Chapter 192 Funny, That’s How the First Wave of Robot Orders Came

Cao Yang's office faces south, and the evergreen by the window is growing very well.

The light in the room was very soft, and the sunlight coming in through the window added a warm feeling to Cao Yang.

With a focused and affectionate face, Cao Yang carefully watered the Evergreen, making sure that every leaf could drink water.

The atmosphere in the room is very peaceful, only the sound of water in the kettle and Cao Yang's breathing, giving people a sense of tranquility and comfort.

"Mr. Cao, I figured it out!"

"Those people are indeed from FANUC, Yaskawa and Kawasaki."

"Their news is very well-informed, and they actually appeared during our first robot exhibition."

The arrival of Zeng Tingting broke the tranquility.

However, Cao Yang continued to bend over and poured some water on Wan Nianqing.

Then he said, "Did they have any follow-up reaction?"

"Yes! Of course!" Zeng Tingting's face became weird, "Mr. Cao, guess what their reaction is?"

"What is it?"

"Could it be that they want to win over a group of equipment manufacturers from Dongying, and prevent various stamping manufacturers from buying our equipment?"

"Or did they find some way to convince Honda to come forward and set up obstacles for us?"

Cao Yang no longer has much fear of the various means of Dongying equipment manufacturers.

The other party has already done such a thing as banning the sale of robots.

Then it's not surprising to do something similar, or even more excessive.

"No, not at all!"

"Mr. Cao, do you know?"

"Their first reaction was to find Japanese suppliers such as Apak and Aiji, and ask them to order our robots."

When Zeng Tingting said this, her face became complicated.

She naturally knew what the purpose of these competitors ordering Nanshan NS-Roboter 100 was.

This is definitely a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken, uneasy and kind.

However, after the first exhibition, Nanshan NS-Roboter 100 immediately won 8 orders, which is a really good thing.

The most important thing is that these 8 units are not all, but a beginning.

Not to mention that Yangcheng Honda has already expressed a very strong intention to consider using Nanshan robots, even those stamping suppliers are also moved.

Their previous press was produced by Nanshan, and it has been running well so far. Not only has there been no quality problem that everyone is worried about, but the production efficiency is also higher than that of the same type of equipment of the parent company.

This gave them a little more confidence in Nanshan's products.

"As long as you order normally, no matter who buys it, we will sell it!"

"However, let the people in the legal department speed up. It is not enough for the relevant patents to be registered in China. They must also be registered in major overseas countries."

"No matter how much the money is, it cannot be saved."

In 2002, many companies in China did not have a strong concept of patents.

But Cao Yang is different. He knows very well that the protection of patents in all walks of life will be strengthened in the future.

It would be disgusting if the product developed by Nanshan was eventually patented by a competitor like FANUC.

In his previous life, Cao Yang had seen some news about this kind of case.

For example, traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, with a long history and remarkable efficacy.However, some traditional Chinese medicines have been patented by foreign-funded enterprises in the United States Patent Office for related extraction technologies.

Another example is Taijiquan, which is definitely one of the traditional Chinese martial arts, famous for its soft, slow and smooth movements.

However, some Tai Chi movements and postures are patented by American companies.

The same situation also happened in paper-cut, tea and porcelain.

"Don't we consider setting some restrictions on them and delaying the time for them to obtain our robot prototype?"

Zeng Tingting still has a bit of a grudge when her products are bought by competitors for research.

However, Cao Yang didn't care at all.

In the future, Nanshan's products are destined to be used for research as soon as they come out.

Just like a car company in later generations, once a new product is launched, a group of companies will buy it back and disassemble it for research and analysis.

"The numerical control system cannot be studied clearly after disassembly. Our motors and bearings also have their own unique features. Even if they are thoroughly studied, there is no way to avoid our patents."

"How about letting them buy it back and study it?"

"It just so happens that you can treat this matter as a joke at the dinner table and mention it to your customers."

"Fanuc manufacturers do this kind of thing, don't you think this is the best advertisement for NS-Roboter 100?"

Zeng Tingting:? ? ? ! ! !

After Nanshan successfully held the robot technology exhibition in Yangcheng Honda, various exhibitions such as BYD, Magic City General Motors, Magic Capital Volkswagen, Shenlong Automobile, Spring City Volkswagen, etc., naturally followed suit soon.

After having the first experience, it will be smoother in the future.

The Nanshan robot can be regarded as a complete dark horse, appearing in the Huaxia automobile industry.

Along with this process, fanuc and other Japanese robot manufacturers bought Nanshan robots to study and plagiarize in a roundabout way, which also spread in the industry.

"Yoshida-san, is Nanshan's robot really that powerful?"

In an izakaya, Saburo Sato of Aisin and Yoshida of FANUC were sitting there drinking in a dull atmosphere.

Both of them were not in a good mood during this time.

It can be said that Aisin is losing ground in China, so I hope that Spring City Toyota's new model can save them.

And FANUC's CNC system business is on the verge of collapse.

Yoshida and the headquarters proposed a joint venture plan with several Chinese state-owned enterprises, but it was also rejected in the end.

No way, if it is a joint venture to produce robots, the headquarters can agree.

It's just an assembly factory anyway.

But joint research and production of CNC systems is different.

"Sato-san, why are you asking that?"

Yoshida's heart sank.

Do people in Aisin think so?

The propaganda work of Nanshan Robot is so well done?
"It's been rumored that Nanshan's robots are better than those on the market. Whether it's working speed, precision, or even cost, they all overwhelm other manufacturers' products in an all-round way."

"Other manufacturers who have felt the huge impact are trying to obtain prototypes of Nanshan robots, and want to study how to catch up with Nanshan's technology."

As soon as Sato said this, Yoshida immediately felt [-] points of damage.

He admitted that the various parameters of the Nanshan robot are excellent, but FANUC is definitely not helpless.

Why does it feel like Nanshan has suppressed everyone now?

"Is this your personal opinion or..."

Yoshida, who already had a bad premonition in his heart, still had illusions in his heart.

"Many people in the industry are spreading the word."

"Is this the case?"

Sato hated Nanshan absolutely no less than Yoshida.

So for this rumor, he didn't believe it at first.

However, he had heard of it on many occasions, so he couldn't help but doubt it.

Today, when he told FANUC's Yoshida Ichi, the other party's reaction made Sato realize something more.

It seems that it really is not groundless.

"Everyone in the industry is spreading the word?"


Yoshida felt a breath of conspiracy.

But he couldn't deny it.

After all, FANUC really ordered two Nanshan robots through Apak, and now they have been sent back to Dongying headquarters.

"Yoshida-san, FANUC, please do your best."

"If the robot market is also snatched by Nanshan, then Nanshan's ambitions will definitely be even greater in the future."

"It's not good for all of us."

Now Sato is naturally going to desperately encourage those manufacturers of FANUC to fight against Nanshan.

There are very few cards that Aisin can play.

Now we can only rely on others!

Thinking of this, he felt very aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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