Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 244 Shut down for rectification, revenge will not stay overnight

Chapter 244 Shut down for rectification, revenge will not stay overnight
"Mr. Zhang, why don't we ask Mr. Cao to see what he thinks?"

Fang Ting is now Zhang Fugui's secretary, and she still knows about the relationship between Cao Yang and Auto Home.

As a talented person in Yangcheng's corporate world, Cao Yang is now considered the idol of many young people.

Especially this time, when I went to the United States to take the lawsuits of several international giants, I was able to retreat unscathed in the end, forcing other giants to back down.

This made Cao Yang's reputation even higher.

Before Zhang Fugui hired so many sailors to post online, the money was definitely not wasted.

"Before I was in the sales department of Nanshan, most of the orders were not returned by me."

"Later, Nanshan developed very fast, and I already felt that I couldn't keep up with the pace. It happened that Mr. Cao asked me to be in charge of Autohome."

"I want to make the car home well."

Zhang Fugui didn't immediately say yes or no.

On the contrary, he felt emotional there.

After all, he was actually a little embarrassed to go to Cao Yang when he encountered a problem.

"Mr. Zhang, now Autohome has become the No. 1 in the automotive field, and the traffic is not much worse than that of the four major portals."

"It was definitely a huge success."

"Although there was a little accident this time, I think there should be a driving force behind this incident."

"Especially those pornographic posts that were reported, we have worked hard on this before."

"With so many new posts popping up right now, it's clear someone is messing with us."

Fang Ting naturally wanted to comfort Zhang Fugui.

But it was fine if she didn't say that, but Zhang Fugui felt even more uncomfortable when she said that.

"Autohome can be where it is today. In fact, most of the development paths are planned by Mr. Cao."

"I'm just in charge of execution. For example, the operation model of each sector, the survival model of Autohome, and various contents are promoted in my name, but in fact they are all Mr. Cao's ideas."

In front of his secretary, Zhang Fugui did not hide anything, and directly told the truth.

But in this way, Fang Ting was a little embarrassed.

Does this count as flattering and slapping on the horse's leg?
"For Mr. Cao, what he needs most is a trustworthy person to carry out his plan."

"As for innovation, it's not the most important thing."

"Mr. Zhang, judging from the current situation, your implementation is still very good."

"Before the situation deteriorates, it is naturally the best time to seek Mr. Cao's opinion."

"This rectification notice is only for us to rectify, and it does not mention some specific plans. It shows that there should still be some room for manipulation."

"But if we make another wrong move at this time, there will definitely be many opponents rushing up to add insult to injury."

Fang Ting has been there to persuade Zhang Fugui to go to Cao Yang.

Although the latter feels uncomfortable, he also knows that this is not the time to be brave.

At the same time, Zhang Fugui also had a decision in his mind.

Autohome still needs to hire more professional people to operate it in the future, and it is enough to be the chairman of the board to help look after it.


"Rectification notice?"

Cao Yang was vaguely worried that Autohome would screw up this time.

But because I just returned home, there are too many things to deal with.

So there is no time to stare at it all the time.

As a result, in less than three days, something really happened.

"Yes, we are required to rectify within a time limit. This is the first time we have received such a notice, and I am not sure how to deal with it now."

Zhang Fugui took Fang Ting and stood in Cao Yang's office with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Tell me about the current situation!"

Cao Yang straightened his face immediately.

This matter must be taken seriously.

Otherwise, it may be shut down for rectification next time.

By then, more than half of the traffic and users accumulated in the early stage will probably run away.

"It's like this..."

"From the day before yesterday..."

"Mr. Cao, we have special personnel to review each post. The other party's questionable post was posted after one o'clock in the middle of the night. It is obviously intentional..."

It took more than ten minutes for Zhang Fugui to introduce the situation of Autohome in the past week.

Among them, it mainly explained the things that the website was reported.

"It seems that Autohome is developing too fast, and people are jealous."

Although there was no evidence, Cao Yang came to a conclusion immediately.

It's not that complicated either.

It is nothing more than the fact that the development of Autohome has robbed other companies of their market share and damaged their interests.

But at this time, Autohome encountered some problems, which were pointed out and criticized by others.

No wonder the higher-ups issued a rectification notice so quickly.

"Mr. Cao, what shall we do now?"

"Daughter-in-law being a car model is the most popular channel. After this incident, rectification must be rectified. But if the rectification is too much, I'm afraid it will hurt the vitality."

Zhang Fugui has not yet fully realized the seriousness of the problem, and he still wants to keep the channel "Daughter-in-law as a car model" as much as possible.

However, Cao Yang saw it more clearly, and said, "Let's make a statement."

"Then the section on daughter-in-law as a car model was shut down!"

"Ah?" Zhang Fugui was taken aback, "Do you want to shut down this channel completely?"

The number of hits on Autohome has increased rapidly in recent months, and the channel "Daughter-in-law as a car model" has definitely made a big contribution.

Zhang Fugui is really reluctant to shut down now.

"Completely shut down!"

Cao Yang gave a decisive answer, "Many opponents are now eyeing Autohome. If the daughter-in-law continues to be a car model, the popularity of this matter will remain high."

"There may even be reports of other car owners' daughters-in-law being snatched away soon."

"True or false, we don't have to do other things, it's enough to be busy with these every day!"

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui didn't know how to refute it.

No way, the truth is really the truth.

He is not unexpected.

"Then, can we change this channel to some new channels that attract users?"

"I found out that most of the netizens who visit Autohome are male netizens. If there are no photos of car models or beauties, their enthusiasm for reading articles will be much lower."

When Zhang Fugui said this, Fang Ting next to him was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Cao Yang and Zhang Fugui are not paying attention to her now.

"Let's get past the limelight!"

"In the future, the car model is not suitable for making, so you can replace it with other ones."

"For example, editor-in-chief's commentary, you can invite some female editors with good looks to act as general teachers, make some articles with pictures and texts, and even record some videos."

"If you want to keep the attractiveness of the car home, then innovation must not stop for a day."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui breathed a sigh of relief.

There are alternatives as well.

It doesn't matter if you come a little late.

"Mr. Cao, actually, I think the section where the wife is a car model has been cancelled, but the section where the husband is a car model can be newly formed."

"Some people on the Internet linked this matter with discrimination against women and so on. Now that we've done it the other way around, they can't say what's wrong, can they?"

"Just like this, it can also make up for part of our business in this sector."

"As for some new business in the future that you just mentioned, it can be carried out normally in the future!"

Mi Ying, who was in charge of recording, interjected in time.

This made Cao Yang's eyes shine.

Husband as a car model?
Although it doesn't look very promising, its appeal to netizens is also very limited.

But it works well, and it is also a module with good traffic.

So without much hesitation, he agreed to Mi Ying's proposal.

Soon, that afternoon, a statement was published on the homepage of Autohome.

"Recently, a despicable incident about the daughter-in-law of a BYD F6 rider being poached by a wealthy owner of a BMW 730 on my website has been hotly discussed."

"After careful inspection by the staff of our station, it was found that the above situation is basically true."

"This website expresses deep sympathy to the F6 owner, and at the same time expresses strong condemnation to the BMW 730 owner."

"The following is a statement from my website on the matter."

"First, starting from January 2004, 1, our website will cancel the daughter-in-law as a car model, and at the same time add a husband as a model section."

"Second, in the future, please delete all the content that may reveal personal information, such as the license plate, from the riders who upload various photos."

"Third, for this F6 rider, my website will introduce a professional matchmaker to him with a girlfriend."

"Fourth, we will cancel the certified owner status of the 730 owner and prohibit the owner from accessing the Autohome website."

"Fifth, in order to protect the privacy of the parties concerned, please do not delve into the heroine of this matter."

"The Internet is not a place outside the law. Privacy rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, and personal information rights and interests are the basic rights of citizens and the guarantee of people's normal life. They must be fully respected and protected."

"Autohome will strengthen the management of related work in the future, and do a good job in rectification in all aspects!"

"At the same time, people from all walks of life are welcome to supervise!"

After such a statement came out, it was regarded as the end of this period of time.

Although there are still people discussing it, the attention is rapidly declining.


"Wu Bu, this matter could have made our F6 model even more popular, but someone is playing tricks on it, and Autohome has been issued a rectification notice!"

In BYD's sales department, Wang Kai reported the latest situation to Wu Huabing a little unwillingly.

In fact, Wu Huabing has been paying attention to the progress of the matter these days.

No way, the F6 model was out of the circle for the first time in history and attracted so much attention.

He just wanted to care about other things, and he was in no mood.

Fortunately, judging from the results, it is quite ideal.

"Autohome has developed to its current appearance in just over a year, and it is said that the valuation has exceeded 10 billion."

"However, it did not accept any investment company's shares."

"Their rapid development will definitely make the car channels of some original portal websites full of wariness."

"You can see what their attitude is by looking at the reports of the four major portals related to this news in the past few days."

"I even suspect that the people who reported Autohome are the people from the Auto Channel of these websites."

Although Wu Huabing didn't have any evidence, he gave a very direct judgment based on his own experience.

"In the past two days, Netease Automobile has also contacted us proactively, saying that they have newly launched a channel with women as car models, and asked if we are interested in collaborating."

"It seems that this matter has something to do with them."

After hearing Wu Huabing's words, Wang Kai immediately made a judgment in his mind based on the events of the past few days.

"Madam as a car model?"

"Isn't this obviously plagiarizing the idea of ​​other people's Auto Home?"

"It seems that shopping malls are like battlefields, and various means may be used."

"I just don't know whether the future development of Autohome will be affected, whether they can swallow this breath."

Wu Huabing is in a better mood now.

Once again, he has returned to the identity of the people who eat melons, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

Even when this matter has developed to the present, BYD's F6 can be regarded as a very big beneficiary.

Of course, the BMW 730 is naturally out of the circle.

Sales are said to have doubled in the last week.

It is estimated that people in BMW Huaxia will wake up laughing from their dreams.

Lie down and win!
I thought that only girls could get this kind of treatment, but I didn't expect that everyone would have the opportunity.

"I'll contact them later to see what their next move will be."

"Now that the channel where the daughter-in-law is a car model is closed, it should still have a big impact on them."

"But no matter what, Autohome has the greatest influence in the automotive professional media. Even if those competitors don't give up, they won't bring down Autohome so easily."

Wang Kai's impression of Autohome is obviously good.

The cooperation between the other party and BYD is also very smooth.


When BYD was discussing the announcement of Autohome, the Internet Banking Auto Channel was naturally very concerned.

"Editor-in-chief, it has been shut down for rectification. Judging from their appearance, it seems that the channel for daughter-in-law as a car model will no longer exist in the future."

"It seems that we can speed up the promotion of our lady as a car model."

"At that time, we will be able to perfectly undertake the users of Autohome, and let us become the most professional media in the automotive field."

Yu Yu's mood is very beautiful.

The depressed mood of the past year can be said to be swept away.

"The channel where their daughter-in-law is a car model is indeed very delicately set up, fully grasping human nature."

"When our ladies are car models, they must not be worse than them, or they will be laughed at."

Fang Dawen is still very confident in the editing capabilities of his own channel.

In his opinion, Netease Auto Channel can definitely be more professional than Autohome.

Unlike now, the traffic of the Autohome family is almost catching up with the combined pageviews of the four major portals' auto channels.

It's no wonder that everyone will stand up and suppress Autohome so tacitly.

Without him, you are threatening my interests.

So I'm going to knock you out.

"That's true!"

"I'm going to see if there's any way to recruit people related to their channel. They still have relatively rich operating experience in this area. If they help, then when the time comes, the wife's car model will surpass the daughter-in-law's car model. Almost It's an inevitable thing."

"As for the husband being a car model, it doesn't make any sense at all. How many men would be interested in men?"

Wang Kai's mood now is like drinking honey, not to mention how beautiful it is.

The opponent is out of luck!
The opponent has made a foolish move!

This is definitely a good thing!
"You're right, but you have to pay attention to this matter!"

"Try not to provoke other people's car homes during this period of time, so as not to shoot the first bird when the time comes, and they will have trouble with us."

Although Fang Dawen is not afraid that Autohome will target his channel, but one more thing is worse than one less thing.

Winners are often able to show great generosity.

Obviously, Fang Dawen felt that he was a winner now!

"Ah Yang, this Netease Automobile's 'Wife as a Car Model' section is completely copied from our 'Daughter-in-law as a Car Model' section, and one of the posts is exactly the same."

"This approach is really too much!"

On the night when Autohome issued the statement, Zhang Fugui, who was staying in the company and continued to follow the development of the situation, was pissed off by something Fang Ting reported.

But this time he didn't make his own claim, but called Cao Yang.

"They copied so fast?"

Cao Yang was really surprised. The daughter-in-law had just fallen down as a car model, and the wife got up when she was a car model.

This is a typical development by stepping on someone else's corpse.

"I guess they have long wanted to copy it, but they haven't found a good time to launch it."

"Now that our daughter-in-law has stopped working as a car model, many netizens' demand for articles in this area has not disappeared."

"Naturally, let Netease Auto Channel grasp this opportunity."

Zhang Fugui's basic IQ is still online.

This truth can be understood with a little analysis.

"Did the technical department check it out?"

"Which side is the person who blackmailed us?"

Although Cao Yang arranged for Zhang Fugui to make a statement, he didn't just treat the matter as over.

Whoever is sniping at the car home behind his back, if this matter is not clarified, it will definitely not work.

"not yet!"

"At present, the IPs that have been found to post are all used by some Internet cafes in Yangcheng. The other party should be the pictures uploaded on the Internet cafes!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Fugui also hated it.

These people are really wicked.

"Internet cafes in Yangcheng?"

Cao Yang repeated it, and immediately went on to say: "Then there is no need to investigate further, it is ninety-ninety percent of people from Netease Auto Channel."

Colleagues are enemies!
In Huaxia, this is even more obvious.

Complementary cases like Pepsi and Coca-Cola, McDonald's and KFC are too difficult to find.

"Netease Auto Channel?"

"We haven't offended them, so why do they want to mess with us like this?"

Zhang Fugui frowned, feeling a little wronged in his heart.

The predicament that I am facing now is really someone behind the scenes.

"Why didn't you offend me?"

"Autohome has earned so much advertising fees in the past year, and it has already achieved profitability."

"Where did the advertising money come from?"

Cao Yang couldn't help asking back.

"Every car company!"

Zhang Fugui gave the answer without thinking too much.

Cao Yang: ...

At this time, Mi Ying couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Mr. Zhang, each car company has a fixed amount of advertising fees. Under normal circumstances, a large part of them is placed on the four major portal websites."

"Now that Autohome has snatched a large chunk of it, won't the advertising fees allocated to the auto channels of other portal sites naturally decrease?"

"Isn't that offending them?"

Hearing Mi Ying's words, Zhang Fugui completely reacted.

Then he said a little angrily: "Mr. Cao, they are targeting us like this, are they going to find a way to get back?"


"Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! This principle does not apply to me!"

"What I'm after is revenge that won't last overnight!"

Cao Yang is not a generous person.

I didn't admit to being counseled by so many giants in the United States, how could I start to counsel when I returned to China?
Although those portals will deal with Autohome, it may not be clear that Autohome is Nanshan's business.

But Cao Yang doesn't care so much about you.

Netease Auto's food looks so ugly, so don't blame him for being rude.

If you want to hit Autohome, then I'm going to smash your job!
"Since their wife's role as a car model is plagiarizing their daughter-in-law's role as a car model, then we can use all the methods they used back."

"Currently we have quite a lot of sailors at our disposal, and then we can directly turn the section where ladies are car models into a completely illegal section!"

Zhang Fugui is not a generous person either.

Cao Yang is even interested in messing with others, so why is he holding back?
"Of course you can try this method, but the other party must be prepared for this, so the effect may not be very good!"

"However, we can completely deal with them in another way!"

Cao Yang quickly weighed the opponent's strengths and weaknesses and core interests in his mind, and he had the answer in his heart.

"Change another aspect to deal with them?"

Zhang Fugui obviously didn't get to Cao Yang this time.

"For them, the car channel is just a relatively ordinary channel among more than a dozen channels. Apart from the ability to attract advertising fees better than other channels, the car channel is not a particularly core business."

"Even if this channel is shut down, it won't hurt the overall situation!"

"On the contrary, their main business is in games. If we want to make a move, we will make a move for the game!"

"Let them suffer a big loss, and see if they dare to target Autohome in the future!"

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui finally understood.

To deal with Netease's core interest module, this revenge is really fierce.

If it really works, it is estimated that the other party will cry and faint in the toilet.

The credit they just made on the car channel has become a criminal evidence!

(End of this chapter)

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