Chapter 204 Punching Japan, Stepping on Germany, Nanshan Robot Goes International

The first day of the World Robot Conference is the most active day.

In the morning, it is basically the time for various companies to release their new products.

In the afternoon, it was time for various robotics experts to give lectures on various topics.

In addition to the lecture by Ichiro Kato, the father of the world's humanoid robot, Takeo Kanide, the inventor of the world's first direct drive robot arm, also gave a lecture this afternoon.

In this way, if you choose to hold a new product launch in the afternoon, there is naturally no way to attract everyone's attention like in the morning.

However, there is also an advantage.

That is, there are many more ordinary audiences in the afternoon than in the morning.

"Mr. Cao, everything is ready, and our NS-Roboter 200 conference can begin."

Li Shigui took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous.

Cao Yang completely entrusted him with this press conference, and prepared to sit in the audience as an audience.

There must be a lot of pressure like this.

"Then let's get started."

"Today is just the first appearance of our NS-Roboter 200. Later, based on these technologies, humanoid robots can be launched. When the time comes, dozens of robots will dance together. The impact will definitely be greater."

"It can be said that this year's World Robot Conference, we set off an upsurge of robot dancing. In the future, every year at the World Robot Conference, our robot dance will be the main way of new product launches."

"Let this method become a representative of Nanshan robots, and let everyone think of robot dance, and think of Nanshan."

"Even if our humanoid robots are developed fast enough, we can directly pull out 108 humanoid robots at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games or some other important occasions in the future, giving everyone a unique dance."

Sensing Li Shigui's nervousness, Cao Yang chatted with him for a while.

Although Cao Yang has many eye-catching proposals, it will take some time to produce those robotic products.

Especially for some robots used by later generations, even if Cao Yang gave the blueprints, it would be a bit difficult to produce them.

The most important thing is that some of the theories are still immature, and Nanshan has already launched products, which will definitely cause many competitors to study these things with a magnifying glass.

At that time, some unexplainable things will definitely emerge.

This is definitely not the situation Cao Yang wants to see.

So in the last robot conference this time, the dance performance of Nanshan Robot was twelve sets of the latest NS-Roboter 200 products.

For these products, there is no way to move them during the performance.

You can only swing the robot arm and make some difficult movements at the same time.

Through this method similar to group dance, the technology display becomes more impactful.

So that Nanshan Robot can go international.

"President Cao, don't worry!"

"After I go back, I will put the camp bed in the office. If I don't get the first generation of humanoid robots out, I will be permanently stationed in the company."

Li Shigui is also a ruthless person.

In order to come up with new products, ready to fight.

Of course, this is also related to Nanshan's incentive system.

If anyone can come up with industry-leading technology, Cao Yang, the general manager, will specially approve some bonuses.

Not capped!

For example, last year, an engineer made a breakthrough in self-locking nuts, and Cao Yang directly rewarded 10 yuan.

That was 2001 yuan in 10.

Definitely not less.

The most critical thing is that this is just a self-locking nut.

If it is a large-scale product such as a motor or a robot, is it possible to reward 100 million?
Cao Yang said similar things within the company.

"Then I'll wait and see!"

"The next stage will be handed over to you."

Seeing that Li Shigui was not so nervous, Cao Yang led Mi Ying towards the middle of the stage.

The robot display belonging to Nanshan officially started.

Li Shigui stood up and introduced the technical parameters of his new product with emotion, but the response was mediocre.

It made him a little embarrassed.

It made me stumble a bit when I spoke next.

Fortunately, it will soon be time for the robots to show up.

Accompanied by a very rhythmic dance song, the 12 robots arranged in an orderly manner in the exhibition hall began to move.

The robots began to move to a common rhythm, their arms, legs and heads constantly changing movements in accordance with the melody and rhythm of the music.

Their movements are in unison, as if they are a real dance team, presenting a wonderful performance for the audience.

The dance of robots is not limited to simple mechanical movements, they can also perform complex movements and gestures according to programmed instructions.

In order to make the effect more shocking, Nanshan's technicians also made great efforts.

In the dance scenes of these robots, they jointly performed a variety of different dance styles, including modern dance, jazz dance and Latin dance, among others.

The dance of each robot is unique, but they can form a perfect collaboration as a whole.

Soon, the surrounding audience was immediately attracted.

After all, this is the first time everyone has seen the scene of 12 robots dancing together.

The good acoustics also made Nanshan's exhibition hall the focus at once.

The audience was deeply attracted by this novel scene, as if they were in a fantasy world made up of robots.

Robot dance not only brings visual beauty to people, but also makes people feel the power of modern technology and the charm of robots.

And Nanshan's name can be regarded as officially entering the sight of many people.

During this process, Cao Yang also looked around from time to time to feel everyone's reactions.

Obviously, the success of this exhibition can be felt from the crowd watching.

The mouths of many audience members opened slightly, as if in an O shape, and their eyes were full of surprise and shock.

"I couldn't believe my eyes that these robots could collaborate and dance so perfectly."

"Yeah, the technology of these robots has reached a very high level, and their performance is really amazing."

"I think this performance is not just a robot dance performance, but also a display and demonstration of modern technology and robotics."

"They demonstrate the application and prospects of robots in various fields, and also give us a deeper understanding that robots will become indispensable partners and assistants of human beings in the future."

"That's right, the performances of these robots not only let us feel the charm of robots, but also make us realize the importance of the continuous development of artificial intelligence and technology to human society."

During Mi Ying's translation, Cao Yang also understood what some audience members were talking about.

Obviously, Nanshan Robot is definitely going to be famous this time.

In the morning, Honda ASIMO stood out like a dark horse.

In the afternoon, it was Nanshan Robot's turn to punch Dongying, step on Germany, and go international.

Sure enough, advanced products sometimes need to be matched with promotional methods that stand out.

Cao Yang thinks that in the future, Nanshan robots will show their own level plan in the form of dancing, which will definitely be imitated and learned by more and more robot manufacturers.

For this alone, Nanshan Robot is famous.

(End of this chapter)

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