Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 276 I'm sure I'm going to hit the wall, everyone can rest assured

Chapter 276 I'm sure I'm going to hit the wall, everyone can rest assured
Many things in the automotive industry are normally much slower than those in the IT industry.

Compared with the news in the entertainment industry, the speed of transmission is even slower.

But this is also relative.

Ordinary people do not pay special attention to the information related to Xingchen Automobile.

After all, until now, I still don't know when their products will come out.

It was nothing more than when Xingchen Motors was established, it attracted a little traffic.

However, people in the automobile industry pay attention to Xingchen Automobile, which is unusual.

"Mr. Wang, it's basically solid. The first model of Xingchen Motors is a high-end car that was really developed against the BMW 730."

"The current quotation conditions given to suppliers are 3 units in three years, and mass production is expected by the end of next year or in the first half of the next year."

"The configuration of this model is said to be very high. Except for the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine and 8AT automatic transmission that everyone already knows, many other configurations are only used on high-end luxury cars."

"It is said that there are 6 airbags, and the whole series comes standard with a smart key entry system and one-button engine start."

"There are some other configurations. We are also looking for some suppliers to inquire about, but I heard that Xingchen Auto has signed a confidentiality agreement with each supplier, and there is no way to find out some specific information."

Zhu Jianbo gave Wang Ying a quick report on the situation of the Xingchen car, and the tension in his heart was completely let go.

Although there were rumors on the Internet that Xingchen Motors was taking the high-end route, Cao Yang also promised to the bosses of various independent brands not to compete with them.

But the message is the message, and the promise is the promise.

Before the boots hit the ground, everyone was still feeling guilty.

No way, whoever makes the entire Huaxia independent brand is either using Nanshan's 1.5T turbocharged engine, or using Nanshan's gearbox, or both.

As long as Xingchen Motor enters the market to build a car, and it still builds a model with the same positioning as everyone, then no one has the confidence to compete with Xingchen Auto.

Everyone is even worried about whether Nanshan is willing to provide engines and gearboxes normally in the future, and whether these core parts will be regarded as a weapon in the competition process?
All kinds of possibilities have appeared in everyone's worries.

It now appears that these possibilities have basically become impossible.

For a model with such a high configuration, even if Xingchen Auto does not earn a penny, the price cannot be lower than 20.

In this way, there will be no competition with Great Wall Motors.

"Mr. Cao won't change his mind until he hits a wall."

"This is also a good thing for us Great Wall Motors."

"But I'm afraid that the development of Xingchen Automobile will drag down Nanshan Group and affect our parts supply."

Wang Ying is now fully promoting the transformation of Great Wall Motors into SUVs.

The H6 model, which borrows from Honda CRV, is already under intensive development.

According to the current progress, mass production will begin in the first half of next year.

At that time, whether Great Wall Motors can successfully reach the big step of annual output of 20 will depend on the performance of H6.

"It shouldn't be so. Nanshan Group is said to have a turnover of 500 billion this year and a profit of at least 50 billion."

"No matter how much Xingchen Motors wastes money, at most it will waste 10 billion a year, so that Nanshan Group will not fall into financial crisis."

Zhu Jianbo said this, but Wang Ying did not fully agree.

"Now there is only one model, so the money spent is naturally not much."

"If at that time, they develop cars, SUVs and MPVs of all levels together, and directly develop seven or eight models, Nanshan Group may collapse suddenly."

Wang Ying has seen a lot of people of all kinds over the years.

Some people were very successful at the beginning, but after a few tricks, they lost all their previous success.

It's like Evergrande Motors of later generations. If we honestly make one or two models, don't talk about "buy, buy, buy" and the like. Development is worse.

The results of it?
"Mr. Cao does things, although sometimes he is more radical, but he still has rules."

"Star Motors hasn't released a single product, so it shouldn't be possible to stud so many models at once."

"Besides, a large number of parts are handed over to Nanshan Auto Parts for production. As long as the technology of these parts is successfully obtained, even if the car manufacturing project fails, the parts project alone should be able to survive."

Zhu Jianbo can't say how much he likes Nanshan Group, but he definitely doesn't want to see Nanshan Group fall.

Otherwise, for the research and development of many parts, they can only go to European and American giants such as Bosch and Continental.

Don't talk about the price, just communicate, sometimes very tiring.

Especially when it comes to research and development work, it is often necessary to contact the headquarters of these suppliers.

Originally, there was a time difference and a language difference between the two places.

In addition, foreigners disappear on vacation at every turn.

That communication can make the engineers of the Great Wall Motor Research Institute vomit three liters of blood.

"Hasn't the prototype of our H6 already rolled off the production line this month?"

"Let's go to Nanshan Group to visit sometime, and by the way, visit the various factories that provide parts for H6, and see if they are really that powerful."

"In addition, the progress of our self-development of engines and gearboxes has also been appropriately accelerated."

In Wang Ying's heart, it is obvious that Xingchen Automobile's plan of making most of its parts by itself is worthy of envy.

She is now also promoting the development of Great Wall Motors in accordance with this idea.

Of course, the process certainly did not go so smoothly.

"We are already working hard, but even if we can get rid of the fate of purchasing from Nanshan Group as a whole for our engines and gearboxes, it is very difficult to completely get rid of their parts supply."

"For example, bearings, there is no domestic product with better QCD comprehensive performance than Nanshan bearings."

"As long as the turbocharger of the turbocharged engine is not to mention."

"In China, only Nanshan can produce at present. If we don't buy from Nanshan, we need to buy from BorgWarner's American factory or Eaton's American factory."

"The cost may be more than double that of Nanshan."

When Zhu Jianbo said this, Wang Ying's mood suddenly became a little lower.

However, she felt a little better when she thought that Nanshan Group did not plan to make a car worth more than ten or 20 yuan.

It is impossible for Great Wall Motors to make all the parts by itself.

That being the case, whether it is for Bosch, Continental or Nanshan Group, it seems to be the same?
Thinking about it this way, she didn't worry about it anymore.


"Mr. Wang, the battery production line of Nanshan Auto Parts is made of lithium-ion button batteries, which are said to be used for smart keys, and will not produce mobile phone batteries and laptop batteries."

"But they didn't deny the idea of ​​producing car batteries in the future."

Some time ago, Lu Faxiang was nervous for a while because Nanshan wanted to make batteries.

Now I finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Cao is really generous this time. I heard that they entrusted Huawei to help develop several special chips. Even BYD Nanshan Semiconductor, which we cooperate with, has received some entrusted development business."

"These parts are generally related to various advanced electronic and electrical components."

"If the development is really completed according to their requirements, then the first product of Xingchen Automobile is really the most high-end existence produced by itself in China."

Liang Chuanqing beside him also interjected.

Every company has circles.

Even eating in the cafeteria is the same.

Sitting next to Wang Fu are always the ministers and vice presidents of the company.

Ordinary employees don't sit around so ignorantly.

"The Autohome will reveal some news about Xingchen Motors every now and then, which keeps everyone's appetites going."

"However, I have to say that every time someone discloses news, it is still in line with the positioning of high-end models."

"For example, double-wishbone front independent suspension and five-link rear independent suspension. This configuration is definitely not available for ordinary cars."

"Not to mention the rumored air spring."

Zhong Qiang also expressed his views on the sidelines.

I don't know when it started. When BYD's internal executives talked about the domestic auto industry, they always mentioned Xingchen Automobile or Nanshan Group.

"I don't think the way Star Motors is doing it seems like suppliers or R&D personnel are leaking secrets, but it's a bit like their deliberate marketing."

"Continuously maintain the topicality of the name Xingchen Motors, so that more and more people know that there is such a brand as Xingchen Motors in China."

When Liang Chuanqing said this, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

Each OEM has signed a non-disclosure agreement with the supplier.

The engineers of the research institutes of various car companies are also emphasized to have a sense of confidentiality every now and then.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously abnormal for Xingchen Automobile's information to continue to spread on the Internet.

Everyone just didn't think about it before.

"According to this rhythm, by the time the first model of Xingchen Motor is launched, its various configurations have been exposed."

"At that time, consumers will no longer have a sense of mystery and expectations. How will they do their promotion work after listing?"

Wu Huabing, the head of the sales department, obviously couldn't understand this approach of Xingchen Automobile.

In his view, the normal marketing of new models will only start about three to five months before the models are about to go on the market.

At that time, there was already a prototype car, and various media could be invited to hold some activities to hype up the popularity of the new model.

When it goes on sale, it will start to promote marketing with all its strength.

The current approach of Xingchen Automobile is obviously completely inconsistent with his cognition.

"I think this may have something to do with the positioning of Star Motors."

"What they want to do is a high-end luxury model, which is directly developed against the BMW 730."

"In this case, it may be a good idea to let more people know that their parts and some configurations are very good."

"For example, air springs. If it weren't for Autohome, there are several articles there to give you the knowledge of popular science air springs, so that everyone knows the difference between cars that use air springs and ordinary cars. How many ordinary cars are there? How well can consumers understand this configuration?"

Wang Fu interpreted this approach directly from the brand positioning of Xingchen Motors and the ultimate goal it wants to achieve. The vision is obviously different.

But thinking about it seriously, it seems quite reasonable.

"Mr. Wang, can we also consider learning from the new model?"

"The test drive of the F3 model will only start next month."

"If we start to disclose the configuration information of some models now, it should also attract some attention."

As soon as Wu Huabing finished speaking, Wang Fu denied it.

"We are taking the route of economical cars, and there is no way to learn from Xingchen Automobile."

"People are equipped with six airbags, but what about us? There are only two top-equipped models."

"If it is really done according to the model of Xingchen Automobile, it is not publicity, it is making netizens complain about us."

Obviously, in Wang Fu's view, Wuhua Cake's plan is a bit of an imitation.

"If Nanshan Auto Parts can produce most of the advanced configuration parts of Xingchen Automobile, some of our models may also enjoy corresponding dividends in the future."

"For example, the 8AT automatic transmission. If we want to produce more than 20 models in the future, I think it can be equipped with 8AT."

Zhong Qiang saw that Wu Hua's cake was deflated, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Until now, no model in the world has been equipped with an 8AT automatic transmission. Even the BMW 730 only uses ZF's 6AT."

"In this case, whether Nanshan Transmission can successfully develop 8AT is also a question."

Although Liang Chuanqing knew that Nanshan Group had strong research and development capabilities.

But he doesn't believe that Nanshan Group's research and development strength is already stronger than that of international parts giants.

Or rather unwilling to believe it.

"When Nanshan came up with 6AT, few people were willing to believe it."

"At present, it will take at least a year for the Xingchen car to be mass-produced. I think it is very possible to complete the development of the 8AT automatic transmission within the next year."

Wang Fu is very confident in Nanshan's research and development capabilities.

He even came up with the idea of ​​asking the HR department to poach some Nanshan employees.

"If that's the case, then the Xingchen car's configuration is really powerful."

"People are boasting so much, maybe it will come true."

Zhong Qiang said something envious.

Against the BMW 730.

Even if they shouted this word, they didn't dare to say it.

But Xingchen Motors has already done this.

The most important thing is that it seems that others may really make it.

"If you say that, I'm looking forward to the new model of Xingchen Automobile."

Lu Faxiang's original attention was on the battery.

But after listening to everyone's discussions, I started to have some expectations for Xingchen Automobile.

"Judging from the current information, the Xingchen car will not turn back until it hits the south wall."

"Everyone can rest assured that our products will be improved."

"Don't think too much about the rest."

Wang Fu felt that it was strange that they were discussing the matter of Nanshan Group and Xingchen Automobile during the lunch.

This is BYD, not Nanshan Group.

So soon, he started to say a concluding remark, and then lowered his head to compete with the white-cut chicken on the dinner plate.

(End of this chapter)

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