Chapter 184 The boss fights with the second child, the third child, the fourth child, and the fifth child are finished

In China's equipment market, the most high-end products are often dominated by giants from Europe, America and Japan.

Whether it is the machine tool industry, the medical equipment industry, or the experimental equipment, it is very consistent with this law.

In the second-tier market, Korean or Wanwan manufacturers often drink up the soup by relying on lower costs than giants and higher technology and quality than domestic manufacturers.

It was the turn of China's equipment manufacturers to eat the leftovers.

But in the stamping equipment industry, this situation has been broken because of the emergence of Nanshan.

Throughout the first quarter, Schuler received almost no orders.

As a result, Lucas was naturally anxious.

He pulled out all the stops to convince headquarters to accept a short-term price cut.

In this way, the stamping equipment industry is even more involved.

Although the price of Schuler is not lower than that of Nanshan and Jier, it has dropped a lot compared to the previous price.

At present, the same 300-ton TDM press, the price of Schuler is already lower than that of Hyundai Wia and Wanwan Jinfeng.

Manufacturers who originally wanted to buy Hyundai Avia or Wanwan Jinfeng immediately took this opportunity to place an order for Schuler.

After all, although the price of Schuler is still about [-]% higher than that of Nanshan and Jier, considering the premium of the brand, many customers still feel that buying Schuler equipment is more reassuring.

"Lucas, from the past April, our sales have recovered rapidly, even exceeding the level of the same period last year."

"It's just that although these devices are sold, they are at a loss for us, which is more troublesome."

Xu Dacheng's current mood can be described as ice and fire.

On the one hand, every now and then, manufacturers contacted them proactively, wanting to purchase Schuler presses.

On the other hand, seeing the report shared by the finance department, his heart felt cold.

If things go on like this, Schuler Huaxia will definitely have negative returns this year.

Although the turnover will be good at that time, the bonuses will definitely not be optimistic.

"Save the market first, and then think about preserving profit margins."

"Otherwise we would have no future at all."

"Taking this opportunity can also allow the headquarters to further accelerate the pace of localization in our Huaxia factory."

"I don't believe that with Schuler's hundreds of years of technology accumulation, after complete localization, it can still beat Ji'er and Nanshan."

It has to be said that European and American companies sometimes do much better than Japanese companies and Korean companies in terms of localization.

People are either unwilling to make it domestically, and once they judge that this kind of equipment can be made in China, they will go all out to promote localization.

Obviously, most of Schuler's presses are now considered to be localized in China.

After all, according to the assessment of the Schuler headquarters, Huaxia has already mastered most of the press technology, and continues to drag it out of domestic production. There is no other meaning except to give up the market to Huaxia manufacturers.

"Small-tonnage presses, especially TDM presses, even after our localization, I am afraid that it will be difficult to surpass local companies in China in terms of price."

"Most of the manufacturers who buy this equipment are small manufacturers, and they are very sensitive to prices."

"Unless the headquarters agrees to the localization of products such as 3000-ton TRF presses or 1000-ton PRG presses, I don't think it will be that meaningful to improve our product competitiveness."

Xu Dacheng and Lucas are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

So speaking is more direct.

This can be regarded as an advantage of European and American companies compared with Japanese and Korean companies.

The hierarchy between superiors and subordinates is not so strict. Most of the time, the people below can speak out boldly if they have any ideas.

It will not be sprayed by others, and then suppressed.

"We have already reported to the headquarters that Nanshan's 3000-ton multi-station press won the first prize of the China Science and Technology Progress Award."

"The 3000-ton multi-station press they supplied to Yangcheng Apak has now been installed. People from Huitian have visited it and shared some information with us."

"In this case, I believe that the headquarters will soon agree to the localization of 3000-ton presses."

"At that time, even if the cost of our localization is still a little higher than that of Nanshan, we can still grab market share together."

Lucas never thought of making the cost of the press lower than that of Chinese manufacturers.

This is impossible.

He just wanted Schuler's presses to not be much more expensive than Chinese manufacturers.

People sell 200 million, you sell 300 million, it is estimated that it is a bit difficult to sell.

If someone sells it for 200 million and you sell it for 220 million, then basically the chances are equal to each other.

Especially for European, American and other foreign customers, Schuler's brand awareness and reliability are much higher than those of Nanshan and Jier.

A little price difference, many people are willing to accept.

It will take some time to make up for this difference in brand power.

It’s like everyone buying a car. In 2002, you could sell an Accord for 30 yuan. A domestic self-owned brand model with the same size and equipment must be priced at least 15 yuan to sell well.

But by 2023, BYD's Han DMI and Honda's Accord PHEV, let alone double the price difference, even if the price difference is only [-] to [-], many people are willing to choose BYD.

This is the result of the continuous improvement of brand power.

However, if everyone is at the same price, then consumers will most likely choose the Accord PHEV.

This also shows from another dimension that the improvement of brand power is not something that can be achieved overnight.

As for brand strength compared with luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz and BMW, it is even more difficult.

"What you said makes sense."

"We'd better convince the headquarters as soon as possible."

"Once the headquarters let go, we can start to reduce the price of large-tonnage presses, and start a price war with Nanshan and Jier in this field."

"I've heard that Korea Hyundai Kia Motors, after establishing Xifeng Yueda Kia with Xifeng Group last year, plans to establish Didu Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. with Didu Automobile Group this year."

"Obviously, everyone is optimistic about China's auto market."

"At that time, whether it is the stamping workshop of the main engine factory or various stamping manufacturers, it will need to import a lot of stamping equipment."

"This is a very important opportunity for us."

"If we can seize this opportunity, not to mention stepping on Nanshan and Jier, at least everyone can still have an equal share in the Huaxia market."

Xu Dacheng no longer dares to underestimate domestic manufacturers such as Nanshan and Jier.

He also knew that it was impossible for Schuler to completely suppress the opponent now.

Now his requirements are very low, that is, Schuler must continue to grow in China and continue to expand its turnover.

As long as this can be done, it is already acceptable.

"Well, before other manufacturers have fully reacted, let's do it first."

"When you communicate with people in Huitian in the future, remember not to say everything."

"We were partners in the past, but we may be competitors in the future."

"Even they are the opponents in the same situation as us, and sometimes they pose a greater threat to us than Nanshan and Jier."

Partners are sometimes just for throwing away.

Originally in the international market, Schuler and Aida are the main competitors.

It was only to deal with Nanshan together before, so they joined forces on Huaxia's side.

Seeing that it was meaningless to join forces with Aida to deal with Nanshan, Lucas immediately began to change his strategy.

After all, from now on, in addition to grabbing the market with Nanshan and Jier, Schuler will also find a way to grab share from Huitian.

As for whether this will make Aida's life difficult, that's none of his business.

"Indeed, the situation in Huitian is very similar to ours. In the future competition, their harm to us will continue to increase."

"The best thing is that these competitors can't be wiped out. In this way, if there are Nanshan, Ji'er and our Schuler in the entire Huaxia market, the competition can still be controlled within the acceptable range of everyone."

"I believe that Nanshan and Jier don't want to fight price wars all the time. Everyone wants to make money."

When Xu Dacheng said this, Lucas couldn't help but nodded.

It is not unacceptable to live together with Nanshan and Jier in the Huaxia market.

As for the attitude of looking down on Huaxia equipment manufacturers in the past, it has long since disappeared.


Hyundai Wia Huaxia Branch.

The director of the sales department, Park Taijian, came to the office of the general manager Pei Zhengqing with a little worry.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Korean companies to enter the Chinese market, Hyundai Wia has developed rapidly in recent years.

Although the press is also imported from Korea, due to the geographical location, the delivery schedule will not be much behind compared with domestic production.

More importantly, Hyundai Wia's presses are priced lower than the international mainstream Schuler and Aida.

Although compared with Chinese equipment manufacturers, they are still more expensive.

However, considering that they are foreign brands and imported goods, there are still many manufacturers willing to consider choosing Hyundai Wia equipment.

This is especially true for Korean companies.

"Mr. Pei, just now the head of the procurement department of Xifeng Yueda Kia told me that the price quoted by Schuler for their compressors is [-]% lower than ours."

"Although they still want to support us, Xifeng Yueda Kia is a joint venture company after all, and they also have to consider the opinions of other shareholders."

"When we faced Shangji No. [-] Machine Tool Factory before, although the other party's price was lower than ours, we can make some manipulations in technical parameters and other aspects, and there is still a high probability of getting an order."

"But now Schuler has also quoted a low price, even if they want to help us, they have nothing to do."

When Pu Taijian said this, Pei Zhengqing frowned immediately.

The duck with its mouth full, actually flew?

This is definitely no small matter.

"We are an affiliated company of Hyundai Motor. Instead of buying our equipment, they bought Schuler's press instead?"

"Aren't they afraid that we will go to the headquarters to complain about them?"

Pei Zhengqing's first reaction was unbelievable.

Then I felt that I had to go to the shareholders to complain.

However, Park Taijian's words poured cold water on him.

"Mr. Pei, currently Schuler's presses surpass us in all aspects of technical parameters, and their SPM is 2 times/minute more than ours."

"The key is that their prices are still lower than ours."

"The brand power of Schuler presses is not comparable to ours."

"Even in this situation, the other party told us that if we can lower the price than Schuler, even if it is only 5% lower, they can continue to give us this order."

"But if our price is still 25% higher than them, then there is no chance anyway."

Park Taijian is still very clear about the profit margin of his own products.

As imported equipment, in order to open up the market in China, their own quotations are not particularly high.

Basically, less than 20% of the profit is left for each press.

And the price quoted by Xifeng Yueda Kia is only 15% profit margin.

Now it is simply impossible for me to reduce the price by 25%.

How could Hyundai Wia do business at a loss?
"Schuler's price has always been higher than ours. Why is their price so low this time?"

Pei Zhengqing felt sullen in his heart and couldn't vent it no matter what.

If Huaxia's equipment manufacturer quotes a low price, he can still do it immediately.

Schuler of Germany did the same thing, so he didn't understand.

Is this to play yourself to death?

"If the other party just wants to get orders from car companies, it is a bit unacceptable for us to lose orders. After all, we can get a lot of orders from other stamping manufacturers to make up for it."

"I'm afraid this is just the beginning."

Park Taejian's mouth is like a crow's mouth.

Almost every week for the next month, he received news of missing orders.

Even for some orders that have already signed the contract, the other party will cancel the cooperation at the risk of paying liquidated damages.

As a result, the Hyundai Wia Huaxia Branch, which was originally thriving, immediately fell into crisis.

Market share is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the one who has a fate similar to that of modern Wia is Wanwan Jinfeng.

Although well-known internationally, Wanwan Jinfeng is not very high.

However, in the 90s, many investment companies in the southeast used a large number of Jinfeng equipment, which led to their relatively high reputation in the southeastern coastal provinces.

Many times, some manufacturers can't afford imported products such as Schuler and Aida, and they don't like other domestic equipment manufacturers, so they choose to buy Jinfeng products.

After all, emotionally, everyone is a Chinese manufacturer, which is acceptable.

But from the point of view of product price and quality, it is better than other domestic manufacturers.

Of course, these are relative.

Seeing that Hyundai Wia, an equipment manufacturer with a slightly higher positioning than Jinfeng, can't survive.

Naturally, Jin Feng's life became sad immediately.

Originally, Nanshan United Jier was wrestling with the boss Shule, and everyone was watching the fun.

I even wondered if I could take this opportunity to expand the market.

Unexpectedly, the boss and the second child fought, and the third, fourth, and fifth were finished.

(End of this chapter)

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