Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 296 A car logo can make a name

Chapter 296 A car logo can make a name
There are now four passenger car companies in Yangcheng.

Among them, Yangcheng Honda and Yangcheng Toyota are both joint ventures of Yangcheng Automobile Group.

But the embarrassing thing is that the Yangcheng Automobile Group itself does not have any cars of its own.

In the past, without money and technology, building your own car was just empty talk.

In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Automobile Group can be regarded as a share of the pie.

With money in their pockets, everyone's minds naturally became active.

In particular, the establishment of Xingchen Automobile has brought a lot of excitement to Yangcheng Automobile Group.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard the news today that the prototype of Xingchen Motor's first model has successfully rolled off the production line, and now some internal testing work is being carried out."

"According to their plan, it will be officially launched for sale in the first half of next year at the latest."

"At the same time, the first model of Yangcheng Toyota will be launched next year."

"At that time, Yangcheng's automobile industry will have a pivotal position in the whole country."

The deputy general manager Zeng Guangda is now in charge of the liaison between Yangcheng Automobile Group and various joint venture companies, and he has a relatively good understanding of the situation in the automobile industry.

"Yangcheng is a first-tier city in China. The automobile industry is now the city's key support for development. In the future, it will surpass Spring City and Magic City to become the largest automobile city in China. This is the goal that the city really wants to achieve."

"However, the development of Shanghai is also very fast, and we are still under great pressure."

Zhang Jiaqi, as the general manager of Yangcheng Automobile Group, undertakes the important task of leading the development of Yangcheng's automobile industry.

Now that Yangcheng regards the automobile industry as a pillar industry, it is natural to hope that Yangcheng Automobile Group can develop faster.

"Several large domestic automobile groups, whether it is Chuncheng Automobile, Xifeng Automobile, or Modu Automobile and Didu Automobile, they all have their own independent brand models."

"Right now, we, Yangcheng Motors, don't have our own models."

"Even Nanshan Group has established Xingchen Motors and started making cars."

"I think the group can also consider setting up an automotive research institute and planning to produce passenger cars by itself?"

When Zeng Guangda mentioned this, Zhang Jiaqi immediately fell into deep thought.

Yangcheng Automobile Group builds its own cars!

This thing must have been done.

But how to do it and when to start doing it is a problem.

Even though they already have two joint venture companies under their banner, their own accumulation in automobile technology is actually very weak.

"Old Zeng, your suggestion is very good. We really need to consider building our own car."

"But we don't have any technology accumulation except a little money now."

Zhang Jiaqi feels a little guilty now.

Is it that easy to build a car?
"Money is enough!"

"Whether it is to buy a platform product from another car company as a basis for research, or to learn from BYD first, it can be considered."

"The most urgent task is to set up the research institute and approve the car-making project."

"It's a big deal to find Nanshan Group in the early stage to buy engines and gearboxes, as well as other parts that Nanshan Group can produce."

"If this speed is fast enough, we will be able to have our own self-owned brand models in two or three years."

When Zeng Guangda said this, Zhang Jiaqi was very moved.

Making the enterprise bigger and stronger is the biggest achievement.

Which leader does not want to see such a situation?
It's just that the previous accumulation is too weak, so I haven't dared to take this step.

Listening to what Zeng Guangda said now, it seems that it is not impossible.

"What you said makes sense. At this week's regular meeting of the management team, this topic will be formally brought up for discussion."

"At that time, you will take the lead in making a plan to see how our independent brands should be implemented."

"However, there is one thing to note. When we develop our own brand, we definitely hope to develop and grow the auto industry."

"I don't think it's appropriate to take the route of high-end positioning like Xingchen Automobile."

"Not to mention that there is no hope of success at that time, even if it is successful, it will not sell many cars in a year."

"So the positioning of our models must be aggressive."

Zhang Jiaqi set a tone for independent brands.

If Yangcheng Automobile Group wants to build cars, it must build cars that can be mass-produced and sold.

At that time, a factory will be built, at least a factory with an annual output of more than [-] units will be built.

It doesn't make much sense to build [-] units in a small way.

"No problem, I will organize a project team soon, and start some preliminary research."

"We can also second some professors from Lingnan University of Technology and let them participate in the formation of the Automotive Research Institute."

"At that time, the development speed of the car-making project is definitely worth looking forward to."

Seeing that Zhang Jiaqi agreed to his proposal, Zeng Guangda was also quite excited.

This is a very important part of Yangcheng Automobile Group's development plan.

Maybe decades later, today's scene can still be written into the history of the group's development.


"Mr. Cao, I heard that your Xingchen No. [-] prototype car has already rolled off the production line. Is it convenient for me to visit it someday?"

"Don't worry, no one will be arranged to take pictures."

Liu Tianwu has relatively high expectations for Star Motors.

In his view, Nanshan Group has developed to a bottleneck stage.

While there is hope for continued growth, the rate of growth is certainly not as fast.

This can be seen from the business goals set by Nanshan Group at the beginning of the year.

In the next stage, he naturally hopes that Nanshan Group can make some breakthroughs in vehicle manufacturing.

In this way, the GDP in the district can be further increased, so that it can completely take the No. [-] position in the city.

"Leader, you can come here anytime, you are always welcome."

Although the prototype car needs to be kept secret, it doesn't matter if one more person looks at it or one less person looks at it.

As long as you don't take pictures, it doesn't matter if you look at it a few times.

"The [-] mu of land next to the second phase of Nanshan Industrial Park has now all completed the work of three links and one leveling."

"The land transfer procedures are already being processed, and it will become the land of Nanshan Group as soon as next month."

"At that time, you Xingchen Motors won't have to squeeze in the crowded factory building now."

For Liu Tianwu, he very much hopes that Xingchen Automobile can develop its scale.

The number of [-] vehicles is obviously far from satisfying his appetite.

Of course, he would not directly ask Cao Yang, but turned a corner and pushed him sideways.

As long as Cao Yang agrees to rebuild the plant, then no matter how bad it is, it is necessary to build a plant with a capacity of [-] units, right?
With such a large factory building, Xingchen Automobile must not only rely on a model like Xingchen No. [-], right?

For Liu Tianwu's thoughts, Cao Yang is naturally also clear.

But he doesn't mind.

If the district can be more concerned, he can also be relieved a lot.

Just taking this opportunity, I mentioned to Liu Tianwu about inviting higher-level leaders to come over for inspection.

When the two sides talked about this, it was natural that they hit it off.

Even Liu Tianwu wanted to facilitate this matter more than Cao Yang.

"By the way, have you decided on the logo and the name of your first car?"

After chatting for a long time, Liu Tianwu suddenly asked a topic that he was very interested in.

Cao Yang really didn't make a final decision on this question.

Some plans have been proposed internally, but he is not particularly satisfied with them.

Can you take this opportunity to make some noise?
"Leader, regarding the car logo and the name of the first car, we plan to hold a special event in the next period of time to interact with everyone on the Internet."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu became even more interested.

Other car companies don't seem to have done this.

But it sounds good.


"Xiao He, please contact the technical side, and start this activity of Xingchen Automobile as soon as possible. The bigger the action, the better, and the influence will be spread as much as possible."

In the car home, Yu Yu called He Ling to him and personally arranged a project.

If Xingchen Motors wants to do things online, it is naturally the most suitable to find Autohome.

"A reward of 66?"

"Editor-in-chief, such a high reward is given out for a car logo collection event, isn't Xingchen Motors too generous?"

He Ling took a quick look at the projects Yu Yu had arranged for her, with a look of surprise on her face.

These days, OEMs are very generous when advertising.

However, it is relatively rare for a car logo solicitation to come out with an amount of 66 yuan.

Of course, the main reason is that no OEM will come up with such a trick for a car logo.

Isn't this something that has been considered at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise?
Why bother to come up with a solicitation event?
Too much money and nowhere to spend it?
"The 66 yuan is just a reward for the final winner. In fact, this event has a budget of 100 million yuan, and we are asked to help promote it."

"You know the relationship between Xingchen Automobile and our Autohome."

"I heard that this matter was arranged by Mr. Cao, you must make it right."

Yu Yu naturally knows that the big boss behind Autohome is Cao Yang, and that is his real boss.

No matter where it is, the most important project is the project that the leader values.

This point, Yu Yu can be regarded as clear now.

"No problem, this activity is not difficult, the main thing is to find a way to increase the influence."

"At that time, I will discuss with the technical and marketing side, and try to start the activities tomorrow."

He Ling is also a smart person.

If this matter is done well, maybe there will be surprises.


Zhang Yingdong is a graduate student of Lingnan University of Technology.

Since his roommate Liang Hualong went to Nanshan Group, most of the projects in his mentor's hands were also cooperated with Nanshan Group.

So he pays more attention to matters related to Nanshan Group.

Every day he comes to the laboratory early in the morning and goes to the dormitory very late.

However, slowly, he also learned to "lazy".

Although he arrived at the laboratory very early, in front of the computer after arriving, he actually went to Autohome and various portals first to learn about the news of the day.

Especially news from the automotive industry before getting to work.

Zhang Yingdong's family conditions are quite good. His mother is an art teacher at an art academy in Yangcheng, so his art level is not bad.

Although I didn't follow the path of an art student, after entering graduate school, some talents related to art gradually came into play.

Some projects in the hands of the instructor, but any content related to appearance, will be assigned to him.

Today, as usual, he ate a fried dough stick with pork offal porridge in the cafeteria, and then came to the laboratory.

Pour water, turn on the phone, and surf the Internet.

As usual, Zhang Yingdong quickly started browsing the news on Autohome.

However, just after logging in to the page, I found a pop-up advertisement dangling there.

Under normal circumstances, he would turn off the advertisement directly.

But this time, after seeing the title of the ad, he clicked in with great interest.

[Star Motors 66 huge sums of money to collect car logos]

A simple line of words made Zhang Yingdong wake up from his daze.

66 million!

Even if his family's conditions are considered good, it is very difficult to directly take out 66 in cash.

We must know that the social average salary in Yangcheng is now less than 2000 yuan a month.

66, how many years will it take to save it?

Without thinking too much, Zhang Yingdong clicked on the link and carefully studied the "advertisement".


"This Xingchen car is really good at marketing."

"A car logo can create so many things on the Internet."

"I feel like I can find a way to get headhunters to poach some people from the sales department of Nanshan Group?"

In BYD's cafeteria, Wu Hua Cake was lucky enough to sit across from Wang Fu today.

"The Nanshan Group has a strong desire for revenge. If we poach people from them, it may destroy our cooperative relationship."

"Besides, this kind of idea, I don't think it was suggested by someone below."

"It's probably the task Mr. Cao assigned after he had an idea."

"So let's not mention the matter of poaching people."

Wang Fu rejected Wu Huabing's proposal without thinking too much.

The engines and gearboxes of BYD's current models are all purchased from Nanshan Group.

If this is because of poaching a few people and ruining the relationship, it must be a matter of gain outweighs the loss.

"That's right, I've also heard about Mr. Cao's affairs within the Nanshan Group."

"I heard that Mr. Cao personally participated in the research and development of many new products in Nanshan."

"It's really surprising."

With so many cooperation projects between BYD and Nanshan Group, Wuhua Cake naturally heard some roadside news about Cao Yang through many channels.

"There's nothing to dig out people, but this activity of theirs can involve a part of the research institute."

"Maybe we can use this opportunity to market each other."

Wang Fu's brain turned very fast, and he found the connection with BYD from this matter in a flash.

It won't waste much time left and right, join in the fun, maybe it will become a good talk.

(End of this chapter)

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