Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 337 Closed-loop ecological circle, let Lao Guo become a dealer of Mercedes-Benz and BMW?

Chapter 337 Closed-loop ecological circle, let Lao Guo become a dealer of Mercedes-Benz and BMW?
Entertainment circle + car circle.

These two circles worked together, and the registered users of Weibo soon exceeded 1000 million.

For Huaxia Internet, this is considered a big weapon.

Those portal websites that helped advertise immediately began to take action.

I would rather take the risk of breach of contract than withdraw Weibo advertisements.

Then arrange your own technical team and start plagiarizing on Weibo.

Even listed companies such as Netease and Penguin directly stated in the announcement that the company will launch its own Weibo next month and want a share of the pie.

In particular, Sina, which had the most popular blog business before, found that the traffic of blogs dropped by [-]% in just one month.

This made them very anxious.

I hope to quickly launch my own Weibo.

However, Nanshan's first-mover advantage has already been established, and Fang Sisi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

How to toss about those portals behind is just burning money for a while.

In the end, it will definitely exit sadly.

Of course, that's another story.

"Ayang, I have officially resigned from Huaxia TV, and I will focus on running Weibo from now on."

"Judging from the performance during this period, various companies, especially entertainment companies, have fully realized the power of Weibo."

"Many celebrities' fans are even starting to compare the number of fans on Weibo with their respective celebrities."

"In some articles, the number of fans of celebrities is also matched with the number of celebrities, and some celebrities have begun to take the initiative to attract people to register on Weibo and follow themselves."

"Our Xingchen Automobile and Dahongqi have also been trending on Weibo many times, and they can get some topicality from time to time."

Fang Sisi was obviously radiant.

"The Goddess of Entrepreneurship!"

"The Most Beautiful Entrepreneur!"

"Goddess of the Internet!"

With the success of Weibo, various titles began to appear on her head.

Even her old club Huaxia TV specially invited her to appear on a column program.

Interviews with other TV stations also continue every week.

This made Fang Sisi, who was originally unknown, suddenly become popular.

The valuation of Weibo has exceeded 10 billion in a short period of time, becoming a unicorn enterprise.

Whether it is Sequoia or IDG, they are actively contacting Weibo and want to invest.

In line with Cao Yang's previous will, Weibo, a website closely related to public opinion, cannot eat alone.

So Fang Sisi is also in contact with various venture capital recently, and wants to introduce some investment at an appropriate time.

Of course, with full confidence in the future of Weibo, and not being so short of money, I will definitely not give the main share to venture capital institutions.

It is just appropriate to give people a little investment share, lest they turn around and support Weibo's competitors with all their strength.

The balance among them is also a science.

"Weibo cooperates with Nanshan Film and Television and Xingchen Auto to continuously improve the quality of Xingchen Auto."

"This has always been the main task of Weibo, and the rest is left to you to judge."

"I will go to the United States with Ji Hua in a while, and when I come back, I will work with the research institute to do a good job in the research and development of some bottleneck parts."

A person's energy is limited.

He set the general development direction for Weibo, and told Fang Sisi about the main profit-making measures.

If under such circumstances, Weibo can still be suppressed by other rising stars, it means that Fang Sisi is not suitable for starting a business or managing a company.

But Cao Yang believed that he should not wait for that day to come.


After chatting with Fang Sisi about Weibo, Mi Ying immediately led Guo Shuyin in.

Cao Yang's daily schedule is quite full now.

But most of them are related to Xingchen Automobile.

"Mr. Cao, I have prepared the information about the 4S stores of various automobile brands."

"Let me report to you first, and then see what to do next?"

As the general manager of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, the past few years can be regarded as a mixed success.

Especially with the popularity of hot stamping forming technology, they are completely famous in the field of automotive stamping parts.

Although few ordinary consumers or ordinary people have heard of the name of Yangcheng Huaqiang Stamping Factory, few people in the automotive industry, especially those in the field of R&D and procurement, do not know Huaqiang Factory.

Their hot stamping production line, in addition to the factory next to the Great Wall and the factory next to Nanshan Industrial Park, has now officially built a third factory in Shanghai.

Two hot stamping lines per factory, 6 in total.

In China, it is the hot stamping company with the largest production capacity.

Even in response to BYD's demand, the Yangcheng factory is preparing to invest in a third production line.

If the demand from Geely and Chery increases in Modu, they will also consider adding two more production lines.

Although most of the money earned is invested in equipment and factory buildings, the assets of Huaqiang Factory are increasing rapidly.

Accompanying it is that Guo Shuyin's worth is also rising.

And all of this has changed since the cooperation with Nanshan Group.

So for Cao Yang's words, Guo Shuyin did not make any discounts and accepted the facts.

Otherwise, how could he invest in a 4S shop if he is working on the auto parts industry?
Of course, so far, they have only invested in two 4S stores of Star Motors in Shencheng and Yangcheng.

He also just regarded it as a way to repay Nanshan Group, and didn't pay special attention to it.

Until some time ago, Cao Yang called him specifically and told him about expanding investment in 4S stores.

He just started to pay attention.

"Well, let's first take a look at how many 4S stores each brand currently has in China, the approximate distribution and the requirements for building stores."

"Then we'll look at the brands we're targeting."

Nanshan Group will not personally invest in the construction of 4S stores.

Most auto companies probably don't want Nanshan Group to be their auto dealer.

But 4S stores will still make a lot of money in the next decade or so, especially the 4S stores of luxury brands, which will make money lying down.

As a part of the closed-loop ecological circle, Cao Yang naturally does not want to miss the terminal sales situation.

Sometimes, 4S stores are the ones who are most aware of market changes and what consumers care about.

So after much deliberation, he planned to ask Guo Shuyin to set up a company dedicated to operating 4S stores.

Then Nanshan Investment can turn a corner to control a part of the shares.

In the end, Nanshan Group can keep abreast of the changes in the auto market and the marketing strategies of some other brands.

This is also beneficial to the future development of Star Motors.

Just like how Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW manage dealerships and train sales shops.

There must be something worth learning from Xingchen Automobile.

If Guo Shuyin's company can become the dealer of these brands, then the relevant knowledge can naturally be easily mastered by Xingchen Automobile.

Anyway, it is very common for a car dealer to operate 4S stores of several brands at the same time.

Even at this time, due to the high investment requirements of various brands on the software and hardware of 4S stores, as long as there are qualified people who apply to build stores, they can basically be approved.

It's not like a few years later, after the Huaxia auto market has completely exploded, applying to open a 4S store requires all kinds of connections and all kinds of overt and secret investments to get the qualification to open a store.

"We have combined the information obtained by various investigations. Since Yangcheng Honda first proposed the concept of 1998S stores in 4, there are currently more than 2000 stores in China..."

Soon, Guo Shuyin personally introduced the situation of 4S stores of various domestic brands to Cao Yang.

I have to say that Guo Shuyin's preparations are quite in place.

He can even say a lot of content directly without looking at the PPT.

Cao Yang listened carefully to his introduction for half an hour before he began to speak.

"At present, the 4S stores of self-owned brands generally have lower requirements for building stores and lower profitability."

"Luxury brand 4S stores have high requirements for building stores, but the profits of bicycles are also high."

"Such an understanding, no problem?"

In Cao Yang's previous life, he really didn't pay attention to the operation of the 4S store. He only knew which brands would sell well in the future.

Until this point, though, it's actually pretty good.

At least you can't make a mistake when choosing.

In many cases, choice is more important than hard work.

If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Otherwise, how can there be a saying that men are afraid of entering the wrong line?

Just like the current Internet industry, as long as you enter after graduation, there is a high probability that you will be more successful than your peers in ten years.

"Basically, this is the logic, but the requirements from brand to brand are also very different."

"Like Lexus under Toyota Motor, the requirements for building a store are higher than those of the BBA. So far, there are not many 4S stores."

When Guo Shuyin said this, Cao Yang immediately became interested.


Although it is an industry owned by the old rival Toyota Motor, in the next decade or so in South China, their 4S stores will really exist as if they are stealing money.

It would be a pity not to snatch some of the money back by myself.

At most, it will be a little bad when the car is sold in the future.

"Lexus has higher requirements for building a store than BBA? How can it be so high?"

With an idea in mind, Cao Yang asked immediately.

"Mr. Cao, before 2005, Lexus did not have any models sold through official channels in China. People in Lingnan Province used to call it Lexus. There were only parallel imported versions and models that entered the country through unofficial channels."

"It was not until February last year that the first Lexus 2S store in China officially opened."

"They have a lot of standards for building stores, such as at least 5000 million registered capital and 5000 square meters of store building area."

"Then there must be at least 8000 square meters of self-owned land, as well as high store building deposits, brand deposits, construction costs, decoration costs, the first batch of car payments, etc."

"It can be said that if there is no cash investment of 1-2 million yuan, it is impossible to win the Lexus 4S store."

"Their 4S store can be said to be the only 5S store in China that is uniformly designed and built according to 4-star hotel standards."

"That is to say, some of the standards of the 4S shop of our Xingchen Automobile can be compared with it, and Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are not enough."

Guo Shuyin secretly rejoiced that his preparations were not in vain.

Since he wants to invest a lot of money in the 4S shop, he is also worried about stepping on the pit.

"The greater the investment, the higher the threshold, which is also a good thing to a certain extent."

"The 4S stores you are running now are only two of Xingchen Motors, and the others have not been involved yet."

"If you want to continue to invest in the future, then start with Lexus, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi."

"In two years, another company can be established to specialize in 4S stores for Volkswagen, GM, Toyota, Honda and self-owned brands."

Cao Yang gave his suggested direction without much hesitation.

The same company certainly cannot open the 4S stores of Star Motors and the 4S stores of Volkswagen and GM.

Otherwise, it would be easy to lower the style of Xingchen Automobile.

Cao Yang was quite concerned about this point.

"Mr. Cao, this kind of distributor is usually established by some local powerful factions in various places. If we want to enter, we can only do it in Lingnan Province first, and then consider other provinces. Is this okay?"

Guo Shuyin is already mentally prepared, and he will definitely enter this industry.

However, he was also worried that Cao Yang's arrangements would be too radical.

That way he is very passive.

It’s not listening, and it’s not listening.

So before Cao Yang mentioned some specific arrangements, he first mentioned the difficulties.

"You are right. The business of car dealerships is naturally given priority in this province."

"In the future, Huaqiang Group's 4S stores will focus on developing in Lingnan Province, and if possible, expand the market in Fujian Province."

"I won't go anywhere else."

Cao Yang didn't expect to become fat with one bite.

As long as you firmly control the most important market in the south, you will already have the right to speak in this closed-loop ecological circle.

The sales volume in the southern market is very impressive.

"I see that there are some activities on Autohome that cooperate with local 4S stores. Can Autohome also cooperate with our group's 4S stores?"

Guo Shuyin is now slowly feeling the power of the synergy of the industrial chain.

Not to mention that some parts in the 4S shop can be purchased directly from Nanshan Auto Parts, even in terms of marketing, Autohome can also be fully leveraged.

This point allows their 4S stores to take the lead in the competition.

"Of course there is no problem with this. You also know Yu Yu from Autohome."

"At that time, you can communicate directly."

"If possible, it's best to ask Autohome to coordinate with other existing 4S stores of luxury brands in Lingnan Province to see if there is any possibility of mergers and acquisitions to describe an agreed Lingnan auto sales market."

"In this way, whether it is the arrangement in the face of some unreasonable demands from OEMs or the unification of car sales discounts, it can have unexpected effects."

"For this reason, even giving up part of the shares can also be considered."

Since Guo Shuyin was asked to set up a 4S store, Cao Yang's purpose was not simply to make money.

It can even be said that making money is an incidental purpose, and mastering the sales channels of various luxury brands in South China is the core purpose.

At a critical time, this is also a means for the Nanshan Group to counter its opponents.

"When our first batch of 4S stores were built, I started to work on this work."

"Most of the stores should be promising for cooperation."

"After all, this cooperation is beneficial to everyone."

Guo Shuyin can naturally understand the pros and cons behind the plan Cao Yang mentioned.

If this is done well, the company's influence in Lingnan Province will definitely not be low by then.

It is not impossible to achieve sales of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions in the next year.


After the meeting with Guo Shuyin, Cao Yang called Zeng Tingting over and briefly talked about what he had just talked to Guo Shuyin.

Then start arranging the next step.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, although General Motors and Ford are very interested in our 8AT, they haven't fully finalized the next step of cooperation."

"As for the sale of Ziweixing models through some of their dealer channels, the attitude of the other party is also quite ambiguous."

"This trip to the United States may not be so smooth."

Zeng Tingting is also under a lot of pressure now.

Since the official launch of 8AT, she originally thought that it should be easy to open up the situation of various OEMs.

As a result, no manufacturer has explicitly stated that it will use the 8AT of Nanshan gearbox.

Of course, except for the big red flag.

"These American companies value profit the most."

"Only by letting them fully feel the benefits and think about what is most urgent from their standpoint, can we let them take the initiative to extend an olive branch."

Although Nanshan Group has a relatively long history of cooperation with Ford Motor and General Motors.

But Cao Yang didn't expect Austin or Chris to take the initiative to help Xingchen Automobile.

After all, everyone is also a competitor to some extent.

It's just that the current scale and world influence of Xingchen Motors are too small, and people don't take it too seriously.

As for the 8AT, only Xingchen Motors has used it in the industry. Although other manufacturers are also a little anxious, they are not so impatient.

If Lexus or Audi first used 8AT, then the attitude of other brands may be completely different.

It can also be seen from this point that the influence of Xingchen Automobile in the world automobile market is still very weak.

Even ordinary consumers abroad, few know the name of Xingchen Motors.

"But their family has a big business, and it's hard for us to always give him the benefits that make him excited."

"Unless they get a big cut in the parts they're supplied with, but that's not worth it."

Zeng Tingting felt a little tricky.

Although Nanshan Group has grown stronger, it is still not at the same level in front of GM and Ford.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Regardless of GM's huge loss in 2005, it was mainly due to the sluggish sales in North America.

Throughout 2005, GM's global car sales reached 917 million, among which sales in Asia hit a record high, and sales in other regions also increased.

In this case, the company can lose tens of billions of dollars, and it can also be seen how failed they have been in the American home market.

However, failure is failure, and that is not an existence that Nanshan Group can manipulate.

"The price reduction will naturally not reduce the price additionally."

"If it weren't for the continuous expansion of Nanshan Group's parts business over the years, GM's loss is estimated to be several hundred million dollars more."

"However, the most fundamental reason for them now is the sluggish sales in the local market, and too many markets have been seized by Dongying car companies."

"Even if the 'brake door' and anti-monopoly investigations were used to deal with Toyota Motor and Dongying parts companies, this situation has not been completely changed."

Cao Yang is very familiar with the situation of GM and Ford.

These are the two largest customers of Nanshan Group.

In the next few years, we still cannot give up.

"Mr. Cao, is there any way for us to help GM and Ford create a 'brake door' or something else for Dongying car companies like before?"

Zeng Tingting looked at Cao Yang expectantly.

In her view, if there is such a plan, then Ford and GM will definitely be interested.

"Last year, the American auto market sold 1700 million vehicles, basically the same as the previous year."

"However, the market share of the three major local car companies has increased by two or three points, and the market share of Dongying and Korean car companies has risen by seven or eight points as a whole."

"Under the ebb and flow, the market share of local car companies in the United States has dropped to a historical low of 56.9%."

"However, the market share of Toyota, Honda and other Japanese car companies and Korean car companies has risen to a record high of 36.5%."

"Equivalent to more than 600 million cars being eaten by these car companies, GM and Ford naturally hate Dongying and Koryo car companies."

"Especially Toyota, Honda and Nissan, the three of them have the fastest growth in the American market."

"If we can find a way to deal with these Japanese car companies at the same time, it will indeed attract the attention of GM and Ford."

While analyzing, Cao Yang was thinking quickly about how to use Dongying Automobile Company.

He is still very willing to do this kind of thing that hurts others and benefits himself.

In the history of the development of the automobile industry, some major events will happen almost every year.

Among them, there are endless recalls or counterfeiting related to poor quality.

If some materials can be found from this aspect, it can really make Dongying Automobile Enterprises feel uncomfortable.

Of course, the best thing is to be able to form a series of problems and burst out at the same time.

That works best.

"Or can we find some more plausible clues and let GM and Ford play themselves?"

"As long as the effect is achieved, they will definitely remember us well."

Zeng Tingting further gave her own specific suggestions.

"I thought of a report from Nanshan Special Steel some time ago. At that time, they said that they compared the pipe data of their own pipe factory with the pipe data of Kobe Steel, and found that the data tested by Kobe Steel were not consistent with the data provided by the other party in the past. superior."

"I'm thinking maybe it's not a coincidence, but a deeper reason."

"Could it be that the other party directly tampered with the data?"

"Does such a situation still exist in Dongying Enterprise?"

"Nanshan Auto Parts can give full play to its own advantages and collect and sort out the situation in this regard."

"At that time, we will give the information to Ford Motor and General Motors, and let them deal with the OEMs of Japan through the problems of these parts manufacturers."

"As long as the reputation of Dongying OEM is ruined, at least it will definitely affect their sales this year."

A brake door lets the Toyota get by easily.

The antitrust investigation only fined some money.

Then continue to engage in "Kobe Steel's fake door", "Dawning data fraud", "Mitsubishi Motors fuel consumption fraud", "Hitachi data fraud", "Takata airbag design flaws", "Denso fuel pump design flaws"...

The lethality of a single one may not be great, if they are all used together.

The situation should be different, right?
(End of this chapter)

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