Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 253 Nanshan's Weakness Has Been Caught

Chapter 253 Nanshan's Weakness Has Been Caught

Cao Yang hopes that Nanshan's parts can be 100% localized.

This is a grand strategy based on long-term considerations and multiple considerations of cost and supply.

But in 2004, it was unrealistic for all auto parts to be 100% localized.

The simplest thing is, can you buy 100% of those electronic and electrical components from China?

It's not realistic at all!

Therefore, strictly speaking, the localization rate of ECU, TCU, ABS, ESP and other parts produced by Nanshan is less than 50%.

Because the chips, resistors, capacitors, memory, diodes and other components inside are all imported.

Even the PCB boards are imported, that is, the assembly is localized.
In this case, naturally there is no weakness at all.
"Ren Cai, you don't have to be a fool, tell everyone the plan!"

Li Jia couldn't wait to know how Ren Cai could deal with Nanshan.

United Electronics is now fully aware of the potential threat posed by Nanshan.

If nothing is done, these potential threats become real threats.

"Nanshan's control parts, the components inside are all purchased from abroad."

"Components such as resistors and capacitors can be provided by suppliers from Dongying or other places."

"Not even a single supplier in China can't find it."

"However, such things as memory and chips must be imported."

"Especially for chips, there are only a few manufacturers in the world who can make the main control chips of ECU or ESP and other components."

"As far as I know, the main control chips of Nanshan's ECU and other components are all purchased from Infineon."

"As long as we can cut off or restrict their chip purchases, the development of Nanshan's control parts can be brought to a standstill."

When Ren Cai said this, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

This plan still sounds very reliable.

In commercial wars, restricting competitors' access to certain materials or parts is also a relatively common method.

But it is not so easy to achieve good results with this method.

After all, not just any company can have this strength.

Obviously, as a German company, Bosch still has a lot of influence on Infineon, a chip company that is also a German company.

After all, a large part of Bosch's chips use Infineon's chips.

This situation is basically known to everyone present.

"In the past two years, Nanshan's machine tool CNC system has almost robbed Siemens of its business, and even made Dongying's FANUC withdraw from the Chinese market."

"So Siemens must have great opinions on Nanshan, and Infineon was Siemens' semiconductor department before."

"Although it has been independent for a long time, the relationship between the two parties is still very close."

"I think that if we invite Siemens to discuss with Inferi and let them cut off or limit the supply of Nanshan's chips, then Nanshan's CNC system parts will basically be abolished in a short period of time."

"Even if they switch to other chip manufacturers later, it will take a relatively long process to re-develop."

"By then, the situation will be different from what it is now."

After hearing Ren Cai's words, Tang Zimu immediately added his own point of view.

Obviously, he felt that Ren Cai's plan was very good and highly operable.

The key is that as long as this plan is implemented, the effect will be immediate.

"Most of Infineon's chips are now sold through agents. Even if we adopt a plan to restrict sales to Nanshan, they still have a way to buy chips from the market, right?"

Although Li Jia was also very moved, he felt that things might not be that simple.

So I said all the possible breakthroughs I thought of for the other party.

To save time and space for joy.

"In the past, the main control chip manufacturer of Denso's ECU used Hitachi, but at the beginning of this year, when the Semiconductor Division of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the Semiconductor Division of Hitachi Corporation were separated and merged to form Renesas Electronics, the supply of There's a little problem."

"At that time, Denso immediately switched the chip to NXP."

"At that time, I realized that when Denso developed ECU parts, it would do A/B point verification on the main parts from the beginning. The chips of Hitachi and NXP can be switched at any time."

"The company in Nanshan is relatively evil. Is it possible that they also developed this kind of A/B point?"

"It would be embarrassing if we tried our best to persuade Infineon to agree to our approach, but Nanshan turned around and immediately used chips from other manufacturers."

Fang Dongying and Ren Cai are both sales managers of Bosch, but one is in charge of European and American customers, and the other is in charge of Japanese customers.

There is obviously some competition between each other.

So at this time, she saw that Ren Cai's plan seemed to be appreciated by everyone, so she naturally wanted to ask some questions.

"Denso and other parts giants will consider the issue of future supply stability when developing parts."

"But this will lead to higher development costs, and not every company will do this."

"I think that a Chinese company like Nanshan, who develops parts, compresses the schedule and then compresses it, so they shouldn't think so much."

Ren Cai was a little upset with Fang Dongying, but she refuted with reason.

"Don't worry about that much!"

"Now we can confirm that Nanshan's control parts and chips are from Infineon, so let's find a way to get Infineon to cut off their supply!"

"No matter how bad it is, let Infineon raise their prices and make their costs higher."

"If Nanshan can quickly switch chips to other chip manufacturers, then we will see how to deal with it."

Liu Zhenbo wanted to attack Nanshan quickly and cause trouble for Nanshan.

As for whether the method is completely effective, he can no longer control that much.

Anyway, no matter how great the effect is, it is inevitable to bring trouble to Nanshan.

After all, even if the parts of Nanshan have done A/B point chip development, then it is necessary to switch the chip manufacturer, which is such an important component, and it must be recognized by the main engine factory.

At that time, some of Nanshan's weaknesses will be exposed.

If Bosch and United Electronics continue to push behind, the domestic OEMs will definitely not dare to use Nanshan's control parts easily.

As for international car companies...

Nanshan's parts can't even be handled by domestic manufacturers, so you still expect to sell them internationally?
"I agree with Mr. Liu's opinion, first cut off Infineon's chips for Nanshan!"

"At that time, let alone grabbing orders from us, it will be a big problem whether the ECUs and TCUs used in the engines and gearboxes they produce themselves can guarantee the smooth supply."

Li Jia of United Electronics strongly supports Liu Zhenbo's point of view.

This time, Nanshan threatened United Electronics, and Li Jia did not allow such a Chinese manufacturer to exist.

Soon, Bosch unified its views internally, and began to contact Siemens, and finally persuaded Infineon to cut off the confession.


In 2004, the number of chips used in a car was not large, which was not of the same order of magnitude as that of later generations.

But not too much, not too much, after all, there are still.

Cao Yang originally wanted to wait until after the financial crisis to make a fortune before making chips.

At that time, there were no obstacles in terms of recruiting talents, purchasing equipment, or funding.

To engage in chips, the difficulty will be much lower.

But obviously, Nanshan's chip crisis came earlier than Cao Yang imagined.

"Mr. Cao, the chip trader contacted me just now, saying that they have received a notice from Infineon that they are not allowed to sell chips to Nanshan within the next three years. I think this is a bit strange."

Early in the morning, Su Mingxing, director of the procurement department of Nanshan Group, came to Cao Yang's office.

Things like chips are basically exclusive sales and have a strong monopoly.

However, the amount of chips used in Nanshan has been increasing in the past year, and Su Mingxing has always been worried that something will go wrong.

As a result, what to worry about will happen.

Sure enough, Murphy's Law makes sense.

"Infineon does not allow his agent to sell chips to Nanshan?"

Cao Yang froze for a moment.

It's 2004, not 2020, let alone 2023.

Why is there a supply problem for chips?
The chips that Nanshan purchased from Infineon are not so high-end or advanced products.

In fact, car-grade chips do not have very high performance requirements for chips, and they care more about stability.

Only in the era of electric vehicles, the requirements for chips have changed greatly in the parts of intelligent network connection.

In this case, it is very strange that Infineon does not allow its agents to sell chips to Nanshan.

"Yes, I have confirmed the news!"

"Although I haven't figured out the reason, I think it should be our competitors who made a stumbling block."

"But Mr. Cao, don't worry, our supply will be fine in the short term."

"After all, our chips are in stock, and a certain number of chips of a specified model can also be purchased in other ways in the market."

"However, I am worried that after this matter develops slowly, it will become more and more serious."

When Su Mingxing said this, Cao Yang also realized that something was wrong.

Nanshan offended someone again?
For so many years, many competitors have resorted to various tricks to deal with Nanshan.

The supply of some materials is something that Cao Yang has encountered before.

However, it is the first time to meet this problem of restricting the supply of chips.

Although the chip is only as big as the head of a fingernail, even the main control chip is only two fingers wide.

But this thing is really not produced in China now.

There is one passenger car in China, and as long as the chips on it are all imported.

Can't find a single exception!
Even by 2020, 99% of the chips used in passenger cars will still be imported or produced by international chip giants in factories in China.

The real car-grade chips produced by local chip manufacturers in China need to wait for the rapid development of electric vehicles in China before they gradually increase.

Companies such as Horizon, Xinchi Technology and BYD Semiconductor have their day.

"Together with the sales department, immediately arrange for people to investigate through various channels, and we must first find out the situation before we speak!"

Although Su Mingxing said that there is no problem with the supply of chips for the time being, Cao Yang felt the crisis.

Nanshan's weakness has been caught!

(End of this chapter)

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