The situation in the secret underground palace under Tiger Mountain was not as miserable as Zhang Hao had imagined.

After all, the information Chen Lijiu obtained was just rumors, and was somewhat different from the actual situation.

There were a total of 47 women imprisoned in the prison under Tiger Mountain. They were held in separate cells. When they saw someone coming in, they were immediately terrified. However, when they heard that Zhang Hao would let them go, they did not dare to leave the cage.

"You don't want to leave, do you?"

Wang Zhanyuan asked Zhang Hao to be patient, then walked to the group of women, looking at them thoughtfully with a faint smile on his lips.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Wang Zhanyuan approaching with an evil look on his face, the women suddenly felt insecure.

There were several women with strong personalities holding sharp weapons in their hands, including a sharp spike that they had found from somewhere, and they were blocking themselves with it, obviously intending to die together with Wang Zhanyuan.

Wang Zhanyuan looked at these women with a sneer, and swung the dagger in his hand suddenly. A huge crack suddenly appeared on the iron cage. After doing all this, Wang Zhanyuan still looked at everyone calmly and said lightly:

“I’m giving you two choices now, either play with me or go with this gentleman.

For those who stay here, I will assume that you are happy to play with me. But I have to warn you first that I am a playful person. I am not interested in your bodies, but in your blood. "

Wang Zhanyuan chuckled, and the expression on his face became extremely hideous and disgusting again.

Everyone could hear that Wang Zhanyuan's purpose was to scare them away, but his expression was so disgusting that no one could just pretend it didn't matter.

At that moment, everyone was extremely cautious and walked out of the cage.

All the girls followed Zhang Hao away. Although it was a bit dangerous, at least they didn’t have to face Wang Zhanyuan.

And if they stay, Wang Zhanyuan is likely to use them as puppets.

Flesh puppet!
Among the 47 women, only 3 were holding weapons. Zhang Hao smelled a familiar scent on these 3 people. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized what was going on.

This aura, isn't it facing the aura of those men?
From the same village.

These three women just happen to correspond to the missing woman.

To be on the safe side, she asked a few more times and finally confirmed that the missing people were these three people and there was no one else.

"Sir, won't you come with us?"

When leaving, the three women were stunned for a moment, and then were surprised to find that Zhang Hao and Wang Zhanyuan were still standing in the aisle and had no intention of taking the escalator with them.

The escalator can carry ten people at a time.

The three of them were the last to leave.

When Zhang Hao heard this, a soft light flashed in his eyes.

These three women are all good women. Even when they are in danger, they know how to think about others.

Zhang Hao pointed at the passage behind him, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"These beasts are trafficking in human beings. They are unforgivable crimes. How can we let them go?"

"Sir, you are alone. Even if they deserve to die, you should take care of yourself first. Why don't you come back to the city with us? After we finish reporting, we can come back together?"

The three women were extremely anxious and very worried about Zhang Hao.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Hao waved his hand casually, and a stream of earth energy wrapped around his body. For a moment, Zhang Hao seemed to have turned into a god of heaven and earth.

The three women screamed, covered their mouths, and widened their eyes with expressions of deep astonishment.

They didn't expect that Zhang Hao in front of them was not an ordinary person at all.

"I have my own magical powers, so you don't need to worry. I came to save you today because this is the only chance you have to go through. Go back and live your life in peace. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Zhang Hao said slowly, and then asked Wang Zhanyuan to press the elevator switch.

After Wang Zhanyuan and others went up the escalator, the panic in their eyes gradually calmed down.

Not only were the women shocked, he was also extremely shocked.

He had only heard that there were immortals in the mountains, but he never thought he would meet one.

What shocked him most was Zhang Hao's face.

It is said that the gods in the mountains have been around for a thousand years, but Zhang Hao's face is so young. Doesn't this mean that Zhang Hao is already an immortal?

Immortality, the ultimate dream that many people desire?
He looked at Zhang Hao excitedly, as if he was looking at an endless treasure trove.

"You look at me like that, are you trying to get something from me?"

Zhang Hao said with a smile, deliberately revealing a hint of his secret in front of Wang Zhanyuan.

If you want people to do something, you naturally have to give them something, and what he gave them was the method of cultivation.

Wang Zhanyuan is very skilled, and he ranks among the top three among the many masters Zhang Hao has met.

Such strong people generally will not be willing to be inferior to others.

Sure enough, when Wang Zhanyuan heard what Zhang Hao said, he immediately nodded and said cautiously:

“Senior, I have lost my way before, but I have never killed anyone. Although I am the security captain here, I am only responsible for the security of this place.

Although I have sinned, it is not unforgivable. Now that I have turned over a new leaf, can you accept me as your disciple?"

He tried to speak in a roundabout way, as if trying to imitate the ancient literati, but what he said became nonsensical.

Zhang Hao looked at him with amusement, and after leaving him alone for a few seconds, he nodded and said:
"It's okay to teach you a set of skills, but after you get my skills, you must be kind and punish evil. Do you have this determination?"

Wang Zhanyuan nodded immediately and said through gritted teeth:

"Senior, please rest assured. If I can really succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely help the world, punish evildoers and eliminate evil, and I will never tolerate evil."

Zhang Hao looked at his confident expression and couldn't help shaking his head. This guy obviously wanted to be a hero just for the sake of face, yet he said it in such a high-sounding way.

No matter what the reason is, as long as you have a good heart, it's good.

Zhang Hao nodded, agreeing to the other party's request.

Wang Zhanyuan was extremely excited.

He had had a rough life and had never met anyone who appreciated him. Unexpectedly, when he was approaching fifty, he encountered an opportunity.

Moreover, this opportunity is so unusual that it can even reach heaven and earth.

"Sir, all the people in this underground are people who deserve to die. We don't need to hold back. Just kill them all."

After getting Zhang Hao's promise, Wang Zhanyuan already regarded himself as Zhang Hao's disciple and immediately revealed his murderous intent.

"How do you know they all deserve to die? Aren't you and them companions?"

Zhang Hao asked curiously. Hearing this, Wang Zhanyuan felt as if his tail had been stepped on. His face flushed with excitement, and he immediately explained:

"Sir, how can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air? Although I am a security guard here, I have never done anything against the law, but these people are different!"

"Among them, some are habitual human traffickers, others are robbers who kill innocent people indiscriminately, and there are even a few who I saw kill people on the spot with my own eyes."

"I was looking for a job at first, but I fell into their trap and was tricked into coming here. Later, when they saw that I really didn't want to kill people and become an accomplice, they gave me this security job, but also warned me not to leave, otherwise they would harm my family."

When he said this, Wang Zhanyuan was already gritting his teeth.

He has been wanting to kill these people for more than a day or two.

"Since you also want to solve these words, why don't we have a competition? You go from the left, and I go from the right. Let's see who can solve more of them?"

Zhang Hao said with a smile and made a suggestion.

Hearing this, Wang Zhanyuan’s eyes widened and he looked at Zhang Hao in disbelief.

Although he did not participate in the murder, he also played a little bet for fun.

During the years he has been here, he has also played several large-stakes gambling games, but compared with Zhang Hao's gambling game, it is nothing worth mentioning.

Taking human lives as a bet, who can kill more people?
If outsiders knew about such a gambling game, they would probably be shocked and would immediately regard all those involved in the gambling as extremely vicious criminals. They would arrest them without any need for trial and would be directly executed.

However, after learning about the actions of these evil people, they will probably applaud.

"Sir, if I win by chance, you must not ignore it."

Wang Zhanyuan laughed, holding a dagger, and immediately rushed into the passage.

And just after he left, Zhang Hao's figure flashed, and the energy of the earth veins blessed his body, and suddenly more than a dozen clones appeared.

Each clone enters a fork in the road.

The reason why Zhang Hao led Wang Zhanyuan away was, on the one hand, to test his physical limits, and on the other hand, there were some things that Wang Zhanyuan could not instruct for the time being.

Things underground are extremely complicated, and if you are not careful you could lose your life.

Zhang Hao should naturally bear his own troubles, there is no need to let others stand up for him.

There were more than 40 guards at the fork in the passage. These people stayed in their respective areas and were unaware that they had encountered a devastating disaster.

Bang bang bang!
There was a knock on the door and the Grim Reaper's scythe pierced through the door of the room like cutting tofu, cutting off the walls and the people in the room along with them.

The guard in the room died immediately after his body was broken into pieces without even a murmur.

Zhang Hao silently wrote down a number, and then continued to control his clone to start the harvest.

When he wanted to kill someone, these people had better pray that they are sleeping, because dying in sleep would not be painful.

Anyone who dares to resist will only suffer a hundred times more terrible pain.

When Zhang Hao killed his way into the third room, the other party seemed to have heard something and immediately took out a steel shield. The sickle evolved from the earth's energy cut on it, and a fierce spark sounded.

"There's a killer."

The guard let out a heart-wrenching roar and rushed out of the room to see who the assassin was.

But when he went out, he was hit head-on by a huge hammer as big as a human head. The huge hammer, carrying a force of thousands of pounds, hit the shield in his hand hard.

With just a cracking sound, the man's arms were completely shattered and the shield hit his face hard.

A huge force of thousands of pounds hit the shield. Even if the shield has a shock-proof layer, it cannot withstand such a terrible impact.

After the hammer hit it, the shield had turned into a deadly weapon. The man was caught off guard and his skull was smashed in half.

His brain flew out of his head and hit the wall heavily, breaking into a ball of brain.

This was the first person to react, and as his voice rang out, more guards appeared, but these guards were unable to cause any waves.

After hearing the sound, Zhang Hao changed his strategy. The giant hammer in his hand turned into a giant blade. With a light swing, it flew towards everyone with flames.

The shields in the hands of these guards are indeed very strong and can withstand attacks from axes or machetes, but no matter how powerful the shields are, they cannot stop the flames.

The flames were like strange water snakes, drilling into their bodies through every crack.

In just a moment, these people were burned to ashes.

If they could beg for mercy, they would definitely beg desperately and pray for mercy.

Unfortunately, Zhang Hao treated them as if they were a bug.

No matter how many insects are dying, Zhang Hao will not have any psychological burden. Instead, he will find it very interesting.

Ten minutes later, all the guards were killed.

Zhang Hao did not stay here, but came to a new passage through the underground fork.

If Wang Zhanyuan were here, he would certainly be extremely surprised, because even he had never seen this passage.

This is a passage that should not exist underground. Only those who possess the energy of the earth veins can walk into it. Otherwise, there will only be a stone wall blocking the way.

This passage is extremely quiet.

The deep passage led straight to the underground. Where it extended underground was like a rift in hell. Gusts of wind blew on his face, and Zhang Hao slowly held his breath.

This is the deepest secret passage underground, and after passing through this secret passage, he can reach where he wants to go.

The energy of the earth veins and the strange formation, the two merged together, Zhang Hao almost thought he was back in Canglong Mountain.

As he continued to sink, the temperature continued to drop, and the spiraling stairs seemed to have no end.

Even though Zhang Hao was mentally strong, after walking for 20 minutes, he still couldn't help showing a hint of anger when he saw that he still hadn't reached the bottom.

The person who designed this passage is obviously very good at studying human psychology.

He must have known that walking in this passage for ten minutes would cause people to suffer from claustrophobia, and walking for 20 minutes would even cause people to have a psychological illusion that they were walking on an endless staircase, isolated from the world.

After another 20 minutes, there was finally a hint of difference ahead. However, after Zhang Hao passed this place, he found that the road continued to extend downwards, but did not reach the bottom.

He was fooled.

Zhang Hao no longer suppressed the anger in his heart and let the strong wind carry him. He passed through the ground in an instant like a breeze elf, and like a tree passing through a wall, he came to a deep underground palace a hundred meters below the ground.

Inside the underground palace, there is a huge altar.

This altar is exactly the same as the one Zhang Hao saw at Eagle's Beak Eye. It is also an altar with six incense sticks. The only difference is that the altar on Eagle's Beak Rock, although sacrifices have been held there, has been cleaned very cleanly.

However, the altar here is littered with a large amount of blood and remains. (End of this chapter)

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