Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 347 The Accurate Development of Nanshan Group

Chapter 347 The Accurate Development of Nanshan Group

Motors are not a new technology.

After the discovery of electricity, the motor was invented almost simultaneously.

Cao Yang also told the company's technical team before that the motors of Nanshan Group should use flat wire technology to minimize the volume of the motors and improve the performance of the batteries.

So far, the development of hybrid motors has progressed faster than hybrid batteries.

But it's not fully finalized.

The main problem is that the NVH is not up to standard.

Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are started or turned off by the driver through keys or buttons. Whether the FHEV engine is involved in the output of the power system is generally not controlled by the driver.

It is controlled by the vehicle control unit to start and stop the engine according to the driving state of the vehicle, and whether to intervene in the power output.

This kind of start and stop is often carried out without the driver's expectation, which will significantly affect the ride comfort performance of the vehicle.

If it is an ordinary economical model, NVH is not a big problem, and consumers will not be particularly concerned.

However, Star Motors wants to produce high-end models, so it is natural to solve related problems to the greatest extent.

"Mr. Cao, one of the main reasons why the NVH of motors currently used in hybrid vehicles does not meet the standards is the vibration problem caused by frequent engine start/stop."

"We've also made some improvements, but it's not ideal yet."

Since the motor used in this hybrid is connected to the gearbox, it can even be said to be a component of the gearbox.

So Ji Hua also personally participated in it.

He's good with gearboxes, though, but it's a conventional gearbox.

The gearbox used in this hybrid is relatively not so powerful.

Fortunately, Cao Yang has a good idea of ​​the NVH improvement plan for this hybrid motor.

"To solve this problem, we need to start from multiple angles at the same time."

"The first is to optimize the engine's starting torque and in-cylinder pumping performance."

"Starting torque is smoothed by optimizing the torque output of the starter motor."

"The effect of the pump pressure in the cylinder on the start-up vibration needs to be optimized by adjusting the closing time of the intake valve."

"Stopping vibrations can also be optimized with the above two adjustments."

"The second direction is to control the vibration caused by the rapid increase in torque after the engine is fired."

"The specific method can be to stabilize combustion by controlling the amount of fuel injection."

"Retar the ignition to reduce torque."

"At the same time optimize the valve advance angle to improve the intake volume change."

"This needs to be developed and debugged in cooperation with Nanshan Engine."

Cao Yang presented his solution step by step.

In many cases, these technical personnel of Nanshan Group are not really good, but they are not sure where the specific improvement direction is before doing these things.

As long as the direction is clear, the rest is nothing more than a few more debugging problems.

"Third, control the initial crank angle position of the engine."

"At different initial crank angles, the starting vibration of the engine will be very different. Choose the initial crank angle that can minimize the starting vibration of the engine."

"Of course, the powertrain suspension system can also be optimized for synchronization."

"Through the above methods, the vibration problem caused by engine starting and stopping can basically be solved."

For Cao Yang, the so-called motor NVH problem is not a simple motor problem, but a problem with the hybrid system as a whole.

It is necessary to find a solution in all directions from the engine, gearbox, motor and so on.

In conventional internal combustion engine vehicles, many noise problems are masked by engine noise.

In hybrid mode, when the internal combustion engine is turned off, some special noise problems will become more prominent.

This is also what needs to be faced during the development process of Star No. [-].

Of course, with Cao Yang around, these problems will definitely find a solution in the end.

Seeing that Cao Yang discussed with the technicians for a few days, the redesigned parts performed much better during the simulation process.

"Mr. Cao, the humming and vibration problems when the engine is running at low speed are not very ideal now."

Now that the discussion of technical issues has been spread out, Ji Hua naturally throws out all the issues without being polite at all.

At the beginning, he was attracted by the 6AT automatic transmission technology presented by Cao Yang.

Therefore, he knows Cao Yang's technical level better than anyone else.

"As a hybrid engine, in order to improve the fuel economy of the engine at low speeds, some parameters of the engine need to be adjusted to produce more torque at low speeds, but this tends to produce a larger body due to torque fluctuations at low engine speeds Vibrations and hums."

"The balance between the two also needs to be discussed and resolved with Nanshan Engine."

"Looking back, your two companies can continuously form a project team to carry out joint research and development specifically for hybrid systems."

"In this way, some problems can be resolved more quickly."

Nanshan Group is also a big business now.

Whether it is Nanshan gearbox or Nanshan engine, it can be used alone.

Not to mention other Nanshan gearboxes.

A company is an existence of tens of billions.

In this case, the communication with other branches is not so smooth.

Fortunately, Ji Hua also reacted very quickly. When Cao Yang said these words, he realized this.

So he immediately stated that he would follow up on related matters in person.

"Mr. Cao, the control system of the hybrid motor should also be developed in conjunction with the engine, gearbox, and motor, and even the hybrid battery and sensors."

"I think it's better to transfer personnel from several fields together to form a joint R&D project team to follow up the research on hybrid systems?"

Seeing that Cao Yang seemed to be preparing to end the meeting and participate in the research and development of other parts, Ji Hua immediately proposed a new plan.

He knows that the hybrid system will not only be used on the Star III in the future, but will also be used in new models in the future.

Then the importance of the hybrid system has naturally been raised several levels.

Especially from the whereabouts of Cao Yang in the past two days, battery research and development is one of his most important areas.

In this case, it means that the importance of the hybrid system will increase simultaneously in the future.

Now that the hybrid battery and the hybrid motor have a clear direction for technological improvement, he naturally hopes to use the power of Cao Yang to push forward the research and development progress of the motor control system.

"No problem. The hybrid system we are studying now is the first generation hybrid system of Nanshan Group. There will definitely be second, third, and even fourth generation systems in the future."

"Some improvements are needed on all fronts."

"As for the development of the power control unit and the motor control system, it has also been discussed before."

"Semiconductor components such as IGBTs can be purchased from abroad in the first generation of products, which is also acceptable."

"But we also need to formulate a detailed localization plan and communicate more with Nanshan BYD Semiconductor and Warwick's HiSilicon."

"Let's see who is better at which things."

"As long as localization can be achieved, it doesn't necessarily mean that everything needs to be solved by our own semiconductor business department."

Naturally, Cao Yang knew very well that this kind of special parts, or parts with relatively advanced technology in the industry, Nanshan Group has no way to get it right now.

But some preliminary work can be done.

When the financial crisis hits, vigorously expand chip research, acquire some companies, and then launch second-generation products.

At that time, the situation was completely different.

"No problem, the chip on the TCU now actually adopts a similar idea."

"In the beginning, all of them were imported, but now most of them are domestically produced, and only the core control chips still need to be imported."

"However, judging from the current cooperative research and development situation at HiSilicon, there is hope for domestic production next year."

Although Ji Hua does not specialize in the research of semiconductors, the development of gearboxes cannot avoid the research of TCU.

There are also various semiconductor components that need to be used here.

"As far as I know, BYD is also developing a hybrid system, but they may directly want to plug in the hybrid system."

"You can also find opportunities to communicate with them, and everyone can improve each other."

The positioning of the cars produced by BYD is completely different from that of Star Motors.

So although there is some competitive relationship between each other, they don't have a particularly high defensive mentality.

The main reason is that the current cooperative relationship between the two parties is very close. In the impression of many technicians of BYD, Nanshan Group's technical level is higher than their own.

In this way, the mentality of defense against Nanshan Group has been greatly reduced.

Just like in the 80s, people in China always felt that their skills were not good enough.

So when people from abroad come to investigate, they will rarely be vigilant.

In this way, it is easy to cause some technologies to be stolen by others inadvertently.

Even because he did not register a patent, in the end the patent of this technology was in the hands of the master-stealer.

I have to say, it is regrettable.

"I'll make an appointment next week to go over and have a chat with them."

"It just so happens that they are also developing some new models, and some related tuning work involving engines and gearboxes requires our cooperation."

Ji Hua is naturally very familiar with BYD people.

For the task ordered by Cao Yang, he has no pressure at all.

However, the hybrid system can easily find a breakthrough. When it comes to the development of bottleneck parts such as carbon fiber, everyone is a little helpless.

"Mr. Cao, for carbon fiber rearview mirrors and carbon fiber spoilers, we plan to purchase a batch of carbon fibers from Dongying Toray, and then try to produce related parts."

"However, judging from the current contact with the other party, they are only willing to sell some of the first-generation carbon fiber to us."

"This carbon fiber cannot fully meet the processing requirements of our parts."

Dai Hanbiao looked at Cao Yang worriedly.

Nanshan Auto Parts now needs to research and develop many types of parts. Naturally, it is impossible to develop every part so smoothly.

So when he encountered a problem, he was not afraid to report it to Cao Yang.

"In terms of carbon fiber research, how is the domestic situation?"

Cao Yang habitually wants to purchase various raw materials and equipment from China, which is not exactly the same as the thinking of many people now.

China only joined the WTO a few years ago, and many people firmly believe in the theory of international division of labor.

It's not like Cao Yang, who seems to be decoupling from the international market at every turn.

"my country's carbon fiber industry started in the 20s, almost at the same time as Japan, the United States and other countries."

"However, due to insufficient relevant knowledge reserves and issues such as intellectual property ownership, the development is slow."

"At the same time, Japan, the United States and other countries have monopolized the core technology of carbon fiber. my country's carbon fiber production technology and equipment level lag behind foreign countries as a whole, and its development has stagnated for a long period of time, unable to meet the needs of high-end fields such as major national equipment. "

"Since 2000, Huaxia has increased its support for independent innovation in the field of carbon fiber, and listed carbon fiber as a key research and development project."

"With the strong support of policies, the domestic carbon fiber industry has made major breakthroughs in technology, and the degree of industrialization has rapidly increased."

"But at present, there are mainly breakthroughs in some relatively low-end fields, and high-end carbon fibers still need to be imported."

"We are also working with Nanshan Equipment to see if we can directly produce carbon fiber by ourselves."

Dai Hanbiao is obviously also aware of the importance of carbon fiber.

Such a special thing is worthy of Nanshan Group's intervention.

The main reason is that this thing can be used not only in high-end cars, but also in aerospace, marine engineering, new energy equipment, construction machinery, transportation facilities and other fields.

It is a strategic new material with broad application prospects.

Dai Hanbiao can feel Cao Yang's emphasis on special materials from the group's establishment of two material companies, Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Chemical.

After all, a branch company like Nanshan Chemical that specializes in the production of special modified resin materials takes the same route as Nanshan Special Steel.

Carbon fiber is such a special new material, it is naturally worth setting up a Nanshan carbon fiber company to specialize in research and production.

"In the manufacturing process of carbon fiber, the fiber drawing process is the most critical part."

"The drawing process determines the strength and properties of carbon fibers and requires highly precise control."

"In this process, the biggest challenge is how to pull the carbon fiber yarn out of the high-temperature furnace to ensure the consistency and uniformity of the fiber."

"Next week, I will work with Nanshan Equipment to discuss the independent research and development of fiber drawing equipment."

"In addition to this, fiber pyrolysis is also a crucial step in the manufacture of carbon fibers."

"During the pyrolysis process, the fibers at high temperature undergo a chemical reaction that removes impurities and gases from the fibers to form high-purity carbon fibers."

"However, the temperature and time control involved in the pyrolysis process is critical, as temperatures that are too high or too low can lead to a decrease in the quality of the carbon fiber."

"In this regard, I will also find a way to find some technical information, and then we will directly try to improve."

Cao Yang can't directly give some technical parameters right now, and it's hard to explain without necessity.

So arranging people to prepare at that time is a good way to say it.

As for the methods of these preparations, there is no need to explain to Dai Hanbiao.

"That would be great."

"We already had some related equipment in the laboratory in the early stage, but it was only used in the experimental state, and there was no way to mass-produce it."

"If everything is ideal, then our parts production can still catch up with the final mass production loading."

For some not-so-critical parts, it doesn’t really matter much if they were not installed in the early prototypes or the parts installed were not consistent with the final mass production.

"Don't wait, the preparations of the carbon fiber factory can start to move."

"Some of the more common equipment is limited by the development schedule. We can purchase it directly from Dongying equipment manufacturers."

"For some of the more critical equipment, it is solved through the independent research and development of Nanshan equipment."

"We must master the carbon fiber thing."

"Even around carbon fiber products, we can further expand our business, not limited to auto parts."

"Or you can go to Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ferrari and other high-end car companies in the future to see if you can undertake their carbon fiber parts."

"With the carbon fiber technology we will master in the future, those carbon fiber parts manufacturers in Europe are no match at all."

"Even if it maintains high profits, it can still be cost-competitive enough."

Cao Yang obviously attaches great importance to carbon fiber.

This is definitely a promising industry.

Although relatively speaking, the scale is not particularly large, but the profit margin is not low.

"No problem, I plan to set up a carbon fiber department in Nanshan Auto Parts first, and expand into a specialized carbon fiber company in the future."

Although Dai Hanbiao felt guilty, but Cao Yang said so, he must roll up his sleeves and work hard.

"By the way, in terms of tires, is there still no domestic manufacturer that can meet our requirements?"

Cao Yang naturally knew that the tires of Xingchen Automobile were purchased from Michelin.

But he doesn't want this situation to continue.

"Mr. Cao, there are quite a lot of tire companies in China."

"Linglong, Huili, Wanli, Shuangqian, Fengshen, Haid and other tire companies already have a long history of producing tires."

"They also supply tires to some domestic self-owned brand car companies, and at the same time supply tires to some commercial vehicles."

"But frankly speaking, their tires are far behind Michelin's in terms of quiet performance and braking performance."

"For example, the braking distance of 100km/h-0 on dry roads has been tested by ourselves. Foreign tires such as Michelin and Bridgestone can generally reach within 40 meters."

"The domestic tires are basically more than 42 meters. The difference of 2 meters does not seem to be much, but in an emergency, it can be judged whether there is an accident and the loss caused by the accident."

"Especially Star II as a large SUV and Star III as a sports car, the requirements for tires are much higher than those of ordinary cars."

"In this case, I feel that domestic tire companies will not have the strength to produce tires with the same performance within five years."

Dai Hanbiao's cognition did not surprise Cao Yang.

Tires are all about the same thing.

However, everyone's material formula is different, and the production process parameters are different, so the results will be very different.

The technical content here is actually not low at all.

In particular, tires are parts directly related to driving safety, and consumers can more intuitively feel some of its differences.

At this time, if you want to forcibly enter a self-owned brand car company, it will be a matter of self-destruction of the Great Wall.

Naturally, Cao Yang would not do such a thing so bluntly.

"Taking advantage of the opportunity of our new model development, we can have more contact with manufacturers such as Michelin."

"When the time comes, let the Xingchen Automotive Research Institute and you set up a tire team. In addition to testing tires, we will also inspect the production sites of Michelin and other manufacturers."

"We can even conduct research on some material formulations of tires, and in the future, we can consider choosing one or two promising domestic manufacturers for cooperation."

"Through technical cooperation or product OEM, let them supply our Xingchen car."

Naturally, Cao Yang can directly come up with a better technical formula than Michelin's current tires.

But there was no concealment, this action was too abrupt.

In addition, tires are different from other parts, and their production process is relatively complicated, requiring a lot of investment in equipment and workshops.

Given that there are already so many tire companies in the country, it is obviously not particularly suitable for Nanshan Group to invest in tire factories again.

It is better to find a few domestic tire companies that pay more attention to technical research to cooperate, so that Xingchen Automobile can use domestic tires in the future.

Even taking this opportunity, it is not impossible for Nanshan Investment to involve in the layout of rubber.

Cao Yang had the impression that for some time in the future, the supply and demand relationship of natural rubber will also reverse, and the price will skyrocket.

Although the investment income here is not as exaggerated as the A-share investment this year, it is not bad.

"No problem, there are still a lot of relevant talents in the tire industry in China."

"It should be easy for us to form a tire development team."

"It's just that it may take a long time to really develop products comparable to Michelin."

Sometimes, the more you know, the more you understand, the more empty your heart becomes.

Because the gap is there, but you don't even understand the direction of improvement.

Otherwise, there are so many tire companies in the country, how come there are not a few of them up to now?
Not to mention supporting high-end car companies, even Volkswagen and GM are afraid to use it now.

Even self-owned brand car companies such as BYD and Chery, except for spare tires, currently mostly use products from tire companies such as Korea and Dongying.

A situation like this also exists in many other parts of the car.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as the R&D team is established and a suitable formula is found, performance improvement may not be as difficult as everyone imagines."

When Cao Yang said this, Dai Hanbiao naturally wouldn't refute it.

However, the pressure in his heart has increased a lot.

Obviously, it can be seen from this dialogue process that Cao Yang does not have that much patience to wait for ten or eight years.

If there is still no result in a few years, then Dai Hanbiao probably will move his ass.

This is obviously not the ending that Dai Hanbiao wants to see.

They are the ones who have the most say about the future of the Nanshan Group.

It seems that the only way to do it is to work harder.

(End of this chapter)

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