Chapter 161 A 1-minute video is precious
The status of Huaxia TV is beyond doubt.

Although the female reporter was suppressed by Cao Yang the whole time, the other party was not angry.

As for whether the reason is Cao Yang is more handsome, or Cao Yang said that the things are full of good things, only she knows.

Anyway, two days later, Cao Yang saw Nanshan's report in the 30-minute news.

"Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. has always paid great attention to technological innovation and product research and development, and continuously promoted technological innovation and upgrading of auto parts. The company has a number of core technologies and patents, and has accumulated in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of automotive bearings and gearboxes. a wealth of experience.”

"The innovative spirit and technological pursuit of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. have been widely recognized and praised by the industry. They will continue to uphold the concept of 'technological innovation, quality wins', continuously improve their core competitiveness, and promote the development of China's auto parts industry. make a greater contribution."

"The following is the speech of Cao Yang, the general manager of the company."


No more, no less, exactly 1 minutes.

Standing in front of the 21-inch Sony color TV, Cao Yang listened very carefully to the host's introduction of Nanshan Technology's company situation.

This is the first time Nanshan and himself have boarded the Huaxia Stage.

But he believes this will definitely not be the last time.

"Ah Yang, originally I wanted to ask you why you didn't let your uncle be the head of the sales department."

"But seeing the news, I don't want to ask."

Mother Zhang Xiuli sat in a wheelchair and watched the news broadcast with Cao Yang.

She is naturally very concerned about Nanshan's personnel changes during this period.

Zhang Fugui's position as head of the sales department has become Zeng Tingting's.

The company newly appointed Luo Hongxing, a vice president in charge of production, and at the same time recruited a quality minister, Li Fuda, from outside.

At the same time, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Personnel and General Affairs also parachuted from outside.

Although these people's resumes are quite rich, Zhang Xiuli is still a little worried.

In the former Nanshan factory, the style of family business is obvious.

Now Cao Yang is changing towards a professional manager.

Whether it is good or bad, Zhang Xiuli has doubts.

However, seeing that Cao Yang brought Nanshan into the 30-minute news in just two or three years, Zhang Xiuli felt that she should talk less.

Be safe and sound as the chairman and secretary of the trade union.

"Mom, the special steel factory also needs a trustworthy person, so I let uncle take charge."

Although Zhang Xiuli said it didn't matter, Cao Yang definitely wanted to explain.

Otherwise, there will be knots in my heart after all.

Of course, he definitely wouldn't say that Zhang Fugui got rid of him because he was not capable of being the head of the sales department.

"The company is slowly getting on the right track now, do you need to think about your personal problems?"

Zhang Xiuli did not discuss business matters with Cao Yang, but Cao Yang would rather she discuss business matters with him.

There are so many important parts on a car, if Nanshan wants to get involved in most of them, he will die with too many things.

Cao Yang, who is as straight as a man, has no time to chase after little girls now.

As long as Nanshan grows stronger, will he worry about not having a woman?

At that time, a bunch of female stars will rush over.

Of course, female celebrities are definitely not allowed to marry.

But it's okay to communicate in depth.

Cao Yang, who didn't want to discuss personal matters with his mother, decisively picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message to the little secretary, with only one word "6" in it.

Ten seconds later, the phone rang.

"Mr. Cao, the company has an important document that will be sent to the district and the city early tomorrow morning. I just sent it to your mailbox. Can you take a look at it?"

Zeng Tingting's voice was not too low, and Zhang Xiuli naturally heard it from a distance of one meter.

"If you have a job, go ahead and do it first. I'll just watch TV by myself."

Zhang Xiuli waved her hand in a very reasonable way and let Cao Yang go.

"Mom, I'll go back to my room first."

Cao Yang was not polite this time, and just slipped back to the room.

Finally escaped this catastrophe.

It seems that in the future, I really have to make myself look a little busier.

Occasionally, you can travel more.


While Cao Yang was watching today's news broadcast, Wang Fu, the boss of BYD, also in Shencheng in the Pearl River Delta, was also attentively watching the report on TV.

In 1995, BYD took the lead in launching the lithium manganese oxide battery, which was very popular at the time.

By 2001, BYD had become one of the world's leading companies in the battery field.

At this time, Wang Fu also began to think about the next development direction.

As an industry that has developed rapidly in recent years, the automobile industry has naturally entered his field of vision.

He even thinks that he can use his advantages in the battery field to lay out electric vehicles in the future.

Of course, he also knows that the technology of electric vehicles is not yet mature, and the market does not recognize it.

Therefore, it is inevitable to develop fuel vehicles first.

It's just that BYD's previous work was batteries, and its experience in the automotive field is almost zero.

Whether to enter this brand new field, Wang Fu is also very hesitant.

However, when he just saw the news, he suddenly felt that BYD's auto business could move ahead.

Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. in Yangcheng next door can produce a 6AT automatic transmission comparable to world-class companies in just a few years. Why can't BYD make cars?
For a car, the most difficult thing is the engine and gearbox.

The other parts are fine.

Now if the gearbox can buy a high-quality and cheap 6AT from Nanshan, then I only need to get one engine.

The difficulty has dropped a lot invisibly.

It is said that Nanshan is also doing research in various fields such as engine ECU and bearings. If it cooperates with the other party in depth, then BYD will not be a dream to build cars.

With an idea in mind, Wang Fu immediately took out the phone.

"Xiao Zhong, call a meeting with the company's ministers tomorrow to discuss the possibility of the company entering the automotive field."

"You prepare and ask all departments to mention any concerns and difficulties."

Invisibly, the emergence of Nanshan allowed BYD to enter the automotive field two years earlier than in history.

I just don't know whether Wang Fu will continue to choose to imitate the Corolla model.

"Mr. Wang, we don't even have the qualifications to produce cars. We suddenly said that we want to discuss making cars. Isn't this meeting a little too anxious?"

Zhong Qiang is an old man who started a business with Wang Fu.

Now he is the assistant to the general manager and also the head of the purchasing department. If he has anything to say, he will say it directly.

"Let's discuss it first."

"If you don't have a good discussion, how do you know if it will work?"

Wang Fu is a very determined person.

No one can convince him of what he has made up his mind about.

(End of this chapter)

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