Chapter 132 So Cheap?Then come a competition-style R&D
"In 2001, Huaqing University's scientific research funding was only more than [-] million yuan."

"It seems to be a lot, but [-] to [-]% of them are research funds for designated key projects."

"When you really go to each department, you can independently carry out research fees based on the professor's research direction. A major can't even allocate 100 million yuan."

"Lingnan University of Technology is even less. Its annual funding is only more than [-] million yuan. It is not a key research project, and the funding is not guaranteed at all."

"So it's actually not that difficult to find Huaqing University to cooperate with."

"Besides, our current presses in Nanshan are competitive domestically and even internationally, and they will definitely beat our domestic counterparts."

"In this case, if we take the initiative to pay for cooperation with Huaqing University, there will be no problem at all."

"You can ask Ji Hua to contact you later. Although he doesn't have many friends, he always knows who to go to in a circle."

Hearing Pan Jinxing's explanation, Cao Yang immediately understood.

It seems that the interlacing is like a mountain, and my understanding of this aspect before is too little.

It is now 2001, and China's economy has not even surpassed Germany and Japan, not even England and France.

All universities and state-owned enterprises are still relatively short of money.

If you take the initiative to provide funds to find others to cooperate with, there will definitely be no fewer schools that respond.

Soon, Cao Yang called Ji Hua over to understand the situation.

Sure enough, what Pan Jinxing said was not wrong at all.

Even put it mildly.

These days, as long as you spend 200 million yuan a year, you can start a cooperation project with a top-ranking university in China.

"Since this is the case, let's form several projects with the CNC system of our machine tool, the TCU of the gearbox, and other control systems, and at the same time find Huaqing University and Lingnan University of Technology to cooperate with."

"Whoever achieves results first at that time, we will continue to increase funds to support subsequent research and development."

Cao Yang changed his attitude just now, and with a big wave of his hand, he wanted to cooperate with the two best engineering universities in Yangcheng and Huaxia at the same time.

"Huaqing University has accumulated a certain amount of research on TCU, ECU, ABS, and EPS. If we ask them to develop TCU for 6AT automatic transmission, we should have results soon."

"It's really a lot faster than we can do it ourselves."

Although Ji Hua is very conceited, he also knows that he is not omnipotent.

The gearbox involves a wide range of technologies, and it is impossible for him to be proficient in everything.

"Has Huaqing University already conducted research in this area?"

For Cao Yang, this was definitely a surprise.

Starting from scratch is completely different from having a foundation.

The latter is easy to achieve results, while the former is completely incomprehensible.

"Huaqing's vehicle engineering major and electronic engineering department started doing research in this area a few years ago."

"A small number of domestic military vehicles and special vehicles should have adopted their products, but compared with the level of international parts giants such as Bosch and Denso, there must be a gap."

"Especially in terms of passenger cars, the previous accumulation should be relatively small."

When Ji Hua said this, Pan Jinxing also interjected, "This kind of technical research for civilian use does not receive priority support from funds, so the development will naturally be relatively slow."

"However, there are a large number of talents in colleges and universities, and doctoral and postgraduate students are almost free of cost."

"If we really provide funds to cooperate with Huaqing University, all the honors will go to them and the patents will go to us. It will definitely be a win-win project."

Pan Jinxing was afraid that Cao Yang would change his mind temporarily, so he emphasized the benefits of cooperating with universities.

"Domestic schools have always been relatively poor in the industrialization of scientific research results."

"If this cooperation is done well, it may become a benchmark."

"In the future, we will have more projects that we can cooperate with many universities."

"For vehicle engineering, besides Huaqing University and Beijing Institute of Technology, Jilin University and Tongji University are also good."

"We provide money, and they provide people. They can quickly provide us with a batch of patents, making the company's foundation more profound."

"It is also easier to pass when applying for high-tech enterprise certification."

Ji Hua is still very familiar with the situation in colleges and universities.

Patents and non-patents have not received enough attention in colleges and universities these days.

Even in the whole of China, patents have not received enough attention.

Spend a little research funds casually, and turn the technologies of various universities into Nanshan's patents in the name of cooperative research.

This thing is definitely messed up.

Anyway, if Nanshan doesn't do it, it will be cheaper for others.

There are even individual foreign companies that have already done this.

Rather than falling into the hands of foreign companies, it is better to fall into the hands of Nanshan.

"Professor Ji, I will trouble you in contacting Huaqing University."

"I will also contact Lingnan University of Technology in person."

"At that time, the research situation of auto parts in various colleges and universities across the country, I also need to ask you to help arrange someone to sort it out."

"For colleges and universities that have mastered some technologies, we can consider cooperating with them in the future."

"At the same time, the legal department will specially arrange personnel to follow up on your project, so that as many patents as possible can be registered."

Now that the cost of cooperating with universities is so low, it is natural to seize the opportunity.

In a few years, things will be different.

Especially with the development of self-owned brands, the importance of talents and technologies related to the automotive industry will continue to rise.

If Nanshan does not take the lead now, the cost to pay in the future will be much higher.

"Mr. Cao, the situation in terms of machine tools is actually similar to that of auto parts."

"Bearings, gears, special steel, metal surface treatment technology, etc., are also researched by many universities."

"We can use the opportunity of cooperation to form a number of patent barriers."

"When SKF sues us for patent infringement in the future, it will be easier to argue."

"Seeing our pile of patents, the judge has more confidence to support us."

Naturally, Pan Jinxing also took this opportunity to increase the research progress of the equipment center explosively.

"no problem!"

"Not only can we cooperate with universities, but we can also recruit people to the company to do it ourselves."

"In every machine tool factory in China, as long as you, Lao Pan, are looking for talents, I will arrange people to dig them."

"With this year's graduates starting next week, we'll have more than 1000 employees."

"We strive to increase this number to 1500 within this year."

Nanshan's products have relatively high profit margins.

What we are doing now is mainly export orders, and 10% of the turnover is used for research and development, which is basically a level of [-] million.

With so much money, it is completely possible to raise hundreds of R&D personnel.

An ordinary engineer only costs tens of thousands of yuan a year, which is really cheap.

 It's the last chance to double the monthly ticket, old irons support it
(End of this chapter)

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