Chapter 176 Scared by HR, can you still do this?

At the end of each year, the bosses are most concerned about how much money the company has earned.

What employees are most concerned about is how many year-end bonuses the company will issue.

In 2001, most companies actually didn't have any kind of year-end bonus.

The increasing attractiveness of Nanshan is closely related to its generous year-end bonus and decent salary.

The turnover target and profit target for 2001 have all been met, and the promise Cao Yang made before naturally comes to fruition.

When the salary was paid in January this year, all Nanshan employees could get a year-end bonus equivalent to 5 months of basic salary.

Although the basic salary of most people is not very high, it is definitely a very impactful thing to be able to get a five-month bonus at once.

Invisibly, the cohesion of Nanshan's employees has risen to a higher level.

Especially college students who joined the job in July this year, although they only got half of the year-end bonus, they still have almost 7 yuan.

This allows them to go back in a good mood when they go home during the Chinese New Year.

Even this year, 5000 yuan can buy a house of two or three square meters.

However, Liu Youmei, the head of the Human Resources and General Affairs Department, felt that she needed to have a good chat with Cao Yang.

"After our Nanshan Industrial Park was put into operation, the number of workers has increased significantly, and now the number of employees in the company has exceeded 2000."

"And as our production line shifts from single-shift production to double-shift production, or even three-shift production, the number of our workers will increase rapidly."

"Without waiting until the end of 2002, the number of employees of the company will break through the 3000 or 5000 mark one after another."

"After the second phase of the industrial park project is completed, it is even more likely to break through the 1 mark."

"With so many employees, the expenditure on salaries and benefits will increase, which will gradually become a burden for the company."

"Especially when you promised everyone that the salary will increase by 10% every year, this is not counting the salary increase for promotion and performance appraisal."

"Considering the ever-increasing bonuses every year, within a few years, Nanshan's labor costs will exceed most private and state-owned enterprises, and will be close to those of foreign companies."

"I think it is necessary to plan ahead and design a more reasonable salary system and employment system."

Liu Youmei also worked in a large company before, and was introduced to Cao Yang by Xiang Changle's wife.

After a brief interview, Cao Yang let her join the job.

The scale of Nanshan is getting bigger and bigger, and now it really needs some people who have worked in big factories to come and help sort out the work process and management system.

Cao Yang himself had no experience in managing such a large company in his previous life, so he is also very self-aware.

Grasping the company's development direction is his forte.

Some specific management must be handed over to various professionals.

Even for the R&D center, apart from "guiding" and "sharing the joys and sorrows" every now and then, a lot of work is carried out by the company's employees.

"Nanshan really needs its own sustainable salary system and personnel training system. Do you have any suggestions?"

Cao Yang selectively ignored the first half of what Liu Youmei said, but focused on the last sentence.

However, Liu Youmei felt that this was a good opportunity to show her value to Cao Yang, and she was still explaining around the first half of the sentence.

"Mr. Cao, I have a way to significantly reduce the salary cost for the company."

"First, the basic salary of the workers in the production workshop is halved, and the overtime is doubled. The same efficiency and excess can save half of the salary."

"Second, to use labor dispatch workers, you only need to pay the labor service company, and they will take care of all the rest, even saving you from buying five insurances and one housing fund."

"Third, outsource part of the business instead of doing everything yourself."


Before Liu Youmei finished speaking, Cao Yang couldn't help interrupting her, saying: "Nanshan needs to save costs, but we save based on technological innovation and progress, not to deduct employee benefits. This is not Nanshan's culture. .”

"Liu Bu, we need an inspiring salary system so that employees can see their own future."

"You also know that there have always been companies outside trying to find technical personnel from Nanshan."

"We must allow them to have enough income to support their own lives, so that they can calmly engage in research and development."

"We can even consider another way to change qualifications besides the promotion of management positions, so that more ordinary employees can always have the opportunity to increase their salaries."

"For example, for R&D personnel, there can be various levels such as assistant engineer, engineer, deputy chief engineer, chief engineer and senior chief engineer."

"Even an ordinary employee, through hard work, has the opportunity to earn a salary similar to that of the section chief or director of the department."

"As for labor and basic salary adjustments, basic adjustments to five insurances and one housing fund, etc., we at Nanshan do not consider using them."

"As long as they are working in Nanshan, even the security guard at the gate, they are all regular employees of the company."

In his previous life, Cao Yang had fully seen the disgusting aspects of laborers and expatriates.

If you just want to guard a small factory to make money, then it must be how to save money.

But if Nanshan wants to become the number one parts company in China and even in the world, it must not do so.

Have you heard about Bosch using temporary workers in Germany?
Does Denso have non-regular employees in Dongying?

Maybe it develops later, and such a situation may appear.

That is certainly not the case at this stage.

"Mr. Cao, it's no wonder the company's employees have such a strong sense of belonging. It's inseparable from your attitude."

Liu Youmei smiled a little embarrassedly.

I wanted to flatter, but I didn't expect to be photographed on the horse's leg.

The private entrepreneurs she came into contact with before all tried their best to make a fuss about workers' salaries.

The lower the basic salary, the better. The social security and provident fund payment bases can only be paid according to the minimum wage standard.

They don't even want to pay these benefits to employees at all.

Unexpectedly, in Nanshan, Cao Yang is more disciplined than foreign companies.

It's really rare.

"Liu Buyi has not joined the company for a very long time, and he will gradually realize the difference between Nanshan and other companies."

"We are a company that relies on technology to pay bills. This is what I often say."

"In order for Nanshan to maintain its technical competitiveness, the salary must be attractive."

"You can't make the horse run without giving it grass."

"That's unrealistic."

Cao Yang knew that Liu Youmei had good intentions, so after a few reminders, he didn't take this matter to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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