Chapter 179 After becoming famous, there are many good people around me!Absolutely don't let customers pay money and cry
There are only twelve places for the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, of which Nanshan occupies two places.

However, with the "discovery of the Kela 2 large gas field and the exploration technology of ultra-high pressure gas reservoirs in mountainous areas", "integration and industrialization of key technologies of the digital surveying and mapping technology system", "breeding and application of the dual-purpose nuclear male sterile line 'Pei'ai 64S'" Cao Yang can still feel some pressure compared with such big projects as "National Control and Basic Elimination of Leprosy Strategies, Prevention Technology and Measures Research", "TELLIN Intelligent Network System".

In particular, he also saw that the "TELLIN Intelligent Network System" of Warwick Company in Shencheng next door was also the winner of the first prize.

This made him feel a little bit of a sense of accomplishment while feeling the pressure.

I have worked hard for more than two years, and finally I have some achievements.

In the future, Nanshan's achievements in Yangcheng must be better than his neighbor's big brother.

For the Science and Technology Progress Award, no matter whether it is the first prize or the second prize, there is definitely no opportunity for individuals to speak.

After completing the awards ceremony according to the procedures, Cao Yang returned to his seat honestly.

At this time, the two people sitting next to him chatted with him enthusiastically.

The two sides even exchanged business cards.

Seeing that the other party is an executive of a large central enterprise, if it is normal, it is estimated that they would not want to look at a private enterprise like Nanshan.

But now it is extremely enthusiastic.

Sure enough, after becoming famous, Nanshan is surrounded by good people.

Of course, this is definitely relative.

When it comes to things related to interests, any good person will immediately become a bad person.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations Nanshan."

"You won two first prizes and one second prize in one go. You are the biggest winners of the National Science and Technology Award this time."

After the awards ceremony was over, once Cao Yang turned on the phone, the phone couldn't stop.

Zhang Sheng, the director of Jier Machine Tool Factory who had cooperated with Nanshan and snatched the Schuler order, called first.

Whether it's true or false, they are all there to congratulate Cao Yang anyway.

"It's everyone's humility that made us take advantage of Nanshan."

"Next year, I think that the advanced automated stamping line project of Jier Machine Tool Factory can also apply for the Science and Technology Progress Award, and maybe it will also win the award."

Having won the award, Cao Yang naturally became humble.

Anyway, no matter how humble he is, the winner is Nanshan, not Jier Machine Tool Factory.

"Mr. Cao, I also know about the situation of your 3000-ton multi-station press. The award is well deserved."

"The CNC system of machine tools has filled the domestic gap and laid a solid foundation for the stable development of my country's machine tool industry."

"In the future, we plan to use Nanshan's products for all the numerical control systems of our Jier Machine Tool Factory. You have to give us a preferential price."

The general manager of a state-owned enterprise like Zhang Sheng is very politically sensitive.

As a private enterprise, the machine tool CNC system developed by Nanshan can win the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which represents a deep meaning behind it.

Now that the market economy is emphasized, it is naturally not suitable to directly give orders to various enterprises to let everyone use domestic CNC systems.

But Zhang Sheng was obviously able to get that meaning.

Since Nanshan's CNC system will be used sooner or later, why not sell one at this time?
"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the price of our CNC system is definitely more than [-]% lower than that supplied by Siemens and FANUC."

"In this regard, some of your equipment is already in use, and you should also know that what I said is not a lie."

"This year Nanshan is expected to invest 8 million yuan in research and development, a large part of which will be used in the equipment center, and the CNC system of machine tools is one of the research and development priorities."

"At that time, our CNC system will not only have advantages in cost, but also in technology."

"We will never let customers who support domestic CNC systems pay money and cry!"

The numerical control system is a field that everyone pays less attention to, but is very important.

Not only machine tools need to be used, but also transportation facilities such as railways and subways need to use CNC systems.

Of course, the content must be different.

But this area deserves Nanshan to arrange people to study it.

In the future, whether it is researching more advanced machine tools or researching intelligent networked systems, these basic knowledge will be used.

"With your words, Mr. Cao, I feel relieved!"

"As long as Nanshan can make parts, our Jier Machine Tool Factory will purchase from Nanshan."

"However, we also hope that Mr. Cao can restrain the people below from our previous market agreement, so that everyone can abide by the agreement."

At this moment, Zhang Sheng was really worried that Cao Yang would not follow their private agreement.

At that time, the situation of Jier Machine Tool Factory will become embarrassing immediately.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, what I Cao Yang said will definitely be true!"

"The TDM press will be handed over to Jier Machine Tool Factory."

"I think whether it is Shuler or Huitian, there is no need for them to stay in the Huaxia market."

"At that time, you and I will drive them out together."

Cao Yang's next focus will be various machine tools in the mold center.

Nowadays, some products have been released one after another, but they are all consumed internally by Nanshan.

If they want to go to the market in the future, the pressure they will face is obviously much greater than that of the press.

"no problem!"

"To deal with Schuler and Huitian, our Jier Machine Tool Factory is duty-bound."

"As long as there are bidding projects that the two manufacturers participate in, we will try to stir up pornography or make them uncomfortable."

"In the future, except for a small number of foreign companies that do not take out their equipment for bidding, the rest of the market is owned by our two companies."

"Only some small equipment that our two companies don't like can be turned to other manufacturers."

Zhang Sheng answered Cao Yang's question aggressively.

In addition to having no confidence in Shangnanshan, Jier Machine Tool Factory has full confidence in other competitors.


"Mr. Cao, the bidding for our 3000-ton multi-station press has opened."

"I am very happy to continue to cooperate with Nanshan."

Liu Wei, head of the Purchasing Department of Xifeng Mochong, took the initiative to call Cao Yang.

He also just learned that Nanshan's 3000-ton multi-station press has won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

As the following subsidiaries of Xifeng Motor Group, the people of Xifeng Mochong naturally know how to survive.

At this time, unless Nanshan's products are flawed, if they choose Schuler or Huitian at that time, there may be troubles.

"Liu Bu, thank you for your support and love for Nanshan."

"I firmly believe that Xifeng Mochong has made a very correct choice."

"Our presses in Nanshan are not only good in quality, but also low in cost and good in after-sales service."

"When you choose Nanshan, you choose to save worry."

Flower sedan chairs carry people.

Cao Yang naturally understood what Liu Wei wanted to express by calling himself at this time.

Although the development of Xifeng Motor's own brand is not very promising, it is still the second largest automobile company in China.

It still has a good performance on some special vehicles.

In this regard, it may become the focus of Nanshan's next strategy.

After all, after joining the WTO, along with the rapid development of the economy, the sales of various heavy trucks and construction machinery have skyrocketed.

There are obviously some opportunities here.


"Mr. Cao, is there no problem with the production capacity of your 6AT automatic transmission?"

"We plan to switch the mass-produced Aisin 4AT to Nanshan 6AT in three months."

Changan Automobile, which has been cooperating closely with Nanshan, plans to increase cooperation this time.

So just as Cao Yang hung up the phone, Liu Yanjie, head of Changan Automobile's Purchasing Department, called.

After a few simple greetings and congratulations, the other party immediately got to the point.

This is quite different from the previous rambling style.

"Liu Bu, don't worry!"

"If there is any problem in Nanshan, it will not cause problems in production capacity!"

"As many 6AT automatic transmissions as Changan Automobile wants, we at Nanshan can satisfy them."

"It's even no problem to arrange logistics vehicles to start shipping now."

Cao Yang is also fully used to speaking different words when dealing with different customers.

State-owned enterprises such as Chang'an Automobile will pat their breasts when they should pat their breasts.

If you are obsessively worried about this and that, the project may not be completed in the end.

Besides, the people in the district are now personally coming forward to urge the construction of the second phase of Nanshan Industrial Park.

Soon, the new 6AT gearbox production line will be put into production again.

Where will there be any capacity problems?
"it is good!"

"It's easy to say that there is no problem with production capacity!"

"Then I heard that you are also working on 4MT and 6MT now?"

"Is there any progress so far?"

Liu Yanjie clearly had a rough answer in mind, but he continued to chat with Cao Yang.

This is obviously a good opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two sides.

Through this science and technology award ceremony, Liu Yanjie immediately recognized the situation in Nanshan.

This is no longer a supplier that you can handle casually.

That being the case, it is better to improve the relationship between the two parties.

If he takes this opportunity to establish a good relationship with Cao Yang, maybe the other party will be able to help him when he is promoted in the future.

"Samples have already come out, and the durability test results will come out soon."

"Next week I'll have someone from the sales department come over to visit you with samples."

Although Cao Yang hopes that all passenger cars in China will use 6AT, this is obviously unrealistic.

Not to mention that the price of 6AT over 8000 is too high for a car worth 6 to [-] yuan. Just to distinguish the grades of models, various OEMs will not just use [-]AT gearboxes.

"no problem!"

"At that time, I will make an appointment with the research and development personnel, and everyone will listen to your research on the MT gearbox."

"As long as there is no problem with the technology and the cost is OK, then we will immediately start switching to 4MT."

Liu Yanjie dared to say this, obviously it was communicated within the company.

This is obviously very good news for Nanshan.

As for Liu Yanjie, Wang Ying from Great Wall Motors contacted Cao Yang in person just after the phone call.

"Mr. Cao, I won't say more about congratulations."

"I reckon you've heard enough for today."

"I heard that you have established a strategic partnership with BYD to help them build cars."

"Great Wall Motors is also willing to become a strategic partnership with such an excellent company as Nanshan. I wonder what Mr. Cao thinks?"

Wang Ying is impatient and will do whatever comes to her mind.

Most of the time, she spends Saturdays and Sundays at the company.

Professionalism is definitely worth learning from many people.

"Is Great Wall Motor also planning to fully adopt Nanshan's gearbox and other parts?"

Cao Yang is naturally willing to cooperate deeply with Great Wall Motors.

But it also depends on what the other party wants to cooperate with Nanshan.

Otherwise, the term "strategic partnership" will gradually have a different meaning.

"That's right!"

"As long as Nanshan can do it, and if QCD has advantages over other manufacturers, Great Wall is willing to adopt it."

"We are willing to cooperate with you, Mr. Cao, even in terms of the exterior design of the models."

Obviously, Wang Ying must have heard some news about Cao Yang's "talent" in design.

However, Cao Yang no longer intends to use the appearance map for profit.

Nanshan has passed the stage where it needs to rely on selling appearance pictures to make a living.

That being the case, I am not short of that little money, so why do I have to do that kind of thing?
"Great Wall Motors is a very trustworthy automobile company. We at Nanshan are naturally willing to cooperate with your company in depth."

"I completely agree with the strategic partnership."

"I'll go to Great Wall Motors to visit Mr. Wang later, and hold a signing ceremony properly."

After today, whether it is Nanshan or Cao Yang, if you want to keep a low profile, it is obviously impossible to keep a low profile.

Therefore, Cao Yang no longer hides things that should be done in a high-profile manner.

If more companies are not allowed to know the excellence of Nanshan, how can everyone choose to cooperate with Nanshan?

When will the capacity of the mold center be 100% utilized?

When can all the employees in the equipment center work in three shifts?
"No, I'll go there."

"I heard that the first phase of Nanshan Industrial Park has been fully put into operation, and the second phase is also in good shape."

"I just took this opportunity to come over and take a good look around, and then the two sides will hold a cooperation signing ceremony in Nanshan Industrial Park."

Wang Ying's attitude is very good.

Nanshan, who won three awards at once, is obviously worthy of everyone's attention.

Invisibly, this award can be regarded as a very good endorsement for Nanshan's products.


"It just so happens that many new projects in our R&D center have started to make some progress one after another. We will also report to Mr. Wang properly."

"At that time, if there is anything Great Wall Motor needs Nanshan's assistance, please feel free to ask."

Cao Yang did not reject Wang Ying's cooperation on the appearance of the model, but after all these words, Wang Ying also understood what Cao Yang meant.

Everyone is smart.

(End of this chapter)

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