Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 294 Don't Stop, Cao Yang Has Another Bad Idea

Chapter 294 Don't Stop, Cao Yang Has Another Bad Idea

Lu Xiangyang's proposal is a very good proposal.

Soon, this proposal reached a consensus within Yangcheng Honda and Xifeng Honda, and then issued some soft articles through their respective channels.

Manufacturers such as Toyota Motor and Nissan Motor that have similar confusing matters naturally followed up immediately.

As a result, there have been some changes in the discussion on hot stamping parts in places such as automobile channels on various portal websites and automobile homes.

"Mr. Cao, those car companies in Dongying responded quite quickly, and now the public opinion is about to be turned around by them."

"I don't think it's possible to let the H6 and CRV crash tests just get mixed up like this?"

Although Zeng Tingting's body is relatively large, her attitude towards Nanshan Group's opponents is not magnanimous at all.

Although Nanshan Group didn't have any business in Yangcheng Honda and Xifeng Honda, it is not a reason to treat me as a soft persimmon.

"The wind direction has indeed changed a bit in the past two days. Basically, everyone doesn't talk much about the CRV and H6 crash tests."

"In this way, I have an idea to let the heat of this matter ferment again."

Cao Yang rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

In the future, various car companies will fight openly and secretly, and consumers will use various methods to protect their rights, which are not common now.

Just take it out to disgust others, the effect should not be bad.

The key is that Nanshan Group doesn't need to come forward to be a villain, and it can also take revenge, so why not do it.

"Mr. Cao, do you have a new idea?"

Zeng Tingting looked at Cao Yang expectantly.

The idea of ​​the H6 and CRV collision test this time is to vigorously promote the hot stamping equipment and molds of Nanshan Group.

However, any manufacturers who are interested in entering this field will definitely investigate and find out where the hot stamping production lines of Benteler and Huaqiang Stamping Plant are purchased from.

At that time, there will definitely be a new breakthrough in the business of Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Mold.

"Now everyone's discussion focuses on the advantages and disadvantages between hot stamping technology and cold stamping technology."

"But the source of the matter is that the CRV was damaged much more than the H6 during the crash test. This is an indisputable fact."

"That is to say, the collision safety of CRV is not particularly high, and this is not a lot of people's attention."

"Since no one is paying attention, let people pay attention, and the heat of this matter will naturally rise."

"In the future, you can make a suggestion to the people of Great Wall Motors, let them find a few CRV owners to go to Xifeng Honda's 4S store to defend their rights."

"Returning the car or something, compensating for various losses, etc., anyway, let's mention it first."

"At that time, by the way, I will publicize this report on rights protection on Autohome and some forums."

"Isn't the heat of this matter coming?"

"Consumers are all greedy for cheap. If they find out that they can get compensation after defending their rights, they will probably be more motivated than we thought."

"Even after this incident came out, some OEMs were willing to contribute to the flames."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting went to call the Great Wall Motors without any hesitation.

This "bad idea" can only be proposed to Great Wall Motors in private in her name.

Otherwise, after all, Great Wall Motors will have some jealousy towards Nanshan Group.


"Old Wei, your thinking is broad enough, and you can come up with such a plan."

Lian Furong looked at Wei Qiang who came here to discuss matters with him, his face was full of surprise.

During this period of time, the H6 and CRV crash tests became hotter.

He was worrying about how to squeeze out all the benefits of this matter.

Unexpectedly, when I fell asleep, I encountered a pillow.

"I've also listened to some suggestions from other people, and I think this matter has something to do."

"However, I suggest that it is best not to start with the Xifeng Honda 4S store in Baozhou, and you can choose a developed city in another province to start."

Zeng Tingting specifically told Wei Qiang not to say internally that it was her contribution.

So when Wei Qiang talked to Lian Furong, he also spoke ambiguously.


"However, this matter is not suitable for us to come forward to do it ourselves. We can ask some powerful dealers to find someone to organize it."

"The best thing is to be able to obtain the contact information of some Westwind Honda CRV customers through these dealers."

"At that time, one or two car owners will be settled, and some benefits will be given to this car owner, so that they can come forward to organize, that would be the best."

Lian Furong was also thinking about how to get this matter done quickly.

In a society with asymmetric information, it is actually not that easy to make this matter bigger.

"How to do it depends on the consideration of your sales department."

"But I think the action should be fast, and the movement should be as loud as possible."

"If more media can get involved, and then find someone to spread it on the Internet, the effect will definitely be better."

Wei Qiang is only in charge of coming up with ideas, and will definitely not personally participate in this matter.

Internally, it's not something that purchasing needs to do either.

"you're right!"

"I'll arrange it right away."

"Old Wei, I owe you a favor for this matter, I will treat you to dinner later."


"Boss Yin, I heard that CRV owners are making trouble these days, clamoring to return the car at the original price, and also return the money charged by the 4S store for the price increase."

"There are some rights protection posts on many forums, which have attracted the attention of a group of people."

"Although the positioning of our Tiggo is completely different from that of the CRV, the appearance is very similar after all, and there should be some competition."

"So I want to push behind the scenes to make CRV's rights protection incident more lively?"

"Maybe some car owners can change their minds and buy our Tiggo."

After a report meeting ended, Wang Ze took the opportunity to chat with Yin Chuan for a few words.

Various reforms in the sales department are the most important thing for Chery this year.

Therefore, for the implementation of many plans, Wang Ze had to report to Yin Chuan before he dared to arrange people to do it.

Especially for such sensitive matters, we should not mess around.

"Except for Great Wall's H6, the models of other OEMs do not use hot stamping technology."

"Our Tiggo is no exception."

"If the CRV matter is made too big, it may affect the sales of our Tiggo at that time."

Instead of thinking about winning, think about losing first.

Yin Chuan felt that it was more appropriate for Chery to keep silent on the matter between Great Wall Motors and West Wind Honda.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if you accidentally lifted a rock and shot yourself in the foot.

"That's true."

"Previously, the research institute and the purchasing department reviewed the change of some parts to hot stamping on next year's facelifted Tiggo."

"However, the cost will increase by about 1000 yuan, so there is no formal report to the company yet."

"I think it is possible to consider reducing 1000 yuan on some less important equipment, and then use hot stamping parts?"

"Otherwise, when we compete with H6, we will be at a disadvantage."

"Especially the feedback from the 4S store in the last week that our Tiggo sales have not changed much year-on-year, and even dropped slightly."

"But it is said that Great Wall's 4S stores are very popular now, and the number of customers buying H6 models has at least doubled year-on-year."

When Wang Ze said this, Yin Chuan's attention was immediately raised to a higher level.

As a business, sales are king.

It's useless to say anything if the car doesn't sell.

H6 is now selling better than Tiggo, the most convincing reason is that the other party has adopted hot stamping technology.

"According to the direction you said, the sales department will work with the purchasing department and the research institute to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"If there are no major problems, review and implement the new plan as soon as possible, and strive to launch the facelifted Tiggo as soon as possible next year."

The cost increase of around 1000 yuan seems quite high.

But if it can increase the sales by a large margin, it is still acceptable.

The big deal is to reduce the profit sharing to the 4S shop at that time.


"Editor-in-Chief, Xifeng Honda placed an additional advertisement with us this month."

"So far, their advertising expenses this year have been more than last year."

"Today's income generation work on our channel should be able to exceed the target."

Lin Jiayan was in a very good mood.

It is definitely a good thing for the media like them that various car companies are fighting back and forth.

Although their platform has a good relationship with Honda, they still use money to do things.

One day Honda will stop advertising with them, so they will definitely not be polite at all about all kinds of negative news reports.

"The rights protection of CRV owners these days is said to be quite a big deal."

"Although we haven't officially reported it, there are some comments related to this under the relevant news of Honda Motor."

"As for Autohome, they directly reported this news as headlines."

"In this case, Westwind Honda must increase its advertising efforts. Otherwise, the car channels of various websites will not let this matter go easily."

"Even in some newspapers, they have to increase their advertising to ensure that people don't publish news in this regard."

Fang Dawen has been in this industry for many years.

It is relatively clear about the various unspoken rules in the industry.

If you want not to report your negative news, then you have to come and advertise.

Even some platforms that have done too much will directly use these negative news to blackmail you.

Or treat negative news as a thing and sell it to you.

This is not only the case in the automotive industry, but also in other fields.

Otherwise, how can these newspapers and websites survive?
"This time, Westwind Honda should have been beaten by Great Wall Motor."

"I heard that Honda Motor has officially sued Great Wall Motors in court in the imperial capital. The conflict between the two parties will not stop for a while."

Lin Jiayan looked gloating.

The more things that happen between car companies, the better for them.

However, when these people are happy, some people will be very unhappy.

"Minister, the sales of CRV this week have dropped a lot from the previous quarter and the same period last year."

"The matter of the crash test may not stop for a while."

"Are we considering a price cut?"

Han Hao from West Wind Honda came to Vice Minister Han Hao with a heavy heart and discussed countermeasures.

Since the launch of CRV, there have been discounts in various 4S stores, let alone discounts.

It is already a very fortunate thing to be able to increase the price a little less.

But in the current situation, there must be very few consumers who are willing to continue to increase the price of cars.

This alone has had a very big impact on West Wind Honda.

Even though the 4S shop took the money for the price increase, in fact, Westwind Honda can also profit from this matter.

Because CRV can increase the price, each 4S store is willing to actively spend money to do some publicity in the city where it is located.

And also because of the price increase, the sales rebates they give to 4S stores can be set very low.

Invisibly, Westwind Honda also made more money and spent less.

Otherwise, how could they allow various 4S stores to raise prices like that?

Just like the Alpha of Toyota in later generations, the price increase in 4S stores is so high, doesn't Toyota know about it?

Don't they mind at all that the hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of markups are earned by the 4S shop?

How can it be!

There is a story behind it.

Alpha is easy to sell, and people can ask 4S to pick up some cars that are not easy to sell at the same time.

It is even possible to take Alpha's pick-up of the car as a means of reward, so that the 4S store can cooperate with them in other aspects to do some things.

There is no free lunch in this world.


"Has the situation reached a point where price discounts are needed to boost sales?"

Hearing such a proposal from the employees below, Han Hao was still very uncomfortable.

He's used to the good old days when his CRV is upsell and customers have to wait a while to pick up the car.

It is really uncomfortable to suddenly say that I want to give out the discounted amount.

This is a real drop in profits.

"Minister, from what we have learned from our current investigation, although many consumers are also concerned about some so-called technical issues, in the final analysis they still look at the price."

"As long as the price of our CRV drops, people will buy CRV no matter what the Great Wall Motors are doing behind the scenes."

"Even sales can reach new highs."

"At that time, our production capacity will be limited, and various discounts can be slowly cancelled."

Obviously, the people at West Wind Honda only thought that the discount was a temporary measure.

Consumers are very forgetful, and everyone will definitely continue to buy CRVs.

After all, it is in the same class of models. CRV has almost no rivals.

"In this case, then you should make a detailed plan and report it to the department."

Dongying Enterprises likes to do all kinds of materials and reports.

West Wind Honda is no exception.

Things that can be explained clearly in a few words sometimes require a few PPTs to report.

Then this PPT needs to be constantly revised during the process of reporting step by step.

The efficiency is really not high at all.

(End of this chapter)

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