Chapter 147 The Melon Eaters SKF Gets Shot Lying Down (Two in One)

The importance of the CNC system is clear to every machine tool company.

Not to mention the high proportion of cost, just being able to realize the independent production of CNC systems is definitely a major achievement for machine tool companies.

After all, the eighteen arhat factories are all state-owned enterprises.

For leaders, whether they want to make money or expand their scale, in the final analysis, they want to get more political achievements.

So that I can improve myself.

"Mr. Cao, the prices of FANUC and Siemens CNC systems have been reduced."

"All the models are all reduced to the previous level."

"Even the prices of some models have been loosened, and the other party has expressed the meaning that they can still negotiate."

Zhang Sheng thought that the relationship between Jier Machine Tool Factory and Nanshan was the best.

A few months ago, everyone teamed up to cheat Schuler together.

So when there was a situation, he called Cao Yang immediately.

"As long as the people of Siemens and FANUC don't get their brains kicked by the donkey, they will definitely lower the price back."

"Otherwise, not to mention losing the market, the pressure of anti-monopoly public opinion is enough for them to drink a pot."

Cao Yang was not surprised by this result.

In essence, the origin of this matter is the conflict between Nanshan, Shule and Huitian.

Siemens and FANUC were just fooled, thinking they could take advantage.

As a result, my intestines are now green with regret.

"Mr. Cao, if we no longer purchase all CNC systems from Siemens and FANUC in the Jier Machine Tool Factory, can the two parties consider setting up a research team to conduct research on CNC systems?"

"Even we can set up a joint venture company to specialize in CNC systems."

"In this way, the domestic numerical control system can basically fall into our hands in the future."

Zhang Sheng made a good plan.

Thinking of taking the opportunity to solve the supply problem of the CNC system of the Ji No. [-] Factory, and by the way, get another political achievement in the future.

However, Cao Yang is not here for welfare, how could he take out his CNC system and set up a joint venture with others?
Then simply sell Nanshan.

"Mr. Cao, equipment and auto parts are the two core businesses of Nanshan at present."

"In the equipment center, the CNC system is the core business."

"We are willing to provide Jier Machine Tool Factory with the industry's best and competitively priced CNC systems, but we currently have no consideration for joint ventures."

A good old man can't do great things.

Cao Yang directly rejected Zhang Sheng's proposal.

"The machine tool industry currently receives very little policy support, and the lives of all enterprises are not so good."

"We couldn't find qualified suppliers in China for many core components before."

"Especially for mid-to-high-end machine tool equipment, many core components can only be imported from abroad."

"Such as spindle motors, cutting tools, cutting fluids and bearings, the gap between domestic products and imported products is quite obvious."

"In the future, as long as Nanshan can supply parts, we will give priority to them, but in terms of price, can we give some discounts?"

The rejection of the CNC system joint venture proposal was expected by Zhang Sheng, so he didn't bother, and immediately put forward a second proposal.

In this way, after rejecting the first condition just now, Cao Yang must be embarrassed to refuse the second one.

Of course, the second is not a particularly unreasonable condition in itself.

I use your parts more, and it is only natural that you give me some discounts.

"No problem, we definitely fully support this aspect."

"Especially for bearings, whether it is deep groove ball bearings, cylindrical roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, angular contact ball bearings, or thrust bearings, we can meet the needs of customers as much as possible."

"The price is definitely much cheaper than imported parts, which will greatly reduce the cost of your machine tools."

In addition to being widely used in the automotive industry, bearings are also widely used in machine tools.

For example, the spindle needs to use bearings to support and control its rotation accuracy and stability.

There are also spindle motors, which usually use bearings to support and control the rotation accuracy and stability of the spindle motor.

Even on the tool holder and tool, bearings are needed to support and control the rotational accuracy and stability of the tool.

Other parts that need to rotate also need to use bearings.

The most important thing is the bearings on machine tools. Compared with the bearings used in automobiles, the price is generally higher and the profit is more lucrative.

After all, the number of bearings needed for a single machine tool is limited, and the price must be higher.

But in the entire machine tool industry, the number of bearings used is quite a lot.

After all, machine tool is a very broad concept.

Including lathes, milling machines, drilling machines, grinding machines, boring machines and other products of various specifications and models.

Not to mention the world, but Huaxia itself, the production of machine tools in later generations will exceed 1000 million units a year.

Of course, it includes a large number of relatively simple machine tools, otherwise a zero would have to be dropped directly.


After finishing the phone call with Zhang Sheng, Cao Yang communicated with other machine tool manufacturers one after another.

Basically, the other party wants to cooperate with Nanshan to develop the CNC system.

But all of them were rejected by Cao Yang.

Of course, the words are definitely not that blunt.

There will also be price concessions that should be there.

At the same time, Cao Yang also took this opportunity to vigorously promote his own bearings and other products.

As a result, in China's machine tool industry, there was an upsurge of parts switching immediately.

The first to feel the pressure is SKF.

"Golm, many customers in the machine tool industry have canceled a batch of orders these days."

"Especially in terms of standard bearings, the number of orders has decreased by more than [-]% compared with last year."

"I inquired about it, and it's Nanshan playing tricks again."

Xue Wenqiang was in a very depressed mood.

During this period of time, he had been eating melons, watching Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. fighting with press manufacturers such as Schuler and Aida, and wrestling with giants such as Siemens and FANUC.

So in the field of auto parts, Nanshan is much quieter.

But I didn't expect this melon to eat on my head.

"There are so many domestic machine tool companies, and most of them have more or less adopted our bearings. Even if Nanshan can handle one or two customers, it is impossible to make various machine tool factories change their minds on a large scale, right?"

Holm felt a little weird.

SKF's current position in China's bearing market is the result of decades of hard work.

Now it was so easily subverted by Nanshan.

This is completely illogical.

"Normally speaking, it is really difficult for Nanshan to do this."

"Even if the price of their products is a little cheaper than ours, and the quality can meet the requirements, most manufacturers will not be willing to waste effort to re-test, so as to switch bearing manufacturers."

"However, Nanshan has more methods. They not only grab customers from the QCD of the bearing itself, but also bind it with other things."

"For example, the numerical control system, Nanshan stole the limelight during this period."

"I have a classmate who works at Siemens and is responsible for the sales of CNC systems."

"I heard that in order to suppress Nanshan's influence in stamping equipment, Schuler and Aida persuaded Siemens and Fanuc, the two largest CNC system suppliers in the world, to raise prices for Huaxia's customers."

"But this price increase was quickly cracked by the Chinese manufacturers headed by Nanshan."

"Not only did they put pressure on Siemens and FANUC with the anti-monopoly law legislation, Nanshan also took out its own CNC system and sold it separately to various machine tool manufacturers."

"What is even more surprising is that Nanshan's CNC system is not inferior to Siemens and FANUC."

When Xue Wenqiang said this, Golmer immediately understood.

"You mean that Nanshan promotes its own bearing products to enter the other party's supply system through cooperation with various machine tool manufacturers in the field of numerical control systems?"

"But Nanshan's CNC system can't completely replace Siemens and FANUC in a short period of time, right?"

Although it is not a manufacturer in the same field, Holm still knows a little about the situation of Siemens and FANUC.

After all, in SKF's factory, the CNC systems of many machine tools are the products of their two companies.

"There are so many types of CNC systems, it is really impossible for Nanshan to replace Siemens and FANUC immediately."

"But as long as someone shows the strength to replace the opponent, that's enough."

"I heard that Siemens and FANUC not only quickly restored the price to the original level, but also offered to make some price concessions on new projects."

"Obviously, they are also aware of the threat Nanshan brings to them."

"In this way, people from various machine tool manufacturers are naturally more active in cooperating with Nanshan."

When Xue Wenqiang said this, Golmer couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that SKF's bearings, after encountering Waterloo in the automotive field, will also follow suit in the machine tool industry?
Then my life would be really difficult.

"Our bearings have been made in China one after another, and the price can be reduced appropriately."

"You let each salesperson actively contact customers, and try to minimize the impact."

"If possible, use the strength of the joint venture party and ask them to help."

As soon as Golmer finished speaking, Xue Wenqiang replied: "Our domestically produced bearings are mainly used in automobiles, and the joint venture partners are also in the automobile industry. I am afraid their influence on the machine tool industry is not that great."

Holm: ...

Why is it always me who is hurt the most?


Kato Ichiro's mood during this period was like a roller coaster.

At the beginning, he was in a good mood when he saw so many posts criticizing Nanshan on the Internet.

But soon the public opinion began to change. As of today, no one has reported the news criticizing Nanshan.

On the contrary, various machine tool factories have expressed that through the efforts of themselves and suppliers, they have realized the localization of CNC systems on some machine tools.

What depressed Kato Ichiro the most was the complaint from FANUC.

Although in the procurement of CNC systems, Aida is Party A and FANUC is Party B.

However, due to the importance of the numerical control system, the relationship between the two parties is not so much a relationship between Party A and Party B as a cooperative relationship.

Just like the relationship between later generations of automobile manufacturers and the Ningde era, it is obviously not an ordinary relationship between Party A and Party B.

"Kato-san, FANUC's turnover in the Chinese market is expected to drop sharply this year. There is no way to implement the preferential treatment that I promised to your company before."

Yoshida Yongzheng really wanted to scold Kato Ichiro in his heart.

But he also knew that scolding would not solve the problem.

What I need to figure out now is how to make this year's turnover less ugly.

Although the price of FANUC's CNC system has dropped back, some equipment manufacturers have also re-ordered FANUC's products.

However, the number of orders has obviously dropped significantly compared with the forecast.

Most troubling is his fear that this trend will continue.

"Yoshida-san, our stamping machines are currently facing very severe market competition."

"In order to reduce costs, we have put some of the presses in Huaxia for production, and even some of the components are going to be purchased locally from Huaxia."

"Only in this way can our products be competitive."

"Only when our equipment sells more, can your company's CNC system sell more."

"If the price not only has no way to fall further, but rises instead, it will be a harm to both of us."

As usual, if the supplier dared to raise the price increase issue with him like this, Kato Ichiro would definitely have to vent his anger.

But the situation is different now. The opposite is FANUC, which has suffered losses because of Aida.

"I completely understand what you're saying."

"But FANUC has to find a way to survive."

"The price of the CNC system we provided to your company before was lower than that sold to Chinese manufacturers."

"There is actually no price increase now, but the original discount has been cancelled."

"FANUC no longer has enough funds to support this kind of price concession."

Yoshida's attitude is very firm.

Almost all the presses in Aida use FANUC products.

Unless they are willing to go to Siemens or Nanshan to buy.

However, the price of Siemens is higher than that of FANUC. It is impossible for Aida to abandon FANUC and choose Siemens.

As for Nanshan...

Even if Yoshida was killed, he didn't believe that Aida would buy the CNC system from Nanshan.

To put it bluntly, FANUC has the initiative in the price negotiation of the CNC system.

"If the price must be raised, please FANUC to list the specific reasons for the price increase in detail."

"The cost composition of the CNC system is also shown."

"If all the supporting materials support your price increase, then we will continue to talk."

"Otherwise, there is no way to agree to a price increase."

Kato Ichiro directly came up with a dragging tactic.

He knew that FANUC couldn't meet this request.

Even if they are satisfied, in the end they will be able to criticize and let them continue to revise and add information.

Anyway, it is impossible to increase the price.

Unless everyone really wants to tear their faces apart.

(End of this chapter)

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