Chapter 103 SKF is Disgusted This Time
Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Cao Yang definitely wanted to avoid such things as much as possible.

But in the early stage of development, if you shrink back when encountering an international giant, then people will think you are easy to bully in the future.

So this time SKF jumped out to deal with Nanshan, Cao Yang will definitely fight.

Not to mention letting SKF withdraw from the Chinese market, at least let everyone see that Nanshan can compete with SKF.

At that time, everyone will take it for granted that Nanshan Bearing and SKF Bearing are about the same level.

So even for the sake of touching porcelain, Cao Yang is going to deal with SKF.

So in the next period of time, Zhang Fugui became busy.

Today in Shanghai, tomorrow will appear in Spring City.

The day after tomorrow, I may go to Qingcheng to look for Shenlong Automobile again.

Anyway, it is to take out the technical solutions of various bearings and some samples, and discuss with the host manufacturer about localization or changing the manufacturer.

Even just being a point B supplier can be considered.

Not to mention, after this toss, Zhang Fugui finally understood that in 2001, whether it was Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai General Motors, or Shenlong Automobile, almost all kinds of bearings were imported.

As a result, everyone is naturally quite interested in the 30% price reduction plan that Nanshan has come up with.

After all, Nanshan already has a successful case of wheel hub bearings. Even if other bearings have no actual use performance, the procurement of various OEMs is more confident this time.

However, in this way, SKF immediately felt the pressure.

"Manager Xue, this drive shaft bearing, our price reduction target for this year is 30%. I hope your company will give you a reply within a week."

Shanghai GM, Yu Xing called Xue Wenqiang from SKF to talk about this year's annual price cut.

Usually, the annual price reduction is generally 3%~5%.

But this year, Yuxing has set a 30% price reduction target for SKF.

This put Xue Wenqiang under a lot of pressure.

"Yu Gong, the cost of your company has dropped, and we will definitely assist with all our strength."

"But this transmission shaft bearing is imported from the United States, and we just add a little inspection fee, transportation fee and management fee to it."

"Even if we reduce all these fees, there is no way to meet the 30% requirement."

"Of course, we're not doing nothing."

"A few days ago, we signed a cooperation agreement with Modu Automobile Group, and the two parties jointly invested in the establishment of Moqi SKF Bearing Co., Ltd."

"According to the plan, the localization of some bearings can be realized by the end of next year."

"We can give priority to making the drive shaft bearings domestically produced. Although we cannot directly reduce the price by 30%, it should be no problem to reduce the price by 15%."

It is naturally impossible for Xue Wenqiang to agree to a 30% price cut now
Wouldn't that be a loss-making business?

But doing nothing doesn't seem to work.

"Manager Xue, according to our understanding, the price of this drive shaft bearing in the United States is about 70 yuan in RMB, but what you sold to us is 134 yuan, almost twice the price in the United States."

"We're just asking for a 30% price cut right now, isn't that too much?"

"After all, even if the price is reduced by 30%, the price is still 93.8 yuan, which is still 34% more expensive than in the United States."

Yu Xing asked Xue Wenqiang to negotiate today, and he obviously made sufficient preparations in advance.

The products of Modu Automobile are all from GM America. Whether the price of parts is reasonable or not, we need to compare it with America first.

Obviously, the drive shaft bearing is not ideal from the comparison results.

"Yu Gong, the parts in the United States do not include the transportation fee. General Motors directly arranges the logistics provider to pick up the goods from our factory."

"When we import from the United States, in addition to the 25% tariff and shipping fee, the customs declaration fee, inspection fee, management fee, etc. are included in all aspects. In fact, the current price is relatively normal."

"There is really no way to achieve a 30% price reduction."

Xue Wenqiang continued to defend himself.

If Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. hadn't jumped out to make trouble this year, he wouldn't even bother to explain.

Anyway, if you asked me to lower the price, I just couldn't lower it.

If you have a better attitude, maybe I can get you a price reduction of one or two points.

You can't replace me anyway.

But things are obviously a little different now.

"If you have no way to reduce the price, then I regret to inform you that after three months, we will switch to other companies to produce this drive shaft bearing."

"Please manage your inventory well to avoid waste."

Yu Xing looked at Xue Wenqiang with a serious face, and said something that the other party didn't want to hear the most.

Of course, Yu Xing's words are also half-truths and half-false.

After all, Nanshan's drive shaft bearings have not yet been tested, and it is still unclear whether they can be switched.

However, Xue Wenqiang obviously didn't know this confidence.

When negotiating, taking advantage of information asymmetry to negotiate is a method that everyone often uses.

Sure enough, after hearing Yu Xing's words, Xue Wenqiang's face changed drastically.

"Yu Gong, I would like to ask, which company is Magic Capital General going to supply this part for production?"

"The drive shaft bearing is a very critical part on the chassis of the car. Once unqualified products are used, it will lead to serious defects."

Xue Wenqiang was not sure if the other party was fooling him, so although he felt guilty, he continued to negotiate with Yu Xing.

"It stands to reason that this is not suitable for you to tell, but you should also know soon."

"If you don't lower the price, then we will switch to Nanshan."

Yu Xing knew that if he didn't disclose any information, Xue Wenqiang would not believe it in all likelihood.

At this time, if the stalemate continues, it will be embarrassing if Modu GM has no way to switch this bearing.

How will Yu Xing manage SKF in the future?

So he also hopes that the other party will reduce the price by 30% first.

In this way, I will be able to make a difference.


"Nanshan again?"

Xue Wenqiang couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

This Nanshan is really like a shit stick.

"Yu Gong, the 30% reduction in the price of the drive shaft bearing is too much. I can't answer you now."

"But I already know your company's request, and I will report it internally as soon as I return to the company."

"I will try my best to persuade the company to find a way to move closer to this goal."

Although he was disgusted in his heart, Xue Wenqiang still had to keep up his spirits and speak kind words to Yu Xing.

"Then please give your company an official answer before next Wednesday."

"All I can do is buy you a few more days."

Yu Xing spread out his hands, not pushing too hard.

However, even so, this incident caused a great shock within SKF.

Obviously, they will certainly not blindly defend.

(End of this chapter)

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