The golden retriever's name is Sun Changyan.

As the boss of a small film, television and entertainment company, he is not a professional, but because he entered the industry early and likes live streaming, he accumulated some industry experience in his early years when the competition was not fierce.

However, when the industry turned into a red ocean in the later stage and all the great masters showed their abilities in various places, his means seemed inadequate.

The live streaming industry has always been a job that relies on youth. If you don’t rely on your appearance, you can only rely on the so-called ability to perform live.

Xiaomei is the best anchor under him. Not only is she good-looking, but she is also very adventurous. She will find hot spots on her own without him urging her.

Although the trip to the Valley of Evil was not Sun Changyan's idea, he was the most excited one after Xiaomei reported it.

Xiaomei's business was affected and its ability to generate revenue was insufficient, so he was very anxious.

If it were an ordinary small anchor, he probably wouldn't be able to come up with any plan at all and would just beg for money and resources from the higher-ups, without any initiative at all.

No matter how badly Xiaomei does, at least her original intention is good.

So Sun Changyan was just unhappy, but she never took the initiative to blame Xiaomei.

He encountered ghosts in the Valley of Evil, and then met an old immortal and zombies one after another. He never expected that after all the trouble, he not only saved his life, but also successfully got the old immortal's fate.

"Old Immortal, after this is done, can you accept me as your disciple, even if it's just a nominal disciple?"

Sun Changyan looked at Zhang Hao excitedly.

He knew that he was dreaming, and the old immortal asked him for help, so even if he got nothing in return, it was what he should do.

The old immortal saved his life twice, and even if he lost everything he had, he could not repay the favor.

But the old immortal has only one chance. If he misses this opportunity, he doesn’t know when he will encounter it again!

Maybe tomorrow, but more likely you’ll never meet him in your lifetime!

Even if the old immortal rejected him, he at least tried, didn't he?

Life should be without regrets.

Zhang Hao looked at Sun Changyan indifferently, feeling a little surprised. He didn't expect Sun Changyan to be so greedy and even so bold.

Put yourself in his shoes. If it were him, he would not dare to propose such a condition.

"If I don't accept you as my apprentice, are you going to stop helping me?"

Sun Changyan suddenly knelt on the ground and looked at Zhang Hao in horror.

"Old Immortal, that's not what I meant, and I don't dare to have that intention. I just want to take you as my master and learn some skills."

Sun Changyan said in horror, her body trembling slightly, obviously scared to the extreme.

He was truly afraid of Zhang Hao and also respected him from the bottom of his heart, but as the old saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food.

He had finally run into the old immortal, how could he miss the opportunity?

"Get up. If you can handle this matter well, it's okay to give you a chance."

Zhang Hao said calmly.

Hearing this, the people behind Sun Changyan were stunned. They obviously didn't expect Zhang Hao to be so easy to talk to.

For a moment, they also wanted to kneel down, but Zhang Hao just looked at them indifferently.

"I only have one chance. If anyone dares to kneel down, I will throw you into this bamboo forest and turn you into a wandering ghost!
Immortal fate is fate, but ghost fate is not fate?"

Seeing the evil smile on Zhang Hao's face, everyone suddenly shuddered, quickly gave up their thoughts, and dared not make any unusual movements anymore.

"Always angry, how can I contact you after I finish my work?"

Sun Changyan quickly calmed down from her excitement and asked the most crucial question.

Zhang Hao agreed to him, which was certainly worth being happy about, but he would not forget the important matter.

The most crucial point of this matter is that Zhang Hao must be satisfied.

If Zhang Hao felt dissatisfied, he would not really fulfill his promise even if he had agreed to it before.

"Take this with you, and I will find you when I want to."

Zhang Hao said this lightly, and then did not give Sun Changyan and others time to speak. The energy of the earth veins enveloped several people.

As Zhang Hao pinched his fingers, a stream of earth energy suddenly broke through the earth. The ground was like the mouth of a giant beast, swallowing several people in an instant.

Sun Changyan and others cried out in surprise. They felt the world spinning before their eyes, as if they had entered an endless hell, and it was pitch black.

What exactly happened here?
Didn’t the old immortal ask them to do something? Why did he harm them?

Just when everyone was extremely terrified, they heard a rumbling sound all around, as if countless thunders were roaring, blasting mountains and splitting rocks.

A moment later, Sun Changyan and others saw the light again, but when they looked up, they were stunned.

All around them, the scene suddenly became familiar.

They have actually returned to their original position.

Several black cars were parked on the side of the mountain. Apart from some dust, there was no difference between them.

Sun Changyan suddenly came to his senses and looked back in disbelief.

The mountains were still shrouded in darkness, and as the cold wind howled, a ray of moonlight shone through the mountains.

Sun Changyan suddenly took a breath of cold air and said in disbelief:
"The old immortal teleported us here."

Hearing this, everyone who was still in shock took a deep breath and looked towards the distant mountains in disbelief.

The straight-line distance from the mountain to here is at least seven or eight hundred meters.

It only takes a few minutes to walk a straight line of 700 to 800 meters on flat ground, but if it is done in the mountains, it may take several hours or even days.

The distances in the mountains are the most terrifying.

The distance of a finger on the map would take at least several days to cross along the mountain road.

"Boss, we really met a god."

The subordinate said blankly, his face full of disbelief.

Hearing this, Sun Changyan nodded blankly, and then was filled with infinite ecstasy.

He was recognized by the gods.

What does it matter if you make a lot of money? Can you still transcend the world?

And with the immortal fate of the old immortal, he can become a being beyond the world.

"Boss, I will never change jobs again. I will always follow you."

Xiaomei reacted the fastest. She immediately hugged his arms and spoke in a delicate voice, her face full of admiration.

Everyone had the same opportunity, but only Sun Changyan seized it.

Thinking about it now, everyone regretted it extremely, but when they thought about it more carefully, they felt helpless.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was already difficult to save one's life, so who would dare to dream about the chance to become an immortal?

Sun Changyan smiled, patted Xiaomei on the shoulder, and said excitedly:

"Don't worry, I won't forget you even if I get the benefits. After I practice the immortal method, I will teach you one or two tricks."

Hearing this, everyone became extremely excited.

Sun Changyan was so happy that she didn't notice a cold light behind her.

The three cars turned back from the mountain road and after a while, they had left the Evil Valley.

However, Sun Changyan in the car always felt something was strange.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something beside him, but when he looked closely, he didn't notice anything different. Behind the car, a shadow followed Sun Changyan closely, and was about to hit Sun Changyan's car. At this moment, a black light suddenly wrapped around the car body.

The cold light trembled suddenly and let out a painful howl.

The guy driving the car was stunned for a moment and looked around nervously.

"Boss, there seem to be wolves in this mountain."

"It's just a beast, what are you afraid of? We have gone through mountains of swords and seas of fire, and we have the protection of the old immortal, so how can we be afraid of a wolf?"

Sun Changyan said unhappily.

Hearing this, I immediately chuckled.

The boss is right.

But they didn't know that the dark shadow following them, although hurt, did not give up.

The aura that Zhang Hao placed on Sun Changyan was nothing to Zhang Hao, it was just an ordinary earth vein core.

But for those who practice cultivation in the Valley of Evil, it is a rare treasure in the world.

With this thing, they can control the energy of the earth veins independently.

In Canglong Mountain, too much earth energy is actually a burden, because practicing earth energy will inevitably cause damage. Once practiced excessively, irreversible damage will occur.

But this is actually a luxury worry, because for the vast majority of practitioners in the outside world, too much earth energy is the root of practice.

They have practiced cultivation all their lives, but have not obtained much earth energy. It is like a person who has been malnourished for most of his life, and now he finally has a big meal, but others actually advise him not to eat, saying that he might suffer from indigestion after eating.

He doesn’t even know the feeling of being full, so how can he dare to indulge in the feeling of being overfed?
Therefore, even though he knew that Sun Changyan was protected by Zhang Hao, he still took the risk.

Sun Changyan is just a mortal. It would be a waste to keep the core of the earth vein. It would be better to give the treasure to him!
In the barren mountains, Zhang Hao was still standing in the stone forest, silently calculating something.

The reason why he sent these people away was because he sensed a strange aura.

Apart from myself, the only person who can freely enter and exit this bamboo forest is probably the owner of this formation.

This person is the true Lord of the Valley of Evil.

Zhang Hao wanted to try and see if he could calculate the other party's position.

After what happened before, he no longer underestimated the weirdness of this place.

If this person is also a smart person, he probably won't reveal his true identity, but will use a puppet to get closer.

Zhang Hao is not interested in the puppet, he wants to find out the other party's true identity.

As he was counting on his fingers, he heard the sound of footsteps.

Zhang Hao vaguely heard some noise and looked back, only to see Chen Lijiu standing at the edge of the woods, looking at him in horror.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhang Hao said lightly and waved his hand.

Upon seeing this, Chen Lijiu waved his hands frantically, refusing to enter the bamboo forest no matter what.

Zhang Hao looked at this man helplessly.

This guy is too timid, but it is precisely because of this courage that he can be controlled.

In the Valley of Evil, there are too many people who are not afraid of death, and those who are afraid of death are actually scarce.

"Boss, let's go quickly. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid the market will be closed."

Chen Lijiu was making small talk.

The market had clearly not opened yet, and it would take at least two or three days before it officially opened, yet he was lying with his eyes open.

Zhang Hao was too lazy to expose his thoughts and walked out of the bamboo forest.

When crossing the bamboo forest, Zhang Hao paused for a moment and smiled.

No wonder I didn’t notice that presence. It turns out the other party is no longer in the bamboo forest.

Is he scared, or is he being led away by the earth core?
The reason why Zhang Hao agreed to give Sun Changyan a chance was not because Sun Changyan could help him, but to use him to lure out the Lord of the Valley of Evil.

The person who can set up the formation in this bamboo forest must be the real master of the Evil Valley.

This person has never shown up, and Zhang Hao thought he was in seclusion.

When he condensed the earth vein core, he did not hold much hope. After all, it was still unknown whether an earth vein core could lead to the other party.

Now it seems that although this person is a little stronger than the other people in the Valley of Evil, he doesn't have much knowledge.

The core of the earth vein is a treasure in Canglong Mountain, but it is not very important after all.

"Boss, did you see a dark shadow just now?"

Zhang Hao was thinking silently when Chen Lijiu's words rang in his ears.

Hearing this, Zhang Hao glanced at him and said calmly:
"I didn't see the shadow, but I did see a coward. Who do you think the coward is?"

Hearing this, the corner of Chen Lijiu's mouth twitched and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zhang Hao's lack of respect really made him feel embarrassed and he had no idea where to start talking.

But your life is your own. If you lose face, so be it. No one else sees it anyway.

Who would still care about face in front of Zhang Hao? Even if the black shadow is really the lord of the Valley of Evil, he probably wouldn't dare to show up.

"Boss, let's go. If we are any later, it might be too late."

Chen Lijiu quickly changed the subject and didn't dare to talk about it anymore.

Zhang Hao didn't bother to argue with him either.

For Chen Lijiu, life is the most important thing, so it is understandable that he is more cautious.

"How long have you lived in the Valley of Evil?"

The mountain road was too boring. Zhang Hao looked around, and saw only bare hills without any additional scenery.

He could only make small talk.

Chen Lijiu heard this and said cautiously:

"Boss, I have lived here for seven years. What do you want to ask?"

He thought Zhang Hao wanted to ask about the secret here, but he didn't know that Zhang Hao was just asking casually and had no intention of going deeper.

However, since Chen Lijiu asked, Zhang Hao could only continue the conversation.

The two of them made small talk, and after a while, the topic had extended to another level.

"According to what you said, the smuggling channels in the Evil Valley are not just smuggling, but also have some benefits?"

Zhang Hao said with a smile, feeling it was extremely absurd.

What good can come from smuggling? It only brings disaster to the country.

However, when Chen Lijiu heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly and seemed extremely excited.

"Sir, the people in the Valley of Evil are indeed all evil, but there are active and passive evil people. Some are active evildoers, while others are passive oppressors. They also want to become good people again."

Speaking of this, it seemed that Chen Lijiu's sad story was touched upon, and he suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Hao saw this and felt something in his heart.

It seems that this old Chen also has a sad past. (End of this chapter)

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