Chapter 101 SKF is going to scale up its moves (please subscribe~)

In Shanghai in April, the weather has not completely warmed up.Although it doesn't have an exaggerated return to Nantian like Yangcheng, the weather in Shanghai at this time is definitely not comfortable.

In fact, everyone does not want to be bored in the conference room.

However, Xue Wenqiang's words successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"In China's auto industry, the affiliated companies of Spring City Automobile Group, Xifeng Automobile Group, and Modu Automobile Group occupy the main market share."

"The joint ventures they formed with Volkswagen, General Motors, Toyota, Peugeot Citroen and other international auto giants are our most important customers."

"As long as we ensure that all bearing orders from these customers are given to SKF, we will be able to secure the No. [-] position in market share."

"In the past, we mainly relied on technology to obtain orders, and completed the work of specifying parts directly at the headquarters of various car companies."

"But with the rapid development of China's auto market, our bearings are basically imported, which is definitely not sustainable."

"It's better to take this opportunity to form joint ventures with parts companies under various auto groups."

"In this way, there is naturally no problem with the related orders."

"It can even expand the market further."

Xue Wenqiang said while observing the reactions of Ovid and Golmer.

Seeing that none of the bosses interrupted him, he was a little more confident.

"For example, we wanted to pull the West Wind Bearing to deal with Nanshan, but now this move is useless."

"However, we can still consider continuing the joint venture with Xifeng Bearing and give them a symbolic 20% or 30% stake. They should also be willing."

"At that time, whether it is DPCA or the self-owned brand of Xifeng Group, can their bearings not give priority to the products of the joint venture Xifeng SKF?"

"If the other party doesn't need it, we need to step in, and the Huaxia employees of Xifeng SKF will take the initiative to ask for the order."

Ovid felt that Xue Wenqiang's proposal was effective, but it was not worth it. "In this case, wouldn't 30% of the profits be distributed to Xifeng Bearing for nothing?"

"It's not certain."

"From the book's point of view, [-]% of Xifeng SKF's profits must be given to Xifeng Bearing."

"But we have many ways to ensure SKF's income."

"For example, the special steel for bearings is imported from the headquarters."

"When the time comes, we adjust the import price, and we can transfer part of the profits from the joint venture without knowing it."

"For another example, when we signed the joint venture agreement, we can stipulate that all products must pay 5% of the technology royalties to SKF."

"Even through a joint venture, we can make the price of the product higher, so that the rate of return can also increase."

"So even if Xifeng Bearing takes [-]% of the profit, we SKF will get more than the original."

When Xue Wenqiang explained this, Ovid was immediately moved.

It sounds like there is no problem at all.

At that time, a joint venture company will be formed with Xifeng Bearing, and a joint venture company will be formed with Spring City Automobile Group and Modu Automobile Group.

So isn't it possible that the bearing orders of these groups have been settled?
Then just wait to lie down and win to make money?

"Ovid, I think Xue's proposal is highly operable."

"Although the headquarters has been worried that the joint venture will leak our core technology, as far as the level of Huaxia's opponents is concerned, even if the blueprint is given to the other party, they may not be able to produce it."

"At worst, we will not produce one or two key components in the joint venture company."

"For example, the rollers of the bearings are all imported from the headquarters."

"It not only makes it convenient for us to control prices and profits, but also prevents the joint venture party from obtaining our complete technology."

Holm is obviously inclined to agree with Xue Wenqiang's proposal.

According to that method, the bearing market in China will definitely be dominated by SKF in the future.

His life as a sales director should not be so moist.

"This proposal from Holm is better than what I just made, and it can completely ensure that the interests of SKF will not be damaged."

"We can even take this opportunity to put some pressure on the auto companies in their group through the joint venture so that they don't use Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd."

When Xue Wenqiang said this, Ovid and Golmer became more interested.

Of course, they also knew that it might not be that easy.

After all, even if it is a joint venture parts company under the group, its status is not as good as that of a joint venture automobile factory.

If you want to influence others, to some extent you are encroaching on the purchasing power of the joint venture car factory.

It's no wonder that the people in the purchasing department would be happy.

"Xue, prepare relevant materials. We will hold a meeting with the headquarters in a few days and report our plan."

Although Ovid is the president of the Asia-Pacific region, when it comes to major matters such as new factory investment and joint ventures, it must be approved by the headquarters.

Otherwise it would be a mess.

In fact, any foreign company's investment in China or overseas must be reported to the headquarters.

Otherwise, the company will be sold without knowing it.


Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. moved quickly.

Only a week after the plan for Nanshan Industrial Park was released, the design company has been contacted and the first phase of planning has been made.

The district also completed part of the approval work at an extraordinary speed, and began to engage in land acquisition work.

In 2001, there was still a lot of land in Panyu that could be used to build factories.

To say it is a suburban district is an understatement.

It's pretty much a suburb.

It seems that in later generations, it is very difficult to obtain an industrial land of 100 million yuan per mu.

Now it can be done for 5.

Even the Nanshan Industrial Park is tax-free for the first three years, and half of the fee is reduced for the next three years.

Banks who hate the poor and love the rich, this time their work efficiency is also very high.

You Nanshan want to borrow 2 million first?

No problem, batch!
In this way, after May [-]st, the industrial park will start to be constructed simultaneously.

However, Nanshan's movements are fast, and SKF's movements are not slow.

As a result of the first step, Westwind SKF signed a joint venture framework agreement with Westwind Motor Group on the first day of May.

This means that SKF's new China strategy has officially begun to be implemented.

And Nanshan naturally inquired about the relevant situation at the first time.

"Mr. Cao, with SKF's way of doing things, our future orders from Shenlong Automobile may be in trouble."

Zhang Fugui reported the latest information to Cao Yang in a bit of worry.

In his opinion, SKF's move is a bit unsolvable.

(End of this chapter)

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