As the moonlight passed over the top of the hill and gradually descended on the stone tablet, the last grain of sand on the stone tablet's funnel finally fell.

The funnel slowly flips over, indicating that the 30-day funnel is inverted again.

At the same time, it seemed as if countless dust flew up from the ground and turned into an invisible mist, covering the entire mountain village.

The mountain village was filled with ghosts, as if countless evil ghosts were hovering around. Amid the eerie and terrifying howls, a few sharp screams suddenly rang out.

The howling of wild beasts and wolves echoed in the mountains. Gusts of quiet wind filled the mountain roads. In the originally deserted mountain village, there were suddenly many more traces.

Traces of footsteps, traces of talking, and even traces of the entanglement between the living and the dead.

Chen Lijiu hid in a tunnel under the mountain road, trembling all over, covering his ears with his hands, his eyes filled with fear.

Zhang Hao stood aside and looked at him silently, feeling very strange.

Chen Lijiu is not a good person. He should be used to the Valley of Evil, otherwise why doesn't he leave?

Although the Valley of Evil is called the paradise of evil, it is ultimately just a self-proclaimed name by others. There is no coercion here, and it is not like a prison.

He can come and go freely, so he can leave. No matter how good the Valley of Evil is, it is still the territory of evil people after all.

The strange and beastly roars lasted for a full ten minutes before gradually dissipating.

Chen Lijiu slowly raised his head and looked at Zhang Hao blankly. Seeing him staring at him, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Sir, I'm sorry to make you laugh. Although I have been in the Valley of Evil for many years, I still can't get used to the weirdness here."

After saying that, he slowly stood up, but his body was shaking a little, and it was obvious that he was still greatly affected.

Zhang Hao nodded silently. His intuition told him that Chen Lijiu still had many secrets.

"You didn't come to the Valley of Evil voluntarily, did you?"

When leaving the cave, Zhang Hao suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Chen Lijiu was silent for a moment and smiled bitterly.

"It doesn't matter whether I am willing or not. I can't turn back anyway. Even if I am not at ease staying here, at least I can survive. If I leave here, those people will not let me live."

That was all he had to say. Chen Lijiu really didn't want to talk about what happened back then. Zhang Hao wasn't the kind of person who would pry into secrets. Since Chen Lijiu didn't want to say more, he didn't want to ask more questions.

In the darkness of night, many more people appeared on the mountain road, because the Evil Valley market had opened and everyone no longer had to hide. The mountain road, which originally had no shadow of a soul, now had hundreds of people.

People met each other, greeted each other, hugged each other, and some even hugged each other, showing great intimacy.

Zhang Hao saw this and was extremely surprised.

If he had just arrived and didn't know the Valley of Evil, he would have thought that this was a village market in the mountains and that all the people who came to the market were simple villagers. However, he had already been in the Valley of Evil for some time, and at least ten evil people had died at his hands.

Zhang Hao had never thought that there would be such a humane scene in the Valley of Evil.

"Chen Lijiu, why are you here?"

Zhang Hao was just thinking about it when he saw a man wearing a hunter's robe walking towards him on the mountain road next to him. The robe on this man was very old and seemed to be the fur of some wild beast, but if you look closely, you will find that it is just a disguise.

There were clearly countless sharp needles hidden in the gaps of his fur. If he wanted to kill the enemy, he didn't need to do anything else. He just needed to lunge forward with force to pierce these needles into the opponent's body.

Chen Lijiu obviously knew this person. He quickly took a step back, put his hands on his lower back, and looked alert.

"Ghost Hunter, we don't interfere with each other. I just came here to buy some necessities and don't want to conflict with you."

Zhang Hao stood behind Chen Lijiu and saw clearly that there was nothing around Chen Lijiu's waist.

Chen Lijiu was clearly bluffing, but how could the ghost hunter not see through it?
The ghost hunter chuckled, as if he was judging the threat posed by Chen Lijiu, and after a few seconds he took two steps back, raised his hands and turned to walk towards the others, obviously thinking that Chen Lijiu had no chance.

Not until the ghost hunter left did Chen Lijiu breathe a sigh of relief. He looked at Zhang Hao again with a hint of worry on his face.

“Sir, when doing business in the Evil Valley Market, you cannot trust anyone. Some people come here to trade, but there are also some people who need to buy things even though they have nothing.

They don’t have money, but they can steal other people’s money, so you better be careful.”

He knew that Zhang Hao was very capable, but no matter how capable a person is, there can be times when he is careless. If Zhang Hao relaxes even a little, his life could be in danger.

The fairest thing in this world is life and death. No matter how strong you are or how high your status is, you will eventually die, and you only have one life.

Zhang Hao looked at the market street silently and said lightly:

"They are the ones who should be careful."

The reason why he went to the market was not to buy things, but to see if there were any hidden dragons or crouching tigers in the market.

In addition to the ghost hunters, there were many people chatting with each other, some were gathering information, but some were also looking for treasure.

"Chen Lijiu, this brother looks a little unfamiliar. What is your relationship with him?"

The two of them had just walked past a place selling rice when they saw the rice shop owner greeting them warmly and looking at Chen Lijiu with curiosity.

"This is my new brother. Although he is young, he is stronger than me. If he hadn't accompanied me, I wouldn't dare to come to this dangerous place."

Chen Lijiu said hurriedly, his words and deeds revealed that Zhang Hao was not someone to be trifled with.

The rice shop owner was a very kind man, without any murderous aura, and seemed easy to get along with.

He looked Zhang Hao up and down, then said with a smile:

"Sir, you are a great man. You are already very skilled at such a young age. You seem to have a bright future. I don't have anything to give you. This bag of rice is my gift to you."

As he spoke, he picked up a bag of rice from the table next to him, tied a knot in it skillfully, and threw it to Zhang Hao.

An ordinary person can barely move nearly a hundred kilograms of rice, but to throw it out as if it were a piece of cake without any abnormality is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person.

Chen Lijiu was shocked. He obviously didn't expect the young man to be so bold. However, in such a hurry, he had no time to stop him.

If hundreds of kilograms of rice fall on a person, even if he or she does not get hurt, he or she will at least stagger.

However, just as he was about to warn, he saw Zhang Hao clapped his hands, and the bag of rice actually flipped back at an even faster speed. The smile on the young man's face suddenly froze, and he stepped back heavily, and with a bang, he knocked the wooden house to the ground.

Dust filled the air as the young man was hit hard by the rice and groaned in pain.

Everyone around suddenly looked over here, gloating at the rice shop owner, but no one wanted to help.

Chen Lijiu breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the boss coldly and sneered: "You idiot, I have already told you that my brother is very powerful, and you dare to test me, you are courting death."

As he said this, Chen Lijiu directly pushed the rice shop cart away, and then loaded half of the food on the table into it. After doing all this, Chen Lijiu pointed his finger at the rice shop boy next to him and said coldly:

"Don't you have eyes? Why don't you come over and pull the cart?"

"Boss, I'll be right there!"

The young man said in extreme fear, not daring to retreat at all. He hurried to the side of the cart and put the knot on himself like a diligent old donkey.

There were outrageous bags of rice, each weighing nearly a hundred kilograms. Chen Lijiu carried more than a dozen of them in one breath.

Loading a thousand kilograms of goods on a cart is not only a strenuous task for a person, but it can even exhaust him half to death if he does not have strong arms.

The guy's face was pale. He gritted his teeth, pulled the cart and followed Zhang Hao and the other man, not daring to complain at all.

Chen Lijiu looked calm, as if all this was what he should do.

"So, the rule here is that if you win, you can take half of the goods on the stall?"

Zhang Hao saw all this and had no intention of stopping Chen Lijiu. Instead, he summarized the experience here.

Chen Lijiu smiled, nodded, and then said:
"Sir, according to the rules of our Evil Valley, you are giving him face by not killing him. If you only take half of his goods today, it will be a great honor for his ancestors. But it is also thanks to you, otherwise how could I have picked up so many treasures for free?"


These bags are full of white rice. What else can we do with it besides eating and drinking it?

Zhang Hao was slightly stunned and was about to ask when he suddenly heard a wailing sound behind him.

He looked back and saw that the belt on the edge of the cart suddenly tore open a small hole, and under the white rice, a bloody human head was revealed.

The head, with its eyes wide open, jumped out of the rice bag like an evil ghost and bit the waiter's shoulder hard.

The guy struggled and wailed desperately in pain, but the head seemed to have grown on his shoulders. No matter how he struggled, the bite got deeper and deeper, leaving him no chance to escape.

Save me, someone save me!

The guy struggled desperately and looked at everyone pleadingly. However, after being bitten by the head, although his mouth was open, no sound came out.

Everyone around looked at the waiter coldly, and no one chose to take action. Even Chen Lijiu just watched coldly and had no intention of taking action.

Zhang Hao's eyes flickered slightly.

Just when the guy's blood was almost sucked out, Zhang Hao moved his fingers slightly.

A vein of earth energy flowed along the ground beneath his feet and instantly rushed into the guy's shoulder. The bloody head suddenly exploded and then turned into a ball of ash and disappeared.

The guy lay on the ground, trembling all over, but he forced himself to crawl forward a few steps, knelt in front of Chen Lijiu, and kowtowed desperately.

"Thank you, boss. Thank you for saving my life. I will definitely work like a slave to repay you."

"Who the hell asked you to kowtow to me? Why would I save you? What are you dreaming about?"

Chen Lijiu's face changed, and he quickly glanced at the expressions of the people around him, and then cursed:
"Don't try to get close to me. Remember this. If you dare to yell again next time, I don't care if you die or not. I will cut off your tongue first."

After saying this, he kicked the guy again and then roared:
"Who told you to take a break? Hurry up and stand up and keep pulling the cart!

If you were in the outside world, you would definitely be a murderer. You are here trying to be pitiful to me. Do you think I care about your life?"

The young man nodded desperately, gritted his teeth, stood up and continued to pull the cart. However, he had just been soaked in blood and should not have been able to pull the cart. However, for some reason, a strange energy was generated by his desperate efforts.

The donkey cart, which originally weighed thousands of pounds, now became very easy to pull.

The young man was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look around. Which deity was helping him?
If it wasn't Chen Lijiu, who would this person be and what would he want?
Zhang Hao looked at the young man silently. He naturally noticed the blood on his body, but he didn't care.

Everyone in the Valley of Evil deserves to die. Zhang Hao has no intention of caring about life and death here. The reason why he saved this young man is that he thinks he is still of some use. If he lets this young man die, where can he find another laborer?
As for Chen Lijiu's reaction to this person, Zhang Hao did not blame Chen Lijiu.

In a place like the Valley of Evil, if you weren't hard-hearted, you would have died long ago.

The young man looks pitiful, but who knows if he did it on purpose?

Zhang Hao is not a native of this place, so he can be detached from it. He believes whatever others say. After all, he can just leave without any worries.

But Chen Lijiu can't do that.

He must be cautious. In this valley of evil, everyone is in danger. If he trusts this young man casually, he will be setting a trap for himself.

"Sir, you shouldn't help him."

Walking back onto the street again, Chen Lijiu spoke in a very low voice.

Others did not see it, but he could feel the aura on the young man. This aura was almost exactly the same as the earth vein energy released by Zhang Hao.

Such a fresh breath, such powerful energy, only Zhang Hao can have it.

"I know my limits, you just need to do your own thing."

Zhang Hao said calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Lijiu nodded helplessly. He knew that no matter how much he said, it would not change Zhang Hao's mindset. He could only pray secretly, hoping that Zhang Hao would not be a womanizer.

In this valley of evil, only those who become as evil as evil, or even more evil than evil, are qualified to survive.

Even if his strength is low, as long as he learns the tricks of the villains, he will have a chance to survive.

Anyone who is a good person in this place will be chopped into pieces.

The streets were very busy, and the carts carried by Zhang Hao and others were extremely eye-catching.

In a two-story wooden house on the roadside, an old man stared coldly at the bags of rice on the cart, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Just as he was about to take action, a strange laugh suddenly sounded beside him.

"Can you eat so many treasures by yourself?"

Hearing this, the old man who was about to take action suddenly looked gloomy, and turned to look at the person who was speaking. He saw that the person had a thick back and a huge axe weighing a hundred pounds on his back. (End of this chapter)

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