Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 311 I'm going to pick up money

Chapter 311 I'm going to pick up money
The appearance of Xingchen No. [-] has been finalized.

Related design work can be regarded as kicked off.

Next, Cao Yang naturally began to work on the design of Xingchen No. [-].

However, Zhang Fugui came looking for him.

Since the beginning of this year, Zhang Fugui has basically handed over all the business of Autohome to Yu Yu, and he began to focus all his energy on Nanshan investment.

For the two directions that Cao Yang set for Nanshan Investment, Zhang Fugui has already recruited some people one after another.

However, until now, Nanshan Investment has made very little action in terms of Internet angel investment and financial investment.

This certainly did not meet Zhang Fugui's expectations.

Everyone has been recruited, so we have to find something for everyone to do.

The group of "elites" under him also submitted many reports in various aspects during this period.

For this reason, Zhang Fugui was going to come over and have a chat with Cao Yang in person.

"Do you want to apply for a venture capital fund of [-] million yuan to invest in the Internet?"

Cao Yang quickly finished the PPT prepared by Zhang Fugui.

It has to be said that the preparation of this information is still very sufficient.

It's just that Cao Yang doesn't necessarily agree with the direction mentioned in it.

It's this age, and you still want to build a portal website?
This is obviously out of date.

As for online games, they have a future, but they are easy to get scolded.

It's better to wait until the era of smart phones to enter, when everyone's attitude towards online games has also changed.

Although the Internet is a very promising field, the market value of various Internet companies in China is still far behind that of later generations.

If you really invest, you will not lose money in all likelihood in the end.

However, everyone only saw the glory of the Internet companies that had the last laugh, and did not see a large number of companies that died in the middle of the process.

As a venture capitalist, it is not easy to invest in one of the ten companies that can eventually be listed and cashed out.

But here, there is absolutely no place for a new portal.

"Yes, with the increase in computer ownership, the number of Internet users in Huaxia has also exploded."

"In this way, the prospect of various websites is very worth looking forward to."

"After preliminary analysis, our team believes that although there are already four major portals, there are opportunities for other websites."

"As for online game companies, we feel that this is a very promising field..."

Zhang Fugui obviously made some preparations, and he spoke clearly and logically.

"Online games are indeed a sunrise industry, which can be considered in the future."

"As for the websites related to portal websites, they have completely missed the outlet now."

"On the contrary, there are some special social networking sites or websites in subdivided fields, which can be properly invested."

"Some time ago when I was surfing the Internet, I saw some interesting videos on a place called Tudou. I think this kind of website will have a future in the future."

"Recently when I went back to Lingnan University of Technology to communicate with my teacher, I also heard my juniors talking about the school intranet. This is also an investment that can be considered."

"You can let the team release the news, or take the initiative to contact some entrepreneurs, and compile a list of your intended investments every week or every month."

"I'll check it out together."

In the PC era and the smart machine era, many popular things are completely different.

Cao Yang did not completely reject the current Internet investment. After all, there are some things that need to transition from the PC era to the smartphone era, and there is no big problem.

But now most of the energy is on the side of Xingchen Automobile, and there is definitely no time to engage in the IT industry in detail.

Of course, he is very interested in Internet companies that are closely related to the automotive industry.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang specially reminded Zhang Fugui, saying: "Nanshan Auto Parts is currently developing navigation, which requires the use of maps."

"Let's find a way to see if we can buy shares in AutoNavi. It would be best if we can hold a controlling stake."

Internet talents will also be able to serve auto parts companies in the era of intelligent networking in the future.

Start to accumulate slowly now, and after a few years, you can start to exert your strength.

Now, in the 2G era, there is nothing to do.


Zhang Fugui did not expect Cao Yang to directly give the investment target.

But without any hesitation, he said, "No problem, I will start making arrangements when I get back."

"By the way, can we consider testing the waters in the financial field?"

"Now if the money in the company's account is placed in the bank, there is only a little current interest, and the use value is too low."

"You can consider using it to speculate in stocks or buy funds."

"Nanshan Investment has recruited a person in charge of financial investment. She thinks there may be some investment opportunities in the domestic stock market."

"The past few years have been relatively weak, and the next few years are worth looking forward to."

Hearing what Zhang Fugui said, Cao Yang began to think seriously.

Stock trading.

To be honest, except for a few well-known stocks such as Tencent, Apple, Amazon, Ningde Times and Moutai, he can remember some general trends, and he basically has no impression of the trends of other stocks.

But the financial crisis of 2008 will never be forgotten anyway.

Before the crisis came, the stock market exploded, and he was naturally impressed with this situation.

After all, in the next decade or so, Huaxia's stock market never broke through the high of 6000 points.

Before the arrival of the high level, it seems that you can make money by buying any stock?

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is not a big problem.

In particular, he was a little impressed that Huaxia Shipbuilding had set a lot of records in this round of bull market.

I never considered going to the stock market to collect money before, after all, I am not short of money.

But now that the Nanshan Group's stalls are getting bigger and bigger, they feel that a little more money doesn't seem to be harmful.

Especially in the past few days, Zeng Tingting accidentally mentioned the acquisition of Land Rover.

At that time, if you really want to cut off the beard from the Tianzhu people, at least the price can't be lower than the Tianzhu people's offer, right?

That's more than 100 billion yuan is gone.

Furthermore, I have already established a semiconductor business department. During the financial crisis, the department took such a good opportunity to acquire a wave of related companies.
This is also a waste of money.

It is estimated that tens of billions of RMB will be gone if you toss about it casually.

Even if it is possible to borrow part of it, relying solely on the current profits of Nanshan Group is a bit embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang inexplicably felt a little more crisis.

It is now September 2005.

It is not too long before the financial crisis arrives.

Zhang Fugui mentioned the stock market today, so you don't have to be polite.

First invest one billion, and try to add a zero in the next two years.

It doesn't seem that hard?
No, I'm going to pick up the money myself.

Otherwise, it will be too expensive to engage in chips in the future.

"Later, you bring the person in charge of financial investment from Nanshan Investment here, and I'll chat with him personally."

"Investment in the stock market is indeed possible."

"I also have some ideas in this regard."

After figuring it out, Cao Yang immediately made a decision.

If you don't pick up the money in the stock market yourself, the life of those investors will not be better.

It's better to get some money back by yourself, and develop a wave of industries well, which will benefit some industries in China by then.

Seeing that Cao Yang agreed to his proposal so easily, Zhang Fugui was also a little excited.

Without waiting for the next time, he directly called the financial director of Nanshan Investment over.

"Mr. Cao, this Lin Ling is a graduate of Fuda University. Later, she went to the United States to study abroad for two years. After working at JPMorgan Chase for two years, she returned to China and joined GF Securities."

"But later, because of the second child, I was 'voluntarily resigned'."

"It just so happens that Nanshan Investment is recruiting people, and the office is next to her house, so we joined the job."

On the way Lin Ling, the person in charge of financial investment, came over, Zhang Fugui briefly introduced Cao Yang.

Is it actually a woman?

This surprised Cao Yang.

But what he wants is a tool man, as long as he is proficient in various investment tools and able to trade, it is enough.

Investment direction judgment and the like are very important in other companies.

When it comes to Cao Yang, it doesn't matter anymore.

Especially in the years before the financial crisis, even if Cao Yang remembered few things, he could lie down and win.

In the first two years, you can make a steady profit without losing any stocks you buy.

It is even safer to choose blue chip stocks such as shipbuilding.

After the stock market reaches a high level, cash out and go to the American financial market to reap another wave.

In his impression, many financial companies in the United States have closed down or their stock prices have reached new lows during the crisis.

For example, Citibank, whose stock price fell below $1 at one point.

Coupled with such a big event as the bankruptcy of Lehman, how could it get a share of the pie from those vultures.

At that time, if you invest more than a billion dollars, how can you double it?

Thinking of this, Cao Yang became more confident in the future development of Nanshan Group.

It is also more emboldened when burning money.


"Minister Lin, Mr. Cao wants to talk to you about stock investment. Please explain to Mr. Cao the idea you reported earlier."

After Lin Ling arrived, Zhang Fugui gave a brief introduction to both parties, and then got into the topic.

He saw Mi Ying coming in several times just now, and he seemed to be urging Cao Yang to go to the meeting.

"Mr. Cao, it's like this. If you want to talk about stock investment, you have to start with the situation in the past few years."

Lin Ling looks like she is in her 30s, but she looks like a female elite in the workplace.

Dressed in decent formal attire, the temperament is very outstanding.

"On June 2001, 6, the Shanghai Composite Index hit a record high, reaching 14 points."

"This high point started at 1999 points on May 5, 19, which is the famous May 1047.83 market in A-share history."

"In the past two years, the Shanghai Composite Index has risen by 2%. Such a money-making effect is very rare."

As a professional, Lin Ling has some classic data of the stock market at her fingertips, and she showed it off to Cao Yang very well.

"At 2245.44, the bear market begins."

"There may be different reasons, incentives, and catalysts for the start of the bear market, but none of them can escape the root of the 'valuation bubble'."

"In the stock market in the early years, not all stocks could be circulated. At that time, there was a category called 'state-owned shares'."

"At that time, it was held by the original state-owned shareholders of the listed company, and it was agreed that it would not be listed or circulated."

Seeing Cao Yang listening to her explanation very seriously, Lin Ling was full of expectations.

"This means that although a listed company may have a large market value, excluding state-owned shares, there are very few shares in circulation."

"In the era when everyone liked to speculate on small-cap stocks, and there were even market makers, small is beautiful."

"However, with the development of the securities market and the needs of social security funds, the reduction of state-owned shares has been brewing."

"And in the eyes of the stockholders at the time, it was almost a disaster."

"For state-owned shareholders who often hold stocks at cost prices, if there is an opportunity to reduce their holdings with a price-earnings ratio of [-] or [-] times, why not reduce their holdings?"

"However, such a reduction in holdings, in the era when public funds were just born and overseas funds were scarce, who will take over the offer, and who can take over the offer?"

"It is conceivable that in the next few years, A-shares will fall miserably."

"On June 6 this year, the Shanghai Composite Index hit a new low, reaching 6 points."

"After that, there was a small rebound."

"So I have a judgment, the A shares have bottomed out."

"On the one hand, the valuation is no longer so outrageous, and even very gratifying."

"From the high point of 2245 to the low point of 998, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen by more than 55%."

"With the increase in the profits of listed companies, the price-earnings ratio of the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen to about 16 times. I think this level can be entered."

"The profitability of Nanshan Group in the past few years has been very good, and all banks are willing to provide loans."

"But as far as I know, the group hardly seeks bank loans."

"In fact, I think appropriate loans are very helpful to the development of enterprises."

"The company can use the profitable funds to invest in the financial market and accelerate the development of the group."

"During this process, if production needs to be expanded, bank loans can be used to meet the purpose."

"Although I have no way to guarantee that the company can make money 100% in the financial market, but in the current environment, it is not easy to lose money."

The more Lin Ling spoke, the more confident she was on her face.

It has been several months since she joined Nanshan Investment, and she has not achieved any results.

At the beginning, since Er Bao was less than one year old, she was not in a hurry.

It just so happens that there are few things in the company, so she can spend more time taking care of the children.

But slowly, her focus began to shift back to work.

She hopes that she can make some achievements in investing in Nanshan.

Especially after learning about Nanshan Investment and Nanshan Group, she is full of confidence in the company's future.

"I agree to invest in A-shares, but in terms of stock selection, I am more optimistic about blue-chip stocks, especially companies related to ships. I think it is a good opportunity."

Cao Yang didn't hesitate. After seeing Lin Ling's professional performance, he immediately agreed to invest.

Of course, this agreement has nothing to do with Lin Ling in essence.

It just felt as if he agreed after listening to Lin Ling's report, but he gained a wave of Lin Ling's gratitude and goodwill.

"Huaxia's shipbuilding industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the demand for various ships will be relatively strong in the future. It is indeed a good direction."

Lin Ling is not the kind of tough-headed person.

Let alone the fact that Cao Yang's direction is reasonable, even if it is unreasonable, she can still say one, two, three.

"With today as the limit, in the next two years, I will not withdraw a single penny of Nanshan's investment in the stock market."

"I hope that the 10 billion will be able to create a miracle by then."

Seeing that Mi Ying came in again to urge the meeting, Cao Yang prepared to make a quick decision.

Although it seems that this investment is a bit sloppy, Cao Yang has a plan in his heart and is not worried at all.

But Zhang Fugui and Lin Ling are different.

When did they manage 10 billion funds?

Cao Yang made such a happy decision, which made them feel trust.

The excited expression on his face couldn't be more obvious.


Meetings and entertainment.

This is a business that entrepreneurs inevitably get involved in.

In the company's internal meeting, it is easy to talk about it, and Cao Yang has the final say.

However, for some entertainment, you can't be so capricious.

Cao Yang can leave it to the vice president, Zeng Tingting and the others to deal with the entertainment of visiting customers.

But on some important occasions, it would be inappropriate for him, the general manager, not to be present.

No, the district organized a relatively important symposium on the development of the automobile industry, and it would be inappropriate for him not to participate.

After the meeting, Liu Tianwu also took the initiative to invite him to dinner, so there was no way to refuse.

However, taking this opportunity, Cao Yang thought of a good plan that would not violate the rules but could sell favors.

"Leader, our group has injected 10 billion into Nanshan Investment in the past two days, and we are going to arrange people to invest in stocks."

"I wonder if you usually pay attention to stocks?"

Halfway through the meal, Cao Yang took the initiative to change the topic to the stock market.


"Forget it!"

"The guy in my family works in a bank, and they had the task of promoting funds internally."

"If you don't sell it, you can buy it with your own money."

"As a result, the fund that was bought for 5 yuan before is now less than 2 yuan."

Obviously, Cao Yang was talking about Liu Tianwu's sadness.

However, the expression on the face did not fluctuate particularly much, and the expression management ability is still very strong.

"It was indeed a big bear market in the past few years, but things must be reversed. I think China's economy has been in a state of rapid development in the past few years. It is not normal for the stock market to keep falling."

"In the next few years, the economy will continue to grow at a high speed. I feel that the stock market has bottomed out."

"Now reinvest 5 yuan, and after two years, let alone 50 yuan, there is absolutely no problem in doubling it."

Cao Yang encouraged Liu Tianwu to invest in stocks with a very positive tone.

Of course, he would never do it himself, but his family can.

I am not a person in the securities industry, and there is no saying that investing in stocks is not allowed.

As long as you don't buy affiliated companies in the district, there is nothing to worry about.

"Won't you invest 5 yuan now, and it will become [-] yuan in two years?"

Liu Tianwu said jokingly.

Obviously, he didn't really plan to invest in stocks because of Cao Yang's words.

"Certainly not!"

"I dare to invest 10 billion. You don't think I'm going to use this money for nothing, do you?"

"Investing in stocks now, ninety-nine out of ten will not lose money!"

"No matter how bad it is, you can sell the fund and buy a few blue-chip stocks again. I think it is much more reliable than the fund."

Since you want to sell favors, then simply be a good person to the end.

Cao Yang further strengthened the lobbying efforts.

Liu Tianwu is a smart person, so he can naturally feel Cao Yang's attitude.

Tens of thousands of yuan is really not a problem for him.

If it is possible to legally double the number of times in the stock market, he will naturally be happy to see it.

As a relatively clean official and an aspiring official, his social status is actually not high.

But there are also children and elderly people who have to support their families.

"Okay, then I will listen to you, an expert."

"If it loses money by then, Nanshan Group will have to build two more factories in the district."


One favor is for sale, and several favors are also for sale.

After persuading Liu Tianwu to buy stocks, Cao Yang and Fang Sisi also talked about stock trading.

"Didn't Nanshan Investment's previous positioning be mainly used to invest in various excellent Internet start-up companies?"

"Why do you feel that the focus now is to invest in stocks?"

"Isn't this riskier than venture capital?"

As a reporter, Fang Sisi has naturally heard about the performance of China's stock market in recent years.

Even she has seen many reports of related tragedies.

Now that I heard that Cao Yang has also started investing in stocks, I am actually a little worried.

"Internet equity investment and financial market investment are both the development direction of Nanshan Investment."

"Now Nanshan Investment and Finance Department analyzes that there is an investment opportunity in the Huaxia stock market. I think the analysis is quite reasonable, so I agree."

"It has been falling for so many years, and it is impossible to keep falling."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi didn't know how to refute for a moment.

Fortunately, she didn't refute for the sake of refuting.

"The situation in the financial market is very different from that in the industry. You may have to be more careful."

"The best thing is to try not to touch those highly leveraged financial products, otherwise the risk is too high."

After much deliberation, Fang Sisi could only make some suggestions like this.

"I understand that Nanshan Investment is like a newborn baby in the financial market. It has not yet learned to walk, and it will not go running immediately."

"However, I think there are indeed good investment opportunities in the stock market in the next two years. You can ask your relatives and friends to open an account and buy some stocks."

Cao Yang was very persistent in persuading him.

What a chance to sell favors.

After two years, remind the relevant people to cash out in time, and the favor will definitely be full.

"You are so confident, then I will really tell my relatives and friends."

"When someone loses money and complains about me, then I will ask you to lose money."

Fang Sisi said half-jokingly.

Although both of them are in Yangcheng, they don't get together a lot every week.

It's not so boring to get along with each other, but it's quite harmonious.

As for what to do in the future, the two have not directly discussed.

(End of this chapter)

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