Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 271 Pride and Prejudice, Spring City Motors and BMW's Reaction

Chapter 271 Pride and Prejudice, Spring City Motors and BMW's Reaction
I don't know when it will start, but the campus recruitment of various companies has started since September.

Except for the reason of the lawsuit last year, the campus recruitment of Nanshan Group was a bit late, and it has been started in September in the past few years.

This year, the entire Nanshan Group directly hit the recruitment target of 3000 people.

And for the first time, he went to colleges and universities in the two key cities of Shanghai and the capital to hold lectures.

At the beginning, most of the 985 students in these two cities had no interest in coming to Nanshan Group to work.

In the past two years, this situation has gradually changed.

Nowadays, I have heard of Nanshan Group's fresh graduates, obviously more than before.

In the eyes of many students, as long as they are companies they have heard of, they should be relatively powerful.

Otherwise, how could the reputation spread to his ears?

In this context, Nanshan Group's campus recruitment has gone much smoother than in previous years.

"Old Zhong, if I remember correctly, Nanshan Group has been continuously recruiting from the public for the past year, and the current number of employees has exceeded 2."

Also in Lingnan Province, BYD can fully feel the pressure brought by Huawei and Nanshan.

Everyone is a private enterprise engaged in industry, and they often appear together in various lists.

But the gap in turnover is getting bigger and bigger.

In particular, Nanshan Group was not enough for BYD a few years ago.

But now it's...

"Their number of employees should reach 2.5 by the end of this year, and it will definitely exceed 3 next year."

"Especially when Xingchen Motors is fully put into production, the number of employees will rise to a higher level."

"This is also the reason why their factory uses a large number of automation equipment and robotic hands produced by Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Robotics. Otherwise, the number of employees is estimated to reach 5 to [-]."

Zhong Qiang is quite familiar with the situation of Nanshan Group.

This supplier is stronger than the customer.

Just don't pay attention.

"Nanshan's comprehensive development has achieved great results in all fields. I plan to learn from it."

"However, in order to avoid fierce competition, I plan to appropriately stagger the development path of Nanshan Group."

"From next year, the company will focus on developing the OEM business of the mobile phone industry and the mobile phone-related parts business."

"I feel this is also a sunrise industry."

Many people may be unfamiliar with BYD's mobile phone business.

But in fact, it has always run through the development of BYD.

BYD initially started from mobile phone components, including LCD panels, mobile phone casings, and molds. In the following years, with the introduction of international customers, BYD's mobile phone business has developed rapidly.

Now the cooperation between BYD and Nokia has become closer and closer.

"Mr. Wang, OEM is a labor-intensive industry with fierce competition and relatively low technical complexity. Of course, the profit margin will not be high. The development prospect cannot be compared with that of the automobile industry."

"If we invest a lot of resources in foundry, will the gap with Nanshan Group become wider and wider in the future?"

Zhong Qiang is now used to comparing everything with Nanshan Group.

The other party's spare parts business and equipment business are all relatively high-tech.

From the current point of view, the prospects are also very promising.

But the OEM feels that it is not high-end.

"BYD is a listed company. The development of the company must take into account the changes in the stock price, and one of the ways to keep the stock price rising is to 'make the company bigger'."

"In the initial car manufacturing business, there were considerations in this regard, but although our F6 is successful, it is hard to say whether future models will continue to be successful."

"Even when it develops to a certain stage, it's not surprising that it will fall into a new bottleneck."

"So while we are betting on the auto industry, we also need to think about other ideas for making the company bigger, and make the company a Fortune 500 company as soon as possible."

"Obviously contract manufacturing is an easy path."

When Wang Fu said this, Zhong Qiang understood.

The foundry has always been known as "big", the most typical ones are Foxconn, Pegatron, Quanta and other enterprises.

These enterprises have one thing in common, that is, they are large in scale and have a large number of employees, and they are all Fortune 500 enterprises.

"Mr. Wang, since you think mobile phone OEM is a promising industry, why don't you just consider making mobile phones yourself?"

Zhong Qiang couldn't help asking another question related to the company's development direction.

"If we want to do mobile phone OEM business, it is impossible to manufacture mobile phones by ourselves. Otherwise, who would dare to hand over the OEM business to us?"

"Don't look at Nanshan Group's own production of auto parts, and now it is also building its own cars."

"But cars are different from mobile phones. The auto parts technology mastered by Nanshan has an absolute QCD advantage, and the positioning of Xingchen Motors is still so high."

"Essentially, the establishment of Xingchen Motors will not bring any direct threat to the vast majority of customers."

"It can be said that Nanshan Group's defense wall in the automobile industry is very high."

"It's not like we are in the mobile phone industry. People can find other foundries to replace us at any time."

"So BYD will never manufacture mobile phones by itself in the future, but will only manufacture mobile phone parts and OEM."

Wang Fu still has a relatively clear understanding of the company's development plan.

Of course, in the past two years, he has been constantly adjusting the company's development plan so that it can best conform to the development of the times.

And when BYD is discussing Nanshan and its own development plan, many companies are doing the same thing.

"Mr. Zhu, Nanshan Group came to Spring City University to give a lecture yesterday."

"I sneaked in and listened, and found that when talking about Xingchen Motors, their model positioning seems to be very close to Spring City Volkswagen's Audi A6."

"I think this matter may need to be taken seriously."

Tao Wen, director of the brand public relations department of Spring City Motor Group, came to Zhu Zhengfeng's office early in the morning.

Although the sales volume of Spring City Volkswagen's Audi car is not the highest, it has contributed the most profit to Spring City Automobile.


It can be said that it fully takes into account the needs of official vehicles.

In 2000, the domestically produced Audi A6 was officially launched, and the sales volume reached 16080 units that year.

In 2001, the upgraded version of the Audi A6 technology was launched, and the annual sales volume of the Audi A6 reached 2.8.

In 2002, various upgraded versions of Audi A6s were put on the market, and the annual sales volume reached 34962 units.

By 2003, the annual sales volume of the domestically produced Audi A6 reached 61281.

And this year, Spring City Volkswagen has set a sales target of 6 units for the Audi A10!

To put it bluntly, the Audi A6 is definitely the profit cow of Spring City Motors, and there is no room for loss.

"Star Motors is bragging. Does he think that high-end luxury models can be produced if they want?"

Zhu Zhengfeng has always been unhappy with Nanshan Group.

Naturally, he also disliked Xingchen Automobile under the Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Zhu, what you said is reasonable, but I'm afraid that Xingchen Motors will make something wrong at that time."

"After all, they are Huaxia's own brand enterprises. If they use any means in the company car market, it may cause trouble for the Audi A6."

"Especially in the market in South China, they are likely to be snatched away by them."

Although Tao Wen is not in charge of sales, as the head of the brand public relations department, she is more sensitive in some respects.

"When we persuaded Volkswagen to introduce Audi models, we made a lot of promises."

"Promotion in the official car market is one of them."

"As a private enterprise, Nanshan Group still has some influence in Yangcheng, and even has some influence in Lingnan Province."

"But compared with our Spring City Motor Group, it's still far behind."

"I think you are worrying too much."

For the Audi A6 model, Zhu Zhengfeng participated in the whole process of importing and had extraordinary confidence in this car.

Even to a certain extent, the popularity of the Audi A6 is somewhat higher than that of the BMW 5 Series and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class.

This situation is completely different from their international status.

In China, there is the term BBA, namely Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi.

But internationally, BMW and Mercedes-Benz do not think that Audi can be compared with them.

A product of Volkswagen, after changing four circles, you want to compare it with Mercedes-Benz and BMW?
"That's true."

"Xingchen Automobile is so arrogant, when the time comes, our group will give them a blow and let him know who is the leader of China's automobile industry."

Tao Wen hugged it a little awkwardly.

At the same time, she also secretly made up her mind that in the future, she should not take the initiative to report to Zhu Zhengfeng about the Xingchen car.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the flattering hit the horse's leg.


"Amoha, I recently got news that China's newly established Xingchen Automobile regards our 730 as a benchmark model."

BMW Huaxia, the sales director Mike Die was chatting with the general manager Al Moha there as if telling a joke.

Although BMW Automobile and Brilliance Group established BMW Brilliance, it currently only produces 3 series and 5 series, and high-end models such as 7 series have always been imported.

The sales system of imported BMWs is separate from that of BMW Brilliance.

"McTie, are you sure you're not joking?"

"There are still companies in China that want to use the BMW 730 as a benchmark model?"

"It won't be like Brilliance Automobile at that time, come out with a product that looks similar, but the price is only a fraction of the price?"

"In that case, our legal department is not vegetarian!"

Aimoha has full confidence in BMW's brand power.

In his view, there is no company in China that has the strength to threaten BMW.

Especially BMW's flagship model.

"I also think this matter is a bit unbelievable, but there are already many related reports on the Internet."

"It's not being denied either."

"The most important thing is this company called Xingchen Motors. They say they want to make high-end models."

"The ignorant are simply fearless."

McGrady obviously didn't feel that Star Motors could really pose any threat to the BMW 7 Series.

High-end models are not something you can do if you want to.

With so many car companies in the world, who doesn't want to make a good profit on high-end models?
But how many are successful?

"China's independent brands are still in the stage of plagiarism, and there is nothing to say."

"Even if the Japanese manufacturers, which are much more powerful than them, have produced cars for so many years, they can be regarded as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Subaru, Suzuki and other companies in the world."

"But until now, Toyota's Lexus has barely gained a firm foothold in high-end models, and other Honda's Acura and Nissan's Infiniti have yet to make a move."

"In this case, an independent brand of Huaxia said that it would challenge our BMW 7 Series. I think this is grandstanding."

"We don't need to pay attention to it at all, and even reporters who interview us refuse to answer questions in this regard."

"Otherwise, it's completely advertising for the other party!"

Aimoha gave his opinion very positively.

He didn't even want to remember the name Xingchen Automobile.

In this regard, McGrady did not say much.

Because his thinking is actually similar to that of Aimoha.


"Mr. Cao, you're digging people too hard, aren't you?"

"In the entire Pan-Asian Automotive Design Center, more than [-] engineers have switched to Xingchen Motors."

"The way you do it makes us very passive."

As Xingchen Auto's actions have become bigger and bigger, the intensity of poaching people has also been accelerating.

There are so many parts that need to be designed and implemented. It is best to recruit a group of experienced engineers immediately, so that they can start working immediately.

"Mr. Wang, you are right in your criticism. I will tell the personnel right away and ask them to restrain themselves."

Cao Yang was not surprised when he received a call from Wang Huiliang, deputy director of General Motors Purchasing Department in Shanghai.

During this period of time, several people from automobile companies have complained to him about similar topics.

At this time, Cao Yang is definitely not suitable for making excuses.

Anyway, if you complain, I will tell the people below to pay attention.

If there is no improvement, then it is the fault of the people below.

Of course, Cao Yang didn't mean that he couldn't bear this responsibility, but that sometimes, being the boss, he couldn't give away all the cards at once.

"Speaking of which, you have been working one after another, at least you should have recruited hundreds of R&D personnel from various domestic counterparts, right?"

"If you put so much effort into research and development, then you won't lose everything."

Wang Huiliang originally wanted to complain, but Cao Yang's words directly made him feel like he was punching the air with his fist.

So I had to hold my breath and changed the subject.

"I didn't turn back when I opened the bow. I regret it now, and I am a little worried."

"But you can't give up halfway."

Cao Yang's answer once again made Wang Huiliang feel powerless.

Shouldn't you be arguing?
how come...

"Mr. Cao, I heard that your Xingchen No. 1 is benchmarked against the BMW 7 Series. What range will the price go to?"

After hitting the air with two fists one after another, Wang Huiliang changed his mind and began to gossip.

After all, in the car circle, topics related to Xingchen cars are a topic that everyone will talk about after dinner.

After all the phone calls, there must be something to gain.

"The price hasn't been decided yet. After all, the model has just started to be developed, and it's hard to say when it will be produced."

Cao Yang is definitely not that stupid, and disclosed the price information to Wang Huiliang.

"You won't build a model with the same appearance and size as the BMW 7 Series at that time, and then set a price of more than 20 yuan, and directly hit BYD and Geely with dimensionality reduction?"

Although Cao Yang didn't answer, Wang Huiliang continued to talk.

"Mr. Wang, your suggestion is good. I'll think about it when the time comes."

Cao Yang continued to perfunctory there.

But Wang Huiliang was depressed.

When did I give you advice?
Xingchen Motors will not throw the blame on itself by then, will it?
At that time, a bunch of self-owned brands will have a lot of opinions on Star Motors, and Cao Yang will sell himself?
Thinking of this possibility, Wang Huiliang quickly added: "Actually, I think Huaxia really needs a luxury car of its own, and foreign brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi cannot always monopolize the high-end market."

"Mr. Cao, you have done what we wanted to do but couldn't do."

"When Xingchen No. 1 is launched, I will definitely cheer you up and teach Mercedes-Benz and BMW a lesson."

Wang Huiliang also started talking nonsense there.

The two of them talked nonsense for more than ten minutes as if they were talking nonsense.


With the continuous expansion of the personnel scale of the Star Automobile Research Institute, various research and development work is also advancing rapidly.

However, in this way, it is inevitable that some news about Xingchen 1 will be leaked.

After all, some tasks require the cooperation of suppliers.

In addition, the staff of the research institute come from all over the world, and the previous old clubs are different. Even if the company keeps emphasizing confidentiality, there will always be some people who will inadvertently share information that they think is irrelevant.

"General Nakazawa, when will we be able to complete the development of our 8AT automatic transmission?"

Aisin headquarters, Okumura, the head of the sales department, came to Nakamura's office worried.

Obviously, he had heard something unfavorable to Aixin.

"It's almost there, the basic research and development work has been completed, and there are still some minor issues that need to be improved."

"The Lexus model launched in the next year will be equipped with our 8AT automatic transmission for the first time."

"what's wrong?"

"Is there any customer who also wants to carry our 8AT?"

Hiroyuki Nakazawa, as the head of R&D of Aisin, is directly responsible for the R&D coordination of all gearbox projects.

As the most important project of Aisin in the future, he is personally following the development of 8AT.

"Aisin Huaxia Branch reported a piece of news this morning, and I think it is necessary to pay attention to it."

Although Okumura felt that the news was a bit unreliable, he still felt the need to tell Nakamura.

"what news?"

"Why do I think you look a little worried?"

Nakazawa put down the work in hand, ready to have a good chat with Okumura.

"Huaxia's Nanshan Group, you should be very familiar with it?"

"Of course! Nanshan Transmission is Aisin's biggest competitor!"

"Nanshan Group established a car company this year called Xingchen Motors. It is rumored that their first model will be equipped with an 8AT automatic transmission."

"And it is likely to be introduced to the market earlier than our 8AT, which will undoubtedly bring great changes to the development of our 8AT."

When Okumura said this, Nakazawa's face immediately became solemn.

If other Huaxia companies say that they can produce 8AT earlier than Aisin, he will not even bother.

But when it comes to Nanshan, he feels that things need to be more cautious.

There is no way, Aixin has suffered too much at the hands of Nanshan.

"Is this news accurate?"

"I don't know, but it is said that Xingchen is positioned as a high-end luxury model, so the possibility of the other party using 8AT is very high."

"Is there any way to get more accurate information?"

"The Huaxia branch is already working hard, but it will take some time!"

Okumura also felt aggrieved.

When did Aisin worry about whether a Huaxia company would threaten him?
"This matter, I think the Huaxia branch needs to figure it out at all costs, otherwise it is likely to fall into a passive position in the future."

"I know, but I want to confirm one more thing. Compared with the 6AT transmission, can our 8AT transmission really increase the power of the vehicle while reducing the fuel consumption of the vehicle?"

When Okumura asked such a question, Nakazawa felt a little uncomfortable.

what's going on?

Does your business have no confidence in our research and development?

"The essential difference between the 8AT transmission and the 6AT transmission is the number of gears and the range of gear ratios. The 8AT transmission has a wider range of gear ratios. The gear ratio corresponding to the low gear is larger, and the gear ratio corresponding to the high gear is larger. smaller."

"So, for a vehicle with an 8AT transmission, the torque multiplication effect is better when driving in low gear, and the power of the vehicle is stronger, while the engine speed is lower when driving in high gear, and the working efficiency of the engine is higher, corresponding to the fuel consumption of the vehicle. It's more economical."

Although he felt uncomfortable, Nakazawa explained it to Okumura.

"Can the research and development side help prepare a few more convincing PPTs, so that we can promote it to potential customers as soon as possible."

"I think it is necessary to lock some orders from customers before the Nanshan 8AT is officially launched."

In the development of the 8AT automatic transmission, Okumura believes that Aisin must be ahead of Nanshan.

Various auto giants should also have more confidence in the strength of Aisin.

Unless Nanshan 8AT is officially launched to the market, prototypes are submitted to various customers.

But now Nanshan 8AT is still only in rumors, and there is no official news.

So he wants to seize this opportunity and take the lead first.

"Give me a week, and I'll arrange someone to sort out the advantages of 8AT!"

(End of this chapter)

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