Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 332 Chuncheng Automobile Group is visiting, please help Cao Yang?

Chapter 332 Chuncheng Automobile Group is visiting, please help Cao Yang?

Whether it is now or in the future, Spring City Automobile Group is an existence that cannot be avoided in the Huaxia automobile industry.

Their level is exactly the same as that of Yangcheng City.

The general manager Zhu Zhengfeng brought a group of executives to Nanshan Group for a visit, and Cao Yang wanted to receive him seriously no matter what.

Especially from Zeng Tingting's reporting process, Chuncheng Motor Group's attitude has obviously changed a lot this time.

In this case, it is natural to have a good chat.

Whether Nanshan Group's auto parts business or equipment is good, it would be the best if it can fully blossom in Spring City Automobile Group.

"Mr. Cao, judging from some communication themes shared by the other party in advance this time, Spring City Motor Group mainly wants to discuss cooperation with Xingchen Motors."

"Or to be more precise, I want to discuss cooperation with Mr. Cao."

"Judging from the list of attendees fed back by the other party, in addition to the general manager Zhu Zhengfeng, the deputy general manager, the dean of the research institute, the person in charge of the Hongqi brand, the director of the brand public relations department, the director of the office, the executive deputy general manager of Spring City Volkswagen, and the The general manager of the car, the general manager of the Spring City Stamping Plant, the general manager of the Spring City Fourth Ring Plant, etc. are among them."

"The other party has arranged the heads of the companies with the closest relationship with our group into the list of personnel, obviously wanting to release some goodwill."

Zeng Tingting's IQ is much higher than the average person.

Simply from the other party's communication topics and the list of attendees, she can see a lot of things.

Whatever thoughts a person has, will be subconsciously reflected in some places.

Zhu Zhengfeng's behavior this time was naturally no exception.

"Whether our group's engines, gearboxes, or other auto parts and equipment, as long as they want, they can all be sold."

"So there's no need for Mr. Zhu and the others to suddenly come here for a visit years ago because of these things."

"So the theme of their visit this time should not be about the cooperation of these projects."

Cao Yang also made some judgments based on the information from all parties.

Being able to figure out the real purpose of the other party in advance is naturally conducive to the advancement of the reception work.

At that time, there will be no surprise attack by the opponent.

"That's right, if these are not the case, then the most likely thing is to ask Mr. Cao to help Hongqi Automobile."

"I just don't know how they want Mr. Cao to help them."

Zeng Tingting quickly pinpointed the target of Spring City Motor Group.

If Zhu Zhengfeng saw this scene, he would probably be depressed.

"Hongqi Automobile is of special significance to China's auto industry, but judging from its performance in the past few years, it has not been very good."

"Or just come up with some entry-level sedans and want to rush sales."

"Or just take over the obsolete models from Audi, and directly change the logo to serve as a high-end car."

"No matter which one it is, it is obviously not worthy of the identity that Hongqi should have."

"If they really want to put the red flag up, it's not impossible for us to find an acceptable cooperation point."

Nanshan Group is only a private enterprise, Cao Yang naturally does not want to make trouble with Spring City Motor Group.

Can't do it.

Of course, Nanshan Group is definitely not easy to bully.

If the other party wants to take advantage of it, it will definitely not work.

If we talk about cooperation properly, as long as there is money to be made and the interests of Nanshan Group are not harmed, we can talk about anything.

Maybe this is another new development opportunity for Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, they have already crossed the Tianhe River, and they should arrive at the gate of our company in about ten minutes."

At this moment, Mi Ying answered a phone call and reported to Cao Yang the current location of the people in the Spring City Group.

"Don't think about it so much, let's see how they play their cards."

"Taking this opportunity, when the time comes, let the various branches of the group also visit the various subsidiaries of Spring City Motor Group after the next year, and sell our equipment and parts."

"With the background of this visit, it is definitely good for our business expansion."

It's good to take it first.

As for what the two sides can cooperate to become a stick later, I don't think so much.


"Welcome Zhu Zhengfeng and his party from Spring City Automobile Group to visit and guide us!"

Accompanied by the banner with red background and white characters hanging high at the gate of Xingchen Automobile Co., Ltd. and fluttering in the wind, Zhu Zhengfeng and his party finally arrived.

They had lunch on the plane this morning, and after getting off the plane, they went directly to the Xingchen car.

This pace of work is definitely considered dedicated in a state-owned enterprise.

Normally, no matter what, we have to arrange a decent lunch, and we will talk about it first.

It can also be seen from this point that Spring City Motor Group's visit this time is a bit sudden and urgent.

"Mr. Zhu, I've always wanted to visit you, but ended up getting entangled in various trivial matters every day. I didn't expect you to come here first."

"I'm really ashamed!"

"This time, Xingchen Motors can welcome the guidance of seniors in the industry, which can be described as flourishing."

Although Cao Yang is not familiar with Zhu Zhengfeng, there must be something to say in the scene.

Although Cao Yang is not a social bull, he is not a social fear either.

This kind of normal communication is still no problem.

"The performance of Xingchen Motors in recent months has been very dazzling, and it has given Huaxia's own brand a lot of face."

"Mr. Cao, we, Spring City Motor Group, want to learn from you."

"We came here today to learn from Nanshan Group and the advanced work experience of Xingchen Automobile, so we can't talk about guiding work."

Although Zhu Zhengfeng didn't like Cao Yang very much before, but now that he was under pressure, he naturally did well on the scene.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

A person who can be the general manager has good acting skills.

"Don't dare to do it, really don't dare to do it."

"Chuncheng Automobile Group is our first automobile company in China, and it is an example for us to learn from."

"At the beginning, the road was hard and the blue thread was used to enlighten the mountains and forests."

"In 1953, it was very difficult to establish a car factory and produce small cars."

"However, the industrious and brave predecessors of Chuncheng Motor Group fulfilled their mission and made breakthroughs again and again under the leadership of the factory manager."

"On July 1956, 7, the first Jiefang brand car was successfully trial-produced, which ended the history of China's inability to mass-produce cars."

"Compared with Chuncheng Motors, the historical background of our Xingchen Motors is really nothing."

The more unfamiliar people meet, the more polite words.

This is also something that cannot be avoided.

Cao Yang is also very clear about this situation.

Fortunately, before the meeting, Mi Ying had already sorted out the relevant introduction materials of Chuncheng Motor Group for him, so he wouldn't be able to follow Zhu Zhengfeng's words.

"With the efforts of our ancestors, we have achieved today's achievements."

"Mr. Cao, you are right about that."

"It's a pity that the Hongqi sedan back then has been unsatisfactory until now. On the contrary, you rising stars like Xingchen Automobile are worth learning from."

Zhu Zhengfeng and Cao Yang exchanged greetings for five or six minutes at the gate of Xingchen Automobile, and then the group went to the reception hall.

Next, it is inevitable that the host will introduce the attendees of both parties in a streamlined manner, and then Cao Yang will give a welcome speech.

Then Zhu Zhengfeng came out to say a few more words, and finally started to get into the topic.

Manufacturer introduction, exchange of questions, and on-site visits, tossed and tossed until almost five o'clock before returning to the reception hall.

The matter of today's visit, at this time, can be considered to have truly entered the most critical moment.

It can be said that the previous arrangements are all prepared for the things that will be communicated later.

"Since the 80s, due to high fuel consumption and high car manufacturing costs, Hongqi sedan was forced to stop production, but the spring breeze of reform and opening up attracted foreign brands to enter the Chinese market, and Chuncheng Volkswagen, Chuncheng Toyota, and Chuncheng Mazda were established one after another. Hongqi sedan has ushered in a new development."

"During the process of cooperation, our Spring City Group has learned the advanced technology of foreign brands, and at the same time reborn the Hongqi brand."

"However, to be frank, Hongqi still cannot get rid of the shadow of old Audi models in appearance because it relies too much on foreign brand technology."

"This makes people miss the 'big red flag' with more Chinese characteristics before the 80s."

"Mr. Cao, to tell you the truth, I came here today to talk to you about the cooperation with Hongqi cars."

Zhu Zhengfeng knew that if he didn't bring up the topic, Cao Yang would definitely not take the initiative to join in this direction.

So seeing that today's event was coming to an end, he directly brought up the topic.

"For every Chinese person, Hongqi is an irreplaceable spiritual totem in China's automobile industry. There is no brand that can better represent Chinese characteristics than Hongqi. At the same time, Hongqi's development and expansion to the world is also the dream and pride of every Chinese person. .”

The purpose of Zhu Zhengfeng's visit was similar to what Zeng Tingting had guessed before.

Cao Yang naturally became more confident in his heart.

To put it bluntly, this time it was Chuncheng Motors who came to ask for help.

One's own state of mind can naturally be very stable.

So whatever Zhu Zhengfeng said, he could make people follow up without any way to criticize him.

Whether or not these words have any real content is irrelevant.

"The Ziwei Xing launched by Xingchen Motors last week not only uses a lot of world-leading technology, but also has a stunning shape."

"In the whole of Huaxia, there is no car designer who is more professional than you, Mr. Cao. Even Huaxia TV praises you as a master of Huaxia automobile design."

"Mr. Cao, I won't beat around the bush."

Zhu Zhengfeng didn't expect the young Cao Yang to be impeccable in his actions and speech.

If he didn't make it clear, Cao Yang would definitely not ask for cooperation.

"Our Hongqi car wants to cooperate with you in depth to create a 'big red flag' belonging to China."

"I don't know if Mr. Cao is willing to support our idea?"

As soon as Zhu Zhengfeng finished speaking, Cao Yang immediately expressed his opinion.He smiled and said, "Mr. Zhu, it is the dream of countless Chinese auto designers to cooperate with Hongqi."

"Especially building a flagship model like the 'Big Red Flag' is what all Chinese people want to see."

"I just don't know what kind of cooperation you are talking about?"

In fact, Cao Yang could probably guess what Zhu Zhengfeng wanted to say.

But if you guessed it, you guessed it, he didn't say it.

Since Zhu Zhengfeng didn't say anything, he definitely wouldn't be able to explain it.

"As the flagship model of Hongqi sedan, Dahongqi naturally has to take the high-end route."

"It just so happens that the positioning of Xingchen Automobile is also a high-end luxury existence."

"However, the style of the Xingchen car is definitely different from that of the Hongqi car."

"We want to ask Mr. Cao to help design a new generation of 'Dahongqi', and then we can purchase the twin-turbocharged engine and 3.0AT automatic transmission used on the 8T used in Ziwei Star from Nanshan Group."

"We will also purchase other key components such as air suspension springs from Nanshan Group."

"In short, as long as you, Mr. Cao, help to design the big red flag, as long as Nanshan Group can provide the parts used in this car and the equipment needed to produce parts, we will buy from Nanshan Group."

"If Nanshan Group can't provide it, we will also seek your opinions to choose a cooperative supplier."

"I have only one purpose, to create a classic flagship model belonging to Hongqi sedan, so that it can appear in important occasions such as military parades in the future."

"Of course, I also know that the 3.0T of Nanshan Engine is not for sale, and I fully understand your concerns."

"After the Hongqi car buys this engine, it will only be used on the Dahongqi, and the price of the Dahongqi will not be less than 100 million."

In order to dispel Cao Yang's worries and let Nanshan Group feel the benefits, Zhu Zhengfeng spent a lot of money this time.

To put it bluntly, this cooperation, except for the red flag logo, is another star car.

The Spring City Automobile Group is planning a name, and it is obvious that there is not much money-making plan for this project.

Of course, for the huge Spring City Motor Group, there is no shortage of such a money-making plan.

As long as you can come up with a classic car with reliable quality, excellent performance and impressive appearance, then everything is worth it.

Zhu Zhengfeng was willing to even pay a sky-high design fee for this.

"Mr. Zhu, our Nanshan Group is naturally very willing to cooperate with Hongqi."

"But I worry that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"The appearance of a car is something that the beholder has a different opinion."

"No one can say that the model he designed is the shape that everyone likes."

In fact, Cao Yang soon had an answer in his heart.

However, there are some things that obviously cannot be taken out so directly.

Otherwise, people don't know how to cherish it.

If it wasn't for the special status of Spring City Motors for such a model, there would be no problem for Xingchen Motors to make it by itself.

At that time, it will also be very beneficial to improve the brand image.

Of course, now that Hongqi sedan is given, if the publicity is good, it can also indirectly increase the brand influence of Xingchen Automobile.

This point, Cao Yang also knew it well.

(End of this chapter)

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