Chapter 206 Returning Triumphantly, Layout 2003
This year's World Robot Conference was held in Japan.

All robot companies in Japan attach great importance to it.

As a result, the most impressive product in the entire conference was ASIMO, a robot manufacturer Honda.

The other one is the NS-Roboter 200 of Huaxia Enterprise Nanshan.

The former is at least an Dongying company, and manufacturers like FANUC and Kawasaki are still acceptable.

But the latter stole everyone's limelight, and many people felt very uncomfortable.

Among them, Yongzheng Yoshida, who was the head of the sales department of FANUC Huaxia Branch and is now transferred back to the headquarters as a general salesman, reacted fiercely to this situation.

"Minister, look!"

"Nanshan robots are not only starting to compete with everyone in China, they have already directly killed our lair."

"If everyone doesn't pay attention to it, then China's robot market will not have much to do with Dongying enterprises in the future."

"Except for a small number of robots in special fields, some of our manufacturers can still get orders, and most of them will become cakes for China's own robot manufacturers such as Nanshan."

"I think people from Aisin and Toyota don't need to come forward this time. Our Dongying Robotics Association needs to stand up and take joint action to think about how to deal with Nanshan."

"It's in our interest to kill this company in its infancy."

Yoshida Yongzheng had a very chic life in Huaxia before.

But after returning to Dongying, the special car was gone, and the rented house was gone.

As for the countless girlfriends who took the initiative to jump up, they all disappeared.

All of this, he thought was Nanshan's fault.

If there were no Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. in the world, his life would not be so bad.

"The main goal of the Dongying Robotics Association is to promote the research, application and promotion of robotics. If we jointly deal with Nanshan, people will sue us for violating the anti-monopoly law. Wouldn't that be troublesome?"

"We must know that since last year, the anti-monopoly investigation of the auto parts industry has been going on, and it has only come to an end now."

"Our EGL component companies Yazaki, Fujikura and NSK have all been fined huge sums by the American judiciary."

"If the anti-monopoly is involved in the field of robots by then, we will be out of luck."

As the head of the sales department of FANUC headquarters, Kawashima Yutaka can naturally feel the pressure brought by Nanshan to FANUC.

Although in 2002, Huaxia's turnover only accounted for [-]% of FANUC's.

But the increase is very fast.

According to the original forecast, in a few years, the turnover of the Huaxia market will exceed [-]% of the world's.

However, it is precisely because the current proportion is not so high, so Kawashima's pain is not as deep as that of Yoshida.

"As long as we don't do these things in the American market, it's not a big problem."

"Minister, I think companies such as Kawasaki, Fujikoshi and Yaskawa should also feel some threats."

"Even if Japan's regulatory agencies want to investigate us at that time, it will be beyond the law."

Hearing what Yoshida said, Kawashima was a little moved.

It is in the interests of all Japanese companies to suppress the technological development of Chinese companies.

I seem to worry too much?

"I'll chat with the ministers of those companies and see what they think!"

Kawashima did not refuse this time, but he did not agree directly either.



The 4-day World Robot Conference ended successfully.

This time, both Honda and Nanshan are winners.

Relatively speaking, Nanshan is the biggest winner.

After all, Honda's ASIMO just attracted a lot of attention.

The product has not been put on the market yet, and it cannot enjoy too many economic benefits.

But Nanshan is different. During the exhibition, more than a dozen customers expressed their interest.

Among them, a customer in the United States paid a deposit of 12 US dollars directly and ordered 200 NS-Roboter [-] of Nanshan.

This is definitely a good start.

So a small celebration banquet is naturally a must.

Even Cao Yang didn't ask everyone to go back to China immediately tomorrow, but allowed everyone to go back after playing in the capital for another day.

This can be regarded as a disguised form of benefiting everyone.

"Mr. Cao, Dongying has many various industry exhibitions every year. Except for some traditional tea, porcelain, silk and other exhibitions, our domestic enterprises can attract some attention. There are basically no Chinese enterprises in other exhibitions. become a hot topic."

"This time Nanshan broke the record, it's really satisfying."

Fang Sisi was also invited to attend the celebration banquet in Nanshan today.

After all, Nanshan's success at the robot conference this time is also due to her.

This girl has a pair of big eyes, a high nose and a charming smile. The overall temperament is gentle, confident and elegant.

Her beauty is not only reflected in her appearance, but also in her inner wisdom and talent.

Although Cao Yang's later generations had never heard of her name, it didn't stop him from giving Wang Sisi a high look.

"Nanshan has always been taking the route of relying on technology to take orders. We spend 10% of our sales as research and development expenses every year."

"This year this number is expected to reach 10 billion."

"And this year's campus recruitment, we recruited 1000 fresh graduates in one go."

"Now Nanshan has more than 9000 employees, [-]% of whom are R&D personnel.

"This month's turnover is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan, making it the largest private enterprise in Yangcheng."

"In addition to robots, we also have a lot of research results in the auto parts industry and the machine tool industry."

"Reporter Fang, you are welcome to visit Nanshan if you have the opportunity in the future."

Naturally, Cao Yang would not miss such a good opportunity to show his strength in front of the people from Huaxia TV.

As long as you go to Huaxia TV a few more times, it will be more effective than any advertisement.

Although most of Nanshan's current products are not TO C, there will definitely be a demand for TO C in the future.

It is obviously necessary to raise the sense of presence in front of the Chinese people and accumulate national popularity.

"Mr. Cao, I have already suggested to the main station that we can do a special report on Nanshan next time."

"Let everyone see that our Huaxia company is also able to achieve technological achievements that surpass those of its international counterparts."

"At that time, maybe I really have the opportunity to go to Yangcheng to interview you again, Mr. Cao."

Fang Sisi is also very interested in Cao Yang
She has seen many rich second generations.

But like Cao Yang, obviously there is none.

No matter what the purpose is, she is willing to have a good relationship with Nanshan.

Afterwards, everyone naturally had a good time as the host and guest, eating, drinking and chatting.


When Cao Yang returned to Yangcheng again, Liu Tianwu visited him first.

Obviously, Nanshan was on Huaxia TV again, and he also made great achievements in the field of robotics. Liu Tianwu already knew about this.

For people like them, the 30 minutes of news on Huaxia TV every day is a must-see.

Even if you missed it due to work reasons, you still have to make up for it.

"Mr. Cao, the second phase of Nanshan Industrial Park has been completed, and the third phase is also in full swing."

"Now the city wants to build an industrial town around the Nanshan Industrial Park. Do you think this idea is feasible?"

Nanshan Industrial Park is now the pillar of Panyu's GDP. To build an industrial town, it must be negotiated with Nanshan.

On this point, Liu Tianwu's attitude is very correct.

Here in Yangcheng, everyone is still advancing the work based on the concept of development.

You don't think that I care about you, you just have to listen to my orders.

If you let me down, I'll fuck you.

"Leader, I think the idea of ​​an industrial town is very good."

"It is impossible for Nanshan to produce all the components by itself."

"We also hope to support a group of suppliers to develop with us."

"However, in the process of attracting investment in industrial towns, I suggest paying attention to identification."

"Some low-end and backward production capacity should not be brought in, or else we will have to find a way to transfer them to other places in a few years."

Cao Yang understood Liu Tianwu's thinking quite well.

However, industrial towns can be established, but they must be centered on Nanshan.

After the industrial town is established, all kinds of industries will come in a mess, which will affect the next step of Nanshan's development.

"This is definitely not a problem."

"Although the land in the district is not as tense as the Shanghai Capital and the Imperial Capital, it is not possible for any factory to obtain land use approval here."

"At that time, our industrial town will develop closely around the auto parts industry and equipment industry, and the investment targets will also be related to these manufacturers."

Seeing that Cao Yang agreed to his proposal so happily, Liu Tianwu smiled a little more on his face.

In the past few years, he has watched Nanshan develop and grow with his own eyes. Naturally, he knows that the industrial town needs the support of Nanshan in order to really do well.

Otherwise, it is likely to be an unfinished project in the end, which directly affects his progress.

"By the way, there are some situations in Yangcheng during this period. There are quite a lot of employees in your industrial park, so you should pay attention."

"If any employee is unwell, let them go to the doctor in time."

After finishing the business, before leaving, Liu Tianwu hesitated to speak, and finally reminded Cao Yang.

If ordinary people hear this, they probably won't get the meaning behind it.

But who is Cao Yang?
He immediately realized again that he had missed a major event.

Although history has also proved that this incident has little impact on China's development.

But in the next period of time, it will still have a big impact on Yangcheng.

"Thank you, leader!"

"Nanshan Industrial Park has built a large number of staff dormitories in the first and second phases. More than [-]% of our workers live in the industrial park."

"In the next step, we will also make preparations in all aspects to keep the industrial park in a closed operation as much as possible."

Cao Yang's decision was really not a joke.

There is no way to compare the technology of this era with that of later generations.

If you don't prepare in advance, it will definitely be a mess when the time comes.

Seeing that Cao Yang already knew what he meant, Liu Tianwu left quickly.

Next, Cao Yang directly arranged for the company's personnel to purchase some special supplies, and asked the canteen to do a good job of grain and oil storage.

Even if some people didn't understand, Cao Yang didn't explain, he just ordered everyone to do it.

Anyway, he is the boss, and all these arrangements are spent on his money, so no one dares to object too bluntly.

Of course, you must not give up eating because of choking.

What should be done is still to be done.

"Mr. Cao, our turnover for the whole year of 2002 smoothly increased to 101 billion, of which the gearbox business department contributed 68 billion turnover, other parts and components contributed 21 billion turnover, and the equipment center contributed 8 million yuan. The center contributed 3 million yuan, and the robotics department contributed 1 million yuan."

"Deducting various research and development expenditures, plant construction, equipment purchase and other expenses, the company's net profit reached 16% this year."

"Most of them were contributed by the Transmission Division."

After Dong Shengnan came to report to Cao Yang, he specifically emphasized it several times within the finance department, demanding that the financial data be kept confidential.

No way, all kinds of data are a bit fierce.

She is also worried that if the news spreads, it will have a bad influence.

"However, the company now has dozens of project teams researching new technologies, which need to be transformed into mass-produced products one after another."

"The construction of the third phase of the industrial park next year is expected to require an investment of more than two billion yuan, and the net profit margin next year may drop significantly."

For the Minister of Finance, it is natural to hope that the 2002 financial report will look better.

But the financial report is too good-looking, and the pressure is also great.

Because there are still 2003 and 2004 to live.

"Mr. Cao, should the company properly slow down the R&D investment and factory construction arrangements for new parts?"

"These projects are taking too much money."

"For example, the production of ECU, even if the research and development costs are not included, the construction of the factory alone will cost 3 million yuan."

Dong Shengnan couldn't help but suggested to Cao Yang.

The development of Nanshan is too fast, and the steps are too big.

She is worried that something will happen!
"Auto parts and equipment are the key development direction of the company in recent years. Now that some breakthroughs have been made one after another, naturally we cannot give up halfway."

"The transmission business is now on the right track and can provide the company with sufficient cash flow and profits. There will be no major problems in the short term."

"However, the finance department needs to communicate with the purchasing department. For all components exported overseas, the inventory cycle will increase by one month."

"This plan will be implemented starting today."

As soon as Cao Yang said this, Dong Shengnan couldn't help frowning, and said: "Mr. Cao, more than [-]% of our current products are exported. If the inventory increases by one month, it basically means that an additional [-]% will be used. Eight hundred million in cash."

"Now the inventory of export parts, if you count the inventory in the American warehouse, the transportation volume by sea and the inventory in our own factory, it has been two months."

"If it continues to increase, I don't think the necessity is very strong."

Although the company is owned by Cao Yang, Dong Shengnan put forward his disagreement very directly.

Among the various ministers in Nanshan, Dong Shengnan's popularity can be said to be the worst.

No matter which department she is in, she dares to scold her.

 Avoid 404. The wave in 03 will be mentioned in one stroke. I won’t mention it later. Please understand~
(End of this chapter)

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