Chapter 171 Nanshan is not a soft persimmon, a new method to deal with OEMs

Commercial war, actually hangs the word war, naturally it is possible to run into it by any means.

The familiar methods of "grabbing the official seal" and "poisoning" are just relatively straightforward methods.

In addition, there are many invisible swords and swords.

In the financial industry, this feeling is even more obvious.

Normally, in the real industry, such commercial wars are relatively rare and gentle.

But that doesn't mean there isn't.

In the 80s, in order to deal with Japanese companies, the United States used all methods.

Toyota Motor and Aisin, which have more experience in fighting, naturally did their best this time.

In response to this situation, Zeng Tingting naturally reported to Cao Yang immediately.

"Although Toyota Motor is the third largest in the world, they have always focused on the American market and have not paid enough attention to China."

"Even if the joint venture Spring City Toyota is now established, the sales in a short period of time will be the same."

"They asked their suppliers not to use Nanshan's related products, and they should only give a verbal notice, and dare not issue documents directly."

"In this way, they will also be able to frighten the manufacturers who are easy to bully."

After listening to Zeng Tingting's report, Cao Yang was not nervous.

If Aisin had a more powerful method, he would have used it long ago, so he didn't need to ask Toyota to do it.

You must know that it is not an honorable thing to beg shareholders to come forward when you are in trouble.

"Having said that, Toyota's actions like this are still too much, too disgusting, right?"

"If we let them go on like this, maybe other customers will follow suit in the future."

Although Zeng Tingting also felt that Spring City Toyota's approach would do limited damage to Nanshan.

But still very upset.

Do you really think Nanshan is a soft persimmon?
"The more Toyota helps Aisin, the more it shows that they care very much about the development of their parts companies."

"Now Aisin has been beaten by us in China, and many orders for new models of its own brands are gone."

"Aren't we already working on some of the other parts?"

"You take the initiative to contact various customers, sell our ECU, ABS and instruments to them, and then tell everyone that we are willing to produce fuel pumps, air-conditioning compressors and engine timing system related parts."

"Especially for Denso's customers, you should focus on chatting with them."

Aisin has been suppressed to the point of being unbearable.

Then let Denso, which is most favored by Toyota, also feel the pressure of Nanshan.

It will be time to see if Toyota will regret it.

"Mr. Cao, although we are researching ECU and ABS, the progress of some other parts is still relatively slow."

"Is it too anxious to communicate with customers now?"

Zeng Tingting is quite familiar with the situation in Nanshan, and feels that although this trick can disgust Toyota manufacturers such as Denso, it is likely to bring adverse effects to Nanshan.

"Although our specific products have not yet come out, the product planning and concept map have already come out."

"The rest of the work is nothing more than making the parts in the concept drawing into products that meet the SPEC requirements of various manufacturers."

"So there is no problem at all as an early communication. Anyway, our main purpose is to make trouble for Denso."

"By the way, talk to customers and tell them that we are all researching these parts, so that everyone will feel strange when the time comes."

"Besides, for the project we cooperated with BYD, those parts were all sent to Nanshan to be responsible for research and production."

"Even if there is no such thing as Toyota, we have to start communicating with customers about the production possibilities of these parts."

"Otherwise, it is just a customer of BYD, but it cannot support the development of our new parts."

For the auto parts industry, scale is a very important factor.

For example, for the simplest stamping part, the investment in tooling and molds may cost 100 million.

If you only sell 1 units a year, then the apportionment fee for the tooling alone is very high.

On the contrary, if you sell 10 units a year, then the apportionment fee will immediately drop by an order of magnitude.

The amortization of other R&D expenses and the amortization of production plants and equipment are also the same.

Even if you purchase components and raw materials from outside, the cost is closely related to your demand.

It's like when you go to the vegetable market to sell pork, it may cost 20 yuan to buy a catty.

But if you buy a hundred catties, maybe they are very happy to sell it to you for 18 yuan.

Nanshan has now carried out research on various parts on a large scale, so who will supply these parts in the future is something that needs to be considered in advance.

"Well, then I see."

"I'll communicate with the R&D center to see how we can chat with customers together."

"But Aisin's side, I don't think we can take it lightly, lest we be overthrown by them."

Zeng Tingting now hates Aisin very much.

Nanshan is just competing with everyone normally, and has not maliciously quoted a loss-making price to grab the market.

Even so, they want to suppress Nanshan.

"Then release the 4MT and 4AT products first as soon as possible, and let Professor Ji work hard."

"At that time, I will go directly to the customer with the sample, and all Aisin's orders will be messed up."

Domestic independent brands basically did not use 6AT before this year.

Although some models have begun to switch to 6AT with better performance and lower cost.

But if there are 4MT and 4AT with lower cost, it is obviously very marketable, and it can really give Aisin a fatal blow.


Toyota's move to deal with Nanshan, although it will not have any major impact on Nanshan immediately.

But it sounded a wake-up call for Cao Yang.

In my own hands, I have to have some means to deal with OEMs, especially international auto giants like Toyota Motor.

Otherwise, today is Toyota, tomorrow it may be Honda, the day after tomorrow Nissan, if these OEMs all come to deal with Nanshan, the situation will be difficult to deal with.

Although Nanshan is not small now, its monthly turnover has exceeded [-] million.

In the entire Huaxia auto parts industry, they are all impressive results.

But against international auto giants such as Toyota Motor, it is not enough.

So after thinking for a few days, an idea slowly came to his mind.

"Uncle, do you usually like to surf the Internet?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Zhang Fugui came to have dinner with his mother, Cao Yang was going to have a good chat with him.

For a private enterprise, in the early stage of development, it is often difficult to avoid the family style.

Many of the leaders of various departments are three aunts and six wives, relatives and friends.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, with the development and growth of enterprises, most managers may not keep up with the pace of enterprise development.

In this case, it is necessary to gradually change the management style of the enterprise from a family business style to a modern management style.

Before that, Cao Yang had already taken away Zhang Fugui's position as head of the sales department.

Now it is only responsible for the liaison between the purchasing department and the construction of the special steel plant.

In this way, Zhang Fugui's workload was reduced a lot.

Especially the liaison with the special steel factory, in fact, he can't do much.

Most of the things are being promoted by Shaogang, and he just reports the progress to Cao Yang regularly every week.

As for the business of the Purchasing Department, although there are still many things to do, it has gradually become more streamlined, and personnel in the R&D and technical fields will also participate in some projects.

For example, confirming the technical parameters of equipment and so on, there are not many things that Zhang Fugui really needs to worry about every day.

Of course, within a short period of time, Cao Yang has no plans to lose the position of head of the procurement department.

After all, this location is quite special.

If another moth goes up, it may bring some big troubles to the company's development.

It's just that Cao Yang felt that Zhang Fugui had a more suitable task.

"Like it."

"Tell you, don't look at me in my 40s."

"But those things about surfing are probably more familiar than you."

"Basically, I browse the Tianya Forum every day, and I also log in to various portals every day."

"Not only to watch their car channels and news, I also watch all kinds of gossip before going to bed."

When it came to the Internet, Zhang Fugui became interested.

Except for educational films that are not suitable for communicating with Cao Yang, other online content can be chatted.

"What do you think of the car channels on various portal websites?"

Cao Yang had a purpose in discussing the Internet with Zhang Fugui.

So naturally I won't be talking nonsense there for a long time.

"Nowadays, auto OEMs are quite rich, and there are many advertisements on the auto channels of various websites."

"Even the homepage has some ads for cars, which costs a lot of money."

"With the increase of domestic auto companies, the number of various new models is also increasing."

"I think there should be more advertisements in this area, and more articles can be written by the car channel."

After Zhang Fugui said this, Cao Yang immediately asked: "Then which website do you think has a better car channel now?"

"It can't be said to be particularly good, and it has no special features compared to other channels."

"But there are a lot of things that can be done online, and people don't care that much."

Zhang Fugui was a little unclear why Cao Yang paid attention to this thing.

However, his doubts were quickly resolved.

"Uncle, you said that if we set up a special website, it would be responsible for news about cars."

"Such as car shopping guides, car reviews and various related news."

"Will there be a certain market?"

Cao Yang already had the impression of "Car House" in his mind.

Although it is only 2001, it is not impossible to build a car home.

It's just that the traffic is not as big as it will be a few years later.

"It's doable, it's totally doable!"

"We are people in the automotive industry, so we know a little bit about cars."

"So there is no special need to tangle when buying a car."

"But for most people who buy cars, they don't understand cars at all."

"At this time, it is very necessary for someone to give them some advice and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different models for them."

"Even directly combine some of their situations and give suggestions."

Zhang Fugui was discussing with Cao Yang enthusiastically.

He hadn't thought that he would soon face a new job.

"It's true. The most important thing is that once we complete the car home, the influence on the car OEM will be greater."

"They will take the initiative to advertise on this website, and they are also worried that some unfavorable news will appear in our articles."

"Uncle, you should have heard that Toyota is suppressing us during this period of time, right?"

At this point in the conversation, Cao Yang has already cut into the topic.

"I heard that Spring City Toyota made so many moves, but I don't think there is any need to worry about it."

Although Zhang Fugui is no longer the head of the sales department, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything about the company's sales business.

"This time, there is really no need to worry. Spring City Toyota has limited influence on us."

"But this can be regarded as a wake-up call for us. If other OEMs use similar methods to deal with us in the future, then we will be in trouble."

"If we can master some means to threaten them, then we won't be so passive by then."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui understood a little bit.

"Ayang, do you want to establish Autohome to make it bigger and stronger, and then play a role in restraining OEMs?"

After Zhang Fugui finished speaking, he suddenly felt that this idea seemed very short-lived.

The difficulty is not particularly high, and the effect is also very good.

The most important thing is that the OEMs are so rich, there is hope to support Autohome through advertising fees.

As for going public in the future, he didn't think too much about it.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"That's right, this Autohome is not suitable to exist as a department of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd., but it is necessary to establish an independent company."

"At that time, the company will invest in my mother's name, and you, uncle, will be responsible for the initial establishment and management, is that okay?"

When Cao Yang and Zhang Fugui talked about work, my mother usually listened silently and didn't express much opinion.

But this time it was different.

"Fugui, Ayang's idea is good. I don't feel comfortable handing over such an important new company to other people. Let you take care of it."


Zhang Fugui was a little unprepared, but he couldn't find any reason to object.

The most important thing is that this car home sounds like it does have a future.

And he is very interested in the Internet.

At least that's what he meant by what he just said.

"That's fine."

"I'll try it first."

In the end, under the watchful eyes of Cao Yang's mother and son, Zhang Fugui chose to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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