In the room, Kuang Dao was lying on the ground with a sunken chest and blood oozing from his broken arm. As he continued to struggle, blood also oozed out of his mouth and nose.

If nothing unexpected happened, Kuang Dao would die from damage to his internal organs within a few moments.

However, although Kuang Dao was seriously injured, he could still be considered a hero.

Even until Zhang Hao walked into the room, he still didn't cry out. Instead, he just glanced at Zhang Hao and continued to struggle, grabbing the big knife.

The sword is not only his weapon against the enemy, but also the obsession in his heart.

Holding the sword, he could hold on even if his situation was dangerous.

The short distance of less than two meters seemed like an insurmountable chasm to Kuang Dao.

Kuang Dao finally came to the sword and was about to grab it, but he saw a hand appear in front of him, picked up the sword, and then threw it out of the window.

Kuang Dao's body trembled and he closed his eyes in pain.

It was not until this moment that he realized that he was finally going to die.

"You can kill me or chop me up, it's all up to you. I only have one request, please do it as quickly as possible."

Kuang Dao said coldly, closing his eyes and collapsing on the ground, no longer struggling.

Just when he thought he was going to die, he felt an unbearable numbness and itchiness on his chest. At the same time, a warm current flowed into his body from the wound, and the pain in his body was actually relieved a little.

He was slightly stunned and looked up at Zhang Hao.

I saw a ray of spiritual light wrapped around Zhang Hao's hand, and the other side of the spiritual light was wrapped around his wound.

Zhang Hao is treating his injuries.

How is this possible?
Zhang Hao is his enemy, not his friend, and it is because of Zhang Hao's men that he suffered such great trauma.

What was Zhang Hao thinking when he took action at this time?
Could it be that he changed his mind and no longer wanted to kill me?
"You can't die."

Zhang Hao looked at Kuang Dao and said calmly.

Hearing this, Kuang Dao silently closed his eyes.

He didn't know how to face Zhang Hao, so he simply stopped talking.

What on earth is Zhang Hao trying to do?

The room gradually became silent.

Apart from the occasional noise made by Zhang Hao when he talked about his injury, there was no other sound.

Although Kuang Dao didn't speak, he could feel the changes in his body.

Although the earth's energy is corrosive, it can also cure diseases and save lives if used properly.

When Zhang Hao was in Canglong Mountain, he had already experimented on Granny Liu.

The appropriate earth energy can not only eliminate the backlash of their martial arts in their bodies, but also help them regain their youth.

Of course, this was all thanks to Shadow and had little to do with Zhang Hao.

The shadow controls the underground energy, and the method he taught him is just one of them.

If both of them performed it at the same time, Shadow would definitely be able to suppress him.

After all, Zhang Hao had just gotten started and was not yet very proficient in using the earth's energy.

After being blessed by the energy of the earth veins, Kuang Dao's breathing finally calmed down, and his blood and injuries were temporarily suppressed.

"I told you that you won't die."

Zhang Hao said lightly, took his hand back, and covered him with the quilt beside him.

Kuang Dao raised his head and looked at Zhang Hao with a complicated expression, and there was a moment of trance on his face.

Today was like a dream day for him.

Today is his birthday, and he wanted to take this opportunity to go a step further and control some of other people's channels.

However, before the deal was concluded, several uninvited guests arrived. He thought they were just clowns, but he didn't expect that he would suffer a devastating disaster because of these people.

And now, even though he had become a useless person, Zhang Hao came to his rescue.

This made him feel at a loss as to what to do.

If Zhang Hao simply wanted to kill him, there would only be hatred between the two of them, and they would just have to fight to the death.

And now, Zhang Hao did not kill him, but saved him instead, which made him feel a little strange.

What is Zhang Hao's purpose behind such contradictory actions?
"Are you wondering why I first killed you and then saved you?"

Zhang Hao's voice sounded again.

Upon hearing this, Kuang Dao nodded.

"There are many weird people in the Valley of Evil, but I can't see through you. You are too weird."

He smiled bitterly and decided not to think about the grudges for the time being.

Since he can't resist now, he might as well let go of his obsession and wait until his injuries are healed.

Does he still have a chance for revenge?
All his brothers are dead and scattered. With the means he has now, how can he seek revenge on Zhang Hao or the female ghost?
"In fact, you can think more simply. For example, I don't kill you because you still have other uses. When you are no longer useful, I will naturally treat you as garbage and throw you into a mass grave."

Zhang Hao said calmly, noticing the bookshelf by the door.

There are many things on the bookshelf, including a few vases, a few dusty wooden boxes, and a few books.

What attracted Zhang Hao's attention was a wisp of dust next to the wooden box.

This wooden box has been moved and touched frequently, so it left such a clear mark.

Is there anything inside the wooden box?

Zhang Hao thought about it thoughtfully, but immediately shook his head.

It's not like this.

If the wooden box is opened frequently, there will be traces of dust on the box.

Everything in front of me shows one thing: the wooden box is not the key, the key is what is behind the wooden box.

These wooden boxes were just used as a decoy. Kuang Dao must have hidden something in the wall gap behind the wooden boxes.

Perhaps because he thought no one could get in, Kuang Dao covered it up but didn't wipe it carefully.

As a result, a trace was left next to the wooden box.

"Would you like some tea? There's tea and wine in the drawer over there, you can drink whatever you want!"

Zhang Hao was thinking in his heart when a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Zhang Hao suddenly turned around and looked at Kuang Dao thoughtfully, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? If you don't want to drink, forget it!"

Kuang Dao turned his head away somewhat uncomfortably.

He fell on the bed and couldn't move at all, so even if he wanted to hide, it would be very unnatural.

Zhang Hao smiled again, stood up and walked towards the table.

During this period, Kuang Dao silently looked back at Zhang Hao, his eyes were very conflicted, and no one knew what he was thinking.

When Zhang Hao walked past the bookshelf, his body hiding in the quilt suddenly tensed up. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Zhang Hao walked past the bookshelf and came back to the table.

"There's something in this bookshelf, that's why you're so nervous, right?"

Kuang Dao was suddenly stunned, and felt a mist flashing in front of his eyes. Zhang Hao was still beside him, and the Zhang Hao who had just walked towards the table was clearly just a bubble.

Seeing this, Kuang Dao was immediately furious. He struggled to get up and roared:
"You lied to me."

"You lied to me first. I saved your life, healed your wounds, and never treated you like a slave. Yet you hid something from me. Who of us is more wrong?"

Zhang Hao said lightly.

The murderous aura filled the room, and Kuang Dao suddenly came to his senses.

In his current situation, how could he have the right to talk about whether to lie or not?
He was just a prisoner. Zhang Hao was so kind to him that he had an illusion that Zhang Hao wanted something from him.

But in fact, Zhang Hao never cared about him.

"Do you want to tell me yourself, or should I go get it?"

Zhang Hao pointed to the vase next to the bookshelf.

He used a sleight of hand to effortlessly test out Kuang Dao's trump card.

There are two mechanisms on the bookshelf. If you press the wrong one, it will trigger a strong current and electrocute the person who touches it.

The real mechanism is actually the vase next to the bookshelf.

"You are the devil."

Kuang Dao looked at Zhang Hao in horror.

He never told anyone about the method he designed.

Even his closest subordinate, the confidant who had saved his life at least three times, did not know the real way to crack this mechanism.

It was as if Zhang Hao had drilled into his brain, turned his brain inside out, and found the answer to the question.

"You win."

Kuang Dao said with a pale face.

Zhang Hao snorted coldly. If Kuang Dao wasn't about to die, he would have taught him a lesson anyway.

The space behind the bookshelf is about enough to fit a two-centimeter piece of wood.

There is a scroll in the long wooden box.

Zhang Hao took out the scroll and found that there was still some space inside, but there was no space for anything else.

It's strange. There's obviously a place where more important treasures can be placed. Why did he only put a scroll?
Zhang Hao frowned again.

Kuang Dao still didn't tell the truth. This guy is still playing tricks on me.

It doesn’t matter. Since he wants to play, I will play with him.

Zhang Hao thought silently, without touching the scroll, but placed everything on the bookshelf on the table.

Apart from the books that were basically not used, the remaining three boxes were the most suspicious.

As for the vases on the bookshelf, Zhang Hao saw at a glance that these three items were all fakes.

And these three are on top just to add weight and prevent the bookshelf from being unstable.

In addition to these, there are some scattered items on the bookshelf.

A few paintbrushes and a can of paint that was seriously expired.

Kuang Dao also has a hobby of painting?
Zhang Hao took a quick look and found that there were no such things in the room.

He was slightly stunned, feeling as if he had missed something.

Kuang Dao was still huddled aside, looking at Zhang Hao in horror.

His injury became the best disguise at this time.

Because he knew very well that Zhang Hao would not kill him, and his injuries were already extremely serious, so even if he lied to Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao would not make things difficult for him.

“This is your former identity.”

Zhang Hao opened the first wooden box and found some old photos and identity information in it.

Mixed with the identity information was an old passbook from more than ten years ago. There wasn't much money on it, but until the last payment was made, it still showed normal salary payments every month.

Yuhua Steel Plant.

It turns out that Kuang Dao is a steel worker?

Zhang Hao looked at him silently, feeling unimaginable.

How did a steel plant worker become what he is today?

Kuang Dao looked at the things inside silently, a hint of nostalgia flashing in his eyes.

"I still have this thing. I thought I threw it away a long time ago."

Kuang Dao grumbled, changed to a more comfortable position, and said silently:
“I don’t know who you are, but in my era, everyone who came to the Valley of Evil had something on their mind. Some of us committed evil on our own initiative, but some of us committed crimes on impulse and are very regretful.

I am not discussing right or wrong, I just want to tell you that even if you leave the Valley of Evil, you cannot escape the rule of the jungle. There is no pure land in this world, and no matter where you go, it won’t be much different. "

A work permit from the steel plant, some old train tickets, and a family photo.

These things combined make up the first thirty years of Kuang Dao's career.

During the first thirty years of Kuang Dao's life, he was no different from an ordinary person.

An ordinary family entered the steel mill because they had some technical skills.

Steel factory workers work until they are old, then enjoy a few years of leisurely life in retirement, and then are buried.

Days like this are not good, but they are not bad either.

If it was the Kuang Dao back then, he would never have imagined that one day he would end up in the Valley of Evil and become a feared villain!

"In fact, the most ordinary people are pretty good."

Kuang Dao suddenly said.

It was a peaceful and idle life. The only regret was probably working in a steel mill for many years. Being trapped in such a heavy factory, it was difficult for me to see the free world outside.

But after more than a decade of wandering and fighting, Kuang Dao felt that there was nothing good about this kind of freedom.

Kuang Dao asked himself and decided that he still liked working in the steel factory. If the factory director hadn't forced him to do so, he wouldn't have chosen to kill people.

Originally he just wanted to steal steel to get some money for drinking, but because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, it eventually turned into murder.

When he killed the factory director, it was as if a thread in his heart had been untied. He thought it would be better to kill them all than to kill one. Later, the situation got out of control!

Zhang Hao looked at Kuang Dao silently, as if he could understand the anger suppressed in his heart.

The anger is not the anger of hatred, but the anger of regret.

Something happened to Kuang Dao, and he was impulsive by nature, so he finally chose to kill.

"You have a reason to kill the factory manager, but do you have a reason to kill those people behind you?"

Zhang Hao said calmly.

The expression on Kuang Dao's face suddenly became extremely stiff. He looked at Zhang Hao silently and shook his head.

"From the moment I kill someone, I am no longer a human being."

"You just feel that you are not worthy of being a human being, but this cannot change your nature. You are still a human being, otherwise you would not come to hide in the Valley of Evil."

Zhang Hao placed the scroll in front of him.

"Tell me about this thing."

The things in the other two boxes are all asset-related.

Zhang Hao is not interested in money, otherwise he would have been worth billions long ago.

Compared to the money, the box that records Kuang Dao's identity information is more interesting.

Kuang Dao sighed, knowing that what was coming had finally come.

"In addition to my smuggling business, I also help a few friends keep an eye on some people. As you know, people are very cunning. In order to prevent them from getting into trouble, I choose to keep the position of keeping an eye on people outside the mountain.

The map in the scroll is the exact location of the Tibetans.”

Zhang Hao looked at the scroll silently. There were three points on the map. That is to say, there was indeed a group of people under Kuang Dao who were engaged in the business of smuggling people.

At this moment, Zhang Hao almost took action immediately and killed Kuang Dao.

Zhang Hao was too lazy to investigate any of Kuang Dao's previous actions, except for human trafficking, which was unforgivable. (End of this chapter)

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