Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 262 The Historical Turning Point of Nanshan Group

Chapter 262 The Historical Turning Point of Nanshan Group

Building a car is no small task.

This involves changes in all aspects of the company.

Although what Cheng Tao and Mi Ying said made sense.

But it was obviously impossible for Cao Yang to make a decision immediately.

Even if he himself feels that the car-making project can be started now, he still needs to gather the company's executives to discuss it, and set up a dedicated project team based on brainstorming.

"Zeng Bu, is there any important meeting in the company today?"

"I just saw the general managers and deputy general managers of each branch going to the big conference room."

In the sales department of Nanshan Group, Zeng Tingting closed the computer and prepared to go out.

Xu Peirui, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but interjected.

At the beginning, she failed to compete with Mi Ying for the position of general manager's secretary, but her personal ability is undoubtedly very good.

So the HR side provided her with a choice to go to the sales department.

After several years of hard work, Xu Peirui is now the chief of the first sales department of the sales department.

She was trusted by Zeng Tingting very much.

Even many people in the sales department regard Xu Peirui as Zeng Tingting's successor.

"The general manager's office temporarily arranged a meeting. Mi Ying called everyone in person. It is estimated that Mr. Cao has something to discuss with the ministers."

Zeng Tingting didn't know why such a meeting was suddenly arranged today.

Whether it is the ministers of the group or the heads of the branches below, everyone's schedule is actually very full.

This kind of temporary meeting, the time must be in conflict with other meetings.

But which meeting is more important, everyone naturally knows it well.

"The company has just undergone major reforms at the beginning of this year, so it won't be this time that there will be some new big moves?"

Although Zeng Tingting had said that she didn't know the theme of the meeting, Xu Peirui couldn't help but guess.

"If there is any big move, our sales department will definitely know."

"You first review the quotations for the new models of those customers, and when I come back from the meeting, I will know everything."

After Zeng Tingting finished speaking, she left the office.


"Zeng Bu, what happened today?"

"Why did you call everyone over for a meeting so suddenly?"

As soon as Zeng Tingting entered the conference room, Pan Jinxing invited her to sit next to him.

"I don't know either."

"I didn't know until Secretary Mi called me half an hour before this meeting."

"She was too busy to inform other people about the meeting, so I didn't ask her what the topic of the meeting was."

Zeng Tingting spread her hands, feeling a little strange.

"Has anything major happened to the company recently?"

"Or is there nothing special happening between us and the client recently?"

Although he would know what the meeting was going to discuss later, Pan Jinxing couldn't help discussing it with Zeng Tingting out of curiosity.

"I haven't heard of any major events happening in the company for the time being, and there is nothing special with the client."

Zeng Tingting thought about it, but really couldn't think of a reason.

"I see that the general managers and deputy general managers of each branch company have come, and four or five ministers from the headquarters have also come. It seems that the things to be discussed this year will not be small."

Pan Jinxing scanned the meeting room curiously.

Those who came in one after another at the door were all the middle and high-level people of Nanshan Group.

However, Cao Yang didn't let everyone wait for him there.

It was almost the time when Mi Ying notified everyone of the meeting, and he walked in with Mi Ying and Cheng Tao from the outside.

This situation immediately made the interested people have a lot of guesses.

Today's meeting has something to do with the engine?
Could Cheng Tao have caused some trouble to the company?

It seems that he is in a good mood, and he doesn't seem to be in trouble.

That is to say, there is a new product on the engine side?

It must be so!

Soon, many people had guesses in their hearts.

After all, it is no secret within the group that Nanshan Engine is researching products with other displacements.

Although it cannot be said that everyone knows it, all of them, ministers and above, know it.

"Everyone, I called everyone here temporarily today, mainly to discuss one topic."

"That is whether the group wants to build cars, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of building cars."

Cao Yang didn't go around in circles with everyone at all, and immediately announced the theme of today's meeting after sitting down.

As soon as these words came out, the ministers and bosses in each seat immediately couldn't help showing expressions of surprise, joy, and surprise.

Everyone reacts differently.

"Mr. Cao, didn't our customers say before that we won't build cars in the next three to five years?"

"If we go back on our promises, I'm afraid there will be some troubles on the client's side."

Zeng Tingting took a look at the participants, and first stood up and expressed her concerns.

Of course, in order to avoid misunderstanding, she immediately added: "I'm not opposed to making cars, I just think the company needs to consider how to deal with these problems, and it's best to have a unified voice internally."

Building cars is in line with the ideas of most Nanshan employees.

After all, everyone hopes that their company can become bigger and stronger.

In everyone's inherent impression, OEMs are definitely stronger than parts companies.

Although this statement is not entirely correct, but most of the time there is no problem.

"Yes, Zeng Bu's worries are justified."

"At present, our products are basically sold to various car companies. If we want to build our own cars, no matter how we explain it, they will definitely have some concerns."

Ji Hua also stepped forward to speak.

As the general manager of Nanshan Transmission, he is actually not so active in making cars.

After all, Nanshan Transmission has finally opened up the international and domestic markets. If it builds its own car, it will definitely have a negative impact on the expansion of the transmission market.

Of course, he can't see the benefits of building a car.

So if the group is really determined to build a car, he will definitely not hold back.

"The concerns of Minister Zeng and President Ji are very reasonable."

"But before discussing this issue, I would like to ask Mr. Cheng to share a piece of good news with you."

Cao Yang didn't answer the question directly, but pushed Cheng Tao out.

They had discussed for a round just now, and Cheng Tao had some understanding of Cao Yang's thoughts.

Let him stand up and discuss with everyone now, so Cao Yang can save a lot of saliva.

"Dear colleagues, Nanshan Engine has now successfully developed a 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, and its parameters are very ideal, far exceeding those of its peers."

"So I propose that the company make a batch of technical prototypes to demonstrate our advanced technology in auto parts."

"The company's car building can be carried out in this name."

"And what we build are all high-end cars, so there is no conflict with most of the current customers."

"In a short period of time, it should not have much impact on our parts business and equipment business."

"Only when our car manufacturing business has grown and started to threaten these current customers, they will have a more drastic reaction."

"But by that time, our group's dependence on them has been greatly reduced."

"Therefore, there is no need to worry about the reaction from the OEM, or there should not be a particularly violent reaction from the OEM in a short period of time."

When Cheng Tao said this, the participants immediately knew what was going on.

Obviously, Cao Yang came in with Cheng Tao just now, and they must have discussed this topic before the meeting.

Judging from the current situation, the group should be preparing to build cars.

It's just that before building a car, everyone should have a good discussion and unify their thinking.

"I think what Mr. Cheng said is quite reasonable. If the car is built in the name of a technical prototype car, at least it can buy the company an extra year or more to come out."

"At that time, because of the problem of product positioning, we can further dispel the doubts of various customers."

"So I think the company should quickly set up a new model team and start planning for car building."

He Qingquan firmly supports car manufacturing.

"The social influence of vehicle manufacturers and parts manufacturers is very different, and the brand power is also very different."

"If our Nanshan Group does not produce cars, then the pace of development will soon enter a bottleneck."

"So I think the advantages of building a car outweigh the disadvantages."

Finance Minister Dong Shengnan is also a clear-cut supporter of car manufacturing.

She is the clearest about financial data, and also has a very clear grasp of the medium and long-term plans of the sales department and other departments.

According to the current data, 500 billion is basically a threshold for Nanshan Group.

After reaching this scale, it will be very difficult to continue to grow in the future.

"We at Nanshan Auto Parts have developed many new technology parts, but except for some models of our own brands, most car companies are still unwilling to provide us with opportunities for cooperation."

"In this case, we really need Nanshan's own models to be equipped with these new technology parts, so that everyone can have a more intuitive understanding of our technology."

"For example, the display screen with navigation function we are developing. Many things in it are much more advanced than the models currently on the market, but no manufacturer is willing to use it yet."

"I fully support the company to start the car manufacturing project as soon as possible, set up a dedicated development team, and strive to come up with a very competitive model, which will be an instant hit."

As the general manager of Nanshan Auto Parts, Dai Hanbiao is also very supportive of his own car manufacturing.

He has great confidence in Nanshan's technology.

Even if building a car by yourself will arouse the fear of other OEMs, as long as the products produced by Nanshan Auto Parts have strong enough QCD competitiveness, there is no need to worry about no orders.

"The threshold for building a car is not as high as everyone imagines. We have already mastered the engine and gearbox among the three major components."

"Produce some of the remaining parts by ourselves, and buy some out. It is completely possible to make the car smoothly."

"But I think what kind of car should be built, how to position our model, and how to make our car sell well are very important."

Xiang Wei, Minister of Justice, was originally planning to make soy sauce, but seeing that the topic of discussion was so important, he couldn't help expressing his views.

Everyone hopes that the scale of the company will grow and its influence will increase.

But how to realize this idea requires careful thinking.

After all, there are so many domestic car manufacturers that can do very well, but there are not many, and it is not even possible to say who is doing well.

Regardless of whether it is BYD, Geely, or Chery, the sales data is not bad.

But globally speaking, compared with the 6 giants of 3+9, they are not at the same level of opponents at all.

The size of a car company, not to mention the scale of several million units, as long as it can achieve more than 100 million units, the influence will be completely different.

Obviously, there is no such enterprise in China.

"What I said to the minister is also reasonable. Model positioning is very important, and it is even related to the success or failure of our car manufacturing project."

"As the first touchstone, our new model is fully prepared to carry the Group's latest powertrain technology and component technology."

"So it is definitely inappropriate to go low-end to compete with independent brands."

"If you make mid-end models like a joint venture, the brand power will be quite different."

"It's better to make a limited edition directly, to brush up our high-end positioning and brand influence."

"At that time, by participating in some competitions and tests, we will let everyone see the difference of our new models."

For model positioning, everyone fully discusses this method, but it may not be the best method.

So Cao Yang expressed his thoughts very simply.

And when he said this, everyone who attended the meeting understood.

That means Cao Yang is preparing to build a car.

In other words, they agreed to start the car-making project.

Otherwise, you wouldn't talk like this.

Soon, the painting style of other people's speeches also changed.

This is the obvious advantage of private enterprises. The boss can quickly adjust the direction of development with a word.

So a wise boss is very critical.

Whether an enterprise develops rapidly or falls rapidly is often a matter of thinking for the boss.

"Mr. Cao, if it is produced in a limited edition, it will be very beneficial to our parts preparation."

"The production line and materials of various parts can be prepared very purposefully."

"But I just don't know what level this limited quantity is?"

Dai Hanbiao immediately stood up and expressed his point of view once again.

For Nanshan Auto Parts, an accurate planning number is very important.

If you plan to produce [-] units a year and only produce [-] units a year, it will lead to a lot of waste of manpower, equipment, and materials.

On the contrary, if you plan to sell [-] units and they sell well, if you always increase production, there will be many problems.

At that time, guaranteeing the confession every day is also a big deal.

Therefore, the limited edition model can be said to be the best solution for him.

Of course, the impact of this limit must be more than that.

"Mr. Cao, the molds used for each part can also be selected according to the requirements of the number of production units."

"If the number of units is small, you can even directly reduce the cost of the mold to [-]-[-]% of the permanent mold by opening a soft mold."

"In this way, the total investment amount of new models can be reduced to the greatest extent."

As the general manager of Nanshan Mold, He Qingquan is naturally very concerned about the number of units.

If a new model is all made of permanent molds, the expenditure on molds alone will go to three to four hundred million, or even more.

After all, every body stamping and injection molding part needs a mold to be made, and there are at least thousands of molds involved in a car.

This can be said to be a new model project, the biggest expenditure besides the development fee.

"Regardless of how many models are produced, our development work is actually the same."

"If we make high-end models ourselves, sales will not be very high, regardless of the limited quantity or unlimited quantity."

"This means that our amortization in all aspects is very high, and the selling price will need to reach at least 30 yuan or even higher."

"The pressure to sell this type of car is expected to be very high."

Zeng Tingting no longer struggles with the topic of building a car.

Obviously, it's useless to struggle now.

However, as the head of the sales department, if she has to worry about the sales of new models in the future, she will be more worried.

Sometimes, if your product is not good, you will be able to sell it.

There are too many cases of bad money driving out good money in the market.

"Everyone's concerns are justified."

"Our first model is equipped with a 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine and an 8AT automatic transmission under development. It is expected that the price will be relatively high."

"So the number of units is temporarily set at a limited number of 10000 units."

"As for the sales volume of [-] units a year, it still takes three or four years to achieve it, and everyone needs to work hard."

"Since the company is preparing to build a car, although it was produced in the name of a technology demonstration prototype at the beginning, it will definitely produce other models in the future."

"So it is more important to set up the model development team, production and sales teams, and build a supply chain system than pure sales or profitability."

"As long as this model has a stunning appearance and super power, I believe that the limited edition of [-] units can be sold."

"As for the launch time, I hope it will be in the first half of 2006, and it would be even better if it can be brought forward to the end of 2005."

Cao Yang directly made the final decision and set the general direction.

Next, everyone just needs to focus on this big goal, specifically discuss the things that each department needs to promote, consider what problems they will encounter, and then how to solve them.

"The best car sold in the American market is Ford's F150. The appearance of this car was designed by Mr. Cao."

"One of General Motors' top products is also a Chevrolet pickup truck, which is also the appearance designed by Mr. Cao."

"Even Honda's N-BOX model, which just won the sales champion in the first quarter this year, is also an idea provided by Mr. Cao in terms of appearance."

"I believe that the company's new model will have an amazing appearance, and with our super powertrain, it may have a very different impact on the auto industry."

"Maybe the limited edition models will be sold out as soon as they are launched."

When Cao Yang held a meeting with various ministers, Mi Ying usually didn't speak much.

But today's occasion is quite special. Seeing that Cao Yang listened to everyone's opinions, and then determined the development direction with one hammer, she couldn't help but stand up and give everyone some hints.

Have confidence in the company's car-making project!

Even if Cao Yang's positioning of the new model is quite different from what everyone imagined before, he must have confidence.

"I compared the power of the current 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, which is directly comparable to the power of the BMW 730 and Mercedes-Benz S600."

"The current price of these models is more than 100 million. When the time comes, our models will have better appearance and better power than them, and the price will only be half of theirs. It should still attract a group of people to buy."

"We can even compete with Spring City Volkswagen's Audi A6 to see if we can enter the procurement category of high-end official vehicles."

When Cheng Tao said this, the people present couldn't help their eyes light up.

Purchasing high-end official vehicles?
This is a good idea.

The current price of Audi A6 is not cheap. Nanshan's new model will perform better than A6 in all aspects, but if the price difference is not big, there is a chance to compete with others.

At least in Lingnan Province, there is no problem at all.

And high-end official vehicles are also very good for enhancing brand influence.

At least in the era of 2004, it was like this.

"How to sell these models is not the most important thing to consider now."

"How to develop and produce models is the top priority now."

"From today, the company will set up a special car-making project. I will be the person in charge of the project, and the ministers and general managers of various fields will be the heads of each field. We will start to take action immediately."

Seeing that everyone's ideas gradually began to get closer, Cao Yang did not continue to discuss at this meeting.

Set up the system first, and give each department a few days to digest it first.

Then a formal project launch meeting for a new model will be held, and the big ship of Nanshan Group will start to turn.

Looking at today's meeting after this year, it is destined to be a meeting recorded in history.

Cao Yang even arranged for someone to film and record today's meeting in a corner.

Of course, this video shot must be kept secret now, and it is not suitable for public release.

However, even so, after the meeting was over, it immediately caused a great commotion within Nanshan.

In the past few years, new domestic joint ventures have been established every year, and international auto giants have begun to deploy in China.

The sales volume in the automobile market is also very strong, and the growth rate is far ahead of the international market.

In this case, the topic of car manufacturing is actually very popular among the employees of Nanshan Group.

Although the content of today's meeting will not be passed on to ordinary employees, it is impossible to keep it completely secret for a project as big as car manufacturing.

Even if you don't know what model you are building, or the specific time node, the company is going to build a car.

This information is still very easy to obtain just by asking.

After the meetings of the various ministers and branch bosses, they also summoned key members and began to prepare for the car-making project.

Eventually, the news inevitably got out.

(End of this chapter)

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