Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 328 A Unique Listing Conference

Chapter 328 A Unique Listing Conference

Of course, publicity should be taken seriously.

After Cao Yang and Wang Ying finished talking on the phone, they called Wang Fu, Li Su and others to communicate.

After everyone has reached a consensus on the direction, the rest is for the sales and marketing personnel of each company to implement the tasks.

For Cao Yang, the listing of Ziwei Star is the most important thing during this period.

So even for some performances and demonstrations during the listing activities, Cao Yang personally participated in the confirmation.

"Mr. Cao, people from Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City have participated in this event, and basically all mainstream media have also been invited."

"Now everyone is most concerned about the price of Ziwei Star."

"However, our current price, plus the promotion of a limited edition of 1 units."

"In the end, on average, there will only be one or two hundred sales per month. Is it possible to consider not publishing the monthly sales at that time?"

Tonight is the official listing event, and then we have to face the issue of sales data.

For Zeng Tingting, the head of the sales department, no matter whether the sales data is 200 or 400, compared with other car companies, the difference must be very big.

That's why she proposed not to announce sales in the future.

Monthly sales figures are not announced, at least until Star II goes on the market.

Unless some of the subsequent data growth is very good-looking, it is another matter.

"There can also be a more flexible method of announcing sales."

"Although it is not necessary to release the sales data for three months at the beginning of each month, we can arrange the sales of our Ziwei Star with the data of luxury models such as Ferrari and Porsche through some soft articles or other methods."

"Or when the time comes, we will set some sales benchmark models for Ziweixing. In that case, the same data will display different information."

"Our Ziwei Xing, even if the original plan is to sell about 200 units a month, but it will not be worse than the sales of Porsche 911 or Ferrari Enzo, right?"

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting immediately understood.

The same thing, shown through different forms of expression, gives people a completely different feeling.

It is obviously not the best way to propose not to announce the sales volume at all.

"As a model comparable to sports cars, Ziwei Xing should indeed be compared with sports cars, not with sedans."

"At that time, I will think about it carefully and find someone to promote it on various forums, so that everyone will think of Xingchen Motors, and they will think of car companies such as Porsche and Ferrari."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but add, "It's not necessarily so rigid."

"Getting closer to the sports car is good for our publicity, so let's get closer to the sports car."

"Getting closer to cars is beneficial to our publicity, so we will get closer to cars."

"You can promote the fastest car under 100 million, the fastest 5-seater car in history, etc."

"Be sure to catch the gimmick, and don't be afraid of how exaggerated it is."

Cao Yang thought that the new forces in the future would always be the strongest SUV within 500 million, or the strongest within 50.

Xingchen Motors can definitely learn from it.

Anyway, as long as you don't advertise openly, it doesn't involve violation of the advertising law.

"I understand that there is no problem with Ziweixing's hard power, and now it is necessary to increase its popularity."

"Whether it's creating a gimmick or other luxury brands like Pengci, we can do whatever is beneficial to us."

Looking at Zeng Tingting's shining eyes, Cao Yang couldn't help but worry that he might teach her badly.

In the future, the marketing of Xingchen Automobile will not become an alternative to the automobile industry, will it?


"I heard that the ranks of the people present today are not low."

"It seems that Xingchen Motors is still quite valued in Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City."

Fang Sisi must be present on such an important occasion, both public and private.

She is now in charge of the Weibo project, but Huaxia TV has not resigned directly for the time being.

Anyway, reporters like her who are stationed in other places work freely.

If someone covers it, there is no big difference between going to work and not going to work.

The big deal is to ask Nanshan Group to provide some materials when the time is right.

"In the past few years, many automobile projects have been launched in China, and the growth of the entire automobile market is also very fast."

"Although Xingchen Motors is taking the high-end route, it has not disappointed everyone so far."

"The leaders are naturally willing to come and support them."

Mi Ying had already given Cao Yang the list of attendees for today's listing event.

Although they were not the ones that are often seen on Lingnan TV, the heads of several bureaus related to the automobile industry were present.

"You have a limited sale of 1 units. What if Ziwei Xing sells well and doesn't sell [-] units?"

"Wouldn't it be a pity to stop production directly?"

Fang Sisi asked a question that many people have not considered yet.

Because for someone who knows the price.It is very difficult for Ziwei Xing to sell [-] units.

I haven't even started to think about what will happen after [-] cars are sold.

"This matter is very simple, as long as the information of more than 1 vehicles is not released to the public."

"Ferrari has done similar things before. It is obviously a limited edition model, but it was discovered later that in Japan alone, the number of models sold is more than the limited edition."

"Not to mention the sales in places such as the United States and Europe."

"So this limited edition is nothing more than a gimmick to make consumers feel that it is worth the money."

"If it's really easy to sell, it's normal to produce more."

"Or change the name and launch a limited edition commemorating the Olympic Games, a limited edition with a special color or a limited edition with a special rim style."

"Is the problem you mentioned still a problem?"

Cao Yang spread his hands, not feeling that Fang Sisi's worry was necessary at all.

Fang Sisi: ...

"Why do I feel that I will be sold by you in the future, and I may even count the money for you?"


"Mr. Zhou, Star Motors' Ziwei Star launch conference actually invited us. This is a treatment that has never been enjoyed by other OEMs before."

"It seems that parts companies with backing are more enjoyable."

Zhou Wenjing followed Zhou Ling to participate in the launch of Xingchen Motors today.

I saw that there were already many people in the venue, but I felt that except for the employees of Star Automobile and the media, few suppliers came to participate.

At least she didn't see a familiar colleague.

Logically speaking, as a relatively good supplier in the domestic automotive lighting industry, there will be some intersections with many manufacturers in various OEMs.

Even half of Zhou Wenjing's cell phone address book contained the contact information of other suppliers.

"I think it's not just for this reason that we will be invited to attend the listing conference this time."

"Otherwise, Nanshan Group has a large number of parts factories under its own banner, and their employees can fill up the stadium directly by coming over."

Zhou Ling looked around at the layout, which was obviously different from the press conferences of other car companies.

"That's not the reason, but the part itself?"

"It may be like this. After all, Ziwei Star is the first mass-produced model equipped with LED headlights."

"During this period, so many OEMs have actively communicated with us, and even some auto companies have already ordered parts for us."

"The reason is all because the LED headlights of Ziwei Star are too bright."

"Nanshan Group's technology accumulation in this area is deeper than we imagined."

"I feel that the performance of LED headlights may be more prominent in today's listing activities."

When Zhou Ling said this, Zhou Wenjing couldn't help but nodded.

This result is the best result for them.


No matter what car company's new car launch event, it is inevitable that there will be some singing and dancing performances.

Especially some dance elements are often related to new models as much as possible.

The press conference of Star Auto is no exception.

After the simple opening of the host Wu Yan, it was the dance performance.

However, this is obviously not the most important link of Xingchen Automobile.

After the warm-up dance, it is inevitable to invite Cao Yang, the founder and design director, to come on stage and say a few words.

"Dear friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen: good evening everyone!"

"First of all welcome..."

After 3 minutes of garbage time, Cao Yang quickly got into the topic.

"Innovation is extremely critical for luxury car manufacturers."

"Star Auto is committed to providing consumers with the most forward-looking technology and the most fashionable experience."

"I guess everyone can't wait for me to step down now, don't waste time here."

"Then next, please enjoy the wonderful performance brought to you by the first high-end luxury four-door coupe Ziweixing of our Star Motors."

Following Cao Yang's words, the lights on the stage immediately changed, and the entire venue went dark.

I saw five giant robotic hands holding five Ziwei Stars of different colors, emerging from the back of the stage.

The stunning shape of the LED headlights brings a completely different visual effect.

This is obviously a perfect combination of the headlights and rear taillights of the five cars, which are constantly demonstrating different patterns under the waving of the robot arm.

Even a headlight forms a very different pattern due to the mutual changes of different light sources such as daytime running lights, turn signals, low beams, and high beams.

With the stage effect, this appearance is definitely refreshing for everyone.

"Editor-in-chief, this Xingchen car is too good at playing."

"This idea combines with our own robot products, allowing the robot arm to play with our new car. It is wonderful, and the perfect cooperation between the lighting and the car gives people a new vision. It definitely opens up a new model for the launch conference."

Lin Jiayan in the audience looked at the perfect combination of the robot arm and Ziweixing on the stage, feeling very complicated.

"The launch event of Xingchen Motors is themed on innovation, and the sense of technology is reflected everywhere in the audience. At the same time, this is also the highest quality presentation among various new car launches, and every detail is almost perfectly controlled."

"You still have to establish a good relationship with the people of Xingchen Automobile. It is estimated that many of the hot news in China's auto industry will be contributed by Xingchen Automobile."

"We are in Yangcheng, so it stands to reason that we have a geographical advantage."

"It's fine if we can't compare to Autohome. If we can't even compare to the car channels of other portal websites, then it's hard to say what the management of the company will think of us."

When Fang Dawen said this, Lin Jiayan was shocked.

She really didn't think about it before.

But it has to be said that Fang Dawen's concern is entirely possible.

"Objectively speaking, Xingchen Motors didn't deliberately provoke us. Although Autohome and Xingchen Automobile are related industries of Nanshan Group, they are two companies after all."

"It is really inappropriate for us to transfer our grievances against Autohome to Xingchen Automobile."

"Editor-in-chief, don't worry, I will definitely contact more people from Xingchen Automobile in the future to keep abreast of the latest news."

Lin Jiayan took a deep breath and found a very tenable reason for herself.

In this way, there is a perfect explanation for her change of attitude.

After all, she also had to explain to some other employees in the car channel.

In order not to let everyone think how her attitude changed so quickly.


When the performance of the robot arm and the five Ziwei Stars was almost over, another 25 robots appeared on the stage immediately.

These robots are equipped with unique lights, sometimes forming a "star" character, sometimes forming a "Chen" character, and sometimes becoming the five-ring symbol of the Olympic Games.

It can be said that everyone has not recovered from Ziweixing's amazing appearance, and was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Although the annual turnover of Nanshan Robotics is at the bottom of the group, but in terms of technical content, they are definitely not low.

As the most powerful robot company in China, with the construction of various factories in Nanshan, they have also ushered in more and more application scenarios.

Now is the time for further large-scale external publicity and external promotion.

Such an appearance at the press conference of Xingchen Automobile not only achieved the purpose of publicity, but also made everyone remember the conference deeply.

Even after the show ended, several robots each grabbed the engine, gearbox, subframe, tires and other parts, and performed a parts assembly on the stage for everyone.

Although it was only the assembly of a part of the key powertrain and chassis parts, in order to promote the excellent power performance and air spring technology of Xingchen Automobile, this scene still had a great impact on everyone.

In 2006, although robots were being used in various automobile factories, the application scenarios were completely incomparable with those of later generations.

Considering that labor costs are relatively low and robots are relatively expensive, as long as it can be solved manually, most of the time it is still done manually.

But Star Motors is an exception.

As long as it can be solved by machines, don't use people.

Especially in the planning of new factories, the number of robots used is definitely the largest in the country.

At that time, this can be regarded as a publicity point.

"Okay, presumably through these few performances, everyone's expectations for Ziwei Star have increased."

"Since the official debut at the Yangcheng Auto Show at the end of November, many people have been very concerned about the pricing of our Ziwei Star."

"Then I will solve this mystery with everyone."

When Cao Yang's words spread in the field, it immediately became a little quieter.

Obviously, everyone is really concerned about the price of Ziwei Star.

According to the various performance data previously released by Xingchen Motors, it can be said that Ziweixing really has no rival among domestic models with a price of 100 million.

Even compared with millions of sports cars, the various performances are not far behind.

In this case, many people are very concerned about how much Xingchen Auto will price Ziweixing.

"Our Ziwei Star officially launched two models today, the luxury version and the flagship version. The prices of these two models are..."

Speaking of this, Cao Yang deliberately paused and said, "How much is it?"

"Let's watch a promotional video first."

(End of this chapter)

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