Tokyo people don't talk about Wude

Chapter 161 Martial arts or master, which is more important?

Chapter 161 159. Martial arts or master, which is more important?

Carrying the suitcase, Makoto Kyushu shuttled through the more bustling and restless crowd than usual, and took the special train to Haneda Airport.

"Visitors of the XX tour group, follow me closely!"

At the station, he heard the tour guide holding a small yellow flag and yelling at the station in Chinese.The tour guide is followed by a team of more than a dozen people, men, women and children.

Late July is the peak tourist season in Tokyo, and such scenes are very common in Tokyo.

Most of the tourists will be driven like ducks to famous attractions such as Tokyo Tower, Sky Tree, and Sensoji Temple, and then taken to Akihabara to buy home appliances.Children will eagerly hold the hands of adults, wanting to visit the animation and game stores that are close at hand.

The independent tourists will show off and pass by the tourists in the group, laughing at them with pitiful eyes like watching a chicken in a cage.

Like them, Kyushu Makoto is also a tourist today, but in name he is a native of Wano who traveled to Yanhuang.

He was a Yanhuang person who came to Tokyo for a short-term trip two months ago, but so many accidents happened in the end, even when he went home to have a look, he had to go back for a short time in the name of "traveling abroad".

But as long as the memory of his hometown is still there, as long as the martial arts taught by his master are still in his heart, he believes that the bond between himself and his hometown will never be broken.

When he arrived at the airport, Makoto Kyushu went to the boarding desk to go through the formalities and got the ticket.

At this time, there were still two hours before the flight took off, and Kyushu was sitting in the waiting hall waiting.

After returning home, what should I do?
Kyushu Makoto leaned back in his chair and couldn't help thinking about this question.

In fact, he has thought about this question countless times since he made the travel plan.

First of all, I have to go back to the martial arts gym in my hometown and visit the master.

But after seeing Master, what should he do?Do you want to directly identify yourself with him?

No, this will definitely trouble Master a lot—think about it in another way, if a strange foreigner ran to Jiuzhou Cheng’s house and said that he was his deceased relative, Jiuzhou Cheng’s first reaction would definitely be to treat him as fraud.

Although Jiuzhoucheng joined Yinyangliao and understood that there are many bizarre events in this world, he still didn't understand the principle of his "rebirth from a dead body", so it was difficult to explain it to his master.

"In this case, let's say that I am a friend from a foreign country that Chen Jiuzhou made during his travels." Jiuzhou Cheng decided to explain in this way.

But what worries Makoto the most is what his acquaintances in his hometown think of him.

Jiuzhoucheng has also paid more or less attention to people's comments on "Chen Jiuzhou" on the Internet, especially the views of many Yanhuang compatriots on him.

Some people praised him for his bravery and chivalrous spirit.But there are also many people who think that he is a "fool who died saving Hekou", and there are not a few people who call him a "Yanhuang spy".

Jiuzhoucheng has never cared about the opinions of outsiders, but if even his master and brothers look at him with such negative thoughts, then he doesn't know what to do.

But since he has done it, he will not regret it.If he really did something wrong, let the master deny him verbally, instead of those outsiders who don't understand his martial arts spirit to make irresponsible remarks.

The loudspeaker in the departure hall started broadcasting for passengers to line up to board the plane, and Kyushu Makoto got up and went to the boarding gate.

Just as Jiuzhou Cheng was standing in the long queue, his cell phone rang suddenly—it was the work cell phone of Yinyangliao.

Jiuzhou Cheng took out his mobile phone, but saw that the call was [Meji Xin], and couldn't help frowning.

However, he still left the long line and found a corner where no one was there to answer the phone.

The two are not subordinates, but colleagues.If Eliza wanted to pull her to work again, then he would just refuse graciously, and there was nothing he couldn't say.

"Miss Qing Gong, is your injury better?" Jiuzhou Cheng took the initiative to seize the rhythm of the chat and asked first.

[He has recovered about [-]% and has been discharged from the hospital. 】

Eliza replied flatly, her voice a little weaker than usual.

"Then congratulations, don't force yourself recently, take more rest." Jiuzhou Cheng said with a smile.

[I am still in Yokohama.Red, here is an urgent commission.]

Sure enough, Eliza wanted to drag him to work again.

"Miss Qing Gong, I plan to travel to Yanhuang for a period of time recently, and I will board the plane soon." Jiuzhou Cheng interrupted her words and said bluntly.

【Are you going to travel to Yanhuang?You never told me. 】

"You didn't ask me." Jiuzhou Cheng was puzzled: "I don't need to report all the itinerary to you, do I?"


The voice on the other side sounded a little aggrieved.

Jiuzhou Cheng thought for a while, and then persuaded: "And you haven't recovered from your injury, so don't work so hard. What if you put yourself in danger like last time?"

【Do not worry about me.The commission this time is to investigate Yokohama's "New Heaven Creation". If you don't come, I will go by myself. 】

"What?" Jiuzhou Cheng was taken aback.

[It is the bosozoku group that recently appeared in Yokohama. Recently, Yin Yang Liao suspected that they were also abusing demonizing potions, so they issued an investigation request. 】

Eliza paused for a moment, then said:

【Tonight, there is a bosozoku group from another place that is going to compete with them. I plan to go to the scene and wait for the rabbit.If they are found to be using demonizing potions, Yin Yang Liao will be able to officially issue a warrant. 】

"Game tonight?" Makoto Kyushu panicked: "Who is the bosozoku group that is playing against them?"

[I heard that it is a group of people who call themselves "Original Creation of Heaven", and the leader is a middle-aged woman. What's the matter, aren't you going to travel?Why do you suddenly care about commissions? 】

"." Jiuzhou Cheng felt a little bit in his heart, as if he was uneasy.

A few days ago, he happened to talk to Mrs. Yachuan about the "New Creation of Heaven", and Mrs. Yachuan also said that she was going to Yokohama to talk to their leader.

Jiuzhou Cheng is somewhat worried about Mrs. Yachuan, but she seems to have made up her mind, and she is bound to teach this little kid who messed around with their names, and Jiuzhou Cheng is not easy to stop.

Besides, the Yachuan family should know a lot of "friends on the road", and if any accident happens, it must be easily settled.

But if there are "supernatural criminals" among the "new creations of heaven", the nature will be completely different.

"Miss Qing Gong, the people who competed with "New Heaven Creation" probably don't know that they are supernatural criminals. "Jiuzhou Cheng took a deep breath and forced himself to remain calm:

"Those people are in danger, this game must be stopped immediately!"

[But even if you say so, what reason should I stop the game? ] Eliza sighed and said helplessly:

[And this competition is a good opportunity to confirm whether the "New Heavenly Kingdom Creation" has abused demonizing potions.Not just me, other people think so. 】

"other people?"

[It's the spiritual master who participated in the investigation commission together, and we are discussing the plan together. 】

Makoto Kyushu hung up the phone numbly, and then immediately contacted Sakifumi Yagawa:

"Sister, has your mother gone to Yokohama?"

"That's right, she passed the day before yesterday." Yachuan Sakiwen said "hmm" and said:

"But I think she looks very strange. She actually rode away the motorcycle that hadn't been used for more than ten years."

"Can you tell me the contact information of Ms. Yachuan?" Jiuzhou Cheng asked again: "I have something urgent to find her."

"Oh, ok." Although Sakifumi Yagawa was puzzled, he still handed him the phone number.

After receiving the phone number, Jiuzhou Cheng hurriedly called Mrs. Yachuan again.

If it was Mrs. Yachuan who was competing with "New Creation of Heaven", then he would stop this match no matter what.

The other party is a supernatural criminal, and she must be in danger.

As for counting on other spiritual masters to save them?This is probably hopeless.According to Eliza, the gang of spiritual masters still wanted to use them as bait, hoping that they would be killed, so that they could justifiably wipe out the "New Heavenly Kingdom Creation".

[Beep. I'm very sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable. 】

Jiuzhoucheng called several times in a row, but could only hear such a busy tone.

"Damn it!" Kyushu was so angry that he wanted to drop his phone.

"Please board flight RC235 from Tokyo to Suzhou and Hangzhou as soon as possible. The boarding gate will close in 10 minutes."

The radio sounded again in the waiting room.

Kyushu covered his head and sat on the chair in pain.

After finally finding a chance to go back to Yanhuang, it was almost at the door, and now asking him to give up is more uncomfortable than killing him.

But if he left without hesitation, if Mrs. Yachuan was in danger, and even caused the Yachuan family to be torn apart, would he have the heart to see such a situation?


The dazzling scorching sun shot in from the glass window of the terminal hall, directly piercing Kyushu Makoto's eyes, making him dizzy for a while.

Kyushu Makoto flickered and found himself in a tea room.

A lean old man is sitting on the opposite wooden coffee table drinking tea.

"Master?" Jiuzhou Cheng stood up from the bench in surprise, covering his forehead: "It's... this situation again?"

Master, however, drank the tea in the cup unhurriedly, waved to him, and said in a relaxed tone:
"Disciple, are you finally willing to come and see me as a teacher?"

"I'm sorry, Master." Kyushu lowered his head slightly, and clenched his fists tightly:
"Actually, I should have come to see you earlier, at least not to make you worry about me for so long. But I don't know what to do"

"Okay, Xiao Jiu." Master picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of tea:

"Don't stand there stupidly, come and have a glass of water."

Kyushu Cheng walked over, picked up the teacup and drank it down.

The taste of the tea is very bitter, without any fragrance.

"Disciple, let me ask you something." Suddenly, the master asked seriously:
"Which one do you think is more important, the master or the martial arts that the master taught you?"

"I" Kyushu Cheng was startled, thought for a moment and replied: "I can't make a choice, it's all important."

"Then I have to let you choose now?" Master asked.

"." After a moment of hesitation, Kyushu replied: "Martial arts."

"Why?" The master asked again: "Could it be that you can ignore the master for the sake of martial arts?"

"A teacher for a day, a father for life. Master is my most important benefactor, and I will not let it go." Jiuzhou Cheng shook his head and said:
"But if you betray martial arts, it is tantamount to betraying the teachings of the master, betraying everything the master taught me, and betraying the soul that the master gave me... I believe the master will never want to see me become like that!"

After subconsciously speaking, Jiuzhou Cheng suddenly trembled all over, as if enlightened.

"Hmph, don't you understand very well~?" Hearing this, the master immediately smiled, and poured him another cup of tea:

"Xiao Jiu, don't forget what I taught you. If you are in a hurry, go first, or sit down and drink tea with me."

"Master, this cup of tea. Let's drink it another day." Jiuzhou Cheng bowed slightly, did not take the teacup, turned around and left the tea room quickly.


"Passengers who haven't boarded the plane please board the plane as soon as possible, the boarding gate will close in one minute!"

At the boarding gate, two flight attendants were whispering.

"Is that person here yet?" One of them whispered:

"I saw him queuing just now, but after he answered the phone, there was no one there."

"Leave him alone, it's his problem that he didn't come." Another said:
"Boarding time is over, close the gate."

(End of this chapter)

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