Chapter 288

Throughout the first quarter of 2005, various automobile manufacturers in China launched several blockbuster new cars.

Some car companies that have not yet launched new cars have also released some plans for this year, and publicized the information of the models that will be launched later.

After a small cold winter in 2004...

In fact, the overall auto market was also growing in 2004, but the growth rate was not as fast as in previous years, and everyone felt that it was a small winter.

After entering 2005, the confidence of various OEMs recovered rapidly.

Autohome has the deepest feeling about this.

The number of page views of the entire website has increased by 50% compared to the same period, and the advertisements of various OEMs are also very active.

Joint venture car companies have high profit margins and are willing to invest in advertisements.

Various new cars of self-owned brands are on the market, and they are also willing to spend money to promote them.

Anyway, the wool comes out of the sheep.

"Mr. Zhang, BYD wants us to help conduct a survey to see what consumers expect from the pricing of their new SUV models."

"But this time they didn't give a soft article, and they don't plan to send a survey link directly to complete this task."

"So I proposed a plan to them, which is to use the method of internal price leaks, and we will release a breaking news report in cooperation with half-truths and half-false."

"Then let's combine the reactions in the comment area to see what everyone thinks about the price of the news."

"Do you think such a plan is appropriate?"

Yu Yu has now started to preside over the daily management of Autohome, and Zhang Fugui does not directly participate in the management of details most of the time.

But like this time, BYD's related articles are a bit special, so Yu Yu wanted to see Zhang Fugui's attitude.

After all, this report, to put it bluntly, is that Autohome and BYD are "deceiving" readers.

The so-called internal leaks are completely fabricated stories.

"Do you think this way of leaking secrets can attract enough attention?"

Zhang Fugui did not directly answer yes or no.

For him, as long as he does not break the law, he can increase the traffic of Autohome and gain more recognition from OEMs and consumers, then things can be done.

"I think it's definitely possible."

"At that time, not only consumers will be very interested, but also peers in the industry will be very interested."

"Maybe this can also provide other peers with a new opportunity to grasp the direction of the market."

“Or a whole new way of promoting it.”

"For example, in the future, we can reveal some 'sneak shots' photos of new models from time to time."

"The so-called candid shots are actually photos provided by the OEM."

"But netizens will definitely find it more enjoyable to watch, have a stronger sense of anticipation, and have a better publicity effect."

Before Yu Yu came to report to Zhang Fugui, he had already considered all aspects of the problem.

So Zhang Fugui asked casually, and he was able to say one, two, three, four.

"If that's the case, then you should try boldly."

With Zhang Fugui's words, there will soon be various news about BYD S6 on Autohome.


"Brother, the price of this BYD S6 is very competitive. It is about 6 yuan cheaper than the Great Wall H1 and Chery Tiggo of the same level."

"This car uses a lot of parts from Nanshan Group, and we also produce a lot of stamped parts on the body."

"I think the company can buy a few of them and use them as official vehicles?"

Guo Shufu watched the news on the Internet early in the morning, and naturally saw the news that the sales price of BYD S6 was exposed by employees on Autohome.

As a supplier, it is definitely necessary to purchase some customer models as official vehicles.

When the auto market is bad, or when the sales of some models are not satisfactory, OEMs will also take the initiative to sell models to their suppliers.

That being the case, it is better to take the initiative to buy a few cars, and when chatting with the procurement of the OEM, there can be one more topic.

"The engine and gearbox of BYD's S6 are all provided by Nanshan Group, and many key parts on the car are also produced by Nanshan Group."

"The quality should be relatively good, and you can indeed buy a few for one use."

"However, at their price, I think it is likely to sell well. At that time, we will not only enjoy the supplier's preferential car purchase policy, but we will have to wait for normal purchases."

Guo Shuyin also knows the situation of BYD S6.

This model has now undergone test drive activities, and there are many related photos and reports on the Internet.

The sales price has not been announced yet.

"That's true. Although BYD's experience in making cars is not as good as others, many of the key parts they use are produced by Nanshan, which greatly covers up their weaknesses."

"Great Wall Motors and Chery Automobile should feel the pressure by then."

When Guo Shufu said this, he couldn't help adding, "Why don't we buy two H6 and S6 at that time."

"In the future, when people from Great Wall Motors come to our company, they will use H6 to receive them."

"People from BYD came to the scene to confirm, and they used S6 to receive them."

"After all, apart from Yangcheng Honda, Great Wall Motors and BYD are our two largest customers."

Any component company, as long as it grows in scale, its customers will definitely be diversified.

In this case, there are many things to consider in the official reception car.

For example, if you go to entertain people in Mercedes-Benz, but drive a BMW to pick them up, even if they don't say anything about it, they must be upset.

If there is no problem at first, I will find some problems for you.

"Look at it."

"Although the price of the S6 may be more favorable, we certainly cannot be persuaded to buy the S6."

"If you look at which OEM receives the most people on a daily basis, you can buy more models from this company."

Guo Shuyin's current focus is on the hot stamping factory, and he completely entrusts his younger brother to be responsible for the purchase of official vehicles.

"oh, I understand now."

"At that time, all the factory cars next to Great Wall Motors will buy H6."

"Our headquarters uses some of Yangcheng Honda's Odyssey and BYD's S6 or F6."

Just after Guo Shufu finished speaking, Guo Shuyin couldn't help adding, "Remember to try not to use F6 to receive people from Yangcheng Honda."


"Mr. Wang, this BYD is trying to make life difficult for us. It is a model with similar positioning, but their S6 is going to sell for 9.98 yuan, which is 1 yuan cheaper than ours."

"If this is the case, then S6 will definitely have an impact on our H6."

After Great Wall Motors, Lian Furong and Wang Ying reported on the latest marketing measures for this month, they couldn't help chatting about other things there.

For Great Wall Motors, H6 is their most important model this year.

They hope that H6 can bring the development of Great Wall Motors to a new level, so as to lay the foundation for the new SUV models under development.

Great Wall Motors has formally determined that the main target is SUV models, and it will take a road different from that of other OEMs.

Starting from this year, all research and development projects related to cars have been stopped.

The two models under development are also two SUVs larger and smaller than the H6.

"I have also seen this report, but this is the news that Autohome broke the news, not the official price of BYD."

"Whether it is true or not, I think it needs to be reconsidered."

"However, one thing is certain, that is, BYD's S6 model does not use any hot stamping parts."

"However, our H6 has 12 hot stamping parts on it, which provides very safe protection for the occupants in the car."

"In the next step, you should focus on publicizing this aspect, so that everyone can feel that Great Wall Motor's products are better than other manufacturers."

"As long as this impression is fixed in the minds of consumers, even if BYD's models are really 1 yuan cheaper than ours, I don't think there is any need to worry."

"Just like Westwind Honda has not been particularly worried about the models of our own brands until now, everyone's target consumers are completely different."

Wang Ying's eyesight was still very strong, and he found a breakthrough point in no time.

Of course, Cao Yang had communicated with her before this breakthrough point.

At that time, she wondered if it was because Cao Yang wanted to sell the hot stamping production line of Huaqiang Stamping Factory to Great Wall Motors.

Now it seems that this arrangement is still very good.

After using hot stamping and forming parts, although the cost has increased by more than a thousand yuan, the things Great Wall Motors harvested are far more than more than 1000 yuan.

She thinks that the company's large SUV can further expand the number of hot stamping parts used in the next step, giving consumers a safer impression.

This kind of investment is obviously more cost-effective than adding airbags and the like.

"This is indeed a breakthrough point. Before other car companies have reacted, we will continue to promote it to consumers."

"I just heard that the new models of Shanghai Volkswagen and Spring City Volkswagen will also start to use hot stamping parts."

"When the time comes, several pieces of information will corroborate each other, and consumers will definitely agree with our publicity point of view."

"It's just this publicity idea, and there is no problem in using it this year."

"In the future, other car companies may follow suit immediately after seeing our results."

Lian Furong can be regarded as an old man in the auto industry.

He is also very familiar with the means and virtues of his competitors.

Great Wall Motors can use this kind of hot stamping parts, can't they?

Even Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory will take the initiative to find various OEMs to sell it.

"When everyone sees our effect, it will be at least the second half of this year."

"Even if they want to follow suit, it will take time."

"Hot stamping production line, there should be only two companies in China, Benteler and Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory."

"In terms of production efficiency, if you don't plan ahead, you just want to use it, and the production capacity is easy to go wrong."

Wang Ying is not worried about his opponent following suit.

In the automotive industry, as long as one thing is good, other manufacturers will definitely follow suit.

If you also worry about this, you will not be able to live in that day.

"That's true. Later, I will ask Wei Department of the Purchasing Department to help me find out if Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory has any plans to build a new hot stamping production line in other places. "

"As long as you keep abreast of their movements in time, it is easy to know the usage of hot stamping parts of other OEMs."

Lian Furong, as the head of the sales department, is very interested in news about competitors' equipment configurations.

This affects some of their publicity strategies.

"Well, you can decide for yourself."

"Anyway, with the help of hot stamping and forming parts, we can establish the impression of our Great Wall Motors' high safety. This matter must be regarded as a key promotional content of the sales department."

"Even on various forums, people can be arranged to popularize this knowledge for everyone."

Following Wang Ying's instructions, Lian Furong soon took further actions.

On Autohome, there were some more "hard" soft articles immediately.

"Xiao Lin, please study these articles of Autohome. These articles seem to be very popular with some people."

Although Netease Auto Channel relies on the "lady as a car model" section, the traffic has been increasing.

But the growth rate is obviously not as good as that of Autohome.

The car channel is just a project in each channel of Netease, and it is impossible to invest all the resources of the whole company in this field.

But other people's car homes are different, and many attempts can be made boldly.

"Editor Fang, ordinary consumers may not understand these so-called hard-core articles. If we publish a large number of articles like this, it will have a bad impact on traffic, right?"

Lin Jiayan just glanced at the articles Fang Dawen mentioned, and knew what was going on.

After all, as the main competitor, Lin Jiayan contributes countless page views to Autohome every day.

"You are right. Ordinary consumers will definitely not be able to understand this kind of article."

"For example, the words in this article 'The Significant Impact of Hot Stamping Technology on Automobile Safety', such as austenite, martensite, ferrite, etc., even ordinary people in the automobile industry may not know I can understand."

"But you don't think that this kind of incomprehensible content can sometimes give people a very different feeling."

"Although I can't understand it, I just think it's very powerful."

"It is also very beneficial to improve the professionalism of our channel."

"Besides, don't you find that this so-called hard-core soft text should be liked by a group of OEMs?"

"Regardless of the effect, as long as the OEM likes it, they are willing to pay. This is enough for us."

Fang Dawen's vision of seeing problems is obviously better than that of Lin Jiayan.

He can tell at a glance which articles on Autohome are normal news reports and which are soft articles.

Although the article on hot stamping is very professional, it seems to be a popular science article.

However, it is mentioned that the Great Wall Motor H6 compartment uses a large number of hot stamping parts, and even put the hat of China's first hot stamping vehicle on the H6.

This obviously has a strong soft text nature.

If Great Wall Motors hadn't given Autohome advertising fees, he wouldn't believe it.

Even when the price of BYD Auto's S6 broke the news a few days ago, he felt a slight difference.

"Then maybe we need to recruit a few more editors with backgrounds in science and engineering. Otherwise, there are a lot of professional vocabulary, which may be difficult for everyone to understand."

"It will be a bit embarrassing if you make a mistake at that time."

Lin Jiayan felt Fang Dawen's determination, but didn't argue any more.

If the leader thinks it is good, then do it.

Why are you arguing so much?
"Don't worry, these articles can be modified on the basis of the materials provided by the OEM."

"The bar isn't that high."

Fang Dawen would not easily agree to join.

Isn't it his achievement to be able to achieve the same performance with less cost?

(End of this chapter)

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