Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 321 The end of Huaxia stage, belongs to Huaxia's car design master

Chapter 321 The end of Huaxia stage, belongs to Huaxia's car design master

The automobile industry is an industry that Huaxia focuses on supporting development.

For many places, it is even a pillar industry for economic development.

In this case, at the Yangcheng Auto Show, Huaxia TV will naturally arrange personnel to participate.

Fang Sisi, as the resident reporter of Huaxia TV station in Yangcheng, naturally also attended various activities of the media day.

As a self-owned brand car company in China, Star Auto has naturally received relatively high attention.

Not to mention the special relationship between Fang Sisi and Cao Yang.

Even if she couldn't find the bright spot of the Xingchen car, she would look for it.

What's more, Xingchen Motors itself has contributed a lot of explosive points.

People from Huaxia Taiwan have also noticed the reactions of various car companies today.

They even noticed the unusual behavior of the foreigners in the Porsche showroom next door.

To this end, Huaxia TV also interviewed Lai Ping, Porsche's design director, and executives from other companies.

No matter who they interviewed, they would inadvertently mention Xingchen Automobile in the end, which made many people feel a little depressed.

It's just that everyone thinks that Huaxia TV supports Xingchen Motors because it is the only company among Huaxia's own brands that can find a topic.

Otherwise, you can't report how special BYD's F3 is, or what are the highlights of Great Wall Motor's H6?

Huaxia TV also needs face.

You can copy some things as soon as you copy them, but it’s not appropriate to keep praising them on the table.

"Xia Tai, the materials for today's Yangcheng Auto Show have been prepared. We have found a very good entry point and feel the need to report to you."

I will definitely report briefly on the news of the Yangcheng Auto Show tonight.

Taking this opportunity to insert the showroom of Xingchen Automobile for a few seconds, there must be no big problem.

Fang Sisi has a way to handle this matter by herself.

But she obviously had more than that.

"What entry point?"

"Isn't every car show like that?"

"Give me a ten-second report, and that's about it."

Xia Hong, as the deputy director of Huaxia TV, although she can't say everything in Huaxia TV, she is obviously a person who can call the shots.

The point is that Xia Hong has some other relationships with the Fang family, so Fang Sisi naturally thought of looking for her at this time.

"It's different. The Yangcheng Auto Show this time is very special."

"Our self-owned brand car company in Huaxia finally has a product that can be put on the stage."

"You probably can't even imagine how hot the scene was during the Xingchen Auto Ziwei Xing press conference."

"Even the chairman of the board, CEO and design director of Porsche in the next-door showroom were attracted."

"Later we also interviewed the design director of Porsche, and he was full of praise for the appearance of Ziwei Star."

"As for the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine and 8AT automatic transmission equipped with Ziwei Star, it has created a history."

"This is the world's first model equipped with 8AT, and it is still the 8AT produced by Huaxia's own manufacturer."

"Xia Tai, I think this matter deserves a good report."

"Even Ziwei Star's appearance is so good, so many people from international auto giants have expressed their approval."

"This means that the master of car design belonging to China has been born!"

Fang Sisi's small mouth crackled, but it also aroused Xia Hong's interest.

As the deputy director, she is naturally more sensitive in some aspects.

Belonging to China's car design master?
The first model equipped with 8AT?
These highlights seem to really have articles to do.

"Sisi, please tell me the specific situation, and I'll see what to do next."

Although she believed that Fang Sisi was not a random person, the word "design master" should not be used casually in Huaxia TV's reports.

"Xia Tai, it's like this..."


"Editor-in-chief, isn't this Autohome too shameless?"

"Catch a sheep in Porsche, and desperately pluck the wool."

"Isn't it just a drag coefficient of 0.29, which is the same as that of a Porsche Cayman S? What's there to brag about?"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Jiayan returned to the company from the auto show.

She also had to write some articles herself.

However, after she finished posting a few articles and looked at various reports on the Internet, she found a bunch of articles related to Xingchen Automobile and Porsche on Autohome.

This action is fast enough!

"It would be nice if there was really only one drag coefficient to brag about."

"But if you look at other people's Ziwei Star, whether it is engine performance or gearbox performance, they all crush their peers."

"Plus, it really doesn't look good in black, so it doesn't matter if you don't want to be popular."

Fang Dawen didn't intend to fight Xingchen Motors.

As long as the reports on Star Motors can contribute traffic to the website, he will arrange more related reports.

At most, the angle of the report is slightly shifted.

"Now the topic of Porsche and Xingchen together is very hot. Can we work hard on this?"

Lin Jiayan is also a fine person, and immediately adjusted her speaking skills based on Fang Dawen's reaction.

"Do you have any specific ideas?"

Fang Dawen did not express any objection, but felt that he needed to hear the specific plan.

"The Autohome obviously wants to step on the Porsche to let Xingchen take the lead, so let's use the comparison to show how powerful the Porsche is."

"We can even make a special topic about Porsche to let everyone know about its glorious history."

"In this way, we can fully eat this wave of traffic."

"It's even possible that because of our unique vision, our articles are more popular than those of Autohome."

Lin Jiayan quickly described her thoughts.

In this way, Fang Dawen will naturally not object.

"Then just hype up this topic. It's best to be able to form a sense of confrontation with Autohome's articles. When the time comes to further increase the popularity, our traffic will naturally increase."

At this time, Fang Dawen didn't think about whether this topic would make Xingchen Auto's life more comfortable after it got hotter.

Anyway, as long as it is beneficial to your channel, you can do it.

"I'm going to arrange people to prepare now."

"At the same time, I also contacted the people from Porsche. I think they also hope to have some soft articles to speak from their position."

Lin Jiayan is very smart.

She thinks this is a good opportunity to find Porsche to advertise.

The other party's marketing personnel must have paid attention to the report on Autohome, so it is naturally impossible to do nothing.

"Let go and do it."

"The Professional Audience Day will start tomorrow, and we can find some more material."

"We must keep the heat of this topic going."


On the edge of the Pearl River, in a restaurant near Dongshan Pass, Fang Sisi and Cao Yang were preparing to have dinner.

Although Cao Yang was very busy today, it was rare for Fang Sisi to offer to have dinner together, and Cao Yang naturally couldn't refuse.

"Today is the first official debut of Xingchen Motors, and I want to give you a surprise."

It will start soon, Fang Sisi said something to Cao Yang with a mysterious face.


"I think it's the biggest surprise that I can have dinner with you in such a busy day."

Cao Yang naturally knew that what Fang Sisi was talking about was definitely not about this matter, but if it sounds nice, everyone must like it.

"After today, maybe we will go out for dinner together in the future, so we need to keep a low profile."

"You, a master of car design who belong to China, will become famous in the future."

Fang Sisi said pointedly.

Huaxia TV recognized what she said. Not only will today's report focus on Xingchen Automobile and Ziweixing's designer Cao Yang, but it will also make a special program in the future to introduce Nanshan Group and Xingchen Automobile.

Among them, Cao Yang, a master of car design, is naturally the most important thing in the introduction.

"There are quite a few famous design masters in the automotive industry, but how many of them are known to ordinary people?"

"It's like the design director of Porsche that is reported on many websites today, not to mention ordinary people, but most of the people in the auto industry in China don't know that such a character exists, let alone recognize him on the street. Here he comes."

In the era before the advent of smartphones, Cao Yang is not very worried about the problems brought about by being famous.

Even if the Nanshan Group is no longer what it used to be, there are only a handful of people who can recognize themselves directly on the road.

"If you are just a car design master, then naturally not many people can recognize you."

"But you are still the general manager of Xingchen Automobile and Nanshan Group, and you are so young and handsome, the situation is naturally different."

While Fang Sisi was talking, a familiar melody had already started to come from the TV.

Seeing Fang Sisi staring at the TV intently, Cao Yang can probably guess that there will be scenes of Xingchen cars in today's news.

This is not surprising.

After all, the Yangcheng Auto Show officially opened today, and it is normal for Huaxia TV to report, and it would be strange not to report.

And with the performance of Xingchen Motors today, it is normal for a few scenes to appear in the news.

However, when he heard the host say that "the third Yangcheng Auto Show opens today, and many domestic and foreign manufacturers will participate in the exhibition", he immediately heard another unexpected notice.

"From a big automobile country to a powerful automobile country, China's automobile design masters are in full bloom."

This broadcast is obviously a content parallel to the Yangcheng Auto Show.

Otherwise, such a sentence would not have appeared in the introduction at the beginning.

In an instant, Cao Yang understood what the surprise Fang Sisi was talking about.

Not to mention, just listen to the guide and you will know that this news will focus on introducing Cao Yang.

Although Cao Yang thought he was worthy of this kind of introduction, it was obvious that Fang Sisi's personal efforts were involved in today's scene.

"Sisi, did you find someone from the stage?"

"Thanks a lot."

Cao Yang is not a person with such a low EQ, so naturally he can't say that there is no need to do this at this time.

"I didn't bother to look for it. It just so happened that we had a deputy director and we knew each other before. After talking to her, I felt that the content was really worth reporting, and the matter was done."

"By the way, since your new car has been released at the auto show, it should be on the market soon, right?"

"How are you going to sell it then?"

Fang Sisi obviously didn't want to talk about how she got the news.

So the subject was quickly changed.

"When developing our models, we took into account the standards of the European Union and some standards of the United States and the Middle East, so it will definitely be launched simultaneously at home and abroad."

"Today's release at the auto show is a call to charge."

"The next step is to start a test ride and test drive, so that everyone can really see how good it is."

"We will further consider some other overseas marketing measures in the future, and strive to achieve the goal of half domestic and foreign sales."

Fang Sisi was interested in listening, but Cao Yang didn't mind chatting with her.

It just so happens that the matter of Nanshan Film and Television has something to do with her.

"Your car, except that its brand influence is not as good as a luxury model, has no problems in other aspects."

"However, if we want everyone to recognize the brand power of Xingchen Motors, I am afraid it will take a long time to slowly establish it."

Fang Sisi has worked in Huaxia Taiwan for so many years, so her knowledge is naturally not bad.

Besides, people born in their families are more able to understand the difficulties of brand building.

"That's true. For this reason, our group also established Nanshan Film and Television, which specializes in investing in some movies and TV shows, in order to carry out some advertising placements, and subtly form the impression that Star Auto is a high-end car to the audience."

"At the same time, Nanshan Investment is also in contact with many Internet companies to make some investments."

"In the future, we will make full use of the celebrity effect, so that the luxury of Xingchen Automobile will be recognized by more people."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi couldn't help but said: "Actually, have you ever thought about promoting Xingchen Automobile through your own personal charm? Just like Apple's Jobs, most of the time they don't need to put too many advertisements. Relying on Jobs' personal charm and exposure, he can bring a lot of traffic to the company."

"In addition, I noticed that there is a newly established car company in the United States, and it is also promoting itself in this way."

"They even exaggerated what they did. They didn't even make a new model, but they released news on the Internet every now and then to enhance their popularity and brand power."

Obviously, Fang Sisi is not a fool, her vision and knowledge are extraordinary.

It's just that most of the time, she doesn't show her side like this in front of Cao Yang.

"You mean Tesla, right?"

"You actually know about it? This company is not well-known in China, and there are very few related reports."

Fang Sisi looked at Cao Yang in surprise.

Although this is also a matter of the automobile industry, it seems that it is not surprising that Cao Yang knows about it.

But Tesla is now just a start-up company in the United States. It has only been established for more than two years. It is still making electric vehicles, but a product has not yet come out.

"To a certain extent, Tesla's route is similar to that of Xingchen Motors, except that they directly make electric vehicles as soon as they come up. We first develop fuel vehicles and consider electric vehicles later."

"Their first car should be a sports car, and it is estimated that it will be officially mass-produced in two or three years."

"However, the current electrification technology is still immature, and our Nanshan Group has also invested some resources in the research of technical reserves."

Cao Yang naturally knows that electrification is the future trend.

But if you want to make money, engaging in electric vehicles now will definitely not be able to meet this goal.

"Then have you ever thought about making yourself famous, and relying on the celebrity effect to get more people to recognize Xingchen Automobile?"

Seeing that Cao Yang seemed to know more about Tesla than himself, Fang Sisi directly put forward his own ideas.

In her opinion, it was a waste of resources for Cao Yang not to make full use of this advantage.

"Do you think this way of marketing yourself has a great effect on Xingchen Automobile?"

Cao Yang was a little tangled in his heart.

In fact, he knew that what Fang Sisi said had some truth.

Especially in the era of smart phones, in the future, it is completely possible to use the celebrity effect to fully promote its cars.

Look at the models of later generations of Tesla, when did they launch advertisements?

There is no need for them to place any advertisements at all. Musk sends a message by himself, and the effect of advertising is better than that of any place.

"It's huge!"

"Very big!"

"Chinese people all worship the strong, and they also start to worship the super rich, especially the kind of super rich who have succeeded in their own businesses."

"Nanshan Group is now the largest private enterprise in Lingnan Province, and Xingchen Automobile is now starting to become famous."

"As long as you are willing to accept more interviews, get more exposure, and participate in more activities, you can quickly associate yourself with Xingchen Motors and promote them together."

"This alone is estimated to save Star Motors several hundred million in advertising costs every year."

Seeing that Cao Yang seemed a little persuaded by himself, Fang Sisi became even more excited.

She is not a person who loves vanity, but if she can marry a young talent who is famous all over the country in the future, wouldn't she be more enviable than the well-matched husbands those girlfriends find?

"What you said makes sense, then I'll give it a try."

Cao Yang is not exactly the kind of person who wants both.

Since Fang Sisi's analysis is very reasonable, and I have seen many successful cases in later generations, there is really no need to give up such good resources for a little entanglement in my heart.

With Cao Yang's decision, the entire Xingchen Automobile, Nanshan Group, or Autohome began to undergo some changes.


Originally, there were a lot of news on the Internet today about the Yangcheng Auto Show such as Xingchen Motors and Porsche.

Now pour a glass of water into the frying pan, and it will naturally boil even more.

"Lai, we found out that the exterior designer of Xingchen Automobile is Cao Yang, the founder of the company."

"The amazing coupe we saw today was also made by him."

"Combined with some previous rumors, it is estimated that Ford's F150 and Chevrolet's Silverado should really be designed by him."

"I originally thought it would be great to have a design master like you among the Chinese."

"I didn't expect there to be such a legend younger than you in the mainland. Huaxia is indeed a place full of legends."

Wolfgang Porsche's excitement today was not small at all.

Right next to the Porsche showroom, he witnessed a miracle happen.

To be honest, if he hadn't come to Huaxia this time, he probably wouldn't take it seriously when the people below reported this matter to him.

Because it is completely too fantasy, it seems unreal.

"Cao Yang is indeed the most talented designer I have ever seen. From pickup trucks to coupes, I even heard that Honda's N-BOX has something to do with him."

"In addition, Star Motors has new models under development."

"Cao Yang should be responsible for the design."

While talking, Lai Ping turned on the computer and showed it to Wolfgang.

"Here, the rendering of this sports car should be a new model they will launch in the future."

"Although some outlines are not so clear, it can be seen that they are extraordinary."

"I even think that if this car is handed over to Porsche for production, it may not lose to the existence of 911."

Wolfgang was a little surprised to hear such a high evaluation from his chief designer.

It is the same in any country that literati look down on each other.

In the field of design, it is even more difficult to distinguish between high and low. Everyone thinks that they are the best.

But from Lai Ping's point of view, it seems that he admires Cao Yang very much.

Could it be that he saw the shadow of himself when he was young?
"This Cao Yang doesn't seem to be very friendly to our Porsche."

"Today's press conference directly regards Cayman S as their stepping stone."

Wolfgang is not a generous man.

Because his own brother Gerd was hated by his cousin Ferdinand Piech for "taking his wife", he prepared a series of means to make Ferdinand Piech feel uncomfortable in the public.

Now facing a Chinese who wants to go up in a Porsche, he is even less likely to be magnanimous.

"This Cao Yang is not only unfriendly to Porsche today, but also unfriendly to Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

"This young man is interesting."

When Lai Ping thought of the press conference, Xingchen Motor directly listed some engine parameters of Mercedes-Benz and BMW with their 3.0T twin-turbocharged engines, which was obviously a shameful behavior.

But this also means that Star Motors is not targeting Porsche, but all luxury cars.

When I was young, I also showed my sharpness, and even made it difficult for me to get along in BMW.

Now in my 50s and about to retire, my mentality is naturally completely different.

In Lai Ping's heart, he was more curious about Cao Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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