Chapter 212 I obviously helped build it, but why is the quality surpassing mine?
Everyone is familiar with the term special steel.

But what is special steel?
I'm afraid it is a bit difficult to answer accurately.

Actually this is normal.

Because there is no uniform definition and concept of special steel in the world.

It is generally believed that special steel refers to steel with special chemical composition, generally alloyed; produced by special process, with special structure and performance, and able to meet special needs. '

It's as if he didn't say it.

In short, for Nanshan, most of the various steels used in their products are special steels.

Such as bearing steel and gear steel, these are one of the most typical special steels.

In the past few years, Nanshan's special steel has been purchased from outside.

Through various heat treatments and surface treatments, the required performance of parts can be achieved as much as possible.

But the parts produced in this way must have certain limitations.

For example, for bearings, for some smaller bearings, you can improve the performance of the special steel purchased from outside through heat treatment and surface treatment.

However, for the special steel used in parts such as large molds and crankshafts on large presses, heat treatment and surface treatment alone cannot make the material fully meet the needs.

It was also against this background that Nanshan approached Shaogang and entrusted it to help him build a special steel plant with an annual output of 30 tons.

After more than a year of tossing, this special steel factory was finally completed.

Originally, the off-line ceremony could be held in May, but due to special reasons such as the inconvenient travel in Yangcheng, it was delayed until the end of June, and finally a formal production ceremony can be held.

"Mr. Cao, if the components of our gearbox are all made of materials produced by our own special steel factory, the cost can be further reduced by about 5 points."

"However, switching materials needs to be approved by customers. In the short term, the production capacity of special steel plants may not be able to explode immediately."

For such an important event, Ji Hua naturally wanted to attend with Cao Yang.

However, he felt that throughout 2003, mass-produced gearboxes might not be able to use materials from special steel factories.

After all, after the special steel is produced, it needs to be produced into a gearbox, and then carry out SPEC tests on various single products and assemblies, and even install it on the entire vehicle for real vehicle durability tests.

These jobs, without three to five months, are completely uncertain.

"This is indeed a problem. Not only is this topic on the gearbox, but the replacement of bearings, gears, nut plates, bolts and nuts also needs to be approved by customers."

"Unless we provide a substantial price reduction in response, there is not much incentive for customers to move forward with this."

"I think the sales department is combining the customer's annual price reduction to promote material switching?"

"In this way, the enthusiasm of the other party will be higher."

Zhang Fugui's current work focus is on Autohome, but he is still paying attention to the special steel.

As the former head of the sales department, he can fully understand Ji Hua's concerns.

"Professor Ji and Mr. Zhang's words are quite reasonable. Due to special reasons this year, many of our annual price reduction plans have not yet given a formal reply to customers."

"Just taking this opportunity, please ask the other party to help promote the material switching internally."

"However, before switching materials, customers will definitely ask everyone to make a series of comparisons between the performance of the original material and the current material."

"Whether it is the chemical composition, tensile strength, hardness, metallographic structure, etc., or the corrosion resistance and acid and alkali resistance of the material, it is necessary for the special steel factory to do the relevant work well."

"Then the factories of each part do the relevant tests well."

"Several months could go by like this."

"I think it is possible to give priority to using materials from special steel factories on the mold center, and then consider selling some special steel to the outside world at the same time."

"Let our steel mills be able to operate first."

Zeng Tingting is naturally very aware of everyone's concerns, and she doesn't want to put all the pressure on the sales department.

So a more feasible solution is proposed.

"Mr. Cao, aren't we planning to hold 'Nanshan Science and Technology Day' on June 6?"

"I think it is possible to display some new breakthroughs in special steel at the technology day, and at the same time recommend it to some customers."

A group of people took a Coster, and Mi Ying was naturally also in the car.

In fact, if Cao Yang was not in this car, maybe other ministers would take this opportunity to close their eyes and take a rest.

But the boss is by the side, so everyone must perform well.

So there was no idle time along the way.

While the people in Nanshan were discussing the special steel plant, the people in Shaogang were not idle.

"Mr. Xie, do you think the special steel plant we assisted Nanshan in building can really help us consume 30 tons of crude steel every year?"

Deep down, Chen Qingwen was not so optimistic about the prospects of Nanshan Special Steel.

In 2003, China's steel output is expected to reach 4.5 million tons, making it the largest steel producer in the world.

Due to China's overproduction of steel and fierce market competition, steel prices have been at a low level.

In 2003, steel prices showed a downward trend in general, especially the prices of cold-rolled plates, rebars and other varieties dropped by a large margin.

However, when this kind of steel price fell, an event that had an important impact on the steel market-the "iron ore negotiation" happened.

Due to the rapid growth of Huaxia's steel production, Huaxia has become the world's largest consumer of iron ore.

However, BHP Billiton's iron ore suppliers have always held the pricing power, and the price of iron ore in China has been rising.

In 2003, the Huaxia Iron and Steel Industry Association conducted the first iron ore negotiations with iron ore suppliers in Australia and Bahia, and finally reached a price increase agreement.

What effect does this have?

The price of flour has risen, the price of bread has fallen...

The days of steel mills are even more difficult.

Especially local steel mills and private steel mills.

"Nanshan now produces a large number of auto parts and molds by itself, and has a relatively large demand for special steel."

"Although the production capacity of special steel plants may not be able to fully explode in the short term, starting next year, I think there is still a chance to help us consume 30 crude steel."

"After all, I am a big consumer of special steel."

Xie Lingyun is the person in charge of the construction of Nanshan Special Steel Plant arranged by Shaogang in the past. Naturally, he must be optimistic about the future of this plant.

So no matter who asks him, no matter what his true thoughts are, he must say good things.

"The first furnace of molten iron was released last month, and some bearing steel and gear steel were also produced on a small scale."

"What about the performance of those special steels?"

Chen Qingwen asked casually. In his opinion, Nanshan Special Steel was built on the basis of Shaogang Special Steel Plant, and the performance of the special steel should be similar to that of Shaogang.

However, Xie Lingyun's reaction was a bit strange.

He said with a bit of confusion: "Mr. Chen, although we are responsible for assisting in the construction of the special steel plant, Nanshan's technicians are directly operating the alloy formula involving special steel."

"We don't know their recipes; even some of the parameters of the processing technology, they have given different settings from ours."

Special steel may need to improve strength, hardness, toughness, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and other properties, so the formula will contain different elements, such as carbon, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, vanadium, etc., the difference of these elements Proportions and addition methods can determine the properties and composition of special steels.

In addition, the processing technology of special steel will also affect its performance.

Special steel usually needs to be processed by cold working, hot working, heat treatment and other processes to meet different application requirements.

The difference in processing technology can lead to changes in the structure and properties of special steel, so as to achieve the required performance requirements.

Therefore, the performance of special steel is mainly determined by the chemical composition and processing technology.

Nanshan Special Steel was built and operated by Shaogang, and the parameter setting of the processing technology is difficult to hide from others.

So Nanshan didn't hide anything at all.

For example, heat treatment, I just set such a temperature and conditions, you can learn if you want to learn, anyway, you can’t comment on anything you ask.

However, the addition of alloying elements such as manganese, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, and vanadium is the secret of Nanshan.

As long as this secret is not learned by Shaogang, they will not be able to produce the same high-performance special steel as Nanshan.

There is no way, Nanshan will not do things like teaching the apprentice and starving the master to death.

This special steel alloy element formula is the core secret of every steel factory.

Why are the same tools on the machine tool, domestic ones are worse than foreign ones?

After all, it is not the difference in the performance of special steel.

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"Nanshan is a layman guiding experts. In the future, the performance of special steel will not be as good as ours, so we can't rely on us."

Chen Qingwen's first reaction was that people from Nanshan were messing around.

Steel is something that requires data accumulation to produce good products.

Chen Qingwen didn't know who gave Nanshan the courage to adjust the material formula and processing technology at will.

At that time, a pile of scrap iron will be produced and sold to whom?
Auto giants such as Ford Motor and General Motors will not allow Nanshan to use unqualified materials to produce gearboxes, right?
"This one……"

After hearing Chen Qingwen's words, Xie Lingyun's expression seemed to be constipated.

Say no, don't say no.

"What's the matter?"

"Could something be wrong?"

Chen Qingwen's face changed, and he felt that he was really afraid of something.

Why didn't Nanshan listen to persuasion?


"From the results of preliminary confirmation so far, the performance of their bearing steel is better than that produced by us."

Before Xie Lingyun finished speaking, Chen Qingwen couldn't help but said: "How is it possible? How can the bearing steel they produce be better than ours?"

"According to what I have learned so far, the hardness of their first batch of bearing steel reached HRA 85 (HRA is the abbreviation of hardness reliability assessment, which means hardness reliability assessment. HRA 85 means that the hardness reliability assessment result of bearing steel is 85% , that is, the bearing steel has a very high hardness level and good reliability, and is suitable for bearings with high manufacturing precision requirements. The higher the hardness, the better the wear resistance of the bearing, but it will also affect the fatigue life and high temperature performance of the bearing. Therefore , when selecting bearing steel, factors such as hardness, fatigue life, and high temperature performance need to be considered comprehensively.)”

"Abrasion resistance: >1200g/1000r (for the meaning of this indicator, please refer to the author's words at the end of the article, otherwise the explanation is too much to be suspected of hydrology), high temperature performance has reached the T10 level (also refer to the end of the article), and the results of fatigue life It hasn't come out yet."

"But so far there have been no problems, and it is said that their goal is to exceed 10000 hours."

"And their bearing steel is non-magnetic, and the performance is not as bad as SKF's bearing steel."

As the deputy chief engineer of Shaogang and the promoter of Nanshan Special Steel, Chen Qingwen is naturally very familiar with various parameters of special steel.

In particular, the bearing steel of Nanshan Special Steel is excellent in terms of hardness, wear resistance, high temperature performance and fatigue life, and has no magnetism, and its surface quality is also good.

"Why do you emphasize that their bearing steel is not magnetic?"

Although Chen Qingwen is the general manager of Shaogang, he was not born in technology.

On the contrary, he was transferred from another unit the year before last.

So even though he has some basic understanding of steel technology, when it comes to specific details, people can feel that he is a layman.

"Mr. Chen, it's like this. The reason why the bearing steel is required to be non-magnetic is because magnetism will interfere with the stability and precision of the bearing when it rotates."

"When the bearing rotates, it will be affected by centrifugal force and friction. These factors will change the friction coefficient inside the bearing, thereby affecting the life and performance of the bearing."

"If the bearing steel is magnetic, then it is affected by the magnetic field, which changes the coefficient of friction inside the bearing, which leads to a decrease in the performance of the bearing."

"In addition, magnetism will also affect the normal operation of motors, generators and other equipment, so the bearing steel is required to be non-magnetic."

Xie Lingyun was not impatient because Chen Qingwen's question was a bit low-level.

Otherwise, he might not be able to keep his position as deputy chief engineer.

Why is the performance of bearing steel better than ours in the special steel plant we helped build? "

Chen Qingwen asked another low-level question.

After a moment of silence, Xie Lingyun said, "I guess it has something to do with them adjusting the process setting parameters and the formula of alloy addition."

"It's just that I didn't want to understand where Nanshan obtained the details of the formula and process parameters of special steel such as bearing steel."

The more professionals, the more they can feel the difficulty of special steel production.

"So, we haven't been able to produce bearing steel with such good performance?"

Chen Qingwen didn't feel ashamed at all about this kind of thinking.

The patent awareness of many managers in Huaxia is still relatively weak.

"Yes, unless Nanshan is willing to tell us the secret, it will be difficult to produce."

"However, considering this issue from another angle, the performance of Nanshan Special Steel is very good, which is also a good thing."

"This means that Nanshan Special Steel, whether it is for Nanshan's own use or for sale, is very exciting."

With Xie Lingyun's explanation, Chen Qingwen felt a little better.

For Shaogang, solving the problem of crude steel production capacity is the most critical.

As for special steel, it is best to be able to do a good job.

It doesn't matter if it goes wrong.

After all, there are so many steel manufacturers in China, but there are not many special steel companies that can do well.

Anyway, after a few years, he is probably transferred to other places.

As long as the performance of the past two years is done well, it will be fine.

 T10 is a high-temperature performance index, which is usually used to evaluate the high-temperature performance of bearing steel. T10 refers to the ability of bearing steel to maintain hardness and strength in a high temperature environment of 1000°C.

  Generally speaking, the higher the T10 index, the better the high temperature performance of the bearing steel.In practical applications, the T10 index of bearing steel should be selected and evaluated according to the specific use environment and requirements.For example, in the use of high-speed and high-precision bearings, a higher T10 index is required, while in the use of ordinary bearings, the T10 index can be appropriately reduced.

  Wear resistance: 1200g/1000r, which means that a certain bearing steel has very good wear resistance, and the friction resistance does not exceed 1000g under 1200 rotations.Wear resistance is one of the important indicators of bearing steel. Generally, higher wear resistance means that the bearing can withstand greater friction and wear during operation, thereby prolonging the service life of the bearing.

  Fatigue life refers to the failure life of the bearing due to fatigue damage during operation.Fatigue life, usually expressed in hours, represents the maximum life a bearing will be able to operate normally.

  10000 hours means that the fatigue life of a certain bearing is very long, which has reached 1000 hours.This means that the bearing can operate stably for a long time without failure or failure.

(End of this chapter)

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