small chip in the badge.

In the photo, there is a father and son. The man is smiling brightly, but the child is crying. It is obviously a forced photo taken.

The man should be this corpse.

Fathers seldom come home and work hard outside. It is normal for children not to recognize their father.

Although the child felt strange to his father, the man obviously loved the child very much. He hid the photo in the hidden compartment of the badge and kept it close to his body day and night, as if it were his amulet.

A date is engraved on the chip using a laser.

Zhang Hao was suddenly stunned.

His knowledge of history is not good, but no matter how confused he is, he still understands one thing.

Fifty years ago, laser engraving technology was not very mature, right?

Zhang Hao thought about it carefully, and suddenly a memory flashed through his mind, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Perhaps because of his increasingly advanced cultivation, some past memories are gradually becoming clearer.

Zhang Hao actually remembered an experience he had when he was in school.

Books have introduced the era of laser engraving, which should have been born around the 1960s.

During this period, laser engraving was only just being studied internationally. If laser technology was to be popularized by the entire population, it would have to wait until at least the late 90s.

"Why does the technology of the 90s appear here?"

Zhang Hao was stunned.

He had many ideas in his mind but little evidence.

Zhang Hao could only call Lao Liu again.

Lao Liu had just been taught a lesson. Although he decided to change his ways, it still needed time.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

Lao Liu said, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

It may be difficult to change who you are, but it is not difficult to show up as best you can.

He wanted to show Zhang Hao his determination to change.

"Look at this dress. Can you determine the age?"

Zhang Hao said, not having high hopes.

After all, Lao Liu is not a real expert or scholar. Although he has read many miscellaneous books and has a lot of experience, he is still just an ordinary person. Zhang Hao just had no choice but to let him give it a try.

However, Lao Liu took the clothes and fumbled with them a few times, but he gave Zhang Hao a surprise.

"Sir, this dress is from the 90s."

Lao Liu said categorically.

Zhang Hao was slightly startled and frowned.

"Are you sure?"

Lao Liu was so confident that he was a little unsure.

Lao Liu nodded and said.

"Sir, I can never remember wrongly, I wore this brand back then!

I was still young at that time. In order to pursue a young widow, I took her to the city to buy clothes. The first suit she gave me was from this brand. How could I remember it wrong? "

Zhang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

If what Lao Liu said is correct, then this matter will be interesting.

A group of tomb robbers in the 90s also came to dig ancient tombs near Hidden Dragon Mountain.

The first group of people entered this place 50 years ago, and the second group of people entered this place more than 20 years ago.

If you include Lao Liu and others, they are already the third group of people.

What surprised Zhang Hao the most was actually the distance between the three groups of people.

The time interval between the second and third batches of people turned out to be more than twenty years.

Is there any problem at this time?

"Sir, what have you thought of?"

Lao Liu asked cautiously.

Zhang Hao shook his head and said nothing.

There is no point in telling Lao Liu about this matter, because it is impossible for Lao Liu to know the secret.

He is just a small role in this team, but Lao Qi behind the scenes may know something about the situation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao patted Lao Liu and said:
"Go and pack your backpack and sort out all the useful things."

After receiving the order, Lao Liu immediately went over to check the backpack.

Three of Lao Qi's men had already arrived here first. Seeing Lao Liu rushing over, they were about to speak when Lao Liu snorted and puffed out his chest and patted them.

"Mr. Zhang wants these things. If you have any objections, go and talk to Mr. Zhang."

The three men silently glanced at Zhang Hao, cursed inwardly, and then silently stepped aside.

Lao Liu chuckled, and proudly stepped in front of the package, as if declaring possession, and spat.

Lao Qi, who was behind, looked at Zhang Hao coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes again.

"Mr. Zhang, are you too domineering?
The things here belong to everyone. Even if you take away 90%, you should leave at least 10% for us, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the boss! "

As he spoke, he waved at his three men, took out all four butcher knives, and aimed at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao didn't say anything, but put his hand on the stone wall and patted it gently.

A loud tremor was heard, and a palm print five centimeters deep suddenly appeared on the stone wall.

Lao Qi's pupils suddenly shrank, extremely shocked.

Bang bang bang!
The three subordinates felt that their knees were weak and they suddenly knelt on the ground. They looked at Zhang Hao in horror, their faces full of fear and uneasiness.

"What are you three doing? You weaklings, stand up for me!"

Lao Qi roared angrily and slapped him.

The man closest to him rolled his eyes and suddenly fainted.

The other two men looked at Zhang Hao silently and found that Zhang Hao had no intention of rushing over. They breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got up.

"You can take the things, but you have to wait until I pick out the rest."

Zhang Hao said calmly and patted the dust on his hands.

He did want to ask Lao Qi something, but that didn't mean he asked Lao Qi.

In fact, Zhang Hao planned to wait for Lao Qi to kneel down and kowtow, and take the initiative to tell their experiences.

But now, it's not the time.

While Lao Liu was checking the package, Zhang Hao checked another corpse.

The two corpses were overlapped, and the cause of death was two daggers in the chest.

He originally thought that the two of them were trying to keep each other warm, but now it turns out that the two of them were vendetta against each other and died together.

There is no badge on the neck of the corpse below, but there is a hidden pattern embroidered on the collar of the clothes.

In the dark grid, there is also a photo and a badge, but the difference is that this photo is not a group photo of a family, but standing in front of a tall building.

"Xuanhuang Group!"

The huge signboard is extremely lavish, and it looks like it is not something that an ordinary company can have.

"Have you heard of the Xuanhuang Group?"

Zhang Hao asked calmly.

Hearing this, Lao Qi was stunned for a moment, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Have not heard!"

He said coldly.

This guy is so powerful that it is impossible to kill him head-on, so we must find another way.

Lao Qi thought to himself, but saw Zhang Hao sitting down directly.

"I'm going to rest here today. If you want to explore, I won't stop you, but it's best not to touch the mechanism. I don't want to be implicated by you."

Zhang Hao said casually, sat down next to the two corpses, and took a nap.

Lao Qi originally thought about leaving, but was stimulated by Zhang Hao's words and changed his mind.

"Mr. Zhang is a big shot. Of course we will follow you. I hope you don't dislike us for being clumsy."

After Lao Qi finished speaking angrily, he sat down with his three subordinates.

Lao Qiyi lived a leisurely and contented life, making food, boiling water and drinking tea, and seemed to be in no hurry to search for treasures.

Zhang Hao saw it in his eyes, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Lao Qi thought that stalking him would make him angry, but he didn't know that he wanted this effect.

There are some weird things in Shimen, and after losing the large army, the weird things seem to have finally lost their patience.

"Stay here. I happen to be short of a few baits, so I'll use you to test them first."

Zhang Hao smiled, closed his eyes, and took the time to rest.

In the Shimen secret room, the only sound left was Lao Liu rummaging through his backpack.

In addition, there seemed to be a faint mist lingering in the secret room.

In this mist, the energy of the earth's veins seems to be disturbed and cannot move normally in this space.

Zhang Hao felt the direction of the earth's energy and felt a little surprised.

There is actually another secret room in this secret room? (End of chapter)

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