Chapter 105 Sooner or later, the face will be torn apart, so let's do it
Cao Yang is naturally very aware of the importance of machine tools.

Nanshan's equipment center is currently producing presses, which can be regarded as a breakthrough in the field of machine tools.

But there are too many types of machine tools.

Cao Yang originally planned to do it slowly later.

Otherwise, your energy is limited.

But now it seems that some people don't want to see Nanshan's rise, and feel that Nanshan is a soft persimmon and easy to bully.

Can this be tolerated?

"Can domestic manufacturers produce these devices?"

If domestic equipment can be used, Cao Yang is definitely not willing to import it.

However, in 2001, the performance of the domestic machine tool industry in the mid-to-high-end field...

"We have used all the places where domestic equipment can be used."

"However, we have relatively high precision requirements for the production of PRG molds, and it is best to import them from Japan or Germany."

"Otherwise, buying equipment is cheap, and it doesn't make any sense if you can't process qualified products."

Zhang Fugui gave a very positive reply.

"Isn't there a saying in the domestic machine tool industry that there are eighteen arhats?"

"With so many machine tool manufacturers, is there no way to provide machine tools that meet our requirements?"

Cao Yang frowned and looked at Zhang Fugui.

Although he had the answer in his heart, he was still a little unwilling.

Recalling the visits to the sites of various suppliers in my previous life, most of the equipment that I could see were foreign brands.

In particular, the equipment used by international parts giants is even more imported.

"Mr. Cao, we can't count on domestic machine tool companies in a short time."

"Most of their CNC systems still rely on Japanese and German companies."

"Even if there are some mid-to-high-end products, there is a big gap in basic material science, technology, design, as well as practicality, reliability, compatibility, and stability."

"After all, many parts on the machine tool need to be produced by the manufacturer."

"Even if it is purchased bearings and the like, since the prices of manufacturers such as SKF and NTN are very expensive, they can only use the other party's low-end products, or buy them from domestic bearing manufacturers."

"Similarly, similar situations exist for other parts."

During this period of time, Zhang Fugui had a good understanding of the situation in the machine tool industry.

But the more you know, the more frustrated you become.

"If we produce part of the machine tools ourselves and then purchase part of the machine tools, can we effectively solve the construction problem of the industrial park?"

After much deliberation, Cao Yang felt that he still needed to work on machine tools.

In the future, Nanshan will continue to build i new factories, which will require the use of various equipment.

In the past, on the one hand, I was concerned about lack of energy, and on the other hand, I was worried that I would inexplicably come up with some advanced machine tool technology, which did not make sense at all logically.

It's time to make trouble for yourself.

But now his mind is starting to change.

The turnover of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. is expected to exceed one billion this year.

This is already a medium to large enterprise.

I can dig a group of machine tool experts from the outside to enrich the talents of the equipment center.

The products of the domestic Eighteen Arhats factory basically only occupy the low-end field, but it does not mean that they have not studied high-end products.

This means that Nanshan wants to poach people, but it can actually poach relevant technical personnel.

At that time, I will use the system to make some "innovations" and "breakthroughs" on the core technology and core components...

The big deal is that these relatively advanced machine tools will only be used by Nanshan himself in the early stage and will not be sold to the outside world.

So with the passage of time and the accumulation of technology, after a few years, no matter what advanced products the equipment center produces, it will be justified.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang had an idea in his mind.

"Mr. Cao, it's best to be able to do it yourself, but our technicians can only produce presses now, and other milling machines, grinding machines, lathes, etc., can't do it."

After Zhang Fugui saw Cao Yang's whimsical idea, he was in a daze, feeling a little anxious.

"Our own people don't know how to do it, so we just need to find someone who can do it."

"Poaching people from domestic machine tool companies and finding cooperation with universities can always set up a shelf."

"In this way, you should have dealt with domestic machine tool manufacturers during this period of time, and see if you can find a few familiar people, give him some benefits, and ask them to recommend the technical backbone of their factory."

"At that time, we will dig people ourselves."

It is impossible for Cao Yang to do everything by himself.

Nanshan will be involved in many fields in the future, and it is necessary to recruit a group of experienced technical personnel.


Hearing what Cao Yang said, Zhang Fugui was a little tangled, "Do you really want to do this?"

"There are actually a lot of domestic machine tool companies, and we can indeed recruit a group of people."

"But it may not be so easy to produce products comparable to international giants."

"At that time, the construction of our industrial park will be affected..."

Although Zhang Fugui is not reconciled to being slaughtered by international giants such as Okuma Machine Tool.

But if there is really no other way, then you can only pinch your nose and admit it.

"Well, we need more equipment this time."

"The other party is stuck with us, we can't just accept it like that."

"However, it is indeed risky to engage in machine tools by yourself, and there is no need to make it so high-profile."

"For each milling machine, lathe, and grinding machine, we buy one from an international giant, and the rest are recruited by our own equipment center to research and manufacture."

Although Cao Yang is very confident in the things produced by the system, it's not good to make it too exaggerated.

One of the production lines is purchased from outside, and the other production lines are all developed and produced by ourselves.

Even if it is spread, others will only think that Nanshan is preventing other people's equipment.

As for whether the "imitation" equipment is better than the original one, how can outsiders know?

Even if some employees spread the word, who would believe it?
"If that's the case, it's not impossible."

"However, there are many people who need to be recruited."

The production cycle of milling machines, lathes, and grinding machines is much shorter than that of large stamping machines and forging machines.

The requirements for the site are also much lower during installation.

Therefore, there is still some research and development time left for Nanshan.

The big deal is to buy products from international giants at a high price.

Zhang Fugui breathed a sigh of relief after thinking about it.

"If you need someone, recruit!"

"As far as the current salary of technicians is concerned, 1000 yuan a month may not be able to recruit high-level talents."

"But if it costs 1 yuan a month, we can recruit as many as we want among the eighteen arhats in the Huaxia machine tool industry."

"Sooner or later, we will have to tear ourselves apart with those international equipment giants, so let's do it!"

 Ask for a monthly ticket~
  The task of 1000 first orders has not been completed, so I hope that the task of 1000 monthly tickets will be realized as soon as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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