Chapter 125 Schuler's Dissatisfaction

Lang has love and concubine intentions.

Honda is very interested in the appearance of N-BOX designed by Cao Yang.

Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. hopes to allow its own presses to enter foreign-funded parts and components enterprises.

The two sides hit it off.

In the eyes of the Honda people, they took advantage of this time.

An excellent model appearance, must not be worth tens of millions of RMB?
The condition given is only to purchase Nanshan's presses, molds and parts.

These things were meant to be purchased from outsiders.

Now it's just another supplier.

So after Onihara Ishizuka reported to the headquarters, he was soon authorized and signed a letter of intent for cooperation with Nanshan.

As for Cao Yang, an N-BOX appearance picture is worth a lot, and it is worthless if you say it is worthless.

In exchange for Nanshan's rapid development in the press industry, it is totally worth it.

According to the market price to sell the presses, the value of the PRG and TRF presses of the three factories of Aiji, Aipak and Weifu alone exceeds 2 million.
The profit here is at least 20%.

Not to mention the advertising effect behind this cooperation, even spending 1000 million yuan to advertise is not that good.

After all, Dongying's machine tool industry is very powerful in the world, but now Dongying's parts and components companies have chosen to cooperate with Nanshan.

This must be very shocking to those who don't know the inside story.

For this reason, Cao Yang also specifically agreed with Honda that the cooperation between the two parties must be kept confidential.

At that time, Nanshan will hold a signing ceremony for the purchase of presses with several companies such as Aiji, so that everyone will think that this business was obtained by Nanshan through normal competition.


"So you got an order for more than 30 presses?"

Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. Equipment Center, after Pan Jinxing got the news, he felt that he could not understand the world.

When did Japan's component companies become so open?
In the past, Shenyi Machine Tool Factory tried its best and did not sell the machine tools to Dongying enterprises.

Now I have only been in Nanshan for a few months, and I have witnessed such a large order.

"Mr. Pan, our Mr. Cao has his own tricks in dealing with OEMs, and you will get used to it in the future."

After Pan Jinxing arrived, He Qingquan, the director of the equipment center, became the deputy director.

But after learning about Pan Jinxing's origin and background, He Qingquan didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Although he can be regarded as a genius-level figure.

However, compared with the high-achieving students of Harbin Institute of Technology, the graduates of Lingnan Normal Technical College have a lot of academic qualifications. Not to mention, they were already the deputy chief engineer of Shenyi Machine Tool Factory before they entered the job.

And what about yourself?

If it weren't for Master's favor, I probably don't know which factory to repair the molds now.

"Fortunately, the equipment center has been expanding its scale in the past year, otherwise it would be impossible to deal with such a large order at one time."

"However, in this way, the research pressure on the milling machine and grinding machine will be even greater."

"It can't be that our presses have been sold everywhere, but we can't even produce a machine tool for mold production."

Pan Jinxing was not worried at all about whether he would not be competent for the job after joining the company.

Looking at the whole country, in the Eighteen Arhats factory in the machine tool industry, he thought that he would not be inferior to anyone else in technology.

At most, there are a few people who are at the same level as myself in a few families such as Jier Machine Tool and Beiyi Machine Tool.

But now he felt the pressure.

Is the technical level of the press in Nanshan Equipment Center already so high?
Can a 3000-ton TRF press do it?
1000 tons of PRG press is also no problem?

This is definitely considered to have reached the international mainstream level.

There is no problem even saying that he has reached the international first-class level.

"In the whole company, Mr. Cao has the strongest technical strength, but he is usually too busy and doesn't have much time to devote to technology research and development."

"Mr. Pan, if you want to make a breakthrough as soon as possible with the grinding machine and milling machine, the best way is to bring Mr. Cao over to discuss the technical difficulties and see how to find a solution."

In front of outsiders, He Qingquan always called Cao Yang "Mr. Cao".

Only when meeting Cao Yang in private, he would call "Master".

This sense of boundary is very accurate.


"Then the next time Mr. Cao comes back, I'll really block his office."

When Pan Jinxing thought of the information on the five-axis machining center that Cao Yang had shown him, he had inexplicably more expectations in his heart.

Maybe in a few years, Nanshan can really produce a five-axis machining center belonging to Huaxia?

"Xu, the people in Huitian have gone too far this time. Are they going to eat alone?"

Lucas, the sales director of Schuler Huaxia, looked very unhappy.

Although there is a certain agreement between the two parties, the orders of Dongying customers are mainly handled by Aida, and the orders of European customers are mainly handled by Schuler.

Both North American and Chinese local companies negotiate and compete with each other for their orders.

But this time, more than 30 presses were ordered, and none of them were reserved for Schuler. Lucas was a little dissatisfied.

"I called the other party's salesman to communicate."

"They dumped all the blame on the headquarters."

"It is said that these orders are decided by the headquarters of each supplier. Their headquarters use the presses from Huitian, so they will continue to use the presses from Huitian after coming to Huaxia."

"Of course, they also said that they will cooperate with us appropriately for the order from Changan Ford."

Although the anti-monopoly of auto parts in the United States is still in full swing, Aida and Schuler still do what they should do.

In their view, no matter how much anti-monopoly is tossed, they will not be able to get to their heads.

"Ford's stamping line basically uses our presses, and now it is almost inevitable to set up a joint venture in China and continue to use our presses."

"Do we need their cooperation?"

Lucas is greedy for the order of more than 30 presses.

Although it has not been finalized that it will be sent to Huitian, those suppliers are now ignoring Schuler.

Obviously, Schuler has been out early.

"With the establishment of Changan Ford this time, the relevant stamping parts manufacturers must also need to add some new presses."

"At that time, Aida can make some concessions in this regard."

Xu Dacheng quickly gave his suggestion.

In his view, Ford is the second largest car company in the world.

They set up a joint venture company in Huaxia, and the future is definitely worth looking forward to.

If he had heard the phrase "a hundred years of Chang'an, destroyed by Ford", he might have a different reaction.

"Then you should contact them as soon as possible to implement this matter."

"Don't lose anything by then."

"Also, in terms of dealing with Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd., we should also ask them what their plans are."

In the eyes of Lucas, Nanshan is already a manufacturer that will pose a threat to Schuler.

(End of this chapter)

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