Chapter 128 The Ubiquitous Business Intelligence Espionage

Kato Ichiro didn't know how he got out of the bathroom.

That dazed look changed the atmosphere in the private room instantly.

However, at this time, he had no interest in staying any longer.

Even if someone reminded him that the princess here is a slut, he left directly.

Next, regardless of whether it was late or not, he directly called the head of the purchasing department of Yangcheng Aiji, Yangcheng Aipak and Weifu Technology.

It's just a very coincidence that the other party didn't answer the phone.

This made Kato Ichiro's heart drop to the abyss.

Obviously, what Takeuchi told him just now is all true.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the directors of the purchasing departments of the three companies to not answer their calls.

Even if he rang the bell three times, he didn't get through.

"Liu Sang, go and inquire immediately, and see what is going on with the press orders of Yangcheng Aiji and the others."

"Isn't it good communication?"

"Why was it suddenly snatched away?"

Sitting on the curb in the desert for more than ten minutes, Kato felt that he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

You have to figure out the situation yourself in order to find a solution.

At least this blame, I can't bear it.

Otherwise, there will be no chance of promotion and salary increase in this life.

"Snatched away?"


"In Yangcheng Apak's press list, there is a 3000-ton TRF. Only Huitian and Schuler can make this kind of press."

"And Schuler has given up contact with these factories some time ago."

"Could it be that the other party played tricks and came to a Mingxiu plank road to secretly hide Chen Cang?"

Although it was a bit late, Liu Wenfei answered Kato Ichiro's call immediately.

"We just promised Schuler to cooperate with them in bidding on Changan Ford's press machine. If it is really their fault this time, then I will never let them go."

Kato Ichiro thought of the scene where he was scolded just now, and his anger continued to rise.

Until now, he never thought that the order was taken away by Nanshan.

After all, the customers this time are all Dongying enterprises, and there are some equipment that Nanshan has never been involved in.

"I'll call Xu Dacheng of Schuler now to see what they have to say."

Liu Wenfei is also a little anxious now.

Although the order this time was directly traded through the headquarters, many follow-up tasks, including after-sales, were all handled by the Huaxia branch.

This can be regarded as one of his achievements this year.

If it's screwed up...


"Lucas, there is a rather weird situation, I think it is necessary to report to you."

Xu Dacheng knew that Lucas was a night owl, and nine out of ten he didn't sleep now.

Thinking that the matter was of great importance, after hanging up Liu Wenfei's phone, he called Lucas.

"Xu, what happened?"

"Don't you know that eight hours after work, try not to talk to me about work?"

Lucas answered the phone drunkenly, with a slightly unfriendly tone.

For Nordic people, it is basically a custom to not talk about work after get off work.

Of course, it is also at the top level, the more difficult it is to abide by this rule.

"Didn't Huitian take a super big order some time ago, and got all the press equipment of the three Japanese stamping factories?"

"I just got the news that their order seems to have been robbed?"

Xu Dacheng directly ignored Lucas' dissatisfaction, and told the information he had just learned.

Sure enough, Lucas immediately regained his spirits.

"The order was robbed?"

"Did it be snatched by Komatsu?"

The circle of stamping equipment is very small, and only a few companies come and go in competition.

In Lucas' view, apart from Komatsu, which is also an Dongying company, there should be no company that can take away this batch of orders from Aida.

"If it's Komatsu, then it's normal."

"The key is that I heard it wasn't Xiaosong who snatched it away."

"Just now, I found out about the other party's procurement. The other party didn't tell me the answer directly, but I heard that there will be an equipment order signing ceremony the day after tomorrow."

"By then everything should be clear."

When Xu Dacheng said this, Lucas became more interested.

Not Komatsu?

Not to mention myself!

What kind of company grabbed the order from Aida?

Inexplicably, a name popped up in his mind, and said: "Xu, do you think it is possible that Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. stole Huitian's order?"

"Didn't a batch of presses in Nanshan go into production at Huaqiang Stamping Plant last month?"

"The other party should have a certain strength to grab Huitian's order."

Xu Dacheng, who had never thought about Nanshan before, became uncertain after hearing what Lucas said.

These customers in Huitian are all in or around Yangcheng.

And Nanshan is also in Yangcheng.

If the other party resorted to any means, it is really not impossible.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll make a few more calls."

A new idea immediately popped up in Xu Dacheng's mind.

He needs to find out the situation quickly.


"Minister Liu, aren't you going to import a 3000-ton TRF press?"

"Nanshan can't make this kind of press?"

"How did you get the order to them?"

Obviously, Xu Dacheng was going to bluff.

With a certain information advantage, this indirect method of confirming messages rarely fails.

Sure enough, Liu Hui, head of the procurement department of Apak in Yangcheng, received a call from Xu Dacheng in the middle of the night, saying that he was directly questioning himself, and immediately thought that the other party knew everything.

"Manager Xu, this is a matter directly decided by the headquarters, and I am only responsible for assisting in confirming some technical parameters and signing the contract."

"As for whether Nanshan can really make a 3000-ton TRF press, I'm not particularly worried."

"After all, the 2000-ton TRF press has already been put into production, and it is not surprising that it can produce 3000-ton equipment."

Liu Hui and Xu Dacheng are old acquaintances.

I had dealt with Xu Dacheng before when I was in a stamping factory.

That's why Xu Dacheng called him so late.

"Isn't it too risky for you to send all the presses to Nanshan?"

"If they lose the chain somewhere, won't it affect the factory's production?"

"Do we have a chance at Schuler?"

Although the information had been confirmed, Xu Dacheng didn't hang up the phone immediately.

On the contrary, they are pretending to fight for business there.

"No way, this is the decision of the headquarters."

"We're just executing."

"If you can take care of our headquarters, then there are any opportunities."

In Liu Hui's heart, he was actually surprised by this decision.

It's a bit too unbelievable.

But don't look at him as the head of the procurement department, it's not his turn to decide on such matters.

"Find a chance, let's go to Dongying to visit your headquarters."

"By the way, with such a big order, Nanshan should hold a signing ceremony with you, right?"

"Is the time set?"

Xu Dacheng was spying on the news step by step.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and spying on the military is everywhere.

Thinking that the other party already knew that the equipment order was given to Nanshan, Liu Hui did not hide it this time. "Just the day after tomorrow, we will hold a signing ceremony at Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. together with Aiji and Weifu Technology."

"You should also be able to see some relevant news reports by then."

(End of this chapter)

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