Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 227 Nanshan once again launched the charge horn, many people are going to be nervous

Chapter 227 Nanshan once again launched the charge horn, many people are going to be nervous

Golden autumn October.

For Nanshan, it is a busy season.

The engine business department is preparing for the mass production of 1.5T turbocharged engine and the development of 2.0T/1.0T turbocharged engine.

The equipment center and mold center are also busy completing the orders in hand.

As for the gearbox business department, the business is booming and busy.

Even the robotics division is starting to see a noticeable improvement.

And at this year's campus job fair, Nanshan once again recruited 1000 fresh graduates, and at the same time started the job of recruiting 1000 social recruits.

The scale has reached tens of billions, and the reputation is great in Yangcheng and even Lingnan.

In addition, Nanshan's treatment is much better than that of ordinary private enterprises. This year's recruitment work is obviously much better than previous years.

"Mr. Cao, why didn't you go to the imperial capital for your campus recruitment?"

"The best universities in the country are all there. If you want to recruit talents, you should go there."

From time to time, Fang Sisi would come to Nanshan to find Cao Yang for some news materials.

The fact that Nanshan will recruit 2000 fresh and former college students this year is news.

In particular, Cao Yang's announcement that he will invest 20 billion yuan in research and development this year has attracted a lot of attention.

So Fang Sisi is not considered to be doing public affairs for personal gain.

"The top university in China, no matter what conditions Nanshan offers, few people are willing to come."

"People's eyes are first aimed at studying abroad. After all, as long as you can study in the United States and find a job locally, you can easily earn thousands of dollars a month, and even go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to find jobs with a monthly salary of more than [-] dollars. Not surprisingly."

"This treatment is indeed not something that Nanshan can afford now."

"No matter how bad it is, even if they don't go abroad, they will go to foreign companies such as McKinsey, Siemens, and Procter & Gamble."

"So there is no need for us to waste time recruiting such talents."

"At least in the next few years, there is no need to spend limited recruitment costs on them."

Cao Yang directly said what was in his heart, making Fang Sisi unable to refute.

After all, no matter how powerful Nanshan is now, compared with the real international giants, there is still a big gap.

At least in terms of wages, the gap is not so easy to catch up.

Siemens’ one-day business trip subsidy for a business trip to the plateau almost catches up with the monthly salary of ordinary Nanshan employees.

Although Nanshan has mastered the core technology and has relatively high profit margins, it has not yet reached the point of greatly increasing labor costs.

If it really does that, it is estimated that a bunch of other companies will jump out and complain about themselves.

In his previous life, Cao Yang had heard of a case where an entrepreneur in a county below a relatively developed second-tier city doubled the basic wages of workers with a conscience.

Then within a few days, his factory was smashed up!

This is a real case.

Although Cao Yang is not worried about someone smashing Nanshan's factory, the wages really need to be improved step by step.

Otherwise, it would be Shengmi En fighting Miqiu!

"I heard that Nanshan wants to increase the number of R&D personnel to 5000. In China, except for a few central enterprises, there should be no company with that many R&D personnel, right?"

"Many people now feel that it is a waste to invest huge manpower and material resources to produce some products that can be bought in the international market when funds are limited."

"What do you think of this point of view?"

Fang Sisi is quite familiar with the situation in Nanshan.

She has an idea, she wants to track the development of Nanshan in the next ten years, and make it into a documentary at that time, maybe it can achieve unexpected results.


Cao Yang pouted, completely disagreeing with Fang Sisi's point of view.

"According to what you said, a lot of low-priced corn and wheat can be bought in the international market now. Is there no need to spend a lot of effort in research in China?"

"For example, all kinds of chips can be bought in China, so don't you need to study them?"

"Even the parts and components on the car can be produced by international parts giants. Does it mean that domestic companies don't need to do research?"

"Let's not talk about whether someone will suddenly stop selling it to you one day. The price alone is not at the same level."

"Before Nanshan did not produce gearboxes, domestic companies would not sell Aisin 6AT automatic gearboxes even if they offered one for 1 yuan."

"It's a similar situation with other components."

"Although research and development will be painful, it can solve the problem of long-term development of enterprises."

Cao Yang definitely belongs to the technical school and supports independent research and development.

Otherwise, when someone wants to grab your neck, you will have no resistance at all.

"I heard that Nanshan's researchers, in addition to a lot of achievements in the past year, are now preparing to promote it to various customers. Is there such a thing?"

Fang Sisi did not argue with Cao Yang.

Anyway, she just collected some materials.

"That's right!"

"The domestic auto industry is developing so fast, and the technology of parts and components naturally has to catch up with the international frontier in time."

"Parts such as our bolts and nuts, bearings, gears, audio, and instruments have now produced new results."

"In addition to BYD and other self-owned brands that are using or preparing to use, we will also promote our new technologies with companies such as Ford Motor and General Motors."

At the end of this year, Nanshan is going to launch a charge again, looking for new cooperation opportunities with various automobile manufacturers.

Even the R&D personnel of Nanshan have started to communicate with the R&D personnel of General Motors, Ford Motor, Volkswagen and other car companies to discuss future research on new technology parts.

"Didn't you just hold the Nanshan Science and Technology Day in June?"

"Do you still need to promote it now?"

After all, Fang Sisi is not from the automobile industry, so she is naturally not clear about some of the inside ways.

"That's different. The Science and Technology Day only showcased some technologies, but the specific cooperation still needs to be discussed slowly."

"Besides, we didn't formally offer quotations to each customer. How could the project be finalized so quickly?"

"Besides, there are some things that cannot be explained in detail by relying on the technology day exhibition alone. The key things need to be communicated with customers by the sales department and R&D personnel."

"During this time, our colleagues in the sales department are basically busy with this matter."

"We are going to enter various auto parts in an all-round way and make the auto parts business bigger and stronger."

Cao Yang continued to exchange pleasantries with Fang Sisi, but he was in the mood to exchange pleasantries, some people's life would be difficult.

"Hassan, just now the new model team of the new Passat has held a kick-off meeting. We will use a 1.8T turbocharged engine in the future."

"But I looked at those parameters, and there is no advantage compared with BYD's F6 model."

"And there are quite a few parts on it, and they still need to be imported from abroad. This is not the way to go."

For the public in Shanghai, Bu Defan has now been promoted to the director of procurement.

And his good partner Dr. Hassan is the quality director.

Naturally, they can learn about the company's latest model planning information.

"The European policy has higher and higher requirements for fuel consumption. Only the introduction of small-displacement turbocharged engines can fully meet this requirement."

"In the future, our engine platform and gearbox platform will undergo great changes."

"However, I think this change should be in line with the market trend."

"As for your claim that the Passat's 1.8T turbocharged engine can't match the power of BYD's F6, the headquarters should also know about this issue."

"I believe that the headquarters must also be considering countermeasures."

"However, I think you need to pay more attention to the cost of the engine than the parameters."

When Hassan said this, Bu Defan couldn't help frowning.

After years of hard work, the cost of the engine was finally reduced.

Now that the new turbocharged engine has been made, the cost is expected to increase by 5000 yuan.

This is absolutely unacceptable!

At that time, the purchasing department will be under a lot of pressure.

"After changing to a turbocharged engine, the main reason is that the cost of the high-pressure oil pump and turbocharger is relatively high, and these two parts need to be imported."

"Basically, [-]% of the increased cost is on them."

"Except for Nanshan who approached us proactively and said that it can handle these two parts, other domestic manufacturers need to import from Japan, the United States, Germany and other places."

"This way, I'm a little tangled up."

In front of Hassan, Bu Defan did not hide his thoughts.

He had a good impression of Nanshan before.

But after Nanshan started to develop turbocharged engines, he vaguely felt the threat that Nanshan brought to the people of Shanghai.

Huaxia has such a powerful supplier as Nanshan. Although it is beneficial to the cost reduction work of Shanghai Volkswagen, it is even more beneficial to Huaxia's own brand car companies.

Although Bu Defan is only in charge of purchasing and not in sales, his family members all work in Volkswagen, so they still have a strong sense of ownership.

"What are you concerned about?"

"Isn't it enough to force those suppliers to make high-pressure oil pumps and turbochargers domestically?"

"Denso, Bosch, and Delphi can all produce high-pressure oil pumps. In the future, our engines will all use turbocharged engines. The demand for high-pressure oil pumps is very large. I believe someone will engage in localization."

"As for turbochargers, it goes without saying, whether it's Ishikawa Island, BorgWarner, or Eaton, which of these companies doesn't have a factory in China?"

"Just let them put the turbocharger in Huaxia's factory."

"If not, you can threaten them, saying that we are going to switch to another manufacturer."

Hassan didn't have to be responsible for the cost, so it was easy to say anything.

But Bu Defan was different.

"The main thing I struggle with is not these, but whether or not Nanshan's high-pressure oil pump and turbocharger should be used."

"These two parts, in China, only Nanshan should have started mass production."

"Judging from the performance of F6, the level of the engine produced by Nanshan is not bad, and the level of related parts is naturally online."

When Hassan said this, Bu Defan became even more entangled.

"You're right. Because of this, I don't know whether we should continue to expand the procurement share of Nanshan's parts."

"I have a feeling of belonging to the enemy."

Bu Defan vaguely felt a little nervous, he felt that Nanshan might bring some threats to the public in the future.

"This is not something we should consider. If we don't use parts with better QCD, when other car companies use them, they will in turn squeeze our market. Wouldn't it be even more uncomfortable?"

After Hassan said this, Bu Defan had nothing to say.

However, he still felt that he needed to pay more attention to Nanshan.

Observe the changes in Nanshan and the impact on Volkswagen in time.


"Tang, you are planning to let Nanshan make this instrument and sound system?"

"Why not continue to use the same manufacturers as in the United States?"

Inside Changan Ford, Thomas is listening to a report on the increase in the localization rate of Mondeo.

The two Mondeos last year were basically domestically produced in the form of CKD.

Now that the sales in the market are pretty good, Changan Ford will naturally start to reduce procurement costs and increase the localization rate.

"Toms, Nanshan's instrumentation and audio are 20% cheaper than others."

"Then their instruments are still fully LCD, and the sales department is very supportive of using instruments of this specification."

"As for the audio, Nanshan will launch a DA with navigation function in the next step. I think the current audio will be used first, and it should be very convenient to replace it with Nanshan's navigation in the aftermarket in the future."

"In this respect, companies such as Panasonic and Visteon have no way to compare."

Since Tang Jiguo reported like Thomas, he was naturally well prepared.

Otherwise, how could he dare to come out with the proposals for those parts?
"The parts that Nanshan made before are basically parts in the chassis field. For electronic parts, their experience should be relatively lacking. I think it will take some time to observe."

Thomas has always had a bad impression of Nanshan.

But since he knew that Nanshan had a good relationship with Ford Motor Global Purchasing Director, he didn't dare to embarrass Nanshan too much.

But on this new project, it is no problem to set some thresholds.

However, Tang Jiguo was still having dinner with Nanshan's sales staff last night, so naturally he would not back down easily.

Anyway, he felt that he was reasonable about this matter.

"Nanshan's CNC system has won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award in China, and many machine tool manufacturers are using it, which shows that Nanshan's technical accumulation in electronic systems is also very deep."

"The technical difficulty of instruments and audio is not that high."

"If we don't boldly use local competitive manufacturers in China, our future development speed will lag behind other manufacturers."

Although Tang Jiguo said so, Thomas would not agree so easily.

After all, last night he also had dinner with people from Visteon.

Of course, Cao Yang will not know about this episode.

At this very moment, he was personally taking Zeng Tingting and Mi Ying to visit clients, starting a new round of charge.

(End of this chapter)

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