Chapter 186 The struggle escalated, Huaqiang factory came to ask for help

Americans are very realistic.

They often only have interests in their eyes.

Whether it is Nanshan or Schuler, they will choose whoever can provide them with benefits.

Not to mention that Nanshan now has a deep cooperation with Ford Motor on parts such as gearboxes.

The parameters and prices of the presses provided by Nanshan alone have many advantages over Schuler.

Compared with the press parameters used by various suppliers and Ford's stamping shop, the gap is even greater.

If the first-mover advantage takes a long time, it will become a first-mover disadvantage.

Just like infrastructure, in the 90s and [-]s, whether it was the United States or Japan, they were definitely much better than China.

But after entering the 21st century, this situation immediately began to change.

By 2023, the construction of many cities in China will be completely different from the 90s.

Properly surpass the United States and other countries.

But many buildings and transportation of the family are still the same as before.

High-speed rail is even more typical in this regard.

In this context, Cao Yang's trip to the United States is destined not to return empty-handed.

Visited Ford Motor, General Motors, Chrysler and Dodge Motors, as well as their main stamping suppliers in the United States for one month.

Although many orders cannot be finalized immediately, there are more than 50 equipment contracts that have signed an agreement of intent.

This is definitely a bumper harvest.

"Mr. Cao, it seems that if you follow Nanshan, there is indeed meat to eat."

"Ford Motor has made it clear that starting next year, it will gradually update the equipment in the stamping workshop of each factory."

"This year, technical experts will be arranged to visit Jier to discuss the details of cooperation."

"As long as there is no problem with our parameters, at least half of Ford's stamping equipment renovation orders can be obtained by then."

Zhang Sheng was in a very good mood.

Although Jier's products have already begun to be installed in Chang'an Ford's workshop, the significance of this is very different compared to exporting to the Ford headquarters factory in the United States.

Once this information is finalized at that time, Jier will definitely be able to show off in the domestic equipment industry.

And all of this was accomplished by Nanshan leading him.

Of course, what Zhang Sheng didn't know was that even without Cao Yang, there would be no Nanshan.

According to historical development, they will also receive a large order for the transformation of Ford's stamping equipment.

It's just that this time will be delayed for a few years.

"Mr. Zhang, Schuler is already in a price war with us in China. You should pay more attention to it. Don't let them start a price war with Ford."

"As the most important manufacturer of Ford stamping equipment, Schuler has a very close relationship with Ford."

"There are several other OEMs, you need to communicate more."

Most of the stamping workshops of OEMs use large-tonnage TDM presses.

According to the previous agreement, this belongs to Ji Er's cake.

Of course, in this cake, parts such as CNC system and bearings are all provided by Nanshan.

In a way, it's a win-win.

Not to mention that this time Nanshan has won many orders for PRG and TRF presses from OEM suppliers such as Ford Motor.

This trip to the United States, Nanshan's harvest is definitely greater than that of Ji'er.

"No problem, I will have an internal meeting after I go back to discuss setting up an office in Detroit."

"At that time, we must sell our presses to various automobile factories in the United States, making our Jier the best choice for automobile factories."

"Schuler, Aida, and Komatsu should stand aside."

At this moment, Zhang Sheng was full of pride.

He had never been so confident.

Of course, if you reciprocate, he naturally knows what to do.

In the future, Jier will be completely tied to Nanshan and become the representative of Huaxia in the press industry.


Nanshan and Jier made so many moves, which directly made Huitian one of the biggest victims.

With the pissing nature of the Dongpu people, they must not be reconciled to failing like this.

Even if some tricks have been used before, the effect is not very good.

Nor are they willing to give up.

Even relying on selling miserably, Schuler once again cooperated with them on some things.

And this time the cooperation is not just to deal with Nanshan.

Even Huaqiang Factory, if Nanshan Investment holds 30% of the shares, has become a target.

"Mr. Cao, have you finally returned to China?"

"I'm really sorry, I'll come over to trouble you as soon as you come back."

Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd., on the first day Cao Yang came back to work from a business trip, Guo Shuyin from Yangcheng Huaqiang Stamping Factory came to him.

In the last year of this year, the development of Huaqiang Factory has also been very rapid.

They not only won a large number of orders from Yangcheng Honda, but also began to develop other customers.

Even the stamping business of home appliances, which had been abandoned, has made a breakthrough again.

They started producing printers and even some of the stampings on the elevators.

These stampings have much higher requirements than the shells of air conditioners and refrigerators.

At this time, parts with high precision requirements are completely Huaqiang Factory's advantage.

Some manufacturers in Hong Kong City, even some manufacturers in Japan, are also looking for cooperation with Huaqiang Factory.

In this way, the production capacity of Huaqiang Factory was quickly utilized immediately.

How to further improve production efficiency has become something that Guo Shuyin needs to consider.

As a stamping manufacturer, the most basic process is stamping and welding.

The production efficiency of stamping needs to be improved, which mainly depends on the equipment. In this regard, Huaqiang Factory has used a large number of PRG presses and TRF presses from Nanshan, which has achieved the ultimate efficiency.

The rest is welding efficiency.

At present, most of the Chinese stamping manufacturers use manual welding for welding.

After all, a welding robot costs hundreds of thousands, or even millions, at every turn.

With this fund, it is better to recruit a few more workers, and the cost is less than 1000 yuan a month.

But Guo Shuyin's vision is naturally different from that of ordinary manufacturers.

He has realized one step faster that it is necessary to introduce welding robots to improve welding production efficiency.

He has visited many welding workshops of OEMs, where a large number of welding robots have been adopted.

He thinks this will be the way of the future.

So this year, Huaqiang Factory began to plan the welding automation production line.

"Old Guo, what happened?"

Cao Yang and Guo Shuyin are also old acquaintances.

Knowing that the other party is not the kind of person who comes to him for trivial things.

"Our Huaqiang factory is promoting the transformation of welding automation production lines this year. Originally, the bidding for welding robots has ended. After the results were announced last week, the manufacturer began to arrange production."

"But when I contacted the other party last week, they suddenly refused to accept the order."

"Then we contacted several other manufacturers, and the results were the same."

"Mr. Cao, it's obviously not normal to not do business if you have business."

"We immediately arranged for many people to inquire, and finally got the news that several of their robot manufacturers have all united and refused to cooperate with Nanshan related manufacturers."

"It is said that manufacturers such as Toyota Motor, Aisin and Fanuc are jointly promoting this."

"It doesn't matter if the automation transformation of our Huaqiang factory is delayed, but these factories are united to deal with Nanshan. We must pay attention to this matter."

Guo Shuyin knew how to speak.

If he asked Cao Yang to help solve this problem as soon as he came up, it would definitely arouse Cao Yang's resentment.

It seems that if you have problems, the responsibility is all on me.

Although this is true in fact, the feelings conveyed by different expressions are still very different.

"Welder robot?"

"There is no monopoly on this thing, and there should be quite a few manufacturers that can do it, right?"

Cao Yang didn't know about the fact that manufacturers like Toyota Motor and Aisin would deal with Nanshan until today.

So after listening to Guo Shuyin's words, he was not very nervous.

This impact is far from causing Nanshan to fall into crisis.

"Mr. Cao, what you said is not wrong."

"In the industry of welding robots, there are still many manufacturers that can do it."

"However, except for KUKA and ABB in Europe, the other companies in the industry are all Japanese companies."

"OTC, Yaskawa, Kawasaki, Panasonic, Fanuc, Fujitsu, they basically account for [-]% to [-]% of China's welding robot market."

"Kuka and ABB need to import from Europe, so the price is much higher than that of Dongying."

"Although there are several robot manufacturers in China recently, there is a gap between the accuracy and quality of robots compared with foreign companies."

"The most disgusting thing is that we contacted Kuka and ABB last week, and the attitude of the other party seems to be a bit ambiguous."

"Although there is no direct rejection, the terms of the offer are also very harsh."

"So I think this matter is not simple."

Guo Shuyin quickly explained the situation to Cao Yang.

There are quite a few manufacturers that can manufacture welding robots, but all that are available now are difficult for Nanshan.

This situation must be taken seriously.

"When Schuler and Huitian joined forces to deal with Nanshan before, they were still twitchy. They just made us uncomfortable by raising prices and delaying delivery."

"Now it is not concealed at all, and it is directly not allowed to cooperate with Nanshan."

"It seems that these people are determined to kill me."

Cao Yang snorted coldly in his heart, and his dislike for Toyota Motor, Aisin, FANUC and other manufacturers increased a bit.

Everyone competes fairly. If Nanshan loses, then Cao Yang has nothing to say.

Now because Aisin's gearbox QCD comprehensive ability is not as good as Nanshan, I start to worry.

All means outside the market have begun to be used.

It seems that the gearbox has moved the other party's core interests.

After all, Dongying Motors can maintain its dominant position. The most important reason is that the engine assembly and gearbox assembly have absolute advantages over Huaxia.

Now that the gearbox assembly has fallen, their advantage has dropped by a level.

The most important thing is that after the advantage of the gearbox assembly is lost, how long the advantage of the engine assembly can be maintained is also a question mark.

After all, the gearbox assembly needs to be done well, sometimes even more difficult than the engine assembly.

Huaxia can do a good job in the gearbox, and there is no reason why it can't do a good job in the engine.

"Mr. Cao, those companies in Dongying have many connections with each other."

"It may be an industry under the same consortium behind it, but most people don't know it."

"Now Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan machine tool CNC system and bearings have brought great competitive pressure to Dongying enterprises."

"They should also be trying their best to suppress us."

"As for companies such as KUKA and ABB, although there is no direct conflict with us, there must be some cooperation and tacit understanding between the other party and these companies in Dongying."

"They don't need to completely offend those manufacturers in Dongying because of Nanshan."

"The trouble now is that domestic robot manufacturers are not up to par. Even if we want to use them, we can't produce qualified products."

"After all, the welding of auto parts requires relatively high precision for robots."

"If the precision is not up to standard, all the parts produced will be waste products."

Guo Shuyin didn't say what his specific request was, anyway, he believed that Cao Yang would definitely understand what he meant.

"Mr. Cao, the core technologies of welding robots are high-precision bearings, precise numerical control systems and high-performance motors."

"The first two key points are a big threshold for other manufacturers, but they are nothing to us at Nanshan."

"After all, our bearings and CNC systems are also very leading in the entire industry."

"Now it's nothing more than the motor. We are still in the research and development process, and have not entered mass production on a large scale."

"But if you try hard, it's not impossible to break through."

"Mr. Cao, should we set up a separate robotics department in the equipment center to research and produce robots by ourselves?"

"The first product, starting with welding robots, let the manufacturers in Dongying have a look. Without Butcher Zhang, we would not eat hairy pigs."

Pan Jinxing couldn't help but interjected.

This is the best opportunity to expand the business scale of the equipment center, and he will naturally not miss it.

This year, Nanshan's turnover will hit a record high. According to Cao Yang, [-]% of the turnover will be used as research and development expenses.

This means that Nanshan's research and development expenses this year can go to 8 million or even more.

Whether it is the equipment center, the mold center, or the R&D team of each component, they are all staring at this cost.

As the person in charge of the equipment center, Pan Jinxing naturally hopes that the company can allocate R&D resources to the equipment field.

"We produce it ourselves?"

Cao Yang pondered it over and over again, and felt that this idea seemed good.

Regardless of the inconspicuousness of welding robots, ordinary people don't know that there is such a thing.

But in the industrial field, there are many places where robots are used in all walks of life.

With the rapid economic development, China's labor costs will continue to increase.

Expanding the use of robots in the future is also an inevitable choice.

"That's right, Mr. Cao, I think the robotics industry has a lot to offer."

Seeing that Cao Yang was moved, Pan Jinxing's attitude became firmer.

On the contrary, Guo Shuyin was a little depressed.

If Nanshan does it himself, can the research and development speed catch up with the needs of Huaqiang Factory?

(End of this chapter)

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