Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 250 Reach out to the Internet?

Chapter 250 Reach out to the Internet?
There are no impervious walls in the world.

Not to mention that Nanshan itself did not want to keep it secret, even if it wanted to keep it secret, it is impossible to keep the secret of organizational structure adjustment.

Although it is not a listed company, it does not need to make an announcement.

But customers and related manufacturers must also be very concerned about the changes in Nanshan.

"Brother, will this big change in Nanshan have any impact on the construction of our hot stamping production line?"

"At that time, if Nanshan Auto Parts directly invests in the production line, we will lose a good opportunity."

Inside the Huaqiang factory in Yangcheng, Guo Shufu came to his elder brother's office with a little worry.

At the beginning, they gave up [-]% of the company's shares to Nanshan, and took out a sum of money to buy various advanced presses. This business played a very important role in the development of Huaqiang Factory.

Today's Huaqiang Factory is also relatively well-known in the domestic auto parts stamping field.

In addition to supplying parts to Yangcheng Honda, it also supplies a large number of parts to BYD.

Even the order from West Wind Nissan has been received.

Considering the large size of stamping parts and the characteristics of easy deformation during long-distance transportation, if the next step is to continue to expand the scale, it will definitely need to go out of Yangcheng.

The hot stamping production line is the first production line they invested out of Yangcheng.

After Cao Yang suggested to the people of Great Wall Motors, the other party quickly took action and began to actively contact Huaqiang Factory to discuss the production of hot stamping parts.

"It shouldn't be so. Nanshan has always taken the production of functional parts with relatively high technical difficulty as its development direction. If they wanted to make stamping parts, they would have done it a long time ago."

"Although the technical threshold of hot stamping is much higher than that of cold stamping, our equipment and molds are all produced by Nanshan, and they have already made a fortune here."

"In terms of hot stamping technology, Nanshan also collected a 5% technical commission fee from Huaqiang Factory."

"In the end, from [-]% of the shares, we can further obtain dividends of net profit."

"In this case, there is no need for them to cast the line themselves."

"Besides, the investment in a hot stamping production line is still quite large, and it needs to find a bank loan. Nanshan himself certainly does not want to engage in such heavy asset investment."

Guo Shuyin didn't panic at all.

In the past few years, his research on Nanshan has been relatively in-depth.

It is also very clear what the positioning of Huaqiang Factory is in the Nanshan system.

They just need to do a good job of stamping parts.

"What you said is also reasonable, but if their organizational structure has just been changed, it is estimated that the personnel in each department will need a certain amount of time to adapt."

"Will it affect the speed of our factory construction?"

Guo Shufu raised another concern.

Huaqiang Factory itself has no research and development capabilities, at least not now.

More often, they are like a factory.

For things like hot stamping production lines, Nanshan still needs to help build and debug them.

"Although the organizational structure has been adjusted, the specific positions and specific jobs of most people have not changed."

"Mr. Cao also wanted to maximize the impact of this change on the company's operations, so he directly announced the reform plan and the general managers of each company."

"There is no need to discuss and discuss, it messes up everyone's mind."

"In the next step, we will directly find the relevant personnel, finalize the planning of the production line as soon as possible, and then start producing equipment, so as not to waste too much time in the middle."

"The production efficiency of hot stamping is relatively low. We have to consider whether it is necessary to invest in two production lines at once based on the demand of Great Wall Motors."

Guo Shuyin's thinking is relatively clear.

Hot stamping is the most important development direction of the company in the next few years.

Compared with the fierce competition in cold stamping, there is not much competition in hot stamping.

Even if the international hot stamping parts giants such as Benteler, Gestamp, and Cosma come to invest and build factories in the future, he is confident that they will fight.

As for the comparison with domestic manufacturers, we need to wait at least five or six years before we need to consider it.

"Well, let me make an appointment with the technicians of Nanshan Equipment, and let's start the project in the past!"

After listening to his elder brother's words, Guo Shufu's worries eased a lot.

The next step is to roll up your sleeves and work hard.


"Mr. Zhang, this time the company directly recruited Mr. Xie from Shaogang to serve as the general manager of the special steel plant. It seems that in the future, it should show its strength in the field of special steel."

Zheng Dong only joined Nanshan Special Steel in 03, but he has personally witnessed the rapid ramp-up of Nanshan Special Steel's production capacity and rising sales.

Now the company is full of expectations.

Although the entire steel industry is still sluggish, various prices are at low levels.

However, Nanshan Special Steel does not make ordinary low-end steel, but special steel such as die steel, bearing steel, and gear steel.

To put it bluntly, up to now, Nanshan Special Steel has not produced steel products worth less than 1 yuan per ton.

Even for some die steels, the price goes directly to tens of thousands of dollars per ton, and the profit margin is definitely very impressive.

"Mr. Xie used to be the deputy chief engineer of Shaoguan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and his skills are still very strong. The company hired him, which is considered to be the right person."

"However, I feel that with the current production capacity of 30 tons, as long as the company properly produces more low-end special steel, the production capacity will soon be insufficient."

"I just don't know if there is any plan to expand production later."

As the veteran of the company, Zhang Hui naturally hopes to have more opportunities.

Every expansion of production will be accompanied by a promotion of personnel.

"The group's positioning for Nanshan Special Steel is to produce high-tech, high-value-added special steel. Some low-end products have to compete with others in price. There is no way to give full play to their technological advantages, so it is estimated that they will not produce them."

"I don't know if Mr. Xie can persuade the company to adjust this direction in the future."

Zheng Dong hopes that the special steel plant will develop rapidly, but he also knows the positioning of the special steel plant.

So I feel quite conflicted.

"It is of course best to be able to change the positioning, but I am worried that the company will face some new troubles before it has figured out the content of this aspect."

Zhang Hui has been in this industry for more than ten years, so his vision is naturally wider than that of Zheng Dong.

"What's the trouble?"

"Is it troublesome that the production capacity is not enough?"

Zheng Dong asked with a smile.

"The special steel we are making now is basically a relatively high-end product, and we are grabbing the market of imported manufacturers such as Kobe Steel."

"Don't talk about other things. For the die steel alone, Longji Special Steel has already started to reduce the price to deal with us. There may be other actions in the next step."

"Compared with ordinary steel, special steel is more profitable, and no steel factory will give up this market easily."

"However, these companies have a deep foundation, and you don't know what their next move will be."

When Zhang Hui said this, Zheng Dong immediately felt the problem.

In any industry, new entrants will face pressure from previous giants.

After all, no one wants to see someone coming to grab a cake.

"The company just filed a huge lawsuit with SKF and other manufacturers last year. Do those steel giants dare to easily deal with us?"

"You say that they are steel giants, why don't you dare? Don't look at the large scale and influence of companies like SKF and Aisin. But compared with the steel giants, they are still a little bit worse."

"We are playing at home now, so even if they do something, there is nothing to be afraid of. At worst, our special steel will be given priority to the companies in the group."

Although Zheng Dong knew what Zhang Hui said was reasonable, he didn't think the problem was that serious.

"Although our special steel can be supplied to group companies, the parts produced by the group using these special steels will eventually be sold all over the world."

"Maybe someone will come up with something in this place by then."

Zhang Hui and Zheng Dong talked to each other, but they were very concerned about the company's development.

This can be regarded as one of the characteristics of entrepreneurial enterprises.

Employees are more concerned about the company's development, and they don't think that whether the company is good or bad has nothing to do with them.


"Mr. Cao, with your reforms, the company's momentum will come out."

"A group, eight subsidiaries, and an investment company can give people a very different feeling when they make promotional videos."

In a private restaurant on the edge of the Pearl River in Yangcheng, Cao Yang and Fang Sisi chatted casually while tasting delicious food.

The Spring Festival is coming soon, Fang Sisi will return to the imperial capital tomorrow, this meal can be regarded as a practice.

However, for Nanshan, because a large number of parts are exported, not all employees can go home for the Spring Festival.

Cao Yang, the general manager, is even more inseparable.

"These are all imaginary. This major change is mainly to prepare for the rapid development in the next few years."

"The Huaxia automobile market will usher in explosive growth in the future. Whoever can seize this wave of opportunities will be able to reborn and realize the sublimation of the enterprise."

"Nanshan has been committed to becoming the world's largest auto parts company, and also the world's strongest parts company."

"But it's not that easy to achieve this goal."

"Today, we have achieved breakthroughs in gearboxes and engines, but there are still many problems to be overcome in other key functional parts of the car."

"Promoting the development of domestic independent brands is one aspect, but it is also essential to supply parts to international giants such as GM, Ford, and Volkswagen."

"This requires each company to face the strong in its own field and fight against others."

"The various lawsuits at the end of last year were a major outbreak of grievances accumulated with other manufacturers during the development of Nanshan in the past few years."

"Although it is estimated that there will not be such a big case in the short term, if Nanshan continues to develop rapidly, it will definitely violate the interests of more parts giants."

"At that time, not every lawsuit will be so smooth."

"Splitting the various businesses of the company is to avoid this risk to a certain extent, lest there is a problem in one section, which will drag down the development of the entire company."

In front of Fang Sisi, Cao Yang was willing to share some more information.

If this kind of worry is exposed to other employees in the company, it is obviously not a good thing.

But Fang Sisi is not an employee of his own company. We are friends and have a relatively close relationship, so naturally we can talk more.

"There is indeed this potential risk. Those international giants will not easily give up their own interests, once they violate the core interests of others."

"Then no matter whether it makes sense or not, people will use all kinds of means to get it out."

Fang Sisi also stayed overseas for a period of time, often interviewing various companies, and has a better understanding of some business competition situations.

Domestic struggles are sometimes very different from foreign struggles.

But they are all very cruel.

"Are you planning to stay at Huaxia TV forever?"

"Are you interested in doing something else?"

Cao Yang felt that it was not a problem to keep talking with Fang Sisi about work-related matters.

So around the same time, I took the initiative to change the subject.


"Does our President Cao have any ideas?"

Fang Sisi is very smart, when Cao Yang asked her, she realized something.

"There are always ideas."

"Whether it's the previous lawsuit with a national giant, or the collision between Autohome and various Internet companies some time ago, I realized one thing, that is the importance of publicity work."

"So I wondered if I could also have a voice on the Internet belonging to Nanshan."

"It happens that you are a professional in this field. If you are interested, Nanshan Investment can consider investing in a new type of Internet company, and you will be in charge of related business."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi fell into deep thought.

She was thinking about the meaning contained in Cao Yang's words, and also thinking about how watery these words were.

"In today's Internet, news resources are basically monopolized by the four major portals. It may be very difficult for Nanshan to compete with them."

"And the current traditional media is still very strong. If Nanshan wants to enter this field, it will not only compete with Internet companies, but also compete with traditional media."

Fang Sisi did not directly refuse, but expressed her concerns.

Nanshan is an industrial enterprise. Although there is already an Internet company such as Autohome, it is still engaged in industry in essence.

Fang Sisi felt that it was not so easy to transform.

"The portal website is all-encompassing. It does everything and is not proficient in everything. It is not the field that Nanshan wants to enter."

"As for the traditional media, they are still very strong now, but in ten or eight years, a large number of newspapers and magazines may close down or survive."

"Except for a small number of relatively strong TV stations such as Huaxia TV, most local TV stations will definitely have a hard time in the future."

"On the contrary, the Internet industry is definitely a sunrise industry, and it will be developing at a high speed in the next ten years."

"The purpose of the establishment of Nanshan Investment is to take a share of the rapid development of the Internet, and then use it to feed back the development of the industry."

"Otherwise, the core technology that Nanshan will develop in the next step will be under great pressure."

"Some things cannot be produced without burning money."

Cao Yang looked at the problem from the perspective of God, so naturally his thinking was very clear and his speech was very confident.

This also gave Fang Sisi some confidence.

"My family has never been very supportive of entrepreneurship."

"They are all people in the system, but this is not absolute."

"It mainly depends on my own thoughts. I need to think about it again."

Fang Sisi did not directly refuse, nor did she agree.

After all, Cao Yang's proposal was a bit too sudden.

This is also normal, so Cao Yang didn't say too much.

Whether Nanshan Investment should be an angel investor by himself, or whether he should start a company directly, he has not fully figured it out.

From the perspective of maximizing profits, it must be done by yourself.

But eating alone requires a lot of energy, not to mention, he will definitely not be able to take care of it.


"Mr. Wang, Zeng Tingting, director of the sales department of Nanshan Group, came over to explain their internal reforms to us yesterday. I think it is of certain reference value."

In BYD's canteen, Zhong Qiang sat in front of Wang Fu with a plate as usual.

"Nanshan's volume has reached 300 billion last year, and it is firmly in the top spot of domestic auto parts companies."

"Even the turnover of many auto OEMs is not as high as theirs."

"In this case, it is inevitable to make certain institutional reforms. Our situation is still a little different from theirs, right?"

Wang Fu guessed what Zhong Qiang wanted to say at once.

So just express your opinion directly.

"It is indeed different, but I think that after the development of the automobile sector in the future, we will definitely need to produce some parts by ourselves."

"Especially Mr. Wang, you mentioned before that we want to produce electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. There is no domestic manufacturer that can provide us with such things."

"More still need us to set up a special department to study."

"So I'm wondering whether it is possible to set up a dedicated subsidiary company like Nanshan? Or set up some business departments at the beginning, so that each business department can form an independent management system and be responsible for its own profits and losses, and give full play to everyone's enthusiasm."

Zhong Qiang is an old man who started a business with Wang Fu. He has a strong sense of belonging to the company, and his attitude of being the owner is also very obvious.

So in many cases, he will think about problems from the perspective of the entire company.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Fuhui appointed him as the assistant to the general manager and concurrently as the head of the purchasing department.

"It is indeed necessary to separate each section and develop it as an independent business department."

"But what I'm worried about now is that as long as Nanshan has the parts produced, if we develop them ourselves, we won't be able to compete with others."

"How to choose the supplier of parts at that time is also a big problem."

When Wang Fu said this, Zhong Qiang was also tangled.

As Minister of Purchasing, he has more say on this issue.

If BYD wants to make a good car, it must need high-quality auto parts.

But relying on Nanshan all the time seems to be not the solution.

"Mr. Wang, why don't we start with the parts that are not involved in Nanshan first, and see the situation later?"

After much deliberation, Zhong Qiang came up with a compromise plan.

It can only be like this for the time being.

"Didn't Nanshan propose to do battery research with us before?"

"Is there any progress in the cooperation between the two parties now?"

Wang Fu did not answer Zhong Qiang's question directly, but asked a rather special question.

BYD started out relying on batteries.

Battery technology can be regarded as their best technology, even if it is placed globally, it is also competitive.

But he was suddenly a little worried. If Nanshan develops batteries in the future, will it also overtake BYD?

That's a big deal.

"Nanshan attaches great importance to this project and has arranged hundreds of people to respond, but most of them are newly recruited college students, and most of them are here to study."

"So it seems that there are no big results for the time being, and I don't even think there will be any big results in the next few years."

When Zhong Qiang said this, Wang Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I also realized that Nanshan should be serious about making batteries.

Otherwise, why would so many young employees come to study?

"For the affairs of the business department, you should propose a plan first, and then the company will discuss it later."

"As for the matter on the battery side, you can remind those technicians a little bit, and let them also pay attention to protecting the company's secrets."

"How to grasp the speed of this is left to you."

After Wang Fu finished speaking, he stopped discussing this topic.

There is no way to say more about this matter.


Liu Tianwu can be described as high-spirited recently.

After his position was further promoted and he became the person in charge of the district, the first company to inspect was Nanshan.

"Mr. Cao, it is very timely for you to establish a group company."

"If you haven't moved yet, I can't help urging you."

In the factory in the third phase of Nanshan Industrial Park, Liu Tianwu, led by Cao Yang, visited the latest ECU factory.

The situation in Nanshan Industrial Park is changing every month. Basically, Liu Tianwu will visit the site at least once every quarter.

After all, Nanshan Group contributed almost half of the GDP in the district.

He just can't take it too seriously.

"Let the leaders worry about it. The main reason is that there are too many things. Sometimes, when you are immersed in development, you forget to look up and see the direction of development."

Cao Yang didn't explain too much, he found a reason that made everyone sound comfortable.

"I heard that you are planning to build a factory elsewhere. Is this rumor true?"

Obviously, this issue is what Liu Tianwu is most concerned about.

Putting factories in other places means that this part of GDP has also gone to other places.

Liu Tianwu certainly does not want to see this situation.

"It depends on the nature of the parts. For control parts like ECU, we will only produce them in our factory in Yangcheng."

"However, if there are some relatively large parts and the transportation cost is relatively high, we will consider building a factory near the OEM in the future. This is also the customer's request, otherwise we will not be able to get the order."

"For example, the hot stamping production line of Huaqiang Factory can only be produced by building a factory near Great Wall Motor."

"Otherwise, the transportation fee alone can cost six or seven yuan, or even more, for a part."

"The parts inventory needed in the middle is also an additional cost."

"Original manufacturers are unwilling to bear these costs."

Cao Yang did not evade this question, and directly gave his own answer.

Of course, he also dumped the blame on the OEM.

In fact, this is indeed true.

If there is no request from the main engine factory, Cao Yang does not plan to build factories so scattered in the future.

That's not good for management.

Now the offices of the sales department are distributed all over the country, which has already made him feel the difficulty of management.

If factories are distributed all over the country and even around the world, without a mature management system, there may be major problems.

This is what Cao Yang does not want to see.

Of course, in the future, when the organizational structure is sound and the work procedures are standardized, it will be a different matter.

"As a component company, Nanshan naturally needs to fully consider the needs of OEMs."

"However, some parts are produced together, and the cost should also be advantageous."

"In terms of logistics costs, the district can also consider giving some subsidies in the future."

"Of course, for some particularly large parts, I won't force you."

Naturally, Liu Tianwu still hoped that Cao Yang could keep the factory in Yangcheng.

However, the attitude is quite acceptable, everyone has a lot to discuss, and even provides subsidies.

In this way, the atmosphere of the conversation will naturally be more harmonious.

We all hope that Nanshan will grow stronger and become a leader in the industry, and share common interests.

However, before Liu Tianwu left, Cao Yang received bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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