Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 339 Transformers: The Cost of Ziwei Star Implantation

Chapter 339 Transformers: The Cost of Ziwei Star Implantation

There are no permanent friends between enterprises, only permanent interests.

This is absolutely true.

Cao Yang has a very clear understanding of this.

The same is true for the relationship between Nanshan Group and Ford Motor.

"Chris, everything is business and everything is negotiable."

"Including our 1.5T and 2.0T turbocharged engine technology."

Without too much entanglement, Cao Yang agreed to this general direction.

Through this cooperation, if the turnover of Nanshan Engine can exceed that of Nanshan Transmission, then Nanshan Group's goal of becoming a [-] billion enterprise can be achieved as soon as possible.

As for clinging to technology, it doesn't actually make much sense.

With Ford's technical strength, it mainly decided to turn to turbocharging in an all-round way, so it will not take a few years to develop an engine of a similar level.

At that time, the cooperative relationship between the two parties will definitely not be so close.

Anyway, in Cao Yang's mind, after the value of this generation of engines has been utilized, it's time to transition to hybrid and electrified.

It is also a good idea to make a good amount of money while the value is the most expensive now.

"Cao, don't worry, our Ford Motor never treats friends badly!"

"Your group's Xingchen Motors uses Ford's Lincoln dealership channel for sales, and I will give you an accurate answer within a week."

"At the same time, I will also quickly carry out the matter of dealing with Dongying Automobile Enterprises that you just mentioned within the company."

"At the same time, we will also discuss with people from General Motors and DaimlerChrysler to get things done quickly."

Chris is a tough guy.

Ford is having a tough month every month right now.

Especially after entering 2006, the situation deteriorated rapidly.

So some changes are urgently needed.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

"It happens that I have an appointment with Austin from General Motors tomorrow, and I will have a good chat with him."

"By the way, regarding the adoption of 8AT, I also ask you to help us further promote it within the company."

"I think it's also a good thing to add to Ford's selling point."

The main purpose of coming here today is to get through the sales channels of Ziweixing and the sales of 8AT.

But Chris never mentioned 8AT, and Cao Yang threw it out in the end.

"I will communicate with the design side, but the models on Ford cars should not be used in a short time, and it is possible for Land Rover, Jaguar, and Lincoln."

"I will give you a preliminary reply to this question within a week."

Chris was rarely relieved.

Cao Yang naturally had no doubts about this.


"Mr. Cao, I think that the engine technology cooperation plan proposed by Ford Motor can also be mentioned with General Motors?"

"Anyway, the technology has to be licensed to the outside world. It's better to license a few more companies and sell more engines and related parts."

Once outside the door of Ford Motor, Zeng Tingting immediately put forward her suggestion.

"If we can cooperate with Ford Motor, GM can indeed take the initiative to mention it."

"However, it would be best if the engines of the two cooperations could be a little different, or else they might have objections."

Ji Hua also put forward his own views on the side.

Although GM is more difficult than Ford, they are larger.

Even the in-depth cooperation in engine parts can greatly increase the turnover of Nanshan Group.

For example, there are not many turbochargers in the world that can do well in the above engine.

A turbocharger can cost anywhere from three thousand dollars.

If we can sell 200 million turbochargers to General Motors a year, we can achieve a turnover of 60 billion yuan.

Needless to say, apart from turbochargers, Nanshan Group can also provide high value-added parts for engines such as generators, starters, and high-pressure oil pumps.

At that time, maybe General Motors will be able to contribute 100 billion yuan in revenue growth to Nanshan Group a year.

"Mr. Cao, if we supply a large number of parts to General Motors and Ford, they may ask us to build factories in North America to reduce supply risks."

"How to deal with this aspect, we may have to think about it in advance."

Mi Ying, who hadn't spoken much, interjected beside her.

So far, all factories of Nanshan Group are located in China.

In foreign countries, we only set up some offices to do some daily communication with various customers.

If you want to set up a factory, the situation is completely different.

"It will depend on the situation at that time. If we really want to set up a factory, it will only be an assembly plant, and all the components will be purchased domestically. Otherwise, the cost will rise sharply."

"As for the assembly plant, we can make the most of our robot technology and equipment technology, and reduce the number of personnel as much as possible."

Cao Yang has no good influence on the workers in the United States.

If you can use these "uncles" less or less, it is better to use them less.

If you really want to use it, you must also find those who are more obedient.

"Mr. Cao, in fact, if you want to set up a factory, you don't have to set it up in the United States. It's also possible to go to Mexico in the south."

"In North America, there are free trade agreements among several countries. We set up the factory in Mexico, which should meet the requirements of customers and reduce costs."

Ji Hua has studied in Germany for many years, so he is quite familiar with overseas affairs.

"Many of Dongying's parts and components companies are located in state-owned factories in Mexico. I think Mr. Ji's proposal is indeed very feasible."

Zeng Tingting also expressed her own views based on the information she had.

"Nanshan Group will provide components to various OEMs, and the improvement of global supply capacity must be an unavoidable topic."

"The sales department also plans in advance to see which countries will set up some branch factories in the future."

Although Cao Yang wants to keep all the industries in China, sometimes the customer's request is there.

If you don't listen, then this order may just miss you.

So we still have to face this problem after all.

"No problem, I will arrange someone to sort it out right away, and I will also look at some policies in various places in advance, so as not to be in a hurry."

For Zeng Tingting, now that there are more and more customers, it is becoming more and more difficult to manage.

All kinds of reasonable and unreasonable needs need to be considered.

Among them, the question of building factories overseas is often asked.

In the next few days, Cao Yang led a group of people to visit General Motors, Dodge Motors and other customers one after another.

As for Ford, Chris quickly gave one of the answers that satisfied Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, did they really agree to sell Ziwei Xing at the Lincoln dealership?"

Zeng Tingting couldn't hide the joy on her face.

It is a very challenging thing to build a sales channel from scratch.

In particular, Xingchen Motor is only a Ziweixing car now, and it is still a high-end luxury coupe.

This is even more difficult.

Now that Ford and Lincoln can rely on the channel, things are much easier to handle.

"Tomorrow, we can arrange logistics providers to start transporting the first batch of Ziwei Stars to several major cities nearby."

"Our Ziwei Star will be officially listed in the United States."

When Cao Yang said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The promotion of 8AT and the overseas listing of Ziwei Star are the main purposes of this business trip.

Now there is no obvious progress on 8AT, but fortunately, Ziweixing has some good news.

In the next few days, Cao Yang and the others will naturally be busy around Ziweixing's listing.

But after all, it is an away game. It is obviously unrealistic to make a big noise like the domestic listing.

Fortunately, there is an advantage here, that is, Lincoln's sales channels are sound enough, and the first batch of cars transported by each dealer has been emptied out just by distributing goods.

The second batch of cars transported from Yangcheng are still floating in the sea.

"Chris, a Chinese coupe dares to sell for $11.99 and $12.49."

"Where did they get their confidence?"

As the vice president in charge of sales of Ford Motor, Melgen naturally knew about Ziweixing's consignment in Lincoln's sales channel.

Even after he nodded, the project could continue.

Now that the opponent's model is officially on the market, the people below will naturally report the relevant situation to him.

Because this project was proposed by purchasing director Chris within the company, after a joint meeting of production, sales and supply, Melgen couldn't help complaining to Chris.

"The price is indeed not cheap, even a bit high."

"But the appearance of their car is no worse than that of Porsche or Mercedes-Benz or BMW."

"It is the world's first model that adopts 8AT and LED headlights, and its performance in all aspects is still very good."

"Now it's nothing more than less well-known, and few consumers know it."

Chris also learned about Ziwei Xing.

Otherwise, how dare he promote this project at will within the company?

"Don't the models designed by Huaxia people always like to copy the appearance of other manufacturers?"

"This Cao Yang is really an outlier."

Melgen felt a little confused about this matter.

It's not like he doesn't know Cao Yang's power.

After all, F150 is the design drawing given by Cao Yang.

But it is a bit surprising to be able to design amazing models again and again.

"Cao Yang is indeed a very special partner. Now we not only have in-depth cooperation with them on the 6AT, but will also start technical cooperation on the engine soon."

"This kind of thing is simply unimaginable in the past."

"But now it's slowly becoming a reality."

Chris and Mergen were chatting there.

However, Cao Yang received a phone call from Zhang Songwen unexpectedly as the object of chatting.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that Hollywood is preparing to shoot "Transformers". There are many characters in it that can be placed in car advertisements."

"Intentionally filmed once more than ten years ago, and the filming at that time was a failure. It is said that the preparations for "Transformers" this time were not so smooth."

"Neither General Motors nor Ford is willing to pay a lot of advertising dollars to go into ad placement."

"I think it is possible to consider Ziweixing as a character in "Transformers"?"

Zhang Songwen knew very well that Cao Yang cared about Xingchen Motors very much.

This time I went to the United States, a very important task was to do work for the listing of Ziwei Star.

Now that he has the opportunity to place an advertisement in a Hollywood blockbuster, he naturally wants to report to Cao Yang.

Whether it will succeed is another matter.


Cao Yang was taken aback, hasn't the filming started yet?

He really can't remember clearly.

Six or seven films were filmed in this series in later generations. Although it cannot be said that all of them are successful, overall it is considered a very classic film.

Most importantly, few movies have been more successful in terms of car implants.

"Yes, it has been in preparation for a long time. If there are no accidents, it should start up in a few months."

"It should be on the market next year."

"However, the investment in Hollywood movies is relatively large, and the cost of advertising placement is often relatively high."

Although Zhang Songwen did not hang out in Hollywood, as a person who likes to perform, he must have a good understanding of the situation in Hollywood.

Not to mention the huge difference in the remuneration of various actors, the investment amount of the film is even more different by more than an order of magnitude.

People invest hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn.

In China, RMB with an investment of over [-] million is still as rare as giant pandas.

"Can you get the contact information of the crew?"

"I'll go get in touch myself."

It’s fine if you don’t know, now that you know there is still a chance to place ads, Cao Yang will definitely not give up.

Even if it is more expensive, it is not unacceptable.

Even direct investment of part of the funds is acceptable.

"I'll send it to your email in a while. This is the contact information of one of the other's assistant directors."

Obviously, Zhang Songwen had already made preparations before calling.

Soon after Cao Yang received this contact information, he got in touch with the other party.

If Lang has a concubine who is interested, the two parties immediately agreed to meet and talk the next day.


Cao Yang's trip to Hollywood went smoother than expected.

The appointment was with the assistant director, but it was the director Michael Bay who met directly.

This is definitely a good thing for the cooperation negotiations between the two parties.

"Cao, I heard that you want to place a car advertisement in "Transformers"?"

After meeting and exchanging a few pleasantries, Michael went directly to the topic.

So far, there have been quite a few advertisements placed in the movie, but they haven't met Michael's expectations.

The main reason is that several local car companies in the United States are not very strong this year and are unwilling to pay a large price.

For some car companies in other places, he doesn't want to destroy some settings in the original comics.

That is to say, Huaxia has developed very fast in recent years. Michael thought about whether he could do something, so he was willing to talk to Cao Yang.

"Michael, this is our Ziwei Star. It was just launched a few days ago. What do you think of this shape?"

Considering that the other party is not from the automobile industry after all, even if they have researched on the automobile industry recently due to advertising placement, the research objects must not include Ziweixing of Star Motors.

So Cao Yang took the initiative to introduce the situation.

"This is the fastest coupe in the world, equipped with 8AT and LED headlights for the first time in the world..."

"Now our Ziwei Xing can be purchased at Lincoln brand dealers owned by Ford Motor."

"It sold for $11.99 and $12.49..."

Before talking about the placement of advertisements, Cao Yang briefly and quickly introduced the situation of Ziweixing.

As a big Hollywood director, Michael definitely didn't want to find a very ugly car to implant into his movie.

However, seeing the appearance of Ziweixing shown by Cao Yang, Michael's expression obviously changed a little.

"China is the most populous country in the world, although the current movie market is not very big."

"However, it is foreseeable that the market in the future will be very broad. The placement of an advertisement for a Chinese car brand will be very beneficial to the promotion of "Transformers" in China."

"And when explaining to investors in the future, there will be many stories to tell..."

Without waiting for Michael to express his opinion, Cao Yang directly explained his own opinion.

Knowing the trend of the film market in the future, he can easily find some points that make Michael's heart beat.

"Cao, Hollywood film placement is very expensive."

"I heard that Huaxia's investment in making a movie is usually only a few million dollars."

Michael is obviously not ignorant of the situation in Huaxia.

So before formally negotiating the price, first touch the bottom of both parties.

"We're Ford's largest parts supplier with nearly $100 billion in revenue last year."

"As long as the characters are attractive, we are willing to pay advertising fees that match the price."

Cao Yang looked confident.

Putting it on Michael's side, it gives people a feeling that people are stupid and quick to make money.

"Which character do you value in the ad placement?"

Based on Cao Yang's analysis just now, Michael made a decision in his mind.

"How much does the Hornet cost?"

"Bumblebee? That's the character that General Motors' Chevrolet is looking for. Are you sure you want to compete with them?"

"General Motors lost almost $100 billion last year, and today the board of directors is asking them to cut costs aggressively. I believe they should not spend too much advertising on the role of the Hornet."

When Cao Yang said this, Michael did not refute.

In fact, he was willing to meet Cao Yang because of the poor advertising placement of local American auto brands such as GM and Ford.

Otherwise, where is the Huaxia Automobile brand?
Even if the Huaxia market is very important, it will be a few years later.

"$500 million!"

"As long as you are willing to pay 500 million US dollars, the shape of the bumblebee is Ziweixing's."

Michael immediately opened his mouth like a lion.

"Michael, just like you said, Huaxia's investment in a movie is only a few million dollars."

"Five million dollars is enough for me to invest in a movie in China."

"You have seen the appearance of Ziwei Star, and it will definitely become a dazzling scene in "Transformers"."

"Of course, I also know that the film investment is huge, and you are under a lot of pressure."

"So I am also willing to express the sincerity of belonging to Xingchen Automobile."

"300 million US dollars, but the premise is that as long as the sequel of "Transformers" is filmed in the future, Bumblebee will need to use our Ziwei Star, and the price is also 300 million US dollars."

"And in the Huaxia region, the copyright of the Autobot Bumblebee belongs to Xingchen Automobile."

Although Cao Yang bargained hard, but Michael was not angry when he heard it.

He himself doesn't have much confidence in "Transformers", after all, there have been failures there before.

But looking at Cao Yang's appearance, it seems that he is very confident in this movie.

Otherwise, how would you be willing to sign such an agreement?

"Cao, you mean that in the future, even if we shoot the second, third, or even the fourth and fifth sequels, you are willing to invest 300 million US dollars in the purchase of Bumblebee's advertising placement?"

Michael looked at Cao Yang flickeringly, trying to see where the other party's confidence came from.

"Yes, as long as the producer continues to shoot "Transformers", even if it is 10 films, I am willing to place advertisements."

Normally, sequels tend to be less successful.

Especially when it comes to the third and fourth sequels, the possibility of success is even lower.

"$350 million, as long as you want, you can sign today."

Michael returned an offer.

Cao Yang thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation!"

The two bosses finalized the direction of cooperation, and then it was naturally handed over to the lawyers of both parties.

Hollywood has a very mature process, so there is no need for Cao Yang to worry about it.

He just specifically instructed that the agreement related to the sequel should be clearly written to avoid ambiguity.

In order to prevent the future, Star Automobile will not be able to carry out advertisement placement smoothly.

"Mr. Cao, did you say that the contract was signed in the name of Nanshan Film and Television?"

In the imperial capital, Zhang Songwen soon received a call from Cao Yang, telling him that he had won the Bumblebee ad placement in "Transformers".

I still invested with the reputation of Nanshan Film and Television.

Now just wait for him to come over with some seals and the like to add some formalities.

This made Zhang Songwen very excited.

Although it is only advertising placement, it also means that Nanshan Film and Television has begun to intersect with Hollywood.

In 2006, the expectations of the domestic film and television industry for Hollywood could not be overstated with any exaggerated words.

Zhang Songwen is very clear that the signing of this agreement will benefit Nanshan Film and Television.

"Yes, everything has been settled."

"You can see how to use this news to expand the popularity and attractiveness of Nanshan Film and Television in the circle."

How to make the most of a piece of news, sometimes you don't need Cao Yang to teach, Zhang Songwen and the others know it all.

The news that Nanshan Film and Television has invested in "Transformers" and that Nanshan Film and Television has begun to enter Hollywood is specious, half-truth, and half-false, and it will definitely attract the attention of a large number of insiders.

It can be regarded as a good advertisement for Nanshan Film and Television.

It's still the kind of effect!
 On the last day of July, veterans who still have monthly tickets in their hands, don’t waste it~
(End of this chapter)

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